How not to get sick with a cold

The question can be put even more broadly. How do not ache? Around me, alas, constantly sick people. Colleagues, friends, acquaintances... And I feel more and more often. Usually it is a simple cold, acute respiratory infections, ODS, flus and their derivatives...
Myself last time I was sick, as I remember, in 5th year of University over 15 years ago.
This does not mean that I have not experienced colds. Happen once or twice a year. But I eliminate them in just one, high for a few days and not letting them develop into something more serious.
I recently thought about why this is so. What I do, what can't you do other and scribbled "Map of thought" on this topic. Here's what I got:

From this map I decided to make a short article of recommendations. I think that if you adopt even just a few of these recommendations and to raise them to the rank habits — the positive effect is bound to be.
Relatives I have, incidentally, is also sick, but lately much less. Little points from these recommendations, I try to implement in their lives.
Generally I share the opinion that man naturally can get sick just colds. Other ailments have different causes associated with heredity, lifestyle, way of thinking and the other does not always "transparent" factors. The following recommendations will be a good prevention from many diseases, but above all from the banal colds. All that is here described is a personal experience. Many of the recommendations may seem trivial, but they're all important. And the maximum effect, in my opinion, is achieved by set of practices. 1. Internal installation
It begins always in my head. It is my deep conviction :). Therefore, the recommendations here will be quite simple.
1.1. Don't feel sorry for yourself
Often the disease is a manifestation of a subconscious or a conscious self-pity. Plus the desire to make you regret it more. It is important to learn to take responsibility for their lives. And "pity on" translate to "noble anger out on himself" :).
1.2. Set yourself a goal of "Not get sick"
Rather the goal should be: "I'm always healthy". Repulse this purpose along with other daily and it would be a great preventive "vitamins" :) 1.3. Set yourself big goals
Those who have delivered large and important goals in life — time to get sick. Checked:
1.4. Positive attitude towards life
Even proven scientific research that optimists are sick less often than pessimists, and the diseases themselves are easier and faster. I think there is something to think about. Is it possible to transform yourself if you "burnout" the pessimist is the big question. But I personally believe that nothing is impossible. 2. Internal practices
Here I include various psychophysical systems that positively affect the condition of the body and its health (with proper practice). From what I do regularly is yoga, meditation and qigong. I have it all, however, are part of a traditional family martial arts school, which I have been doing for many years.
This can include many more similar practices. It is important to find a good school or a good teacher for him. Practicing from books is not good. 3. Hardening
Seemingly banal and well-known thing, but a little one who is really doing. Methods training set. Just "googling" on this topic. I practice three fairly simple:
1. Heliotherapy. It is actually the sun, tempering the sun. I do love the sun here in Siberia it is clearly not enough :). So I try every year to go to sea. The sun's rays also contribute to the production of vitamin D is very important for maintaining immunity. Sunbathing is not recommended to take 11 to 15 hours.
2. Walking barefoot. Very simple and effective method: in the summer outside, the winter at home. In the footsteps of many bioactive points, plus temperature hardening. Another good thing – special massage Slippers.
3. Cold water. There are a lot of techniques. The most simple, but extremely effective rubdown and cold shower. Method of contrast shower is very simple: start with warm water, then hot, then cold, then hot again, and so alternating hot and cold several times. Finish with cold water and then pounded with a towel. This is best done in the morning.
4. Steam room. Very well, if you have the opportunity to visit it regularly. About the healing effect of the Russian bath is written very much so I will not here go into details. I can only say that the hardening is going on here, as in the case of the previous method, — temperature contrasts. The main secrets of any system hardening: persistence and gradualism.
4. Movement
The more you move, the healthier you will be. I've never done fitness or sport in the usual sense of the word, but I think that the health benefits are, of course, is (if you don't go to extremes).
In General, living in a modern society, we very little exercise. But, as a rule, do not realize this. Even though in everyday life it is possible to fill this gap. A vivid example — walking. Walking is very useful. In addition, it is the best way to combat the growing belly :) But we have very little to go (especially those who drive).
There is a recommendation to pass every day at least 10,000 steps. When I was a few years ago for the first time began to use the pedometer, then quickly saw that the figure I have 3 times less. Had to analyze your typical day and take action: to reject the car when traveling short distances, stop using the elevators, etc. up To 10 000 is still not reached, but have come close.
Those who have no car — I recommend less use of public transport.
Still very good to make regular walks through the forests, mountains, parks and around ponds. In General, where the air is cleaner 5. Dress up adequately
Actually the title says it all. Here in Siberia there is even a saying: "Real Siberian not the one who does not freeze, but one who dresses warmly".
Recommendations simple:
5.1. Dress appropriately to the weather even if you are "driving". Practice shows that someday for sure, something goes wrong with the machine and you will numismates specifically. They rush to the car and it is sufficient for the occurrence of the common cold.
5.2. Not Ponte. Health is more important than image. Especially because you can dress and warm and stylish.
5.3. No hurry to get rid of headgear in the spring, especially when it is not the snow melted. 6. Home and life
Here are a few useful household habits that will save your health.
6.1. Frequent airing of rooms.
6.2. Quite often cleaning, as dry and wet. 6.3. Maintaining optimal temperature (18-20 hail. Celsius).
6.4. Maintaining an optimum humidity of 45-55%.
6.5. Purification and ionization of air using specialized equipment. 7. Prevention
Here I took all measures, regular application of which is effective for the prevention of many diseases.
7.1. Eat good honey. Every morning, I eat a little less than a teaspoon. Remember that the honey in a hot drink, loses most of its medicinal properties.
7.2. Drink herbal teas. 7.3. Drink every morning hot water with lemon. 7.4. Eat more fruits.
7.5. Use oxolinic ointment particularly in peak periods of incidence (typically, these are transitional periods in autumn and spring). 7.6. Sleep at least 7 hours a day and observe the correct mode of the day — "rhythms of the universe."
7.7. Make sure to provide yourself plenty of positive emotions. 7.8. Read about proper nutrition and enter recommendations into your life. Do not eat before bedtime (better yet-after 1900). Ideally, to observe fasting and to starvation. In fact, we are what we eat and what we breathe
7.9. Drink plenty of pure water. At least 1.5 liters per day. A good method of water purification at home — freezing. 7.10. Wash your hands often. And on arrival home and before meals — always. 8. Rapid elimination of the symptoms
If "garbage all are wrong" and you feel that you start to get sick, it was time to stop the process.
I for myself have identified several drug effective ways: 8.1. Garlic in the nose. As soon as the first signs of a cold, I usually do insert pieces of garlic in the nose at night. The pieces of garlic you need to wrap a small piece of bandage or gauze, so as not to burn the mucous. Generally, if the time to do it, missing one night for a complete elimination of symptoms. Garlic is also very useful to use inside. Not only before important meetings.
8.2. Three plates with honey. Method is used when the first symptoms of a sore throat. The method is very simple, although comical. Take an ordinary flat clean plate and grease with a thin layer of honey. After that you must lick all the honey from the plate. This process will be abundantly lubricated her up and down. Then nothing to drink or eat within the hour. Three of these plates a day, and cold symptoms gone. 8.3. Gargling a solution of salt, soda and iodine. The method is good and at the first symptoms and when you already fairly poor condition. In fact this solution in some way mimics sea water. I trained on a glass of water — about one tablespoon of sea salt, half a teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of iodine to color the water a light brown color. Rinsing — the more the better.
8.4. Brewing rose hips. Buy good, not the old rose hips and separte it with boiling water in a thermos overnight. For greater effect, the berries can be crushed. To drink during the day at least 3 glasses.
8.5. Raspberry. Raspberry is an excellent natural antibiotic. You can use the tried grandma's recipe — raspberry jam. But still it is better to buy fresh or frozen raspberries (can and dried) and steep. Author Sergei Borodin источник:borodin-sergey.livejournal.com
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