Natural remedies for flu and colds
Runny nose, cough, hoarseness, do not rush to swallow pills. Gentle natural remedies can help you quickly stand up.
Althaea officinalis reduces the urge to cough.
Fifty one million one hundred sixty six thousand ninety four
Sea-buckthorn raises protective forces of an organism.
Fifty eight million eighty two thousand six hundred eighty seven
Linden flowers intensify the work of sweat glands, thus reducing the cold.
Seven million five hundred twenty thousand four hundred five
Tea made of Cistus inhibits flu viruses and strengthens the immune system. For prevention of disease or in the early stages of the disease drink it several times a day.
Twenty five million four hundred sixty six thousand four hundred seventy eight
Sore throat, ears, cough and high temperature well help compresses and wraps. I'm sure many of you in childhood have experienced these amazing mother's or grandmother's proven methods. And with their warm hands, love and care this treatment has a truly magical power.
On the one hand, compresses and wraps affects mechanical — heat or cold, and on the other directly due to the plants contained in medicinal substances. One cannot underestimate the attention to human touch, sense of security and care. The closeness of the senses to each other and their activation by heat and different flavors can also promote a speedy recovery.
The differences between the wrap and wrap most commonly associated with the area of the body to which they are applied, for example, an onion poultice for the ear. The term "wrap" used in that case, if we are talking about the wrap, while there are the rather large areas of the body, such as the wrapping of the calf. And under compress or lotion mean this type of impact when a material with a therapeutic agent is applied to the affected area, such as a wrap with flax seed. But in everyday life, strict separation of these concepts is not.
Herbal decoction for rinsing Gorlova need:
Primeneniia inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat gargle several times a day. To save time, prepare a large amount of broth and heat it. But a tincture of myrrh, add always directly before rinsing. When inflammation of the gums tincture apply to affected areas undiluted.
A salve of pine tar against the aches in the joints when proctodaeum need:
Primeministerial ointment into the diseased joint, gently massaging.
The most effective medicinal plants against influenza and простуды1. Sage lekarstvennykh essential oils (thujone, cineole and camphor), which inhibit the growth of fungi and bacteria. It contained tannins reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, and bitterness have antispasmodic and choleretic effect.
2. Echinacea lucurative the immune system during colds, especially in inflammatory processes of upper respiratory and urinary tract.
3. Melissa lekarstvennihe, relaxes, improves brain function and reduces the duration of the disease, in particular labial herpes, if at the first sign, apply the juice of lemon balm on the sore areas.
4. Asturianada with vitamin C contains valuable glycosides of mustard oil, which inhibit the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Therefore, the nasturtium is often called a natural antibiotic.
5. Elder chinapolicy in many ways: flowers are used as diaphoretic and benefits strengthen the body's defenses.
6. Romashkami applied topically treats inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Inside applied in the form of tea in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
7. Marshmallow lekarstvennye drug belongs to the family Malvaceae. It contained mucous substances reduce the urge to cough and cure the lungs inflammation of the stomach lining.
8. Plantain Plantain due to its antibacterial properties, helps with respiratory diseases and dermatitis.
9. Ginger
Ginger "warms" the body with the help of their "hot" substances, improves blood circulation and it prevents multiplication of bacteria and viruses.
10. Plusplus excellent remedy for cough, but it is best to take it in finished products.
11. Bulb Lukomorie dermatitis, sinusitis, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.
Onion poultice for nowposted in most cases, begins with malaise, runny nose, headache and sore throat. It is necessary to eliminate the symptoms that bother you the most. When starting cold very good onion poultice on the feet. Impact on the reflex zones located on the surface of the feet, positively affects the processes occurring in the upper part of the body, in particular, decreases headaches and nasal congestion. It is very important not to overload the body. Always need to impose only one pack will be too much burden for the patient.
You will need:
Primelinecompact attach to the feet, put on socks and do not remove for a few hours, it is best to leave them overnight. Acting on reflex zones on the feet, essential oils of onions reduce inflammation in the sinuses.
Linen sampology in inflammatory processes in the frontal and maxillary sinuses.
You will need:
Will primeneniia bags of flax seed to the affected area. When inflammation of maxillary sinuses around the nose, parallel to the left and right. When inflammation of frontal sinuses — in 2 bags on his forehead. The compresses hold, until cooled down, then put the new (compresses not recycled!). The procedure is repeated daily until the cold symptoms.
Memorize: All packs can be used only once!
Diaphoretic tea
Eighty seven million three hundred eighty five thousand two hundred twenty two
You will need:
Primeneniy strain and take at the beginning of the cold for a few cups a day. Well take cover and allow the body to sweat.
Pay attention: diaphoretic can be taken only if there are no problems with circulation!
Tea, soothing pain Gorleben need:
Применение3 cups daily. Calendula flowers have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action for external and internal use. Sage due to the presence of essential oils, tannins and organic pigments prevents the spread of pathogens, and common agrimony is beneficial to inflamed vocal cords.
Still very good are the hot foot baths. In the water for the baths it is best to add herbal teas, for example lavender or ginger (essential oil should be used to avoid skin irritation). You can also use sea salt. Bronchitis well established inhalation decoctions of marigold flowers, herb thyme, or sea salt. But pregnant women and people prone to allergies, these treatments are better or not do it at all, or performed with great caution.
But a foot bath with salt and lavender are generally well tolerated by all.
Onion syrupHelps with cough and inflammation
You will need:
Primeneniia strain and take several times a day on 5 teaspoons. Onion syrup is good for treatment of cough, rhinitis and other inflammatory diseases in children.
Funds from dry cough is not suitable for cough with phlegm!Herbs used in cough, such as thyme, marshmallow, sage, plantain or KorovaK, it is necessary to apply specific indications because when dry, irritating cough shows a completely different grass than the cough.
Dry Cashell the beginning of the disease the viruses trapped in the bronchi, causing inflammation, appears dry, often painful cough, which is especially troubling at night. For the relief of dry cough is herbal Mix 20 g of leaves of plantain and mallow, 10 grams of mullein flowers and also 5 grams of powdered licorice root and fennel fruit. One teaspoon collection put in a Cup and add 150 ml of very hot water (mucous substances are destroyed at high temperatures). Steep for 7 minutes and take one Cup several times a day.
With macrocausal cough, irritating cough gradually modified, appears viscous, trudnootdelyaemoy sputum. This cough is treated with herbs that contains essential oils and saponins (natural soap-like substances).
For preparation of expectorant tea mix 30 g of thyme, 20 g oil, 10 g of crushed seeds of fennel and anise. The Cup will need 1 teaspoon collection. Herbs pour boiling water, steep 7 minutes and drink several cups a day.
Instead of a chest of tea in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract can be used for inhalation of medicinal herbs. Someone who is not very confident feeling when using essential oils, we can recommend a decoction of chamomile: 100 grams of chamomile flowers pour 2 liters of boiling water and boil 5 min. Inhalation with chamomile liquefy the viscous phlegm and at the same time reduce inflammatory processes in the frontal and maxillary sinuses. Inhalation with thyme, sea salt or pine extracts also act mucolytic and improve nasal breathing.
How to distinguish flu from a cold?Viral infection or cold the principle is the same. A cold is viral in nature and usually passes in a few days. The root cause is most often damp, cold weather, and the stress and strain. Influenza always occurs suddenly. The person feels really sick, there is weakness, severe pain in joints and muscles. Often the temperature rises. The flu lasts longer and the body needs more time to recover. Agents of influenza as well, usually are viruses. In influenza treatment with antibiotics is indicated only in the case when associated bacterial infection.
To start treatment with the use of "sweatshops teas", such as Linden flower or elderberry to support the natural protective forces of the body (after this tea should immediately go to bed and give your body to sweat). As a diaphoretic remedies you can use tea — based spices-cloves, cinnamon, pepper, cardamom, fresh ginger. So delicious and warming drink. If you join a slight fever and pain in the tea blend add meadowsweet and willow bark. It take 2-3 days, 3 times a day one Cup. After applying sweatshops means the symptoms should recede.
But if the flu or a cold lasting more than a week, you need to go to the doctor!
The flu for 3-4 weeks is recommendeddrink firming strength tea with rosemary, ginger and thyme.
And of course, to prevent viral infection, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system:
Tincture of medicinal herbs to improve organismal need:
Primenneniya 3 times a day 20 drops for three days. Make a three-day break and repeat. Just repeat 3 times. Shelf life — 1 year.published
Source: www.7dach.ru
Althaea officinalis reduces the urge to cough.
Fifty one million one hundred sixty six thousand ninety four
Sea-buckthorn raises protective forces of an organism.
Fifty eight million eighty two thousand six hundred eighty seven
Linden flowers intensify the work of sweat glands, thus reducing the cold.
Seven million five hundred twenty thousand four hundred five
Tea made of Cistus inhibits flu viruses and strengthens the immune system. For prevention of disease or in the early stages of the disease drink it several times a day.
Twenty five million four hundred sixty six thousand four hundred seventy eight
Sore throat, ears, cough and high temperature well help compresses and wraps. I'm sure many of you in childhood have experienced these amazing mother's or grandmother's proven methods. And with their warm hands, love and care this treatment has a truly magical power.
On the one hand, compresses and wraps affects mechanical — heat or cold, and on the other directly due to the plants contained in medicinal substances. One cannot underestimate the attention to human touch, sense of security and care. The closeness of the senses to each other and their activation by heat and different flavors can also promote a speedy recovery.
The differences between the wrap and wrap most commonly associated with the area of the body to which they are applied, for example, an onion poultice for the ear. The term "wrap" used in that case, if we are talking about the wrap, while there are the rather large areas of the body, such as the wrapping of the calf. And under compress or lotion mean this type of impact when a material with a therapeutic agent is applied to the affected area, such as a wrap with flax seed. But in everyday life, strict separation of these concepts is not.
Herbal decoction for rinsing Gorlova need:
- 2 tsp dried sage leaves, chamomile flowers and calendula
- 100 ml of hot water
- 10-15 drops of tincture of myrrh
Primeneniia inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat gargle several times a day. To save time, prepare a large amount of broth and heat it. But a tincture of myrrh, add always directly before rinsing. When inflammation of the gums tincture apply to affected areas undiluted.
A salve of pine tar against the aches in the joints when proctodaeum need:
- 180 ml olive oil
- 1 tablespoon cloves and crushed juniper berries, crushed needles of spruce and pine, rosemary
- 60 g pine or spruce resin (collected in the woods)
- 25 g of beeswax
- essential oils: 6 drops of eucalyptus, pine and rosemary
- 1 jar or can with a screw cap
Primeministerial ointment into the diseased joint, gently massaging.
The most effective medicinal plants against influenza and простуды1. Sage lekarstvennykh essential oils (thujone, cineole and camphor), which inhibit the growth of fungi and bacteria. It contained tannins reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, and bitterness have antispasmodic and choleretic effect.
2. Echinacea lucurative the immune system during colds, especially in inflammatory processes of upper respiratory and urinary tract.
3. Melissa lekarstvennihe, relaxes, improves brain function and reduces the duration of the disease, in particular labial herpes, if at the first sign, apply the juice of lemon balm on the sore areas.
4. Asturianada with vitamin C contains valuable glycosides of mustard oil, which inhibit the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Therefore, the nasturtium is often called a natural antibiotic.
5. Elder chinapolicy in many ways: flowers are used as diaphoretic and benefits strengthen the body's defenses.
6. Romashkami applied topically treats inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Inside applied in the form of tea in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
7. Marshmallow lekarstvennye drug belongs to the family Malvaceae. It contained mucous substances reduce the urge to cough and cure the lungs inflammation of the stomach lining.
8. Plantain Plantain due to its antibacterial properties, helps with respiratory diseases and dermatitis.
9. Ginger
Ginger "warms" the body with the help of their "hot" substances, improves blood circulation and it prevents multiplication of bacteria and viruses.
10. Plusplus excellent remedy for cough, but it is best to take it in finished products.
11. Bulb Lukomorie dermatitis, sinusitis, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.
Onion poultice for nowposted in most cases, begins with malaise, runny nose, headache and sore throat. It is necessary to eliminate the symptoms that bother you the most. When starting cold very good onion poultice on the feet. Impact on the reflex zones located on the surface of the feet, positively affects the processes occurring in the upper part of the body, in particular, decreases headaches and nasal congestion. It is very important not to overload the body. Always need to impose only one pack will be too much burden for the patient.
You will need:
- 2 bulbs
- paper towel
- warm wool socks
Primelinecompact attach to the feet, put on socks and do not remove for a few hours, it is best to leave them overnight. Acting on reflex zones on the feet, essential oils of onions reduce inflammation in the sinuses.
Linen sampology in inflammatory processes in the frontal and maxillary sinuses.
You will need:
- 1.5 cups flax seeds, whole or chopped
- 6-8 paper handkerchiefs
- 2 cups hot water
Will primeneniia bags of flax seed to the affected area. When inflammation of maxillary sinuses around the nose, parallel to the left and right. When inflammation of frontal sinuses — in 2 bags on his forehead. The compresses hold, until cooled down, then put the new (compresses not recycled!). The procedure is repeated daily until the cold symptoms.
Memorize: All packs can be used only once!
Diaphoretic tea
Eighty seven million three hundred eighty five thousand two hundred twenty two
You will need:
- 30 g of lime flowers, Sambucus nigra and Filipendula (collected yourself or purchased in a drugstore)
- 150 ml of boiling water for each Cup
Primeneniy strain and take at the beginning of the cold for a few cups a day. Well take cover and allow the body to sweat.
Pay attention: diaphoretic can be taken only if there are no problems with circulation!
Tea, soothing pain Gorleben need:
- 40 g of calendula flowers
- 20 g of leaves of sage and agrimony common
- 150 ml of boiling water for each Cup
- a little bit of honey to enhance the action of medicinal herbs
Применение3 cups daily. Calendula flowers have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action for external and internal use. Sage due to the presence of essential oils, tannins and organic pigments prevents the spread of pathogens, and common agrimony is beneficial to inflamed vocal cords.
Still very good are the hot foot baths. In the water for the baths it is best to add herbal teas, for example lavender or ginger (essential oil should be used to avoid skin irritation). You can also use sea salt. Bronchitis well established inhalation decoctions of marigold flowers, herb thyme, or sea salt. But pregnant women and people prone to allergies, these treatments are better or not do it at all, or performed with great caution.
But a foot bath with salt and lavender are generally well tolerated by all.
Onion syrupHelps with cough and inflammation
You will need:
- 1 red or white medium-sized onion (red onions contain twice more antioxidants than white varieties)
- 200 ml of water
- 2 tbsp of honey
Primeneniia strain and take several times a day on 5 teaspoons. Onion syrup is good for treatment of cough, rhinitis and other inflammatory diseases in children.
Funds from dry cough is not suitable for cough with phlegm!Herbs used in cough, such as thyme, marshmallow, sage, plantain or KorovaK, it is necessary to apply specific indications because when dry, irritating cough shows a completely different grass than the cough.
Dry Cashell the beginning of the disease the viruses trapped in the bronchi, causing inflammation, appears dry, often painful cough, which is especially troubling at night. For the relief of dry cough is herbal Mix 20 g of leaves of plantain and mallow, 10 grams of mullein flowers and also 5 grams of powdered licorice root and fennel fruit. One teaspoon collection put in a Cup and add 150 ml of very hot water (mucous substances are destroyed at high temperatures). Steep for 7 minutes and take one Cup several times a day.
With macrocausal cough, irritating cough gradually modified, appears viscous, trudnootdelyaemoy sputum. This cough is treated with herbs that contains essential oils and saponins (natural soap-like substances).
For preparation of expectorant tea mix 30 g of thyme, 20 g oil, 10 g of crushed seeds of fennel and anise. The Cup will need 1 teaspoon collection. Herbs pour boiling water, steep 7 minutes and drink several cups a day.
Instead of a chest of tea in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract can be used for inhalation of medicinal herbs. Someone who is not very confident feeling when using essential oils, we can recommend a decoction of chamomile: 100 grams of chamomile flowers pour 2 liters of boiling water and boil 5 min. Inhalation with chamomile liquefy the viscous phlegm and at the same time reduce inflammatory processes in the frontal and maxillary sinuses. Inhalation with thyme, sea salt or pine extracts also act mucolytic and improve nasal breathing.
How to distinguish flu from a cold?Viral infection or cold the principle is the same. A cold is viral in nature and usually passes in a few days. The root cause is most often damp, cold weather, and the stress and strain. Influenza always occurs suddenly. The person feels really sick, there is weakness, severe pain in joints and muscles. Often the temperature rises. The flu lasts longer and the body needs more time to recover. Agents of influenza as well, usually are viruses. In influenza treatment with antibiotics is indicated only in the case when associated bacterial infection.
To start treatment with the use of "sweatshops teas", such as Linden flower or elderberry to support the natural protective forces of the body (after this tea should immediately go to bed and give your body to sweat). As a diaphoretic remedies you can use tea — based spices-cloves, cinnamon, pepper, cardamom, fresh ginger. So delicious and warming drink. If you join a slight fever and pain in the tea blend add meadowsweet and willow bark. It take 2-3 days, 3 times a day one Cup. After applying sweatshops means the symptoms should recede.
But if the flu or a cold lasting more than a week, you need to go to the doctor!
The flu for 3-4 weeks is recommendeddrink firming strength tea with rosemary, ginger and thyme.
And of course, to prevent viral infection, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system:
- in the diet include fruits and berries rich in vitamins (sea buckthorn, rose hip, black currant, chokeberry, lemons, grapefruits), and salad of winter vegetables;
- for frequent colds helps tincture of Echinacea, stevia and nasturtiums. Drink it short courses with breaks.
- drugs with nasturtium and horseradish strengthen the protective forces of the body.
- Importantly! Proper sleep, balanced diet and less stress.
Tincture of medicinal herbs to improve organismal need:
- 10 g of fresh flowers and leaves, Echinacea flowers and stems of nasturtium and stevia
- vodka or alcohol
- 1 glass jar with a screw cap with a wide neck
- bottles dropper bottle of dark glass
Primenneniya 3 times a day 20 drops for three days. Make a three-day break and repeat. Just repeat 3 times. Shelf life — 1 year.published
Source: www.7dach.ru
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Neurologist David Perlmutter: the work of our brain depends on the quality and quantity of sleep