Prevention of flu and colds with the help of natural stimulators

You already vaccinated against the flu? Doctors of natural medicine believe that you can do without the syringe with the vaccine, if you increase the daily consumption of natural stimulants.
Long been proven that if you take the right natural food instead of vaccinations, you can keep your health year-round.
"One of our best protections against the virus this immunity of the body," says naturopath doctor Eggenberger Nicole (Nicole Egenberger).
"Of course, for anyone who is not confident in the power of his own body always have the opportunity to be vaccinated against the flu, which is recommended for most health experts. However, given the existence of different strains of the flu, the vaccine may be ineffective".
Regardless of decided whether you vaccinated or not, there are always many ways to strengthen immune system with natural products. As the doctor explains, there are several natural stimulants that must be taken regularly in order to stay healthy during the cold season.
In the framework of a balanced diet against flu, naturopath, recommends a daily intake of probiotics, and to follow a few simple rules.
"Eighty percent of the immune system have on the intestines and this is really the first line of defense of the body", explains the doctor. Try to add more probiotics to your diet, such as yogurt and yogurt cultures, and sauerkraut to preserve the beneficial bacteria in your gut.
Mushrooms are also a useful part of any diet because of its ability to improve the body's immune system. "Shiitake in particular raises the level of white blood cells and natural killer (cytotoxic lymphocytes) that destroy viruses."
Elder berries that are full of antiviral properties, can help to prevent winter diseases, or shorten the duration if you get sick. Unlike other supplements which only support the immune system, elderberry can "actually help directly kill the virus," says the doctor.
Eat less sweet: sugar in all its forms weakens your immune system. "The main task of white blood cells travel through the bloodstream and destroy the infection. Sugar significantly reduces their ability to fight the disease".
Recommendations also include the observance of a few simple rules, such as taking a cold shower. "A few seconds under cold water at the end of your bath treatment will energize you and your white blood cells," say the experts. "It increases circulation of white blood cells and send them to those parts of the body where they may need to fight the virus."
Regular exercise will help to provide the body with oxygen, increase circulation of white blood cells and speed up the lymphatic system, which acts as a "sewer" system, supporting the immune system and removing toxins from the body.
"In the winter people spend more time indoors and this affects their lymphatic system," says the doctor advises to do a small charge on average five times a week.
And one very simple but important rule: always wash your hands. Hand washing using disinfectant after visiting crowded areas or public transport will help you avoid infection with the flu or a cold.
Source: facepla.net
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