How to beat the flu: conclusive doctor's advice with a capital letter.
Doctor Eugene Komorowski is not in vain has earned universal recognition. We thank the responsible physician sincerely: how many people become healthier by following his advice, many people learned more about the elementary things
! When starting season of viral diseases , all concerned about the same issues. How not to get sick, if the epidemic chooses to close friends of the victim? How to be treated if you are already sick? What if the fever?
< «Website» you wish to remain in good health and advised to read these sound advice. The whole truth about viruses, influenza and modern medicine - in this excellent article beloved Dr. Komarovsky
Most importantly, what you need to remember: the tactics of action with the disease does not depend on the name of the virus. This flu season, pig, elephant, pandemic, this is not the flu - it does not matter
. The important thing is that it is virus , it is transmitted through airborne droplets, and that it affects the respiratory system. Hence the action
Tips Dr. Komarovsky at grippeProfilaktika flu If possible vaccinated against influenza -. To inculcate better the whole family a prophylactic against viruses does not exist!. No onions, no garlic, no liquor and no swallowable you or puts a child in pill can not protect neither from a respiratory virus in general, any influenza virus in particular. All these traditional methods - only calm your nervous system.
virus - a man. The less people, the less likely to get sick. Quarantine - the best way to fight the epidemic The mask must wear a sick person, in order not to infect healthy!. Droplets of saliva sick person remain on the mask, and the virus will not spread.
It is necessary to wash hands frequently, use disinfectants, wipes, wash your hands if there is no possibility. It is necessary to refuse to shake hands at the time of the epidemic and to use credit cards: through a paper money is also transmitted virus
. Walking during the epidemic outdoors nobody forbids: ill while walking impossible. Avoid crowds just need! It is important to maintain the optimum temperature in the room , which often are: temperature 20 ° C, humidity 50-70%. Wash the floor, wipe the dust often desirable: during cold weather heating systems air dried, and this contributes to the spread of viral diseases. It is important to maintain a moist the nasal mucosa: it will be a protective barrier against any virus. You can buy special drops of sea water and saline in a drugstore, but you can make them yourself.
Enough to dissolve 1 teaspoon of regular table salt with 1 liter of boiled water and pour the solution into the bottle. Rinse and moisturize the nose so often means recommended!
Treatment of influenza It is necessary to dress warmly, but the room to maintain the coolness and humidity. Temperature about 20 ° C, humidity 50-70%. Wash floors, moisturize, ventilate the room. You can not make a sick person there! If you want a meal, it is better to choose something light, liquid, rich in carbohydrates. It is important to drink a lot! You can drink teas, fruit drinks, teas, mineral water It is necessary to moisten the nose with saline and regularly wash it If you want to deal with heat -.. Only acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Absolutely can not aspirin. Viral infections is not treated with antibiotics. These funds do not diminish, but increase the risk of complications. No expectorants like Mukaltin Lasolvan or can not be taken without a doctor's prescription, period!
When an urgent need to call a doctor If unconscious in convulsions When shortness of breath and difficulty breathing in the intense pain in any part of the body If a sore throat in the absence of a cold in the headaches and vomiting If the swelling of the neck If there is a rash that does not disappear when pressed on it . When the body temperature above 39 ° C, which begins to decline after 30 minutes after application of antipyretics. If the temperature is accompanied by a fever, pallor, sweating.
If improvement is not observed on the 4th day of illness, the doctor needs must! Only a specialist can prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Severe illness is most often triggered by the fact that people just do not go to your doctor. Remember: life and health may depend on the measures taken, it concerns everyone
! Share this with your friends important information, let all be healthy!
! When starting season of viral diseases , all concerned about the same issues. How not to get sick, if the epidemic chooses to close friends of the victim? How to be treated if you are already sick? What if the fever?
< «Website» you wish to remain in good health and advised to read these sound advice. The whole truth about viruses, influenza and modern medicine - in this excellent article beloved Dr. Komarovsky

Most importantly, what you need to remember: the tactics of action with the disease does not depend on the name of the virus. This flu season, pig, elephant, pandemic, this is not the flu - it does not matter
. The important thing is that it is virus , it is transmitted through airborne droplets, and that it affects the respiratory system. Hence the action
Tips Dr. Komarovsky at grippeProfilaktika flu If possible vaccinated against influenza -. To inculcate better the whole family a prophylactic against viruses does not exist!. No onions, no garlic, no liquor and no swallowable you or puts a child in pill can not protect neither from a respiratory virus in general, any influenza virus in particular. All these traditional methods - only calm your nervous system.
virus - a man. The less people, the less likely to get sick. Quarantine - the best way to fight the epidemic The mask must wear a sick person, in order not to infect healthy!. Droplets of saliva sick person remain on the mask, and the virus will not spread.

It is necessary to wash hands frequently, use disinfectants, wipes, wash your hands if there is no possibility. It is necessary to refuse to shake hands at the time of the epidemic and to use credit cards: through a paper money is also transmitted virus
. Walking during the epidemic outdoors nobody forbids: ill while walking impossible. Avoid crowds just need! It is important to maintain the optimum temperature in the room , which often are: temperature 20 ° C, humidity 50-70%. Wash the floor, wipe the dust often desirable: during cold weather heating systems air dried, and this contributes to the spread of viral diseases. It is important to maintain a moist the nasal mucosa: it will be a protective barrier against any virus. You can buy special drops of sea water and saline in a drugstore, but you can make them yourself.
Enough to dissolve 1 teaspoon of regular table salt with 1 liter of boiled water and pour the solution into the bottle. Rinse and moisturize the nose so often means recommended!
Treatment of influenza It is necessary to dress warmly, but the room to maintain the coolness and humidity. Temperature about 20 ° C, humidity 50-70%. Wash floors, moisturize, ventilate the room. You can not make a sick person there! If you want a meal, it is better to choose something light, liquid, rich in carbohydrates. It is important to drink a lot! You can drink teas, fruit drinks, teas, mineral water It is necessary to moisten the nose with saline and regularly wash it If you want to deal with heat -.. Only acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Absolutely can not aspirin. Viral infections is not treated with antibiotics. These funds do not diminish, but increase the risk of complications. No expectorants like Mukaltin Lasolvan or can not be taken without a doctor's prescription, period!
When an urgent need to call a doctor If unconscious in convulsions When shortness of breath and difficulty breathing in the intense pain in any part of the body If a sore throat in the absence of a cold in the headaches and vomiting If the swelling of the neck If there is a rash that does not disappear when pressed on it . When the body temperature above 39 ° C, which begins to decline after 30 minutes after application of antipyretics. If the temperature is accompanied by a fever, pallor, sweating.
If improvement is not observed on the 4th day of illness, the doctor needs must! Only a specialist can prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Severe illness is most often triggered by the fact that people just do not go to your doctor. Remember: life and health may depend on the measures taken, it concerns everyone
! Share this with your friends important information, let all be healthy!
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