When high fever is our friend, and when our enemy is

Don't be afraid of high temperature. I know many parents who have high temperature causes panic... I would Like to try to understand when high fever in a child or adult is our friend, and when our enemy is. For a start I will quote here the words of the pediatrician Shabalova N. P. (Saint Petersburg) about fever in children:
"Fever is a protective-adaptive reaction of the organism, expressed in the restructuring of thermoregulation to maintain a greater than normal level of heat content and temperature of the body. This is the typical process generated in the process of evolution of warm-blooded animals. Fever is created by the body, its regulatory systems... the Biological relevance of fever as a process, explain the acceleration of catabolism (decomposition) of "alien" in inflammation (proven for pneumococci, gonococci, spirochetes, and high fever above 40 degrees just destructive to these germs, aktiviziruyutsya phagocytosis and immunity). The use of antipyretics is impractical, because they "obscure" the clinical picture of the disease, providing a sense of false security.
Antipyretic therapy carries risks – side effects of medicines in the form of allergic reactions, suppression of the hematopoietic bone marrow germ, damage of the gastric mucosa."
Academician G. I. Marchuk has shown that increased temperatures accelerate the migration of lymphocytes and viruses, they often collide with each other and form complexes "virus-lymphocyte", and the artificial temperature reduction pills can trigger prolonged or chronic illness.
Quote a few facts from the book by Robert Mendelsohn, "How to raise a healthy child in spite of doctors":
Fact # 7. The majority of the cases the increase in temperature associated with viral and bacterial infections, which the body's defenses cope without any help. Colds and flu – the most common causes of fever. The temperature may rise to 40.5 degrees, but even in this case reasons for concern. The only danger is the risk of dehydration from related processes of perspiration, a frequent pulse and respiration, coughing, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is possible to avoid giving excessive drinking. It would be nice if the child drink every hour a glass of water, preferably nutritious. This can be fruit juice, tea and everything the child will not refuse.
Fact # 9. Temperature, caused by viral or bacterial infection, if it does not knock, will not rise above 41 degrees. Pediatricians do a disservice, prescribing antipyretics. As a result of their appointments, the anxiety of the parents about what the temperature may rise to an extreme limit, if no action is taken, supported and enhanced. Doctors do not say that the churning temperature on the process of recovery is not affected, as well as the fact that the human body has a mechanism (not yet fully explained), which does not allow the temperature to overcome the barrier of 41 degrees.
Fact No. 10. Measures to reduce temperature, whether the use of antipyretics or sponging with water, is not only unnecessary, but harmful. If the child has an infection, the fever, which is accompanied by the course of the disease, parents should be seen not as a curse but as a blessing. The temperature rises as a result of spontaneous generation of pyrogens – substances that cause fever. This is a natural defense of the body against disease. The increase in temperature suggests that the healing system of the body involved and working.
A quick guide to the temperature from the same book:
High temperature is common in children, a symptom that is not associated with severe disease (in the absence of other worrying symptoms such as an unusual appearance and behaviour, difficulty in breathing and loss of consciousness). It is not an indicator of severity of the disease. Temperature rising as a result of infection does not reach the values, at which possible irreversible damage of organs of the child.
Fever does not require medical intervention beyond what is recommended below. The temperature should knock. It is a natural defense of the body against infection and helps speedy healing.
1. If the body temperature of the child for up to two months rose above 37.7 degrees, contact your doctor. It can be a symptom of an infection in – utero or related intervention in the birth process. Fever in children of this age is so unusual that it would be wiser to err and more likely to calm down if the alarm is false.
2. For children older than two months the doctor when the temperature is not needed, except when the fever lasts more than three days or is accompanied by severe symptoms – vomiting, shortness of breath, severe cough for several days and others, not characteristic of a cold. Consult your doctor if the child is unusually lethargic, irritable, distracted or looks seriously ill.
3. Contact your doctor regardless of the temperature if the child has difficulty breathing, uncontrollable vomiting, if the temperature is accompanied by involuntary muscle twitching or other strange movements or are worried about something else in the behavior and appearance of the child.
4. If the temperature rise is accompanied by a fever, do not try to cope with this feeling of the child with blankets. This will lead to even more drastic increase in temperature. Fever is not dangerous – it is a normal reaction, a mechanism of adaptation to higher temperature. It does not mean that the child is cold.
5. Temperaturesare try to put the baby to bed, but don't overdo it. There is no need to chain the child to bed and keep it at home if the weather is not too bad. Fresh air and moderate activity will improve the baby's mood without worsening the condition, and make your life easier. However too intense exercise and athletic competition is not necessary to encourage.
6. If there is reason to suspect as the cause of the high temperature, not infection, and other circumstances, overheating or poisoning, bring the child to the hospital immediately. If your location has no emergency room, use any available medical help.
7. Do not try, according to popular tradition, "starve a fever". Nutrition is important for recovery from any illness. If the child has no counter, "scarletite" and colds, and fever. And they both burn the reserves of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body, and they need to compensate. If the child refuses to eat, give him nutritious liquids, such as fruit juice. And don't forget that chicken soup is beneficial to all.
High temperature and usually accompanying symptoms lead to significant loss of fluids and cause dehydration. It can be avoided, giving the child plenty to drink, preferably fruit juices, but if he does not want, any suitable liquid, preferably one glass every hour.
And finally, remember Hippocrates who said "Give me fever and I will cure any disease!"
And now a few insights from personal experience. Why is sitting in a head the dogma that the temperature SHOULD knock? Yes, simply because in addition to physicians, prescribers tons of antipyretics still have our mothers, grandmothers, educated themselves on fever and we brought up in the same vein.
We like to scare stories about coagulation of the blood at 42 degrees and the presence of seizures in children with high temperature. Here it should be noted that febrile seizures are NOT life-threatening. If someone who is an indication, it is mentioned that convulsions are not the result of high temperature, and the result of her JUMP. That is, they may start as from sharp temperature rise and a sharp fall (often thanks to just antipyretic).
The funny thing is that YOUR own mom starts to decrease, shoving medications in yourself... and the BABY!
And of course after this the disease to the child are guaranteed.
The use of antipyretics is justified only for children with severe pathologies of the nervous system, epilepsy, congenital heart disease... Excessive use of antipyretics, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agents, immunomodulators has led to the fact that today we have a lot of "frequently ill children". Parents "heal" their children, forgetting about the natural protective mechanisms of the body.
It is also worth remembering the Slavs, who invented the bath especially for the heat!!! body. Somehow, our ancestors knew that the heating of the body useful for ailments, and we have forgotten about it. Why?
Yes, simply because it's a business. If parents understand that fever siropchika and pills not have the desired recovery, then what will happen to the pharmaceutical companies...? That is why bright and colorful brochures say to us about how to get rid of high temperature. All this is created by experienced psychologists – is to be understood.
Currently quite widespread treatment of children "Nurofen". This drug is widely advertised as effective and safe antipyretic and analgesic agent. "However, there were cases when Nurofen, has caused a sharp temperature drop to subnormal numbers (34-35 degrees), accompanied by life threatening collapse – a sharp drop in pressure. Especially dangerous is it for children with intoxication due to infection, and for children suffering from disorders of the cardiac conduction system (that the parents are not always known), intracranial hypertension. Possible serious complications and even death, not only in infants but also in children of primary school age."
You can also mention about the "exploits" of paracetamol, too many favorite drug. "After analyzing data on more than two hundred thousand children (the first study of this kind with similar results), had to recognize the powerful correlation between the development of childhood asthma with exposure to paracetamol. Moreover, the more consumed, the more likely asthma, eczema and rhinoconjuctivitis".
And, of course, is the aspirin. "The INFLUENZA Institute" is recommended to avoid the use of aspirin. "Because the virus, unlike a virus But aspirin causes a neurological syndrome (Reye's syndrome) enlargement of the liver. In addition, by ingestion of the virus in the human body is vasodilation and increases blood clotting, and in this way aspirin works. In fact, the combined effect can cause very serious adverse consequences."
I really want to convey to people that
1) knocking down the temperature even half a degree, we do not allow the body to produce specific immunity, and next time, faced with this infection, it will again be in front of her helpless
2) the body will still attempt to "take his" and execute the program, that is, we lower the temperature, the body raises it again – thus the healing process is delayed much longer than if we didn't intervene
3) Any assistance – intervention, but not intervention care.
4) Dehydration does not occur from the temperature and fluid loss, which needed to be filled. When the time comes, the temperature drops herself calmly.
5) High temperature during infection, colds, food poisoning... – a survival mechanism
6) the Reaction his body should be respected, treat him as smart, all knowing, seeking to cure a close friend, and he will answer health. People, correctly passing through a severe illness, will NEVER have a chronic disease
7) Currants, raspberries, honey, dog-rose, drink is good, but in any case not imposed on us from the TV screens of pharmaceutical poisons.
Author: Irina Druta
Source: www.dac.md/article014.html