Engineers have created destiladora a large robot insect

Researchers from around the world are constantly improving technology, which modern robots become more sophisticated and functional. As the resource TheVerge, the engineers research project at the University of Bielefeld has demonstrated a robot that can move like an insect.
The prototype for the robot Hector was an insect called a walking stick. The main feature of the robot was the possibility of independent movement of all legs, which the device has 6 pieces.
Each paw has its own sensors that can adjust its motion when it detects danger. While each subsystem maintains constant communication with other subsystems. This decentralized system of management engineers called Walknet.
"All subsystems must constantly communicate with each other. Otherwise at one point in the air can be raised several feet and the robot will be unstable," says one of the creators of Hector.
Thanks to the technology of Autonomous movement of all extremities, the robot Hector is able to effortlessly navigate through rough terrain, such as gravel or crushed stone.
Robot Hector in action, take a look at the video below.
HECTOR — The six-legged walking robot
Source: hi-news.ru