Robots (34 photos)
Continues to increase the importance of robots in various fields of human activity: robotic systems used by the military and law enforcement agencies involved for medical research, space exploration, and even entertainment. Recently mentioned in the news such as robots - the old Soviet "Lunokhod" recently photographed from lunar orbit, "rover" NASA robot dentist created to educate students.
1. Rich Walker demonstrates robotic arm that was created to help the military, in the center of defense enterprise in Oxford on February 11. (BEN STANSALL / AFP / Getty Images)
2. The dentist shows how to use the new humanoid named Hanako, developed by engineers from local universities in Tokyo. The robot will help future dentists in practice. In Hanako has teeth made of hard plastic, as well as realistic mouth, which may bleed and is salivating like a normal person. The robot also recognizes the voice and speech, so that students can not only improve their professional skills, but also learn how to communicate with patients. (AP Photo / Junji Kurokawa)
3. Android from South Korea named «EveR-3" in traditional costume during a performance in the musical in Seoul on 18 February. Developed in South Korea robot stated in the play "Princess robot and the Seven Dwarfs", has already been assigned to other roles this year. (KITECH / AFP / Getty Images)
4. Suspected Warren Taylor lying on the ground, surrendering to the robot at the post office in Viteville December 23, 2009. Taylor is accused of hostage-taking. (AP Photo / Steve Helber)
5. humanoid robot without a "person" is presented at the largest exhibition of robots in Tokyo on November 28, 2009. This life-size robot designed to help dental students. His name is "Simroid" (short for "simulation" and "humanoid"). The robot has a realistic skin, eyes and mouth, which can put a copy of these teeth, so that students can drill them. Robot, by the way, can cry if treatment suddenly went wrong. (AP Photo / David Guttenfelder)
6. The four-footed robot named BigDog was created to help soldiers carry heavy equipment in the field. (Boston Dynamics)
7. The robot named Robovi- II, developed by Japanese robot research institution «ATR», goes to the supermarket during the "shopingovogo" experiment in Kyoto on January 6. Robot welcomes the buyer at the entrance to the store, and then follows it up with a basket, recalling the product to buy. These products are the buyer makes a list in advance of a special device in the robot. (REUTERS / Yuriko Nakao)
8. A graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Kenton Williams checks the face robot named Nexia March 5. (Globe Staff / David L Ryan)
9. Robot Company «The Shadow Robot» with the gripping device in the hand performs the task at the event «Streetwise Robots» at the Museum of Science May 6, 2008 in London. This robot has 40 muscles that allow him to make up to 24 movements. (Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images)
10. In these photos you can see the "cybernetic human» HRP-4C, which looks like an ordinary Japanese girl. The robot expresses different emotions: anger (left) and surprise (right). (AP Photo / Koji Sasahara)
11. Captain Judith Gallagher units snipers demonstrates Explosion robot, known as the 'Dragon Runner' during a photo session devoted to military technology, in London on March 17. The robot weighs 10-20 kg and easily fits in a backpack soldier, besides, it can work on rough surfaces. (Geoff Caddick / AFP / Getty Images)
12. Robot-English teacher stands in front of the children in the elementary school in Daejeon, about 140 km tSeula December 11, 2009. Robots teacher who never get angry and do not make sarcastic remarks, made in some schools in South Korea created a furor. (Knowledge Economy Ministry / AFP / Getty Images)
13. Robots collect cars «Nissan Patrol» at the company «Nissan Shatai Kyushu Co.» Kandy Town, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, on February 24th. (Kimimasa Mayama / Bloomberg)
14. The new robot Japanese company «Kawada Industries» named Neksteydzh cut the ribbon along with other officials at the opening ceremony of the International exhibition of robots in Tokyo on November 25, 2009. (YOSHIKAZU TSUNO / AFP / Getty Images)
15. robots to play soccer at the largest fair of technical innovations «CeBIT» March 2, 2010 in Hanover. At the fair, held from 2 to 6 March, its products were 4157 companies from 68 countries. (DANIEL MIHAILESCU / AFP / Getty Images)
16. A US soldier walks past a robot designed for mine sites, which was named after a cartoon robot Valley, Camp Leatherneck in Helmand province on March 10. (REUTERS / Shamil Zhumatov)
17. Engineering student calms the child-robot during a presentation at the University of Tsukuba laboratory on 12 February. Robot Ёtaro laughing and waving legs if waving a rattle in front of him, but can cry and freaked out when tickle him too often. (KAZUHIRO NOGI / AFP / Getty Images)
18. An employee engineering company «Festo» gives dumbbell robot April 15, 2007 in Hanover, on the eve of technology fair. (DAVID HECKER / AFP / Getty Images)
19. Our "Lunokhod-2" (bright dot in the upper left), and they should ostalennye (weak in the center) on the surface of the moon March 12, 2010. The picture was taken with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. "Lunokhod-2" landed on the moon January 15, 1973, and worked for almost four months, covered the distance of 37 km. (NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University)
20. Work passes the two-armed robot named "Motoman" the Japanese company «Yaskawa Electric» during final preparations for the trade fair in Hanover, April 18, 2008. (REUTERS / Christian Charisius)
21. A soldier watches the robot-sapper in the administrative building in the province of Yala, about 1,084 kilometers south of Bangkok on 18 February. A resident of local village informed the police about a suspicious box on the street. The box was nothing. (REUTERS / Surapan Boonthanom)
22. Actor Branch Uorshem dancing robot at the dress rehearsal of the musical "Robots" in theater "Barnaba" in Servione, near Lausanne, April 22, 2009. The musical tells the story of a man who had gone into voluntary exile with three robots (butler, pets and dancer), which comes to a woman, which is the last link with the human world. (REUTERS / Valentin Flauraud)
23. In this photo released Feb. 16 by an Israeli company, you see a medium-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle with a long duration flight «Heron» for strategic and tactical missions. With a wingspan of up to 16, 6 meters and a launch weight of 1250 kg, the aircraft can climb up to 9144 meters and can fly up to 50 hours without stopping. At the moment, they are used by the coalition forces in Afghanistan, relying on their ability to exploration and production data in real time, they can deliver directly to commanders and soldiers on the front line. (Israel Aerospace Industries via Getty Images)
24. humanoid robot designed specifically to attract the interest of students in robotics, is presented on a general review of Professor Nippon Institute of Technology Yuichi Nakazato (top right) in Miyashiro Dec. 19, 2009. (REUTERS / Toru Hanai)
25. Israeli expert on explosives controls the robot after the planned detonation of explosives on the beach Palmachim south of Tel Aviv on February 3. (REUTERS / Amir Cohen)
26. Robot mahr-Zed (right), developed by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology, takes toast in Seoul on January 15th. South Korean scientists have developed a walking robot that can clean the house, throwing things into the washing machine and even reheat food in the microwave. For the development of the robot at the institute took two years. Robot 1, 3 meters high and weighs 55 kilograms. (STR / AFP / Getty Images)
27. View of the crater Concepcion, made with NASA's Mars rover «Opportunity» in February 2010. Concepcion - young crater, which is the purpose of the study of autonomous rover «Opportunity». Using a system of autonomous research, rover analyzed the images to detect features, the most appropriate criteria target - in this case, the stones that were larger and darker. Then the rover used the program for Bole detailed examination of the subject by using a panoramic camera. (NASA / JPL-Caltech / Cornell / color mosaic by James Canvin)
28. "Child-robot with biomimetricheskim body," or (abbreviated) «CB2» examined in a laboratory in Osaka August 30, 2007. The robot is made "in the image" of the child from one to three years to help in the study of issues related to the development of children. (AP Photo / David Guttenfelder)
29. Student Branch «Imformatics PHD» Sebastian Bitzer pressed close to the programmed Kondo humanoid in the building forum «Imformatics» at the University of Edinburgh, September 3, 2008. (REUTERS / David Moir)
30. Robot Topio plays ping-pong on Mezhduanrodnoy exhibition of robots in Tokyo on November 25, 2009. This dvuhpedalny humanoid robot designed to play table tennis against people. (REUTERS / Kim Kyung-Hoon)
31. Military-propelled robot "Crusher" rides through the desert in New Mexico February 19, 2008. This six-wheeled truck weighing 6, 5 tons and a machine gun 50-caliber roof has no driver, no place for the soldiers. "Crusher" - is automatically controlled car that will never see the real battle. (AP Photo / Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency / Carnegie Mellon via The El Paso Times)
32. amputated arm Pierpaolo Petrutstsiello connected electrodes with a robotic arm during an experiment called "The Hand of life" in the bio-medical campus of the University of Rome. The experiment was conducted to allow a person to manage their dentures mentally. In December 2009, a group of European scientists announced that they have successfully connected a robotic arm with the hand of man - Petrutstsiello, who lost an arm in a car accident. This allowed him to control a prosthesis by thought and feeling different pulses in an artificial hand. The experiment lasted a month. Scientists say that it was the first time an amputee could do complex movements, using thoughts to control a biomechanical hand connected to his nervous system. (AP Photo / Courtesy of Bio-Medical Campus University)
33. A robotic arm for the new NASA's Mars rover bent almost 90 degrees. The robotic arm is tested in the laboratory for the development of the jet engine in Pasadena, California. The rover was named «Curiosity» (from the English. "Curiosity") and should be launched in October 2011. Hand with special tools will move to collect samples of Martian rocks and soil. This hand is identical to the one that will be installed on the rover «Curiosity». (NASA / JPL-Caltech)

1. Rich Walker demonstrates robotic arm that was created to help the military, in the center of defense enterprise in Oxford on February 11. (BEN STANSALL / AFP / Getty Images)

2. The dentist shows how to use the new humanoid named Hanako, developed by engineers from local universities in Tokyo. The robot will help future dentists in practice. In Hanako has teeth made of hard plastic, as well as realistic mouth, which may bleed and is salivating like a normal person. The robot also recognizes the voice and speech, so that students can not only improve their professional skills, but also learn how to communicate with patients. (AP Photo / Junji Kurokawa)

3. Android from South Korea named «EveR-3" in traditional costume during a performance in the musical in Seoul on 18 February. Developed in South Korea robot stated in the play "Princess robot and the Seven Dwarfs", has already been assigned to other roles this year. (KITECH / AFP / Getty Images)

4. Suspected Warren Taylor lying on the ground, surrendering to the robot at the post office in Viteville December 23, 2009. Taylor is accused of hostage-taking. (AP Photo / Steve Helber)

5. humanoid robot without a "person" is presented at the largest exhibition of robots in Tokyo on November 28, 2009. This life-size robot designed to help dental students. His name is "Simroid" (short for "simulation" and "humanoid"). The robot has a realistic skin, eyes and mouth, which can put a copy of these teeth, so that students can drill them. Robot, by the way, can cry if treatment suddenly went wrong. (AP Photo / David Guttenfelder)

6. The four-footed robot named BigDog was created to help soldiers carry heavy equipment in the field. (Boston Dynamics)

7. The robot named Robovi- II, developed by Japanese robot research institution «ATR», goes to the supermarket during the "shopingovogo" experiment in Kyoto on January 6. Robot welcomes the buyer at the entrance to the store, and then follows it up with a basket, recalling the product to buy. These products are the buyer makes a list in advance of a special device in the robot. (REUTERS / Yuriko Nakao)

8. A graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Kenton Williams checks the face robot named Nexia March 5. (Globe Staff / David L Ryan)

9. Robot Company «The Shadow Robot» with the gripping device in the hand performs the task at the event «Streetwise Robots» at the Museum of Science May 6, 2008 in London. This robot has 40 muscles that allow him to make up to 24 movements. (Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images)

10. In these photos you can see the "cybernetic human» HRP-4C, which looks like an ordinary Japanese girl. The robot expresses different emotions: anger (left) and surprise (right). (AP Photo / Koji Sasahara)

11. Captain Judith Gallagher units snipers demonstrates Explosion robot, known as the 'Dragon Runner' during a photo session devoted to military technology, in London on March 17. The robot weighs 10-20 kg and easily fits in a backpack soldier, besides, it can work on rough surfaces. (Geoff Caddick / AFP / Getty Images)

12. Robot-English teacher stands in front of the children in the elementary school in Daejeon, about 140 km tSeula December 11, 2009. Robots teacher who never get angry and do not make sarcastic remarks, made in some schools in South Korea created a furor. (Knowledge Economy Ministry / AFP / Getty Images)

13. Robots collect cars «Nissan Patrol» at the company «Nissan Shatai Kyushu Co.» Kandy Town, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, on February 24th. (Kimimasa Mayama / Bloomberg)

14. The new robot Japanese company «Kawada Industries» named Neksteydzh cut the ribbon along with other officials at the opening ceremony of the International exhibition of robots in Tokyo on November 25, 2009. (YOSHIKAZU TSUNO / AFP / Getty Images)

15. robots to play soccer at the largest fair of technical innovations «CeBIT» March 2, 2010 in Hanover. At the fair, held from 2 to 6 March, its products were 4157 companies from 68 countries. (DANIEL MIHAILESCU / AFP / Getty Images)

16. A US soldier walks past a robot designed for mine sites, which was named after a cartoon robot Valley, Camp Leatherneck in Helmand province on March 10. (REUTERS / Shamil Zhumatov)

17. Engineering student calms the child-robot during a presentation at the University of Tsukuba laboratory on 12 February. Robot Ёtaro laughing and waving legs if waving a rattle in front of him, but can cry and freaked out when tickle him too often. (KAZUHIRO NOGI / AFP / Getty Images)

18. An employee engineering company «Festo» gives dumbbell robot April 15, 2007 in Hanover, on the eve of technology fair. (DAVID HECKER / AFP / Getty Images)

19. Our "Lunokhod-2" (bright dot in the upper left), and they should ostalennye (weak in the center) on the surface of the moon March 12, 2010. The picture was taken with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. "Lunokhod-2" landed on the moon January 15, 1973, and worked for almost four months, covered the distance of 37 km. (NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University)

20. Work passes the two-armed robot named "Motoman" the Japanese company «Yaskawa Electric» during final preparations for the trade fair in Hanover, April 18, 2008. (REUTERS / Christian Charisius)

21. A soldier watches the robot-sapper in the administrative building in the province of Yala, about 1,084 kilometers south of Bangkok on 18 February. A resident of local village informed the police about a suspicious box on the street. The box was nothing. (REUTERS / Surapan Boonthanom)

22. Actor Branch Uorshem dancing robot at the dress rehearsal of the musical "Robots" in theater "Barnaba" in Servione, near Lausanne, April 22, 2009. The musical tells the story of a man who had gone into voluntary exile with three robots (butler, pets and dancer), which comes to a woman, which is the last link with the human world. (REUTERS / Valentin Flauraud)

23. In this photo released Feb. 16 by an Israeli company, you see a medium-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle with a long duration flight «Heron» for strategic and tactical missions. With a wingspan of up to 16, 6 meters and a launch weight of 1250 kg, the aircraft can climb up to 9144 meters and can fly up to 50 hours without stopping. At the moment, they are used by the coalition forces in Afghanistan, relying on their ability to exploration and production data in real time, they can deliver directly to commanders and soldiers on the front line. (Israel Aerospace Industries via Getty Images)

24. humanoid robot designed specifically to attract the interest of students in robotics, is presented on a general review of Professor Nippon Institute of Technology Yuichi Nakazato (top right) in Miyashiro Dec. 19, 2009. (REUTERS / Toru Hanai)

25. Israeli expert on explosives controls the robot after the planned detonation of explosives on the beach Palmachim south of Tel Aviv on February 3. (REUTERS / Amir Cohen)

26. Robot mahr-Zed (right), developed by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology, takes toast in Seoul on January 15th. South Korean scientists have developed a walking robot that can clean the house, throwing things into the washing machine and even reheat food in the microwave. For the development of the robot at the institute took two years. Robot 1, 3 meters high and weighs 55 kilograms. (STR / AFP / Getty Images)

27. View of the crater Concepcion, made with NASA's Mars rover «Opportunity» in February 2010. Concepcion - young crater, which is the purpose of the study of autonomous rover «Opportunity». Using a system of autonomous research, rover analyzed the images to detect features, the most appropriate criteria target - in this case, the stones that were larger and darker. Then the rover used the program for Bole detailed examination of the subject by using a panoramic camera. (NASA / JPL-Caltech / Cornell / color mosaic by James Canvin)

28. "Child-robot with biomimetricheskim body," or (abbreviated) «CB2» examined in a laboratory in Osaka August 30, 2007. The robot is made "in the image" of the child from one to three years to help in the study of issues related to the development of children. (AP Photo / David Guttenfelder)

29. Student Branch «Imformatics PHD» Sebastian Bitzer pressed close to the programmed Kondo humanoid in the building forum «Imformatics» at the University of Edinburgh, September 3, 2008. (REUTERS / David Moir)

30. Robot Topio plays ping-pong on Mezhduanrodnoy exhibition of robots in Tokyo on November 25, 2009. This dvuhpedalny humanoid robot designed to play table tennis against people. (REUTERS / Kim Kyung-Hoon)

31. Military-propelled robot "Crusher" rides through the desert in New Mexico February 19, 2008. This six-wheeled truck weighing 6, 5 tons and a machine gun 50-caliber roof has no driver, no place for the soldiers. "Crusher" - is automatically controlled car that will never see the real battle. (AP Photo / Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency / Carnegie Mellon via The El Paso Times)

32. amputated arm Pierpaolo Petrutstsiello connected electrodes with a robotic arm during an experiment called "The Hand of life" in the bio-medical campus of the University of Rome. The experiment was conducted to allow a person to manage their dentures mentally. In December 2009, a group of European scientists announced that they have successfully connected a robotic arm with the hand of man - Petrutstsiello, who lost an arm in a car accident. This allowed him to control a prosthesis by thought and feeling different pulses in an artificial hand. The experiment lasted a month. Scientists say that it was the first time an amputee could do complex movements, using thoughts to control a biomechanical hand connected to his nervous system. (AP Photo / Courtesy of Bio-Medical Campus University)

33. A robotic arm for the new NASA's Mars rover bent almost 90 degrees. The robotic arm is tested in the laboratory for the development of the jet engine in Pasadena, California. The rover was named «Curiosity» (from the English. "Curiosity") and should be launched in October 2011. Hand with special tools will move to collect samples of Martian rocks and soil. This hand is identical to the one that will be installed on the rover «Curiosity». (NASA / JPL-Caltech)