Robotic vacuum cleaners: tested on humans

The robot cleaner - many of us, these household devices associated with the brand iRobot. But today, the number of brands that you can find on the market has more than a dozen. Yes, iRobot remains one of the most recognizable, but no less active in their way leaders and devices from Samsung, and devices from LG, and a number of less famous Asians. Price starts at robopylesosy from 8-9 thousand, and then flies off into space - you can find the model and 30 and 40 thousand. Most running, naturally, this budget vacuum cleaners cost about 10 thousand rubles. Plus-minus.
It is such a model, we decided to take the online store « Yulmart », in order to understand whether they are suitable for something else besides transport means for cats. We took the model and more expensive - from LG - wondering how brand power affects the quality of cleaning.
As a result, our hands were:
Ariete 2711

Kitfort CT-501

Panda X500

Qwikk XRobot 700

LG Hom-Bot 2.0

Testing robopylesosov - the process of something funny, but somewhere and meditative. And that is not fully go to nirvana, we decided to formalize the field tests. The first step is checked, as these devices are generally cope with different types of rubbish - we had confetti, rice, millet, peas, and a couple of coins - something that usually feed hoovers. Simultaneously, we evaluated the algorithm by which these household robots are making their way. Then - check how they can overcome obstacles and how embedded sensors can keep them from falling and jams.
What are these vacuum cleaners and what to expect from them. In the most part - it's a kind of pancake, height 10 cm, equipped with main cylindrical brush (and sometimes not), and one or two side. Inside - a dust collector, equipped with a simple filter. By the way, the vertical dust bags are more convenient than the retractable rear - in the first case to scatter garbage collected almost unreal.

The most interesting robopylesosah - a set of sensors that help the device to navigate the terrain and avoid obstacles and dangers - walls, stairs, furniture, etc. Luxury models are equipped with lasers and cameras in the budget you - in our case - is likely to find only the infrared sensors.

What and how robopylesosy clean. As the collective experience, the best they cope with any melochovki - flour, crumbs, cereal, normal house dust and animal dander. A device with one side brush our opinion spends more effort on cleaning, dispersing debris on the site, or pounding it into the corners. Two side - PROFIT !!! They throw trash to each other and in the end he finds himself in the dust with a high probability. Concludes that the two side brushes better. But they need to have in reserve - quickly wear out (experienced users take once a year). Large debris Budgetary robots not afford - it can otfutbolivat pea and small coins in 99 percent of cases are simply ignored. Add that robots socks or go round, or wound on the shaft, and then blocked and squeaked piteously.

If we talk about algorithms move, here vacuums are divided into two types - nerds and cheerful children. First, like LG, marks territory, swept once around the perimeter, and then go zigzag, dividing the area into square slices. Second - can move from wall to wall along the diagonals, stop and begin to move in a spiral, then taken to the old - it looks like a chaotic movement, but on the whole "gay guys" are also good doing their job. And some of these dances after another and then automatically returns to the charging.
With regard to the obstacles, even low vacuums pretty well cope with them, overcoming barriers in average height and one-half inches. Simpler models are equipped with bumpers, to more complex robots bolted slightly larger sensors. Carpets and rugs are not all vacuum cleaners in the teeth - even if they are cleverly they call in, then you can just as easily get stuck on them. All is fine with sensors to prevent the fall - all our robopylesosy able to maneuver even on its own box without the risk of falling ( see. Video ). There remains a small chance to get stuck under the sofa or table, but this "ability" of the robot can only be tested by experiment.

In the commercials, colorful telling of opening after the purchase of the robot cleaner prospects, often focuses on the fact that these home appliances under their low noise and fuss, and you can watch TV quietly and calmly take a nap. Basically, if you nerasshatannaya nervous system - this is true. Yes, robots buzz obviously quieter domestic vacuum cleaner. But the level of noise generated by them can quite compare with powerful domestic fans. And some of them are literally moving across the tile clank and creak from savory to move easily with tables and chairs.
Couple of useful "chips" that are available and public sector - an independent return on the charger and the virtual wall. In its mass unit can easily cope with the task of returning to base, although in some occasion - can look it up to infinity. Incidentally, robopylesosy are supposed to be guided in Large apartment, but for some reason this is not true - they often violated the route, for example, when a large amount of light available to the furniture or the floor cords / cables. And here may be useful "virtual wall". Small infrared beacons, which creates an invisible barrier to the vacuum cleaner - some robots are included.

An important point which many happy newly minted owners forget - consumables. Caring manufacturers often complement the new vacuum cleaners set change is good, but it's important to remember that depending on the intensity of use of filters and brushes you will have to replace at least once a year. Therefore, buying a robot vacuum cleaner, keep that in mind (for all of our test device consumables can be purchased in Russia, though - for some models - and not without a hassle).

Two main conclusions that we have made testing these devices. Firstly, we have rather than Electros intelligent robot cleaners. And this applies to devices of different price categories - the power of their absorption is very small compared with ordinary household vacuum cleaners. Secondly, robopylesosy discipline masters and accustom them to order - yes, yes! - Small things can block the vacuum cleaner, and, for example, thick wires often turn into insurmountable obstacles. The conclusion is practical - robot cleaners are unlikely to be used to restore the purity, but rather - to maintain it.
If we talk about models that we had in our testing, in general, all budget vacuum cleaners are very similar in features and quality of the harvest and only differ structurally - placing a dust collector, the presence or absence of the main and side brushes. Hom-Bot from LG was a little more gumption and quiet, but the difference in cost between the cheapest model Qwikk Xrobot 700 is more than 3 thousand rubles.
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Source: habrahabr.ru/company/gttf/blog/224095/
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