Popularization of 3D-printing an adult at school ...
Generally Navigator campus engaged in custom development and start-ups in the field of robotics, electronics, 3D-printing and smart devices, but sometimes we get distracted.
We agree on the opening of new hakspeysov, do self with Medvedev are doing in school. Why schools? Just because a few years we will have to work with the graduates of these schools.
Our goal, which allows you to more accurately guide the development of industrial park - to save the technical and organizational expertise, allowing to realize the level of the problem of creating its own space program in the horizon of 10-15 years. Perhaps delirium, but the goal itself is quite beautiful and clear. I confess that I do not give rest to success Элона Mask , it is even possible that promuzhetochnoy purpose before creating kosimcheskogo electric ship will be the creation and development of solar energy;)
Now, apart from development of our residents , we are working on several small projects (such as opening a telephone call from the gate, 3D-print health splints, video recorders, etc.) and two large projects: the industrial robot to build houses (such as такого) and a device for 3D-scanning, such as Kinect. Not the fact that something happens, it's all the same venture. But if someone is engaged in such developments will be happy to talk!
Of these projects, I tell you another time, and today's post is dedicated to meykertonam. It is limited to a specific time and place of assembly Marathon something technically difficult. Semen Tarakanov , director and creator of hakspeysa Navigator campus, came up with a new format, and we are now distributing it. Meykertony - cool stuff with his philosophy, and let some will say that this is not new, not the developing brain and kills creativity in a person, but it is inherent in us says, the Russians, the critical innovation extremism;)
Meykertony designed to engage in technical creativity the general public, to promote the philosophy of och.umelyh pens and prove to everyone that 3D-printers, copter, CNC machine tools and so on - it is not difficult and is available to anyone who wants to learn and work.
Meykertony designed to create community and are familiar with each other people interested in technology.
Meykertony popularize specific open source development, and in general the whole concept of open source in electronics and robotics, in the 3D-printing.
Finally, allow meykertony cheap enough to get your 3D-printer or other device. Here, for example, to compare the cost of the cheapest kit-set 69000, and the cost of participation in meykertone 50 000. Of course, you can get the details of their own. Maybe it get cheaper, but it will be much longer and labor-intensive.
Meykertony - this is not an established format, it is a challenge and experiment. We are now beginning to spend meykertony by 3D-printers Ultimaker , at printers NOVA our resident companies Ennova, at copter (including a two-month pilot training). Would do more, but do not have time, people, money ... as usual.
July 4 - the first day of the Russian All-Union meykertonov for printers Ultimaker. Meykertony will be almost ten cities immense. Here you can see whether the organizer meykertona found in your city and, if not yet found, to become such. You can subscribe to updates in the city of predostyaschih meykertonah. Vnimaenie! It is not just about 3D-printers, and in general of any meykertonah.
Now we have to order parts meykertona month before, all that is available at odds (in May went 110 sets), so that if someone does not have enough detalek 4th July - will have to wait until August, meykertony will be held monthly. Minimum number of participants on each meykertone - 3, maximum - 10.
Today, May 26, begins a series of meykertonov for students commissioned by the government of Tatarstan Republic. 100 printers, 100 schools, 300 students, 100 teachers and two weeks. All adult.
Build vs students ready supply of printers
Member collects the printer itself and at the same time a detailed study of the device of 3D-printers. It's a whole new level of involvement in the engineering, design and invention. It is a new quality of vocational guidance and learning.
Schoolboy does not apply to the printer as a "black box." He is well aware of the printing process.
Gathered the printer is not afraid to interfere with the operation of the printer and is not afraid to break it. Still, he gathered his!
Participants start to believe in themselves. Simple student can do everything.
The result may well repeat history with computers in the early 2000s, when the disciples pushed away the teacher and asked him not to bother to interfere with clever glands in which they understand better than adults.
Why is open source, and not some well-known manufacturer?
Open source can refine itself, to improve the design and change the details, do not need to wait long for warranty repairs - all drawings available and you can even repair the printer yourself.
Ultimaker - the most common model opensource 3D-printer by a large community. That means a lot of ready-made instruction and experience. This means that the participant will learn from meykertona huge open world community.
Let me remind you that the fund has invested in the Navigator Kazan developer of 3D-printers and it would be logical to promote them, especially the guys that the printer is excellent, but the long-term in this case the target is more important than short-term benefits. At NOVA, like other Russian manufacturers of printers, yet sufficiently large community of users.
What then?
All members registered in the social network for skillful hands "Marabaka" will spread the results (printed models to upgrade the printer), to comment and even a kitsch laykat.
In marabake are training materials on all areas which are necessary for the effective use of 3D-printers to the participants did not have problems with the machine.
Participants will receive through social network job. For example, we plan to print by the printer 100 часть Kazan Kremlin style Minecraft (note need volunteers, crafters, writing Gleb ). Each team is on your printer, print and paint a small portion of the composition, and then we will gather all the pieces into a coherent whole.
Through social network participants will receive training materials and will be able to consult with engineers hakspeysa Navigator campus on Skype.
After a few test meykertonov we realized that the existing online instructions are worthless. They are outdated, unclear. We have developed a version of its participants assembly instructions 3D-printer (publish after a full break-in). Separately made training manual for teachers on the use of 3D-printing in the learning process, so that teachers know how to use the new machines (also lay out in the open access). Also for the students by the members of our hakspeysa we spent quite laborious preparation of parts made preparations for large-block assembly. All that boring Ultimaker collect, we have collected in advance, so as not to ship the school routine, that nothing useful in the education plan does not, and the number of errors increases significantly the assembly.
Meykerton finishes calibrating the printer and print a calibration pattern that prodtverdit quality assembly of each printer. There is currently competition: the best and fastest teams receive small prizes.
The students were selected as participants from all schools of Tatarstan (uniformly in all areas, even the most remote and rural), who formed the team, talking about himself, about why they need a printer and how they are going to use it.
Generally meykertonov organization was not as easy as anticipated at the beginning. In preparation, we came all possible rake, who overcame time and now teach their residents tricks sourcing, logistics organization, assembly, testing, packaging, and other processes. And sometimes we do not teach, but just ourselves.
As a result of meykertonov sure to tell about the results.
3D-press in schools is possible? It is. Affordable 3D-press? Is not available there. Can you do that in your area? Yes, we are fully prepared for this. Would you like to have in your city, region, schools were 3D-printers? Yes, and cool if format meykertonov Yes, but it's better to just supply of 3D-printers No, 3D-printers schools to anything Only registered users can participate in the survey. Sign , please. Voted 112 people. 20 people abstained.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/navigatorcampus/blog/224071/
We agree on the opening of new hakspeysov, do self with Medvedev are doing in school. Why schools? Just because a few years we will have to work with the graduates of these schools.
Our goal, which allows you to more accurately guide the development of industrial park - to save the technical and organizational expertise, allowing to realize the level of the problem of creating its own space program in the horizon of 10-15 years. Perhaps delirium, but the goal itself is quite beautiful and clear. I confess that I do not give rest to success Элона Mask , it is even possible that promuzhetochnoy purpose before creating kosimcheskogo electric ship will be the creation and development of solar energy;)

Now, apart from development of our residents , we are working on several small projects (such as opening a telephone call from the gate, 3D-print health splints, video recorders, etc.) and two large projects: the industrial robot to build houses (such as такого) and a device for 3D-scanning, such as Kinect. Not the fact that something happens, it's all the same venture. But if someone is engaged in such developments will be happy to talk!

Of these projects, I tell you another time, and today's post is dedicated to meykertonam. It is limited to a specific time and place of assembly Marathon something technically difficult. Semen Tarakanov , director and creator of hakspeysa Navigator campus, came up with a new format, and we are now distributing it. Meykertony - cool stuff with his philosophy, and let some will say that this is not new, not the developing brain and kills creativity in a person, but it is inherent in us says, the Russians, the critical innovation extremism;)
Meykertony designed to engage in technical creativity the general public, to promote the philosophy of och.umelyh pens and prove to everyone that 3D-printers, copter, CNC machine tools and so on - it is not difficult and is available to anyone who wants to learn and work.
Meykertony designed to create community and are familiar with each other people interested in technology.
Meykertony popularize specific open source development, and in general the whole concept of open source in electronics and robotics, in the 3D-printing.
Finally, allow meykertony cheap enough to get your 3D-printer or other device. Here, for example, to compare the cost of the cheapest kit-set 69000, and the cost of participation in meykertone 50 000. Of course, you can get the details of their own. Maybe it get cheaper, but it will be much longer and labor-intensive.
Meykertony - this is not an established format, it is a challenge and experiment. We are now beginning to spend meykertony by 3D-printers Ultimaker , at printers NOVA our resident companies Ennova, at copter (including a two-month pilot training). Would do more, but do not have time, people, money ... as usual.

July 4 - the first day of the Russian All-Union meykertonov for printers Ultimaker. Meykertony will be almost ten cities immense. Here you can see whether the organizer meykertona found in your city and, if not yet found, to become such. You can subscribe to updates in the city of predostyaschih meykertonah. Vnimaenie! It is not just about 3D-printers, and in general of any meykertonah.
Now we have to order parts meykertona month before, all that is available at odds (in May went 110 sets), so that if someone does not have enough detalek 4th July - will have to wait until August, meykertony will be held monthly. Minimum number of participants on each meykertone - 3, maximum - 10.
Today, May 26, begins a series of meykertonov for students commissioned by the government of Tatarstan Republic. 100 printers, 100 schools, 300 students, 100 teachers and two weeks. All adult.

Build vs students ready supply of printers
Member collects the printer itself and at the same time a detailed study of the device of 3D-printers. It's a whole new level of involvement in the engineering, design and invention. It is a new quality of vocational guidance and learning.
Schoolboy does not apply to the printer as a "black box." He is well aware of the printing process.
Gathered the printer is not afraid to interfere with the operation of the printer and is not afraid to break it. Still, he gathered his!
Participants start to believe in themselves. Simple student can do everything.
The result may well repeat history with computers in the early 2000s, when the disciples pushed away the teacher and asked him not to bother to interfere with clever glands in which they understand better than adults.
Why is open source, and not some well-known manufacturer?
Open source can refine itself, to improve the design and change the details, do not need to wait long for warranty repairs - all drawings available and you can even repair the printer yourself.
Ultimaker - the most common model opensource 3D-printer by a large community. That means a lot of ready-made instruction and experience. This means that the participant will learn from meykertona huge open world community.
Let me remind you that the fund has invested in the Navigator Kazan developer of 3D-printers and it would be logical to promote them, especially the guys that the printer is excellent, but the long-term in this case the target is more important than short-term benefits. At NOVA, like other Russian manufacturers of printers, yet sufficiently large community of users.
What then?
All members registered in the social network for skillful hands "Marabaka" will spread the results (printed models to upgrade the printer), to comment and even a kitsch laykat.
In marabake are training materials on all areas which are necessary for the effective use of 3D-printers to the participants did not have problems with the machine.
Participants will receive through social network job. For example, we plan to print by the printer 100 часть Kazan Kremlin style Minecraft (note need volunteers, crafters, writing Gleb ). Each team is on your printer, print and paint a small portion of the composition, and then we will gather all the pieces into a coherent whole.
Through social network participants will receive training materials and will be able to consult with engineers hakspeysa Navigator campus on Skype.
After a few test meykertonov we realized that the existing online instructions are worthless. They are outdated, unclear. We have developed a version of its participants assembly instructions 3D-printer (publish after a full break-in). Separately made training manual for teachers on the use of 3D-printing in the learning process, so that teachers know how to use the new machines (also lay out in the open access). Also for the students by the members of our hakspeysa we spent quite laborious preparation of parts made preparations for large-block assembly. All that boring Ultimaker collect, we have collected in advance, so as not to ship the school routine, that nothing useful in the education plan does not, and the number of errors increases significantly the assembly.
Meykerton finishes calibrating the printer and print a calibration pattern that prodtverdit quality assembly of each printer. There is currently competition: the best and fastest teams receive small prizes.
The students were selected as participants from all schools of Tatarstan (uniformly in all areas, even the most remote and rural), who formed the team, talking about himself, about why they need a printer and how they are going to use it.
Generally meykertonov organization was not as easy as anticipated at the beginning. In preparation, we came all possible rake, who overcame time and now teach their residents tricks sourcing, logistics organization, assembly, testing, packaging, and other processes. And sometimes we do not teach, but just ourselves.
As a result of meykertonov sure to tell about the results.
3D-press in schools is possible? It is. Affordable 3D-press? Is not available there. Can you do that in your area? Yes, we are fully prepared for this. Would you like to have in your city, region, schools were 3D-printers? Yes, and cool if format meykertonov Yes, but it's better to just supply of 3D-printers No, 3D-printers schools to anything Only registered users can participate in the survey. Sign , please. Voted 112 people. 20 people abstained.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/navigatorcampus/blog/224071/
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