Testing and review of the robot cleaner iCLEBO Omega
New robot cleaner iCLEBO Omega from the South Korean company Yujin Robot has some interesting features and is one of the most powerful vacuum cleaner on the Russian market. Although manufacturers do not usually declare suction power settings for the robot vacuum cleaner, it is worth noting that the model of Omega has the potential to be the most effective and powerful robot vacuum cleaner. It uses a new brushless turbo engine with wide blades, thus increasing the quality of cleaning at a relatively low noise level (70 dB in Turbo mode). Brushless motor is very reliable and has a guarantee of 10 years.
In developing the new model, the manufacturer has made the emphasis on the power of absorption and minimize the problem of cleaning the main brush from pet hair and long hair. The first and very important Omega models of competitive advantage - it is really high suction power. To implement this task, Yujin Robot engineers used the new brushless turbo engine with high efficiency and increased capacity of the Li-Ion battery at two times compared with the previous model Arte (Now its capacity is 4400 mAh). The robot is able to efficiently even collect fine dust, such as sand, with carpet (with a relatively small pile). According to the manufacturer the results of testing, Omega ahead of direct competitors in terms of efficiency up to 20%.
This robot also uses a system of mapping space using a large format camera, which is located on the upper part of the body. Hoover remembers the places where he had already cleaned. He remembers the location of the base for charging and returned it along the shortest path. No matter the 3 or 5-bedroom apartment you vacuum cleaner alone will pass through all the available rooms. If floor space is large enough, and the robot will not be able to get out of a charge cycle, it will return to the base, and will continue to be charged with cleaning the place too well. The Omega implemented two such consecutive cycles. If you need more thorough cleaning or a small area, it is possible to use MAX mode in which the first Omega will pass all of the available area of parallel lines at 90 degrees will unfold and will continue cleaning the same places but in a direction perpendicular to the original path. This new regime a double snake, which was not at the Arte model.
Through the use of new rubber turbo brush V6 Blade and high power of absorption, very high quality vacuum cleaner collects hair and pet dander. On the main turbo brush is almost no hair, wool and thread. Everything will fall into the dust, which is very easy to clean. The bottom of the vacuum cleaner and always clean, no need to rub it in. All you have to do is empty the dust collector and the robot is ready for operation. Behind it requires minimal maintenance. All this we will test and verify in practice, tests and video will be presented later in this article.
Engineers installed a variety of new sensors, such as contamination of the sensor and surface recognition sensor. If the path comes across a lot of garbage, Omega includes turbo-suction mode which increases the suction power and cleaning efficiency. On carpets robot also automatically includes the Turbo mode. Filter presence sensor will not allow the vacuum cleaner to run without his presence in the dust.
Design and equipment
The new robot vacuum cleaner is available in two color options Corps: iCLEBO Omega Gold (YCR-M07-10) and iCLEBO Omega White (YCR-M07-20). glossy plastic body, but the plastic material is a very high quality and its cover does not leave fingerprints on the surface. White Body Case looks like a color white / pearl metallic on cars, that is, has a certain depth of color. Appearance was designed in the design Innodesign Bureau. The shape of the vacuum cleaner is no longer round, special new side brush and suitable shape allows better clean the corners of the room. Omega is able to clean the corners with efficiency up to 96%. The vacuum cleaner has an ultra-thin profile height of only 87 mm, which means it is easily driven under the bed, chairs, cabinets and gather there for months accumulating dust.
Complete with a robot vacuum cleaner attached: the basis for charging with an external power supply, spare HEPA-filter (only in the Russian version of the delivery), a magnetic tape stopper (length is 1 meter, can limit harvesting zone), remote control (to set the time, the timer delayed start, robot control, return to the base, the choice of modes: forced turbo mode, overcoming the threshold mode), batteries for remote, cleaning brush and vacuum cleaner, of course, manual and warranty card in Russian.
On top of the housing cover is dust bag compartment. The dust collector has a pleated HEPA-filter. It can be easily cleaned of debris, the filter is attached to the latch. Dust collector can be rinsed with water, but it must be well dried before use to prevent moisture from getting inside the vacuum cleaner on the motherboard. In the dust collector housing and installed rubber gaskets, everything is quite tight. After 2-week samples in the flat was not detected in the accumulation of dust compartment dust collector was all inside it.
Just above it is the LCD touch screen. With it, you can turn on the vacuum cleaner, start to work, choose the cleaning mode. Modes of 3: Auto, Max and local cleaning. In Auto mode, the vacuum cleaner removes all the available places apartment, choosing the most optimal route, memorizing the location of the initial starting point. As in the Arte model uses the technology of building a visual map vSLAM premises. After returning to the base of the robot discards a card and the next time it is building anew. Omega model has another technology improves navigation in the apartment - NST (Non Slip Travelling). The algorithm allows to recover the route line on the comparative analysis of card space, created earlier. The maximum capacity vacuum cleaner removes parallel lines, perpendicular later and so on until the battery discharge. In this mode, it also builds a map of the room. In Local mode, vacuuming removes in a circle with a diameter of 1 meter, moving in a spiral. The display shows information about the on / off mode Turbo suction mode to overcome the rapids. If overcoming thresholds mode is disabled, the robot will not be able to overcome a height of 5 mm. Also, this mode should be used on dark floors. Above is the large-format camera with a viewing angle of 130 degrees.
On the front bumper sensors are located in the robot determine the distance to obstacles: PSD-optical and infrared sensors. Robot takes readings from the two types of sensors. Mechanical touch sensor is also mounted on the bumper, but now it is one (unlike Arte model) and is located just in the middle. The robot detects obstacles well and rarely physical contact with them. For additional protection, the furniture on the bumper has a rubber band, which does not leave any marks and softens the blow. The contour of the lower housing enables overcome cleaner thresholds up to 15 mm. On the rear surface of the housing are arranged openings blowing air.
We draw your attention to the design of the bottom of the Omega. The first thing that catches your eye - this is the driving wheels, angled. This design Yujin Robot decided to apply in connection with a modified form of the robot (now it is not round, as a model of Arte), and the displacement of the wheels away from the center. It was under such an arrangement, the wheel cleaner can properly unfold on level ground. We asked a question of the manufacturer, whether it will affect the rapid wear of wheel tread? We were told that the model of Omega tested for over a year in this form factor, the current supplied to the wheel with this arrangement varies only slightly and any deterioration in general will not be visible for a long time.
Another unique Unlike other robots on the market - the use of a 6-flap side brushes with different length of the villi. Brushes noticeably stiffer than the other robots. During the test we observed good performance podgrebaniya small debris (rice, cereals), especially on carpets. Brushes with soft bristles collected garbage worse. Main brush module has a floating mechanism. He repeats the floor contour and fit snugly to the surface. New rubber turbo brush V6 Blade very good job with the collection of any debris, including hair. In rare sluchayax hair wound on two central groove on the brush, and brush on the edge. Bearing hidden in a cylindrical housing, it generally does not wound during all tests. Cleared it with little effort, accidentally lose it will be difficult.
The front wheel is concealed under well casing located on the axis of the wheel magnetic sensor, and a robot body - to determine the odometer distance traversed. The whole structure is designed in such a way that the consumer exerted minimal effort to clean up the robot. Unfortunately, part of the hair will inevitably be wound on the side of the brush, and once every 3-4 cleaning will be necessary to remove them for cleaning. Side brushes are removed very easily thanks to the anchorages latch. No screws or bolts no. Bottom You can also attach a microfiber cloth, now she has even greater size. You can pre-moisten the cloth before cleaning, but you need a good squeeze to avoid wheel slip on wet and smooth surface.
robot device
In the lower part of the body are the contact plate of the charger, the sensors determine the level of the floor, the encoder measuring the distance traveled by the front wheel (odometer), the sensor tape-limiter. The odometer and the sensor tape operate on the principle of the Hall effect. Let's look at the vacuum cleaner cover and a brief rundown on the main unit. Dismantle the top cover and front bumper, get access to the inside of the filling robot. Immediately following elements are evident: the drive wheels, engine block, battery compartment, touch screen (which is located under the motherboard) and the board with the sensors in the front bumper. In the center is the dust.
Front view resembles a flying saucer aliens unassembled. It is located PSD and infrared distance sensors to objects. The bumper is mounted centrally on the spring mechanism to the housing of the robot.
A motor unit located at the rear of the housing. Under the hood lurks brushless motor with a relatively wide blades. This vacuum cleaner noise noticeably quieter than the competition during the harvest.
Delta Electronics Company production engine. Features are listed on the reverse side.
Under the touch screen is the main motherboard, which is attached to the three-axis gyro module below, derived connectors for sensors. The microcontroller located on the board, is designed to collect information from all sensors and control actuators (wheel drives, brushes, and so on. D.). He is the link between the software in the navigation module, and hardware parts of the robot. The microcontroller provides the CPU data, and executes the received control commands from it. The CPU is the second motherboard to the screen lid next to the camera module. The navigation module works under the Linux operating system, it contains in its composition and camera interfaces for communication with all the other components of the robot. The principle of operation is based on the technology SLAM (Simultaneous Location and Mapping) - method of simultaneous navigation and mapping, the robot used to build maps in an unknown space, with simultaneous control of the current location and distance traveled. to update the Connector Output in the dust bag compartment, but flashed a vacuum cleaner only with special programming in the service center.
Compare iCLEBO Omega model iCLEBO Arte
Previous model Arte sold on the Russian market since 2013. Omega model was developed from scratch and many components have been improved, but it can not fully replace Arte, rather each robot suitable for their needs and requirements. Now we see why.
To cope with the carpet, fine dust and animal hair in the room up to 75 square meters. m. (or up to 150 sq. m. in two cycles of cleaning)
Effective on any smooth surface, suitable for large rooms up to 150 square meters. m. (or up to 300 sq. m. in two cycles of harvest), one of the quietest
robots on the market navigation technology vSLAM + NST + gyro + odometer + sensors navigation technology vSLAM + gyro + odometer +
sensors Design features: two side brushes, special design for better cleaning of corners, the dust is located in the upper part of the body, floating brush module, rubber turbo brush design features: two side brushes, round design, the dust is located in the rear of the chassis, using a rubber scraper to help bristly turbo brush
Cleaning Modes: Auto (snake), Max (Double Snake) Local. There is also a wet wiping the floor mode, napkin increased by approximately 30%. Cleaning Modes: Auto (Snake), maximum (+ Snake Chaotic), Chaotic, Local, wet wiping the floor (there is an additional presence sensor swabs).
Sensors and transducers: camera, optical, infrared, dust sensor, a gyroscope, an odometer, filter present sensor, Hall sensor, mechanical (bumper, wheel and others). Only about 35 detectors and sensors. Sensors and Sensors: Camera, infrared, gyroscope, an odometer, a Hall sensor, mechanical (bumpers, wheels, etc.). Only about 25 detectors and sensors.
Battery Li-Ion 4400 mAh. 80 minutes in Auto mode (60 minutes in turbo mode). Charging time 180 minutes. Battery Li-Ion 2200 mAh. 120 minutes. Charging time 110 minutes.
Side brush 6ti-ray stiff. Summary: Rubber V6 Blade Side Brush 3-spoke soft. Summary: bristly + rubber scraper
Noise level: 68 dB Noise level: 55 dB
Components: Base with power supply for charging, remote control, additional pleated HEPA-filter, a magnetic tape limiter, side brushes, mops module with two microfiber cloth, batteries for the remote control, cleaning brush cleaner, instruction Options: Base with power supply for charging, remote control, two additional antibacterial HEPA-filter, a magnetic tape limiter, side brushes, mops module with two microfiber cloth, batteries for the remote control, cleaning brush cleaner, instruction
The main differences are shown in the table. As can be seen in many ways ahead of the new model of Omega Arte, but there are more weaknesses, for example, the Arte will be able to work in large rooms with cleaning the area up to 300 square meters. meters than Omega can not boast. Arte is quiet, you can quietly watch TV while operating the vacuum cleaner. Omega is also not very loud in comparison with competitors, but talk on the phone is no longer so comfortable. In general, the Arte great robot, if used mainly on smooth floors, and with a short-haired pets. Omega on the contrary, works well on carpets and long-haired coat is easy to collect animals. Here it should be noted that we are talking about carpets with low pile. On carpets with high pile will not work, none of the robots on the market (or will be useless for him to slip). There is still the youngest model in the lineup - iCLEBO Pop. She does not have the technology of building the card room, so this model is suitable for small apartments with an area of 60 square meters. meters. In these apartments for their 2 hours of a vacuum cleaner with a high degree of probability will be able to remove all the available area.
We conducted several tests on the most important characteristic of the robot cleaner - cleaning quality. Since iCLEBO Omega has the opportunity to build a room card, the sense to run a large area - not, anyway, he will travel anywhere. In the future, it will be interesting to compare several top-end robots with the system of construction of the card room, scattered debris into different rooms on smooth floors and carpets. In the meantime, we focus on the quality of cleaning of the model on carpets in a confined space. We also measured the level of noise emitted during operation at a distance of about 1 meter. He did not exceed 66 dB in the normal mode and 68 dB Turbo mode.
Unfortunately pets in the test apartment there, but there is a woman with hair up to 50 cm. It is worth noting that almost all of the hair fall into the container, but some may still wound on the edge of the turbo brush and two grooves in the middle of the brush. Short hair and wool will fall into the dust, they do not have time to become entangled due to the high suction flow and a lack of bristles on the turbo brush. Также часть длинных волос может попасть на боковые щетки и их необходимо тоже время от времени чистить. Дно робота почти идеально чистое, пыли на нем не оседает. В тестах мы рассыпали сахар по всей комнате и замеряли эффективность сбора 100 гр сахара в одном проходе пылесоса. В связи с тем, что часть мусора разлетается от удара боковых щеток, эффективность в одном проходе не будет достигать 100% результата. В нашем тесте пылесос собрал 94% сахара в комнате за один проход без модуля полотера (влажной протирки пола). Конечно же, если мусор будет лежать непосредственно на пути его следования, то эффективность будет практически 100%. Мы проверяли это, как на мелком мусоре (манка), так и на крупном (изюм). С другой стороны, этот же тип мусора на ковре не разлетается в стороны от боковых щеток и на нем iCLEBO показал даже лучший результат за счет высокой силы всасывания — 95%. Результаты теста на ковре с различным типом крупы представлены в таблице:
Тип мусора, поверхность — ковер Эффективность
Рис 100%
Сахар 95%
Манка 82%
Как видно из таблицы, результаты очень хорошие, учитывая что у нас полноценный ковер, а не ковролин. Даже такую мельчайшую крупу, как манку, робот собирает очень эффективно. Мы запускали пылесос в режиме влажной протирки пола, в комнате 20 кв. метров салфетка оставалась мокрой в течение всего цикла уборки и за ней был визуально заметен влажный след. Ниже представлено видео с небольшим обзором и тестами.
Корейская компания Yujin Robot в своем новом продукте сделала ставку на высокую мощность всасывания и достигла высоких результатов качества уборки. Если популярная модель iCLEBO Arte могла похвастаться хорошей проходимостью (преодолевает пороги до 20 мм), низким уровнем шума (всего 55 Дб), большой площадью уборки (до 300 кв. м. в двух циклах), то в модели Omega производитель сделал упор на достижение высоких результатов при уборке на коврах и легкости обслуживания (волосы почти не наматываются на щетку). В любом случае робот-пылесос нужно подбирать именно под Ваши нужды и потребности, учитывая интерьер помещения и условия использования продукта.

In developing the new model, the manufacturer has made the emphasis on the power of absorption and minimize the problem of cleaning the main brush from pet hair and long hair. The first and very important Omega models of competitive advantage - it is really high suction power. To implement this task, Yujin Robot engineers used the new brushless turbo engine with high efficiency and increased capacity of the Li-Ion battery at two times compared with the previous model Arte (Now its capacity is 4400 mAh). The robot is able to efficiently even collect fine dust, such as sand, with carpet (with a relatively small pile). According to the manufacturer the results of testing, Omega ahead of direct competitors in terms of efficiency up to 20%.

This robot also uses a system of mapping space using a large format camera, which is located on the upper part of the body. Hoover remembers the places where he had already cleaned. He remembers the location of the base for charging and returned it along the shortest path. No matter the 3 or 5-bedroom apartment you vacuum cleaner alone will pass through all the available rooms. If floor space is large enough, and the robot will not be able to get out of a charge cycle, it will return to the base, and will continue to be charged with cleaning the place too well. The Omega implemented two such consecutive cycles. If you need more thorough cleaning or a small area, it is possible to use MAX mode in which the first Omega will pass all of the available area of parallel lines at 90 degrees will unfold and will continue cleaning the same places but in a direction perpendicular to the original path. This new regime a double snake, which was not at the Arte model.
Through the use of new rubber turbo brush V6 Blade and high power of absorption, very high quality vacuum cleaner collects hair and pet dander. On the main turbo brush is almost no hair, wool and thread. Everything will fall into the dust, which is very easy to clean. The bottom of the vacuum cleaner and always clean, no need to rub it in. All you have to do is empty the dust collector and the robot is ready for operation. Behind it requires minimal maintenance. All this we will test and verify in practice, tests and video will be presented later in this article.

Engineers installed a variety of new sensors, such as contamination of the sensor and surface recognition sensor. If the path comes across a lot of garbage, Omega includes turbo-suction mode which increases the suction power and cleaning efficiency. On carpets robot also automatically includes the Turbo mode. Filter presence sensor will not allow the vacuum cleaner to run without his presence in the dust.
Design and equipment
The new robot vacuum cleaner is available in two color options Corps: iCLEBO Omega Gold (YCR-M07-10) and iCLEBO Omega White (YCR-M07-20). glossy plastic body, but the plastic material is a very high quality and its cover does not leave fingerprints on the surface. White Body Case looks like a color white / pearl metallic on cars, that is, has a certain depth of color. Appearance was designed in the design Innodesign Bureau. The shape of the vacuum cleaner is no longer round, special new side brush and suitable shape allows better clean the corners of the room. Omega is able to clean the corners with efficiency up to 96%. The vacuum cleaner has an ultra-thin profile height of only 87 mm, which means it is easily driven under the bed, chairs, cabinets and gather there for months accumulating dust.

Complete with a robot vacuum cleaner attached: the basis for charging with an external power supply, spare HEPA-filter (only in the Russian version of the delivery), a magnetic tape stopper (length is 1 meter, can limit harvesting zone), remote control (to set the time, the timer delayed start, robot control, return to the base, the choice of modes: forced turbo mode, overcoming the threshold mode), batteries for remote, cleaning brush and vacuum cleaner, of course, manual and warranty card in Russian.
On top of the housing cover is dust bag compartment. The dust collector has a pleated HEPA-filter. It can be easily cleaned of debris, the filter is attached to the latch. Dust collector can be rinsed with water, but it must be well dried before use to prevent moisture from getting inside the vacuum cleaner on the motherboard. In the dust collector housing and installed rubber gaskets, everything is quite tight. After 2-week samples in the flat was not detected in the accumulation of dust compartment dust collector was all inside it.


Just above it is the LCD touch screen. With it, you can turn on the vacuum cleaner, start to work, choose the cleaning mode. Modes of 3: Auto, Max and local cleaning. In Auto mode, the vacuum cleaner removes all the available places apartment, choosing the most optimal route, memorizing the location of the initial starting point. As in the Arte model uses the technology of building a visual map vSLAM premises. After returning to the base of the robot discards a card and the next time it is building anew. Omega model has another technology improves navigation in the apartment - NST (Non Slip Travelling). The algorithm allows to recover the route line on the comparative analysis of card space, created earlier. The maximum capacity vacuum cleaner removes parallel lines, perpendicular later and so on until the battery discharge. In this mode, it also builds a map of the room. In Local mode, vacuuming removes in a circle with a diameter of 1 meter, moving in a spiral. The display shows information about the on / off mode Turbo suction mode to overcome the rapids. If overcoming thresholds mode is disabled, the robot will not be able to overcome a height of 5 mm. Also, this mode should be used on dark floors. Above is the large-format camera with a viewing angle of 130 degrees.
On the front bumper sensors are located in the robot determine the distance to obstacles: PSD-optical and infrared sensors. Robot takes readings from the two types of sensors. Mechanical touch sensor is also mounted on the bumper, but now it is one (unlike Arte model) and is located just in the middle. The robot detects obstacles well and rarely physical contact with them. For additional protection, the furniture on the bumper has a rubber band, which does not leave any marks and softens the blow. The contour of the lower housing enables overcome cleaner thresholds up to 15 mm. On the rear surface of the housing are arranged openings blowing air.

We draw your attention to the design of the bottom of the Omega. The first thing that catches your eye - this is the driving wheels, angled. This design Yujin Robot decided to apply in connection with a modified form of the robot (now it is not round, as a model of Arte), and the displacement of the wheels away from the center. It was under such an arrangement, the wheel cleaner can properly unfold on level ground. We asked a question of the manufacturer, whether it will affect the rapid wear of wheel tread? We were told that the model of Omega tested for over a year in this form factor, the current supplied to the wheel with this arrangement varies only slightly and any deterioration in general will not be visible for a long time.

Another unique Unlike other robots on the market - the use of a 6-flap side brushes with different length of the villi. Brushes noticeably stiffer than the other robots. During the test we observed good performance podgrebaniya small debris (rice, cereals), especially on carpets. Brushes with soft bristles collected garbage worse. Main brush module has a floating mechanism. He repeats the floor contour and fit snugly to the surface. New rubber turbo brush V6 Blade very good job with the collection of any debris, including hair. In rare sluchayax hair wound on two central groove on the brush, and brush on the edge. Bearing hidden in a cylindrical housing, it generally does not wound during all tests. Cleared it with little effort, accidentally lose it will be difficult.
The front wheel is concealed under well casing located on the axis of the wheel magnetic sensor, and a robot body - to determine the odometer distance traversed. The whole structure is designed in such a way that the consumer exerted minimal effort to clean up the robot. Unfortunately, part of the hair will inevitably be wound on the side of the brush, and once every 3-4 cleaning will be necessary to remove them for cleaning. Side brushes are removed very easily thanks to the anchorages latch. No screws or bolts no. Bottom You can also attach a microfiber cloth, now she has even greater size. You can pre-moisten the cloth before cleaning, but you need a good squeeze to avoid wheel slip on wet and smooth surface.

robot device
In the lower part of the body are the contact plate of the charger, the sensors determine the level of the floor, the encoder measuring the distance traveled by the front wheel (odometer), the sensor tape-limiter. The odometer and the sensor tape operate on the principle of the Hall effect. Let's look at the vacuum cleaner cover and a brief rundown on the main unit. Dismantle the top cover and front bumper, get access to the inside of the filling robot. Immediately following elements are evident: the drive wheels, engine block, battery compartment, touch screen (which is located under the motherboard) and the board with the sensors in the front bumper. In the center is the dust.

Front view resembles a flying saucer aliens unassembled. It is located PSD and infrared distance sensors to objects. The bumper is mounted centrally on the spring mechanism to the housing of the robot.

A motor unit located at the rear of the housing. Under the hood lurks brushless motor with a relatively wide blades. This vacuum cleaner noise noticeably quieter than the competition during the harvest.

Delta Electronics Company production engine. Features are listed on the reverse side.

Under the touch screen is the main motherboard, which is attached to the three-axis gyro module below, derived connectors for sensors. The microcontroller located on the board, is designed to collect information from all sensors and control actuators (wheel drives, brushes, and so on. D.). He is the link between the software in the navigation module, and hardware parts of the robot. The microcontroller provides the CPU data, and executes the received control commands from it. The CPU is the second motherboard to the screen lid next to the camera module. The navigation module works under the Linux operating system, it contains in its composition and camera interfaces for communication with all the other components of the robot. The principle of operation is based on the technology SLAM (Simultaneous Location and Mapping) - method of simultaneous navigation and mapping, the robot used to build maps in an unknown space, with simultaneous control of the current location and distance traveled. to update the Connector Output in the dust bag compartment, but flashed a vacuum cleaner only with special programming in the service center.

Compare iCLEBO Omega model iCLEBO Arte
Previous model Arte sold on the Russian market since 2013. Omega model was developed from scratch and many components have been improved, but it can not fully replace Arte, rather each robot suitable for their needs and requirements. Now we see why.

To cope with the carpet, fine dust and animal hair in the room up to 75 square meters. m. (or up to 150 sq. m. in two cycles of cleaning)

Effective on any smooth surface, suitable for large rooms up to 150 square meters. m. (or up to 300 sq. m. in two cycles of harvest), one of the quietest
robots on the market navigation technology vSLAM + NST + gyro + odometer + sensors navigation technology vSLAM + gyro + odometer +
sensors Design features: two side brushes, special design for better cleaning of corners, the dust is located in the upper part of the body, floating brush module, rubber turbo brush design features: two side brushes, round design, the dust is located in the rear of the chassis, using a rubber scraper to help bristly turbo brush
Cleaning Modes: Auto (snake), Max (Double Snake) Local. There is also a wet wiping the floor mode, napkin increased by approximately 30%. Cleaning Modes: Auto (Snake), maximum (+ Snake Chaotic), Chaotic, Local, wet wiping the floor (there is an additional presence sensor swabs).
Sensors and transducers: camera, optical, infrared, dust sensor, a gyroscope, an odometer, filter present sensor, Hall sensor, mechanical (bumper, wheel and others). Only about 35 detectors and sensors. Sensors and Sensors: Camera, infrared, gyroscope, an odometer, a Hall sensor, mechanical (bumpers, wheels, etc.). Only about 25 detectors and sensors.
Battery Li-Ion 4400 mAh. 80 minutes in Auto mode (60 minutes in turbo mode). Charging time 180 minutes. Battery Li-Ion 2200 mAh. 120 minutes. Charging time 110 minutes.
Side brush 6ti-ray stiff. Summary: Rubber V6 Blade Side Brush 3-spoke soft. Summary: bristly + rubber scraper
Noise level: 68 dB Noise level: 55 dB
Components: Base with power supply for charging, remote control, additional pleated HEPA-filter, a magnetic tape limiter, side brushes, mops module with two microfiber cloth, batteries for the remote control, cleaning brush cleaner, instruction Options: Base with power supply for charging, remote control, two additional antibacterial HEPA-filter, a magnetic tape limiter, side brushes, mops module with two microfiber cloth, batteries for the remote control, cleaning brush cleaner, instruction
The main differences are shown in the table. As can be seen in many ways ahead of the new model of Omega Arte, but there are more weaknesses, for example, the Arte will be able to work in large rooms with cleaning the area up to 300 square meters. meters than Omega can not boast. Arte is quiet, you can quietly watch TV while operating the vacuum cleaner. Omega is also not very loud in comparison with competitors, but talk on the phone is no longer so comfortable. In general, the Arte great robot, if used mainly on smooth floors, and with a short-haired pets. Omega on the contrary, works well on carpets and long-haired coat is easy to collect animals. Here it should be noted that we are talking about carpets with low pile. On carpets with high pile will not work, none of the robots on the market (or will be useless for him to slip). There is still the youngest model in the lineup - iCLEBO Pop. She does not have the technology of building the card room, so this model is suitable for small apartments with an area of 60 square meters. meters. In these apartments for their 2 hours of a vacuum cleaner with a high degree of probability will be able to remove all the available area.

We conducted several tests on the most important characteristic of the robot cleaner - cleaning quality. Since iCLEBO Omega has the opportunity to build a room card, the sense to run a large area - not, anyway, he will travel anywhere. In the future, it will be interesting to compare several top-end robots with the system of construction of the card room, scattered debris into different rooms on smooth floors and carpets. In the meantime, we focus on the quality of cleaning of the model on carpets in a confined space. We also measured the level of noise emitted during operation at a distance of about 1 meter. He did not exceed 66 dB in the normal mode and 68 dB Turbo mode.

Unfortunately pets in the test apartment there, but there is a woman with hair up to 50 cm. It is worth noting that almost all of the hair fall into the container, but some may still wound on the edge of the turbo brush and two grooves in the middle of the brush. Short hair and wool will fall into the dust, they do not have time to become entangled due to the high suction flow and a lack of bristles on the turbo brush. Также часть длинных волос может попасть на боковые щетки и их необходимо тоже время от времени чистить. Дно робота почти идеально чистое, пыли на нем не оседает. В тестах мы рассыпали сахар по всей комнате и замеряли эффективность сбора 100 гр сахара в одном проходе пылесоса. В связи с тем, что часть мусора разлетается от удара боковых щеток, эффективность в одном проходе не будет достигать 100% результата. В нашем тесте пылесос собрал 94% сахара в комнате за один проход без модуля полотера (влажной протирки пола). Конечно же, если мусор будет лежать непосредственно на пути его следования, то эффективность будет практически 100%. Мы проверяли это, как на мелком мусоре (манка), так и на крупном (изюм). С другой стороны, этот же тип мусора на ковре не разлетается в стороны от боковых щеток и на нем iCLEBO показал даже лучший результат за счет высокой силы всасывания — 95%. Результаты теста на ковре с различным типом крупы представлены в таблице:
Тип мусора, поверхность — ковер Эффективность
Рис 100%
Сахар 95%
Манка 82%
Как видно из таблицы, результаты очень хорошие, учитывая что у нас полноценный ковер, а не ковролин. Даже такую мельчайшую крупу, как манку, робот собирает очень эффективно. Мы запускали пылесос в режиме влажной протирки пола, в комнате 20 кв. метров салфетка оставалась мокрой в течение всего цикла уборки и за ней был визуально заметен влажный след. Ниже представлено видео с небольшим обзором и тестами.
Корейская компания Yujin Robot в своем новом продукте сделала ставку на высокую мощность всасывания и достигла высоких результатов качества уборки. Если популярная модель iCLEBO Arte могла похвастаться хорошей проходимостью (преодолевает пороги до 20 мм), низким уровнем шума (всего 55 Дб), большой площадью уборки (до 300 кв. м. в двух циклах), то в модели Omega производитель сделал упор на достижение высоких результатов при уборке на коврах и легкости обслуживания (волосы почти не наматываются на щетку). В любом случае робот-пылесос нужно подбирать именно под Ваши нужды и потребности, учитывая интерьер помещения и условия использования продукта.