Robotics (32 photos)
Robotics is developing rapidly and spread into many areas of our lives since industry and medicine, unmanned reconnaissance and ending of everyday use. Japanese developers create robots to assist the elderly, the space agency NASA is developing a new generation of space explorers and other planets, others - are looking for ways to use robots for new forms of entertainment. It collected a small amount of photos, allowing to take a look already created and perhaps even look in the near future.
1. Robot Twendy-One demonstrates its ability to accurately manipulate the drinking straw at the Department of Machine Engineering in Tokyo on January 14, 2009. The robot is designed to assist the elderly.
2. NASA. Lemur Robot (LEMUR - Limbed Excursion Mechanical Utility Robot) is designed to maintain the equipment in space. His later models could be used to build large objects in space.
3. A robot named "Da Vinci" helps surgeons perform surgery on a hernia. Geneva, Switzerland.
4. The reaction of the Spanish Queen Sofia, King Juan Carlos, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko after the demonstration opportunities robotic suit makes it easy to lift a 30-pound bags of rice.
5. Humanoid robot Wakamaru, developed by Mitsubishi participates in the first in the world of experimental theatrical performance featuring robots and humans.
6. Robot for bomb disposal.
7. German Chancellor Angela Merkel poses with a robot "Bruno".
8. Fire Department Tokyo conducts anti-terror test robot. The robot makes a dummy victim from exposure toxic substances.
9. The underwater robot "RoboLobster" intended to commit the changes in the composition of sea water, as well as to find and destroy underwater mines.
10. Robot "Athlete" is intended to address areas with difficult terrain. It may be used in future lunar expeditions.
11. The robot manufactured by Toyota.
12. Urologist Dr. Clifford Gluck for remote control robot "Da Vinci".
13. The Japanese Minister of Health is testing a robot called "My Spoon" (my spoon). The robot is designed to help with eating partially paralyzed people and those who for some other reason can not eat on their own.
14. Robots manufactured by Toyota demonstrate their ability to play a musical instrument.
16. Farmer Wu Yulu has a hobby - it makes robots with 1986. This model - his last and biggest development. The robot is designed to move the wagon.
17. humanoid robot "Bertha" in the London Science Museum.
18. Development of NASA. Experimental Robot for K-10 "Red" is used for three-dimensional scanning area.
19. American soldiers watching robot "Big Dog" (Big Dog). This robot has become extremely popular due to its unique system stability.
20. humanoid robot prepares tea.
22. Clara Wu, software architect, watching robot "Mr. Incredible ", the second generation of robots designed to monitor the plants in the greenhouse. The robot follows the growth of plants and can automatically transplanted and grown plants require more space.
23. Robot Tyrannosaurus Rex.
24. Student Tokyo Institute of Technology demonstrates a prototype robot "bino3" security guard on show in Tokyo on March 3, 2009. "Bino3" has four mobile "eyes", allows the robot to follow the attacker.
25. Robots in action on an automated warehouse.
26. Synthetic Face Robot.
27. Remotely controlled robot for bomb disposal.
28. Robotic seals. Used in Japanese hospitals to calm patients and in nursing homes.
29. Robots in the Iranian car factory near Tehran.
30. Taiwan. Robot-guide produced by MSI.
31. March 2, 2009. Terminator T-800 and its distant ancestor
32. The Mars Science Laboratory is ready to be launched in 2011.

1. Robot Twendy-One demonstrates its ability to accurately manipulate the drinking straw at the Department of Machine Engineering in Tokyo on January 14, 2009. The robot is designed to assist the elderly.

2. NASA. Lemur Robot (LEMUR - Limbed Excursion Mechanical Utility Robot) is designed to maintain the equipment in space. His later models could be used to build large objects in space.

3. A robot named "Da Vinci" helps surgeons perform surgery on a hernia. Geneva, Switzerland.

4. The reaction of the Spanish Queen Sofia, King Juan Carlos, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko after the demonstration opportunities robotic suit makes it easy to lift a 30-pound bags of rice.

5. Humanoid robot Wakamaru, developed by Mitsubishi participates in the first in the world of experimental theatrical performance featuring robots and humans.

6. Robot for bomb disposal.

7. German Chancellor Angela Merkel poses with a robot "Bruno".

8. Fire Department Tokyo conducts anti-terror test robot. The robot makes a dummy victim from exposure toxic substances.

9. The underwater robot "RoboLobster" intended to commit the changes in the composition of sea water, as well as to find and destroy underwater mines.

10. Robot "Athlete" is intended to address areas with difficult terrain. It may be used in future lunar expeditions.

11. The robot manufactured by Toyota.

12. Urologist Dr. Clifford Gluck for remote control robot "Da Vinci".
13. The Japanese Minister of Health is testing a robot called "My Spoon" (my spoon). The robot is designed to help with eating partially paralyzed people and those who for some other reason can not eat on their own.

14. Robots manufactured by Toyota demonstrate their ability to play a musical instrument.


16. Farmer Wu Yulu has a hobby - it makes robots with 1986. This model - his last and biggest development. The robot is designed to move the wagon.

17. humanoid robot "Bertha" in the London Science Museum.

18. Development of NASA. Experimental Robot for K-10 "Red" is used for three-dimensional scanning area.

19. American soldiers watching robot "Big Dog" (Big Dog). This robot has become extremely popular due to its unique system stability.

20. humanoid robot prepares tea.


22. Clara Wu, software architect, watching robot "Mr. Incredible ", the second generation of robots designed to monitor the plants in the greenhouse. The robot follows the growth of plants and can automatically transplanted and grown plants require more space.

23. Robot Tyrannosaurus Rex.

24. Student Tokyo Institute of Technology demonstrates a prototype robot "bino3" security guard on show in Tokyo on March 3, 2009. "Bino3" has four mobile "eyes", allows the robot to follow the attacker.

25. Robots in action on an automated warehouse.

26. Synthetic Face Robot.

27. Remotely controlled robot for bomb disposal.

28. Robotic seals. Used in Japanese hospitals to calm patients and in nursing homes.

29. Robots in the Iranian car factory near Tehran.

30. Taiwan. Robot-guide produced by MSI.

31. March 2, 2009. Terminator T-800 and its distant ancestor

32. The Mars Science Laboratory is ready to be launched in 2011.