Rising temperatures - why and why

Virtually anyone during the illness suffer from high temperature, accompanied by chills. Any, even the slightest deviation from the norm of the temperature indicates that the body has begun some inflammation. Considered normal body temperature to 37 degrees Celsius, somebody above someone below. And every disease gives a picture of the temperature, with ups and downs. According to temperature fluctuations doctor may very likely determine exactly what is sick people, but, unfortunately, did not determine the nature of the temperature. Making the body temperature can special substances - tirogeny, which may be formed in the body or by the functioning of immune cells, waste products or be caught in the body of harmful bacteria.
Today it is known that high temperature causes the disease die bakterii.

The high temperature all the processes of the body will begin to take place, as a result produces more than the usual number of hormones, enzymes, and blood cells. Blood cells responsible for the "murder" of the bacteria are active, but due to our frequent breathing their decay products and toxins excreted more quickly, without poisoning it.
On the other hand, the prolonged high temperatures can destroy the proteins, the lack of which would adversely affect our state. Furthermore, any increase in temperature - is an additional load on the heart and lungs, resulting in increased demand temperaturyaschih organism of nutrients and oxygen. Advantageously receive antipyretics, when the thermometer indicates higher than 38 degrees, in the case of chronic diseases temperature threshold can be lowered. See also: How to protect yourself from the cold?
Source: po4emu.ru/index.php?id=156