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Russian bath — the forgotten tool in the fight against diseases

To stay young and not bend under diseases, it is necessary not to allow the processes of decay (aging) ahead of the processes of synthesis. The body can every 11 months to change the obsolete cells to the new, but alas...

People mostly don't use this amazing feature of the body: allowing the collapse to stay ahead of the synthesis. To update cells was faster than they decay, it is necessary to periodically undertake a physiologically useful starvation. In the hungry period of austerity, the body goes on reserve food: taking food only diseased cells. They go with the flow of blood to the stomach: where them “eats” the gastric juice, being the main heat exchanger is anything that interferes with the body work.

However, most easier to die than to limit yourself in food. Other healing measures, whether it's running, water treatments, embryonic breathing, and others, this effect does not give. Each measure is able to slow down the decay, but no more: extend the life for 20-30 years. However, these measures are used by few. With the exception of bathing. Treatments accelerate the blood is not worse than Jogging. When the blood has a strong current, it treats the diseased tissue. The heat bath is effective even against cancer: inhibiting cancer cells.

In the middle ages of Western Europe lost 25 million people: perished from cholera. Russia is epidemic spared: as there loved to take a steam bath. When Western Europe, unwashed, in comparison with Russia, was struck by a new epidemic, and it is about a deadly plague, the Russians again ran bathhouse: where the same loved to amuse themselves Park as the peasants and the Lord. But then in Western Europe did not make findings on the blessed personal hygiene: avoiding baths and other water treatments. Queen of Spain Isabella of Castile, for example (the 15th century) confessed that his whole life washed only twice – at birth and on the day of the wedding.

French king Louis XIV issued an edict, recommending it “not to feel sorry for strong spirits when you visit the yard to their flavor drowned out the stench from their clothes and those of” (see “Christmas heat” by A. Galich). Instead of the bath treatment was recommended perfume.

Centuries passed before Western Europe have linked the epidemic with the purity of the body. It was a late, but correct conclusion. Leather, making up 20% of the total weight of the person, it is quite a large organ. It's half a meter of tissue: affecting which water and heat, we vozdeistviem curing all other organs. It must be kept absolutely clean in order for it to fulfill its multiple functions: as protecting people from cold and from overheating, and dangerous microbes.

It turns out that the skin contains a lysozyme detrimental to microbes. The skin is involved in respiration, metabolism, etc. Multiple pores on the skin are channels through which it displays, together with then the decay products. Acting on the skin with warmth, can heal severe ailments, including cancer. Bath procedure is indispensable in the effects of this kind.

Before you understand what the strength of the bath treatment, it is necessary to learn: that the blood, if the channel does not lose speed, it is a powerful healing tool. Bath and so valuable that gets the blood pumping: reinforcing its direction. A. Zalmanov, a famous medical researcher, studying the role of bath treatments in the strengthening of blood flow, created a method of capillarotherapy. The medic worked mainly with capillary portion of the circulatory system: since it runs 80% of the blood. Where he managed to clear the capillaries and restore blood flow, blood itself and healed. The blood “cure” any part of the body: if you bring up the capillaries and let it run at a speed of 8-9 rounds per minute.

The heat bath is indispensable in the creation of a strong blood flow which cleans the blood vessels, removing with cholesterol and other layers like a strong jet of water. To enhance the flow of blood, and to remove layers from the walls of the blood vessels can only be a strong blood flow, it is necessary to warm up the body: what's the best way makes the heat bath. Redness of the skin signaling that the heating failed. In response to the exposure of the skin to warm her rapidly flowing blood: therefore the body temperature rises. This is because the skin contains the set of receptors: the nerve endings. On 1 sq cm of the tip of the fingers, for example, about 100 sensitive points.

There are on the skin and thermoreceptors. They instantly react to heat: transmitting excitation in the brain. This kind of “headquarters”, from where they are to command various systems. Information about the thermal effect on the skin takes the hypothalamus: the tiny part of the brain, which not only regulates sleep, appetite, emotions, wakefulness, thirst, and body temperature. In response to heat, the hypothalamus responds by vasodilation. Tiny nerve fibrils are forced to expand the capillaries under the action of heat. According to him, the blood from the depot is drawn in margin: intended to treat diseased tissue. A rush of blood to the skin means that its direction has increased dramatically: that is favorable for the treatment of diseases.

Breaking through the capillaries, the flow of blood along the way to clean them: bringing food to the starving cells and taking in its course obsolete cells and toxins. So recovering the movement of fluids, including krovoobmen in the body. So affecting the skin bath heat, we vozdeistviem on a peripheral brain. This is the main function of the skin. “Scientists estimate that within the hour the body can produce this amount of heat, enough to boil a liter of ice water”. This property of the organism and it is necessary to use: creating using heating or otherwise blood flow such force, that he could literally “wash” the diseased tissue, hard to feed them and treat.

Here are a few examples of how treats blood flow, normalizing blood composition, if you can create a strong direction. After a bath, blood tests recorded the growth of hemoglobin and number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and leukocytes (white blood cells). Enough to enhance blood flow to 8-9 rounds per minute to improve the quality of the blood.

What, for example, does the growth of white blood cells in the blood: known as white blood balls? This means that the elimination of microbes and viruses will be strengthened. Because leukocytes are hungry microbes. In terms of a strong blood flow, and blood must move at a speed of 8-9 rounds per minute, normalized and the heart. Pulse rate increases by 20 beats per minute: although bath treatments pulse had not the best performance. The heat bath, increasing the channel of blood, and strengthens all metabolic processes including oxidative. This is extremely important for health because blood carries not only nutrients, water and oxygen. And it is a powerful purifier of the body.

So if there is a determination to restore their health, work on improving of the channel of blood. When it is strong, and everyone has their personal superdoctor. It is his own blood.

Water is essential in the metabolism: how take in, and in the form of baths. All life processes take place with the participation of water. Through it, both cold and hot curing can affect all organs.

This is possible because water has the property of dielectric constant. Due to this, it can overcome the adhesion between the molecules and atoms of substances. That's why acting on the skin as the largest organ, we get a quick effect of the treatment of all other organs. Two buckets of cold water poured out one after the other on the head of poisoned wine, mushrooms, etc., creating a single body high temperature, will save unfortunate: since most of the germs and toxins are killed in high temperature.

So keep in mind that ice water looks like a one-time, creates a powerful flow of blood, saving even one who received a strong poisoning. If it is an hour before warmed up, topple a couple of buckets of cold water, the effects of the poisoning will go away completely. A. Zalmanov was administered to his patients a hot bath: using the method of thermotherapy. He was added to the hot baths of various kinds of emulsion. When people were warmed, healing emulsion began to be absorbed into the skin: acting on dissolving deposits accumulated in the joints, vessels, internal organs, etc. Very effective, for example, turpentine baths.

Turpentine is a strong solvent. Easily penetrating through the heated skin, dissolving it acts on all kinds of layering, cleaning cloth. Easily soaked, turpentine affects the nerve endings: increasing the flow of blood. Turpentine baths with white emulsion applied with myocardial infarction, deforming polyarthritis, muscle atrophy, flaccid paralysis, prostatitis, impotence, to accelerate the fusion of the joints, etc. As the healing heat therapy, assure the practice of the conventional hot tubs: without adding any emulsion.

Even such a simple procedure, like a hot bath in a city apartment, without adding any treating substances, perfectly accelerates the blood causing the blood to get nutrition to the diseased tissues and treat them. Fitness improvement occurs immediately that can check in every time of ill health. Don't let low spin wave, and the disease has a low wave. Urgently go to the bath, to warm up: if you feel unwell. Take at least a hot bathroom, if you can not take the heat bath.

Any deterioration in health, from whatever this illness nor was is it a consequence of the weakening of blood circulation in the region of the patient's body, legs, this, heart, lungs, joints, etc. Need no pills to swallow, and it is urgent to establish blood flow. Take the example of famous people, not allowing them to stagnate their blood. Here, for example, worked to maintain strong blood flow A. Suvorov. “Starting from a young age, he was up at 3 a.m. and within an hour was doing gymnastics: running, jumping, etc. Then ice-cold water, and if it was winter – cold.

A. Suvorov loved and in the sauna to sweat. In the bath he has survived a terrible fever, after which it was poured 10 buckets of cold water!”. Such is the nature of endurance and wisdom. But how many know that A. Pushkin, getting up in the morning, immersed in a cold bath, creating a strong current of blood is not only a hot bath heat, but ice water. A bucket of cold water spilled into a few seconds on the body, one raises the temperature to 39 degrees: the disastrous for most viruses. Loved to sweat in the bath and Socrates, the famous philosopher. It dispersed the blood, and another measure, seriously doing sports.published

Used information from the book by A. Galich “Generous heat”


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: tetapalitra.ru/russkaya-banya-zabytoe-sredstvo-borby-s-boleznyami/