Put IT in socks, and the cold will retreat!
Mustard for colds can be used in different ways. Put some mustard, others do hot foot bath with mustard, and others — poured it in socks. And each method of treatment according to his own good. But we will look at how the mustard, if you sprinkle it in your socks.
The principle of the mustard socks
Mustard socks are the same as mustard — they have a warming effect. Mustard in its composition contains a lot of essential oils that irritate the skin and make blood circulation to speed up. But the mustard act quickly, it's very easy to burn. But if mustard powder to put dry socks, it will operate slowly, but the risk of sunburn will be minimal.
How mustard socks can help with colds, eliminating colds? It turns out that on the feet there are many nerve endings. And if they act properly, we can treat a variety of diseases, including the common cold, which is often a symptom of a cold. When warming stop the cold recedes, the person feels better.
How to pour mustard in your socks?
Mustard, covered in socks, can help only in two cases:
1. When you have just discovered the first symptoms of a cold;
2. When the disease has passed at least 3-4 days.
In the first case, you will prevent disease and preserve their own health. And the second will accelerate the healing process. Mustard in your socks, like mustard, applied in the period of acute colds (1-3 days), do not help to heal: they begin to cause inflammatory diseases.
Pour mustard in socks can be for both adults and children over one year. If the child is under one year, before using mustard you should consult with your pediatrician. Mustard is poured into the socks as follows:
1. First check to see whether dry feet. If the child had a cold, the legs in any case, wipe with a dry towel. If mustard gets wet, it will burn the skin of the feet, which can cause burns;
2. In a cotton sock sprinkled mustard powder. For a child, enough 0,5-1 teaspoon of powder in each sock. For adults — 1-2 tablespoons. The quantity of powder depends on the size of the foot;
3. Socks put on his feet, and over another one — of wool or Terry;
4. Socks is not removed within 6-8 hours. Therefore, their preferred to put on before bed.
If the child is small, the mustard can cause Allergy. To test the reaction of the child to the mustard, you need the first time to wear mustard socks on top — thin. If everything is OK, then you can pour the mustard into socks again and again, until the cold disappears. To mustard not wet, the child should wear disposable diapers. If it so happened that the socks get wet, they should be immediately removed so as not to burn.
Mustard shooting socks in the morning. Rinse feet in warm water and be sure to dress them warm wool socks.
Other methods of treatment of colds mustard
For adults and older children before bedtime while colds can make a foot bath with mustard. To do this:
Mustard — an old method of treating colds. With colds, bronchitis and pneumonia mustard put on the chest and on the shoulder, and the space between them:
1. The mustard plaster moistened in warm water and apply to the skin;
2. To mustard leaves or bags will not fall, and they are fixed. This baby can be wrapped in a diaper;
3. Patient covered with blanket, leaving the mustard for 15-20 minutes;
4. If a cold baby, the procedure may take less time, as the skin of the baby is very delicate, it is easy to burn.
Contraindications to the use of mustard
Colds mustard is allowed, if:
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Source: prostuda03.ru/narodnye-recepty/64-kak-lechit-nasmork-gorchicey-v-noski.html

The principle of the mustard socks
Mustard socks are the same as mustard — they have a warming effect. Mustard in its composition contains a lot of essential oils that irritate the skin and make blood circulation to speed up. But the mustard act quickly, it's very easy to burn. But if mustard powder to put dry socks, it will operate slowly, but the risk of sunburn will be minimal.
How mustard socks can help with colds, eliminating colds? It turns out that on the feet there are many nerve endings. And if they act properly, we can treat a variety of diseases, including the common cold, which is often a symptom of a cold. When warming stop the cold recedes, the person feels better.
How to pour mustard in your socks?
Mustard, covered in socks, can help only in two cases:
1. When you have just discovered the first symptoms of a cold;
2. When the disease has passed at least 3-4 days.
In the first case, you will prevent disease and preserve their own health. And the second will accelerate the healing process. Mustard in your socks, like mustard, applied in the period of acute colds (1-3 days), do not help to heal: they begin to cause inflammatory diseases.
Pour mustard in socks can be for both adults and children over one year. If the child is under one year, before using mustard you should consult with your pediatrician. Mustard is poured into the socks as follows:
1. First check to see whether dry feet. If the child had a cold, the legs in any case, wipe with a dry towel. If mustard gets wet, it will burn the skin of the feet, which can cause burns;
2. In a cotton sock sprinkled mustard powder. For a child, enough 0,5-1 teaspoon of powder in each sock. For adults — 1-2 tablespoons. The quantity of powder depends on the size of the foot;
3. Socks put on his feet, and over another one — of wool or Terry;
4. Socks is not removed within 6-8 hours. Therefore, their preferred to put on before bed.
If the child is small, the mustard can cause Allergy. To test the reaction of the child to the mustard, you need the first time to wear mustard socks on top — thin. If everything is OK, then you can pour the mustard into socks again and again, until the cold disappears. To mustard not wet, the child should wear disposable diapers. If it so happened that the socks get wet, they should be immediately removed so as not to burn.
Mustard shooting socks in the morning. Rinse feet in warm water and be sure to dress them warm wool socks.
Other methods of treatment of colds mustard
For adults and older children before bedtime while colds can make a foot bath with mustard. To do this:
- Take a basin of hot water (its temperature should be 40-45 degree);
- Stir in water 2 to 3 tablespoons of mustard;
- Lower legs and hold up until water cools.
Mustard — an old method of treating colds. With colds, bronchitis and pneumonia mustard put on the chest and on the shoulder, and the space between them:
1. The mustard plaster moistened in warm water and apply to the skin;
2. To mustard leaves or bags will not fall, and they are fixed. This baby can be wrapped in a diaper;
3. Patient covered with blanket, leaving the mustard for 15-20 minutes;
4. If a cold baby, the procedure may take less time, as the skin of the baby is very delicate, it is easy to burn.

Contraindications to the use of mustard
Colds mustard is allowed, if:
- There is an individual intolerance to the product;
- On the skin there is damage in the form of scratches and small cracks;
- On the skin rash;
- There are temperature;
- Child less than 1 year;
- Since the beginning of the disease is not passed three days.
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Source: prostuda03.ru/narodnye-recepty/64-kak-lechit-nasmork-gorchicey-v-noski.html