Little-known uses for lemon in Oriental medicine

In skin diseases, herpes, eczema, fungus and warts, in addition to taking lemon juice inside on the affected areas, RUB lemon juice, causing itching and redness will decrease.
Instruction of yoga for skin care. Cut the lemon in half and RUB them elbows so softens rough skin, then rinse with lemon juice and brush elbows with vegetable oil. Do the same with the knee and neck. Then with gentle movements up and down and RUB the juice the skin under the chin. (Take care of the skin of the whole body equally.) After the procedure, brush it with vegetable oil.
If the body is not acne, but the skin peels off like if dandruff is a symptom of seborrheic eczema. It is successfully treated, applying to the affected area at night a compress of fresh orange peels.
Lemon juice is indispensable for the treatment of skin cracking on hands in cold weather: it makes the skin soft and the nails shiny. Lemon juice successfully treat frostbitten parts of the body.
When loose facial skin the good effect of the mask: in the winter, lemon in the summer — cucumber. To prepare the lemon masks the fruit clean, remove the grains with a fork and mash the pulp. Face smear with a fat cream, and on top apply a thin layer of cotton wool. Lemon mask evenly on the wool. Place lemon mask dries, adding a new batch. After 10-15 minutes the cotton wool with lemon weight remove and lubricate the face fat cream. After the mask is useful to Pat on the face with a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice.
Lemon mask tightens pores, cleanses and strengthens the skin. The following is interesting: in the treatment of lemon juice of any internal disease, the patient disappear freckles.
Bleeding.Lemon juice contains potassium and rutin — vitamin, which in combination with ascorbic acid strengthens and makes the elastic walls of blood vessels. It was known to the yogis thousands of years ago (this includes grapefruit and oranges).
With nosebleeds introduce into the nostrils with a cotton swab soaked with lemon juice. If heavy bleeding occurs, retract the nose in a liquid consisting of a glass of cold water and the juice of 1/4 of a lemon, hold it for 3-5 minutes, holding the nostrils with your fingers, quietly sit or wait, but do not go, and on the forehead and nose, place a wet cold towel or ice.
With a strong female bleeding mix 6 egg whites 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid and the mixture drink. If necessary, repeat.
Put it in a Cup of boiling water 2 teaspoons of dry rose hips, steep and drink 3 times a day after meals. This infusion improves the blood.
Healers recommend to use citrus fruit peels in the treatment decoctions and better as a food Supplement in the form of dry powder. This primarily refers to the peel of tangerines and grapefruits.
Malaria. During the day eat 1 lemon zest. The course of treatment 4-6 days. Eat a grapefruit, which contains natural quinine.
Migraine. Mix 150 g of grated on a fine grater horseradish, 0.5 kg of chopped with peel, but without seeds oranges, 300 g sugar and 1 liter of red wine, simmer in a sealed container in the bath for 1 hour, then cool, strain, drink migraine 1/2 Cup 2 hours after a meal. Tie a hot towel head, grabbing a whiskey, and on the forehead and temples put a slice of fresh lemon.
Brain.To prevent the mental strain, use the following recipe. RUB a head of garlic and pour over it 1 Cup of sunflower oil. 1 day put the mixture in the refrigerator. Then pour into it 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Take 1 tablespoon for 0.5 hours before eating. The course of treatment — at least a month. To achieve a stable effect you can extend the reception of a mixture of up to three months. While cleared the blood vessels of the brain.
Drink fresh hot water, as long standing boiled water tells the body sluggish and stale air lowers the susceptibility of the brain.
Corn.Before going to sleep steam the foot in hot water, wipe dry and bind to corn lemon peel with a small amount of pulp. Better — cut off the crust of lemon, which added to corn. After 4-5 days the corn will be completely.
The elixir of youth. Healers believe that one of the conditions of preservation of youth receiving each day on an empty stomach mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
Squeeze the juice of 24 lemons, mince 400 g of garlic, pour everything in a jar with a wide mouth, tie it with a cloth and leave to infuse for 24 days in a cool dark place. Take 1 once a day before bed: 1 teaspoon of mixture, stir in 0.5 cups of water. After 2 weeks, the person ceases to feel fatigue, it improves sleep.
Every spring, collect leaves of dandelion, nettle, yarrow, plantain and sorrel — a total of not less than 0.5 kg (fresh). Wash them at night and cover with cold water so that the grass was only covered. In the morning remove the leaves and squeeze, add to the infusion of lemon juice and honey, drink it whole day little by little. To collect herbs in a large amount does not follow, as the dry leaves are less good.
Bladder. In diseases of the bladder, drink lemon juice with honey and olive oil in a nice section.
Pour 1 tablespoon grated horseradish 1 Cup hot milk, soak for 10 minutes in warm, strain and drink in SIPS slowly.
If allocated urine has an unpleasant odor to completely eliminate from the diet all protein foods, acidified drink lemon water (at least 2 liters per day).
Disease for men. Hypertrophy of the prostate, drink a tea made from ginseng root. After taking the tea for three hours not to drink any fruit, including citrus juices. Ginseng should not be consumed in the summer and people over 65.
Male infertility. In the old days, recommended the following recipe: mix 3 egg yolks of fresh eggs, the juice of 3 lemons, 200 g of honey and 200 grams of cognac. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
Mix equal proportions of lemon juice, celery juice and honey. Take for inflammation of the adenoma and the prostate 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day for 0.5 hours before eating.
English writer Morton Walker spent several years among famous for its longevity Hunza-Kuty. He was particularly interested in the lifestyle, which extends the sexuality of the elderly. We offer you one of the recipes of the tribe. They make cottage cheese and nonfat yogurt. Often store milk for eight days in the stomach of a recently killed pet, the walls of which still secrete rennet. This enzyme fermented milk which is then blended with orange peel, lightly crushed and serve. Eggs drink directly through the opening in the shell. Eat fruit almost the whole day.
Caucasian recipe for sexual activity — a pink bow. Some eat it raw, others season almost any dish, cook onion onion soup or various salads. Pink onions are known since ancient times as one of the most potent stimulators of sexual possibilities. Residents of Italy claim that fried with pink onions is able to awaken the feelings even of those from whom they had faded many years ago. Pliny the Elder wrote Onions and flaccid husbands pushes in embraces of Venus.
Boils. Recommended 3-day fast, during which you should drink water with lemon juice. This post will help ease the pain that accompany such abscesses.
Bake in the oven onion and apply it on the boil and bandage. Change the dressing every 3 hours. If you do this procedure is not possible, prepare the following ingredients: a piece of propolis 5 minute boil with vaseline or butter, they soaked cotton wool apply on the abscess, bandage and change the bandage during the day.
Excess.Any excess is minus the soul plus diseases of the body. Intemperance in alcohol leads to alcoholism and a slow disintegration of the nervous system, intemperance in food to obesity, which destroys all the organs and systems.
Nerves. Inhale, hold your breath, slightly tighten your whole body, keep this voltage counting from 1 to 20, focus on the whole body, then exhale, relax the tension. Repeat 3 times and always do when you feel weak or nervous.
Indian professionals offer a soothing drink of fresh lemon. It is prepared as follows: take 1 Cup water, juice of 1/4 lemon and 1 tablespoon of sugar, mix and add a piece of ice. This drink acid and sweetness should be the same. Honey is not needed. If the drink is prepared correctly, your every nerve will feel calm. It is helpful to drink 2-3 cups of this beverage, when nerves are tense.
Feet. Lemon juice treats diaper rash of the skin and destroys the unpleasant odors arising from the perspiration of the toes. For this purpose the toes after a thorough rinsing with warm water RUB with lemon juice and let them dry. Repeat this procedure every night before going to sleep. Between toes put a thin layer of wool. Within a week the smell will disappear.
Leg cramps cure: morning and evening apply the juice of a lemon to the soles of the feet and do not walk or wear shoes until until all the juice dries up. The course of treatment lasts no more than two weeks.
Hypersensitivity of the feet treated bath of lime blossom, followed by rubbing the soles of lemon juice.
If the skin heels callous, make a compress of the peel of a squeezed lemon.
Do not dispose of potato peelings, boil them and attach to the legs and arms. The result will stratify the nails on the hands and the soles of the feet will become soft, will disappear cracked heels and corns.
Nails. To prevent nails from lost of flexibility and hardness, they should be lubricated regularly with a mixture of lemon juice and oil. You can do the bath of warm vegetable oil added a few drops of lemon juice and vitamin A, or salt solution. They should do 1-2 times a week. Dip your nails in a mixture of heated oil and lemon juice. After the procedure, dry hands and soak them for several hours.
Yellowed from Smoking whiten nails with lemon juice.
Fainting. People who have fainting spells, you have to do the next part. Chop 100 g of dry lemon peel, pour 1 liter of vodka, insist in a dark place 3 weeks, shaking occasionally, strain. Take 25-30 drops 3 times a day.
General malaise. Mix the juice from 1/2 lemon with 1 Cup of warm water and drink before bedtime or in the morning 30 minutes before Breakfast.
Pour in a glass of water 2 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar and put 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink a SIP throughout the day, preferably every half hour.
Shortness of breath. The mixture prepared according to this prescription to cure even the frail elderly who can't walk 50 steps, not to stop to rest.
Take 1 liter of honey, 10 lemons, 10 heads of garlic (whole heads, not cloves). From lemons to press juice, garlic grind in a meat grinder. All mix and leave for 1 week in a closed jar. Drink 4 teaspoons daily 1 time per day. These 4 spoons of the mixture it is impossible to take in at once, you have to slowly take them one by one. You can't skip a day. This amount of mixture rascheta-but 2 months of treatment.
Obesity. For fat, flabby, old man, suffering from shortness of breath, prepare the following mixture: chop 400 g of garlic, squeeze the juice of 24 lemons, mix thoroughly and place in a jar with a wide mouth, tie it with a cloth, leave for 24 days. Take 1 time a day at bedtime 1 teaspoon of the mixture, stirred in a glass of water.
Grapefruit is one of the most popular dietary products that help to combat obesity due to its abundance of fiber, creating a feeling of satiety and low calorie: a half of a grapefruit contains only 38 calories. One grapefruit contains more than your daily value of vitamin C.
Burns. The burn is first wrapped with a compress of olive oil or just grease burnt place olive oil on top of it is gauze soaked with lemon juice, diluted with distilled water 1:1, you can add water, a little salt.
Rejuvenation. The one who for a long time regularly massage scalp and face almost no wrinkles, and the face looks fresh.
The rejuvenation recipe: muddle 3 lemon rind, 3 garlic cloves, 3 cups cranberry, insist on 7 cups of boiled water, leave it for 2 days to chill, strain, pour 400 g of honey, stir and put for 2 days in the cold. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Of the tumor. To prevent cancer take a mixture of dried apricots (1 Cup), raisins (1 Cup), figs (1 Cup), nuts (1 Cup), lemon (2 pieces), filled with honey, 1 Cup 30 minutes before Breakfast or instead of Breakfast.
Once you feel in any area of the body fatigue, spasms, tension or any other discomfort, start to massage it place with a brush or a hand dipped in water with the addition of small quantities of lemon juice and a few drops of oil (preferably olive).
Intoxication. Before expected meal drink a Cup of well-brewed black coffee with lemon juice or lemon slices. After the feast, repeat the same procedure. The intoxication will pass quickly.
Intoxicated (of alcohol) is enough to drink lemon juice with water or just suck on the lemon slices.
Swelling. Pour a liter of water 4 teaspoons of flax seed, boil for 10 minutes, insist in a warm place for 1 hour (do not drain), add lemon or other fruit juice, drink 0.5 cups every 2 hours 6-8 times a day in hot form. Swollen feet result is achieved in 2-3 weeks.
Parsley (root, stem and greens) mince enough to make 1 Cup, place in a glass or pottery pour 2 cups boiling water, cover with a tea towel and leave until morning. To do this it is necessary in the evening. In the morning strain the infusion through cheesecloth and add the juice of 1 lemon. Eat drink 1/3 Cup (not more than) 1 time per day. Two days to drink, three day break, etc. This tool is widely used in the old days to eliminate swelling of the legs and face. Good help is a remedy for bouts of sciatica.
The otitis. Drip into the ear 2-5 drops of lemon juice — this will relieve pain and improve hearing.
Memory. Improves memory and strengthens the body following tool. During the month of daily fasting, eat at least 1/4 of a lemon with the peel and drink 1 tablespoon of olive oil. During the next month eat every day a piece of licorice root the size bean, 1 teaspoon of kelp powder or 2 tablespoons of canned sea cabbage, 5 g of resin (resin) pine or fir, 1 tablespoon 2 times a day of aloe juice or 2 cm of the aloe leaf with honey.
Dandruff. The peel of 4 lemons boil for 15 minutes in 1 liter of water, broth strain. Rinse hair with a decoction 1 times a week.
The liver. People suffering from liver diseases and high acidity, it should drink water with lemon juice (lemon juice is alkaline).
The best medicine for the liver is a 3-day fast, celandine and everlasting. The use of a watermelon — prevention of cirrhosis of the liver.
There is a great way to prevent diseases of the liver: in half-liter jar pour 2 tablespoons of shelled butter, 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice and green lemon, add 1 grated clove of garlic and 250 mm of hot water, stir, take on an empty stomach.
Grapefruit improves and cleanses the liver and gallbladder: chop 2 medium size grapefruit peel, pour 1,5 l of water, let stand overnight, in the morning strain and drink the liquid.
When enlargement of the liver, take every morning on an empty stomach 2 crushed grain lemon with honey, or in the evening pour boiling water 3 sliced lemons, and fasting morning drink the liquid, or 1 sliced lemon, pour 1 Cup boiling water, insist night and in the morning on an empty stomach, drink small SIPS. Mix 0.5 kg of honey, 0.5 liters of olive oil, сок2 lemons. The mixture was stored in the refrigerator, take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals with hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver.
It is very important to avoid overeating, which is the main cause of enlargement of the liver. Also liver needed a rest period — full post. People who don't want or are afraid to starve, have to try at least 1 day a week eat nothing and only drink water, which added honey and lemon juice. However, they will not feel weak and dizzy. This liver disease makes the person tired and sleepy. Such a person is difficult to do physical and mental work. Discipline yourself to fast one day a week.
Gout. Crank through a meat grinder of lemon 4 peeled and 3 heads of garlic, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist day, strain and drink 1/4 Cup 3 times daily before meals and at night.
Polyarthritis. Mix 400 g of garlic juice, horseradish root, the leaves and roots of celery and the juice of 5 lemons. Store mixture in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar. Take in infectious polyarthritis in teaspoon in the morning 30 minutes before eating.
Diarrhea. The first day nothing to eat. If the discharge contains an excess of bile, drink water with lemon juice. In the case of allocating a large amount of mucus and the formation of gases drink lemon water and take a little soda. In dysentery with fever, fasting and drink 2-3 liters of water with lemon or orange juice a day for 2-3 consecutive days.
Diaphoretic. A hot solution of lemon juice in lots of water — a great diaphoretic. If the patient is unable to raise sufficient sweating by using steam baths or body wraps, you have to get him to drink some hot acidic solution of lemon juice in water.
Man breathes not only easy, but and skin, therefore, an important condition of proper breathing are the clean skin. This is achieved by using douches and by drinking hot water with lemon. To improve circulation and opened pores of the skin, useful in spring at least 2 times a week induce sweating, drinking a few cups of hot water in which you squeezed a few drops of lemon juice. If you have a good sweat, wipe the body first with a wet towel, and then dry. After that, drink another Cup of hot water to recover the lost during sweating heat.
Prostatitis. Pumpkin seeds strengthen the muscles of the bladder, and in the case of inflammation — take it off. Daily eat 2-3 tbsp purified pumpkin seeds to treat prostate disease.
Cold. At the beginning of the disease drink hot tea and take hot foot bath. Wiping the feet after the procedure, slather your heels with iodine and put on wool socks in which pour mustard, or RUB on feet to knees with Cologne or alcohol, or spread between the fingers of the hands and feet Vietnamese balm, garlic juice with oil or iodine. Drink a diaphoretic tea with lime, honey and lemon.
Vitamin C is good in any form: onions, garlic, rosehips, cranberry, citrus, grass. Don't forget the honey.
Prepare drink: bring 1 Cup water to a boil, chop 1 garlic clove into small pieces, put in Cup and spread with a spoon, add juice of 1/4 lemon and 1 teaspoon of peppermint leaves, close and cook for 3-5 minutes (optional: add honey). Go to bed and 3 days do not eat. If you don't want to starve, then be sure to make a full recovery eliminate from the diet of any dairy products — this will prevent you from complications.
The other recipe. Boil 5 cups of water and stir into it 2 tablespoons (from top) of sage leaves, add 2 cloves of finely chopped garlic, 1/2 of lemon and honey (to taste), steep 5 minutes. For greater efficiency drink hot broth on an empty stomach 1/2 Cup every hour. Rest. Wrap up with warm blankets and propitate. If you have a poorly working sweat glands and you find it difficult to cause sweating, put a couple under a blanket warmers. In this case, your temperature can rise, but don't worry, as this is a good sign.
Honey soothes cough, relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes and softens, reduces dryness in the throat, and lemon juice for coughs acts as an expectorant, treats sore throat and purifies the blood.
During a cold it is better not to drink at least during the day not to eat. This is called a dry hunger. To do so encourages Avicenna: water adopted by a cold, goes out through the mucous membrane, causing the nose too annoyed to starve in the cold very easy and useful.
For the treatment of rhinitis should be massaged for two points located on the eyebrows closer to the nose, and the tips of the middle fingers, pressing on the skin and slide it.
Kidneys. When inflammation of the kidneys (pyelitis) in urine pus appears. The patient's condition is usually improved by drinking water with lemon.
Orange peel used for the treatment of urolithiasis.
Daily intake of 60-80 g of honey with the juice of lemon and rose hips improves urination, and reduces the toxicity.
To cleanse the kidneys Russian village healers used Flaxseed: take 1 teaspoon seed and 1 Cup of water, the mixture will boil, to insist 2 hours. As the mixture is thick, when used it should be diluted with water with addition of lemon juice. Drink 1/2 Cup several times a day.
Radiation. A glass of orange juice or dose of vitamin C can protect against low levels of radiation, the type that you get when the x-ray examination.
Cancer. Many anticancer Phytoseiidae contains in fruit. Citrus detected in 58 of these compounds (e.g., carotenoids). From the peel of oranges and lemons is a dedicated connection, called by limonene. It cleanses the liver of accumulated carcinogens, so the peel should not be thrown away, it can be added to different dishes, such as flavored butter.
The mixture for the prevention of cancer: apricots, raisins, figs, nuts (1 Cup each) cut, added to a mixture of 2 crushed lemon and pour honey all. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Have plums, cherries, apricots break a bone and eat a few grains — they contain vitamin b 17, having antitumor properties. And don't be afraid of prussic acid, it contains it in trace amounts.
According to the ancient teachings of India and Tibet, garlic is an excellent preventive measure against cancer (garlic blended with lemon and eat this mix).
Wounds. Fresh wounds (received 6-12 hours ago) is torn, cut, but that treated with lemon juice, on the second day begin to clear, take a fresh look and heal in a short time. Well treated the wound during the acute inflammatory period, sluggish wounds not healing within 2-4 weeks, the wounds, hard-healing for many years, leg ulcers, and mastitis treated so: in the wound lay soaked with lemon juice gauze or a clean juice poured on the wound or ulcer on top, cover with honeycombs, greased with vaseline (to seal), and ligated.
Vomiting.The top white layer between the peel and pulp of lemon has antiemetic effect.
Vomiting hurts pregnant women mainly in the morning. It is only in the first three months. To prevent vomiting in the morning, drink some water with lemon, sweetened with honey and eat crackers without butter.
Vomiting of drunkards should not stop. Then it is possible to drink black coffee with lemon, and the head to pour cold water.
Rheumatism. Daily drink the juice of 1-2 lemons, and eat the lemon peel, powdered with honey. Sore spots stone plates cut potatoes and preventability it (at night). Make a pulp of 4 lemons and 3 heads of garlic, fill it with 1 liter of boiling water, insist day, strain. For rheumatism, take 50 g 3 times a day before meals.
Cardiovascular disease. People with disorders of the cardiovascular system or suffering from high blood pressure should not drink a lot of water, they should drink a little every 20-25 minutes, but to consume the daily norm. The benefit of this method, spya the water will get as sick and healthy equally. The total amount of water you drink should be 5-6 glasses a day, the total number of fluids including soups, juices, etc., should be 3-4 liters per day.
Grate 0,5 kg of lemons, mix with 0.5 kg of honey and 20 pounded nucleoli apricots, take morning and evening for 1 tablespoon.
Every day, eat 2 grapefruit. They reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and improve the condition of blood vessels.
Mix well with a wooden spoon 5 tablespoons of carrot juice, 5 tablespoons horseradish juice, juice of 3 lemons, 2 cups honey, take in diseases of the cardiovascular system 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for 2 months. The mixture was stored in a dark place in a tightly sealed container.
Crank through a meat grinder 500 g lemons with peel, but without seeds, 500 g of cranberries, 500 g of fresh purified from the seeds of rose hips, add 500 g of honey, mix, leave for 1 day in a tightly sealed container. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Store in the refrigerator. The mixture is useful in hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
Mix the juice of 2 lemons, juice 2. aloe leaves, 500 grams of honey, to insist in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for 1 week. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals with angina.
Chewing lemon peel (essential oil rich) improves the failing heart. You can finely cut 0,5 kg lemons, fill them with honey (to taste) and take morning and evening for 1 tablespoon.
In the peel of lemons (the zest) of vitamin C almost 3 times more than in the pulp, and citrine in one lemon -3 to 4 daily doses.
There are many ways to do the lemon peel is acceptable for consumption. One of them is: 2 medium-sized lemons and 2 oranges cut into pieces, remove seeds and mince) mass of mix with 2 tablespoons of honey, soak 1 day in a glass container at room temperature, and then refrigerate. Take 2-3 tsp a day with tea or before meals. The people believed that this tool cleans the blood vessels and maintains blood pressure and therefore prevents angina, heart attacks, strokes.
If you feel that you go into cardiac arrest you lose consciousness, start to cough intensely — about 1 time per second. Coughing causes the muscles of the chest and abdomen to contract, supporting the flow of blood through the heart and brain.
Academician Amosov recommends that postoperative patients maintain a healthy mixture of juice of 1 lemon, 1 Cup raisins, 1 Cup walnuts and 1 Cup honey. This mixture relieves heart spasms and spasms of cerebral vessels.
Sclerosis. Lemon contains a lot of potassium, the greatest among other products, the number of citrine, a lot of ascorbic acid, they strengthen and make elastic walls of small blood vessels, are actively involved in redox processes. That's why so many recipes treatment of multiple sclerosis include lemon.
Eastern elixir of youth is widely distributed in Turkey and Bulgaria. His recipe is: lemon juice, honey, olive oil in the ratio 1:2:0,5. Taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
Hearing. To improve the hearing day to eat 1/4 of a lemon with peel. Energy exercise system "khi Cong" (Chinese version pranayama) — hands hold your ears and postukivanie fingers on the crown (beating the heavenly drum) — helps to maintain hearing.
Salt (salt excretion). Crank through a meat grinder 250 g of parsley roots, 150 g of leaves of parsley, 250 g of lemon with peel, but without the beans, add 250 g of honey. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning 1 hour before food and evening after 1 hour after a meal. Need to undergo 3-4 courses of treatment.
To treat seizures with lemon juice to lubricate the soles of the feet morning and evening for 10 days. After the juice dries, put on your socks.
Temperature. At high temperatures, drink water with lemon juice or cranberry juice and wipe the body a few times a day with water, acidified with lemon or vinegar. Soak in this water and put socks on his feet, on top put the dry wool socks. All this reduces the temperature without harm to health.
Tuberculosis of the lungs. Mix 1 Cup honey, 1 Cup dried apricots, 1 Cup of chopped leaf aloe, 1 glass of grated lemon, 5 raw eggs, 0.5 liters of cognac, 300 g of butter. Take 1 tablespoon at night.
In the last century with the onset of spring and autumn, tuberculosis and pneumonia reaped in Russia a plentiful harvest. Healers in these diseases recommended a tool called "calciuma". It is prepared thus: 10 eggs with white shell (very fresh) and 10 fold sliced lemons in a jar is dark in color, set in a dark and warm place. After 10-12 days the eggs will turn into a semi-liquid mass. Periodically remove the mold and mix the mass with a wooden stick. The mass of eggs, pour a bottle of brandy and put to ferment for another 3 weeks. When there will be no mold, stir the contents and pour into the better bottle with a wide neck, to be able to remove the mould if it appears again. Store in a cool place. Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day.
TB after every meal is recommended to swallow the yolk of fresh chicken eggs with the lemon juice.
Tuberculosis, disease of bones, stones. Chinese method of treatment with the egg shell is designed for a diet that includes 500 plants. One shell is enough for 1 week. Egg is better to take 1-2 days, from a healthy chicken that walked on the loose (in the sun), instead of sitting in the chicken coop.
Wash the egg with soap and water, scald but do not boil, break, pour the contents, remove the inner film, dry the shells and grind to powder in a coffee grinder or a mortar. Store in a bottle made of dark glass under the fleece to the powder choked and not moldy. Take the powder on the tip of a knife and wash down with water with lemon juice or citric acid.
Fatigue. Fatigue means that the person has ceased to be active. Fatigue — is a weak circulation of energy and blood. If you are not very mobile, energy does not circulate as rapidly as it should. Lazy tired faster. The biggest consumers are also tired. Chronic fatigue is one of the alarms.
If you sleep with difficulty, to take sleep med. 20 minutes after receiving it enters the bloodstream.
As for chronic fatigue, traditional medicine is the best cure in this case considers ingestion before bedtime 1 teaspoon of honey with a small amount of lemon juice to 1/2 Cup of water.
Those who suffer from chronic fatigue, not before bedtime wash with soap and water. Soap is a strong alkaline solution and, receiving such a large dose of alkali with water through the skin, the person feels tired, and his skin itches. If you need to wash with soap, then rinse with acidified water, no matter if you take a full bath or just wash the head. For acidification add water, a little lemon juice or Apple cider vinegar.
A person suffering from chronic fatigue must have the gifts of the ocean, as the lack of iodine in the body is also a cause of this disease. Best used daily in food laminaria.
From chronic fatigue Ivanchenko offers tonic: mix the juice from the fruit of schisandra (2 teaspoons), lemon juice (2 tablespoons) orange juice (1/2 Cup), a decoction of licorice root (2 g of root in 50 g of water, boil for 10 minutes), add 2 teaspoons of honey. Take morning and afternoon 1 Cup (preferably before meals).
Thyroid. By enlarged thyroid gland take 1 teaspoon finely chopped with rind of lemon 3 times a day. When you eat apples, eat and all the appleseeds. Wear with a short string of amber beads.
Cholera (citric acid and cholera bacteria). An acidic environment prevents the development of many pathogens, including cholera and typhoid bacteria. French scientist Gerard studied the effect of some common acids on cholera and typhoid bacteria, he found that especially unfavorable to the development of these bacteria is an aqueous solution of citric acid, 1 g of citric acid dissolved in 1 liter of water and kills all of the contained bacteria. So Gerard recommended to drink water, especially during a cholera or typhoid epidemic, slightly acidified with citric acid. It is better to drink fresh juice, a few drops of which in a glass of water is enough.
There is a special cook book for runners. It is the recipe for a special energy drink for superregional: 1 teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt dissolve in a small amount of hot water, add 1 teaspoon of fresh orange juice, add a glass of cold water, shake and drink.
Of the epidemic. During epidemics of influenza is useful lemon oil. Make it so: lemon put 1 minute in hot water, and then with the zest mince, ground ground lemon mix with 100 g of butter and 1-2 tablespoons of honey. Store and use as ordinary butter.
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