Fun mittens from an old sweater

Today I'll tell you how to make mittens from an old sweater in just a few minutes. Because of the cold weather and winter has begun and we begin to warm up. We offer a makeshift way to take care of yourself during the cold weather will definitely be handy. Old sweater or jacket you think?..
The process of making mittens out of sweaters is quite simple, and the finished samples of the photo speak for themselves.
In General, we find:

• sweater, of course it is better if the wool;
• marker;
• scissors;
• pins;
• needle and thread (the color of the sweater);
• buttons and baubles, colored threads.
— Start with turning the sweater inside out and stroke the shape of the hand marker. Do it in the lower front of the sweater. We need to capture the side seam (thumb pointing in the opposite direction) and a rubber band.
— Next, use the scissors cut out the mitten with a margin of a few centimeters over the line. ATTENTION, we cut the entire sweater, that is, two layers, front and back!
— Kill pins a line. This is important because both layers cut sweater will stick together.
— Now sew a simple stitch along the line, and making sure that the underside is wide enough for your hand can remove the pin.
-It was necessary to trim the excess material around the stitches. This must be done far enough away from the line, so it does not spread. This sewing is in principle possible to finish. But if you have a serger, sewn edge seam of the mitten to secure.
— Go to finishing and decorative elements of the mittens. Turn your mitten inside out and decorate according to your taste. Buttons, buttons, colourful beads and colored thread will easily do the trick.
Follow the same steps for the other mitten from an old sweater (from his second cut half) and improvised insulation will be ready to protect you from the cold.The video illustrates the whole process:
And here's another beautiful example:

Source: samodelka.net/blog/podarki/1117.html#comment1415
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