How to get rid of callus easily and painlessly
We are all to some extent suffering from this problems like corn (depending on which store). Hard work, certain types of shoes, tools and other handy tools can easily cause blisters. And all anything, but in addition to the unsightly appearance (see, feet and hands with calluses look maloestetichno), they deliver severe discomfort and cause pain.
Corn, in essence, is simply a thickening and hardening of skin layer which occurs as a result of repeated or prolonged friction or pressure. As a rule, calluses appear on the feet and more rarely on the hands (although, of course, there are cases of their formation in other parts of the body). Leather is sealed, the top layer becomes rough and yellowish and sometimes grayish hue.
Before any procedure involving removal of corns, first walk around the rough areas of special nail file or pumice stone, so your chosen funds will be able to better penetrate and work faster.
How to treat blisters? There are many methods of dealing with corns at home, they are quite effective and in a short time if you are not able to completely remove the corn, then considerably reduce its size. In the case of appearance of calluses on the feet is advisable to “walk” on them with a soft nail file or pumice to further application of medicines had a greater effect.
Garlic is known that garlic is a very powerful antioxidant, and it is one of the most effective natural remedies that can deal with the blisters. And all thanks to the fact that it has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
The treatment itself is very simple and is to peel and crush the garlic (thing 3), mix with one tablespoon of olive oil and apply the resulting paste on the affected area every night before bed (leave on overnight). For convenience, you can make a bandage with an elastic bandage. When the corn is soft, remove it will not hurt, and it will not be difficult.
White vinegar White vinegar is certainly a in your home. There is nothing strange that it is a natural remedy effectively treats corns, in fact for many centuries it was used as antifungal means or just to pamper your feet. All you have to do is moisten a cotton swab in white vinegar and apply to the affected area, that is directly to the corn. Fasten the wool with a bandage or bandage and leave for exposure for 3 hours. Then wait half hour and repeat the procedure.
Chamomile Chamomile is ideal to soften the hardened skin and soothe the pain. You will need to prepare an infusion: 4 tablespoons of dried chamomile in a liter of water. When the infusion is ready, do yourself a bath and soak her feet for half an hour. Repeat this procedure is desirable for every day.
Onion onion is a well – known healer, he has many useful properties (antibiotic, antiviral agent, etc.) and in case of occurrence of blisters can also help. Onion is very effective, as it helps to remove dead skin cells and healthy softens rough skin. Just cut the onion in half and grate them their corn. This is best done in the evening before going to bed.
Lemon Lemon is well known to us thanks to its purifying, bleaching, disinfectant properties, moreover, it is a very powerful antioxidant. It is also great for treatment of corns. Just put a slice of lemon to the corn and secure it with a bandage or with a bandage, leave overnight for the impact and repeat the next day. You'll see if the corn will not disappear completely, it will be much less, or so soft that it easily can be removed.
Castor oil Castor oil also has emollient properties, and therefore, if there is one at hand, it is also well suited to combat calluses. All you need to do is RUB the corn with castor oil twice a day.
Home remedy for corns on the basis of lemon and aspirin Is one of the most effective and fast acting home remedies on the blisters. And cook it is not difficult. Lemon and aspirin are certainly in your home.
What to do?
Source: steptohealth.ru/

Corn, in essence, is simply a thickening and hardening of skin layer which occurs as a result of repeated or prolonged friction or pressure. As a rule, calluses appear on the feet and more rarely on the hands (although, of course, there are cases of their formation in other parts of the body). Leather is sealed, the top layer becomes rough and yellowish and sometimes grayish hue.
Before any procedure involving removal of corns, first walk around the rough areas of special nail file or pumice stone, so your chosen funds will be able to better penetrate and work faster.
How to treat blisters? There are many methods of dealing with corns at home, they are quite effective and in a short time if you are not able to completely remove the corn, then considerably reduce its size. In the case of appearance of calluses on the feet is advisable to “walk” on them with a soft nail file or pumice to further application of medicines had a greater effect.
Garlic is known that garlic is a very powerful antioxidant, and it is one of the most effective natural remedies that can deal with the blisters. And all thanks to the fact that it has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
The treatment itself is very simple and is to peel and crush the garlic (thing 3), mix with one tablespoon of olive oil and apply the resulting paste on the affected area every night before bed (leave on overnight). For convenience, you can make a bandage with an elastic bandage. When the corn is soft, remove it will not hurt, and it will not be difficult.
White vinegar White vinegar is certainly a in your home. There is nothing strange that it is a natural remedy effectively treats corns, in fact for many centuries it was used as antifungal means or just to pamper your feet. All you have to do is moisten a cotton swab in white vinegar and apply to the affected area, that is directly to the corn. Fasten the wool with a bandage or bandage and leave for exposure for 3 hours. Then wait half hour and repeat the procedure.
Chamomile Chamomile is ideal to soften the hardened skin and soothe the pain. You will need to prepare an infusion: 4 tablespoons of dried chamomile in a liter of water. When the infusion is ready, do yourself a bath and soak her feet for half an hour. Repeat this procedure is desirable for every day.
Onion onion is a well – known healer, he has many useful properties (antibiotic, antiviral agent, etc.) and in case of occurrence of blisters can also help. Onion is very effective, as it helps to remove dead skin cells and healthy softens rough skin. Just cut the onion in half and grate them their corn. This is best done in the evening before going to bed.
Lemon Lemon is well known to us thanks to its purifying, bleaching, disinfectant properties, moreover, it is a very powerful antioxidant. It is also great for treatment of corns. Just put a slice of lemon to the corn and secure it with a bandage or with a bandage, leave overnight for the impact and repeat the next day. You'll see if the corn will not disappear completely, it will be much less, or so soft that it easily can be removed.
Castor oil Castor oil also has emollient properties, and therefore, if there is one at hand, it is also well suited to combat calluses. All you need to do is RUB the corn with castor oil twice a day.
Home remedy for corns on the basis of lemon and aspirin Is one of the most effective and fast acting home remedies on the blisters. And cook it is not difficult. Lemon and aspirin are certainly in your home.
What to do?
- Take 6 aspirin and grind them into powder, then add a few drops of lemon juice. If necessary, you can take some more to get the consistency of thick paste.
- Apply a paste of aspirin and lemon juice directly on the corn and wrap with foil or cover the patch. Then prepare a hot compress (just dip a cheesecloth in hot water) and apply to the sore spot on top of the film. The exposure time is 15 minutes.
- Compress necessary for the high temperature helped the aspirin to penetrate deeper into the tissue and thus faster to soften calluses. After this time, remove the wrap, the wrap and rinse the pasta with hot water. Then dry with a towel and walk through the corn with a pumice stone or a special brush. Repeat the procedure until, until you achieve the desired results.published
Source: steptohealth.ru/