7 tools for painless removal of corns. Treatment at home with a good result!
Annoying corn - not a problem. It is enough to give a little time home foot care, and it will become soft and velvety, and the corn will disappear. The funds that we offer to help even the most severe cases, when it seems that the coarsened skin will remain the ugly forever. Uncomfortable heels overweight or improper shoes and even curvature of the spine - causes of unpleasant corns and calluses. The earlier you you want to do with their treatment, the better, because the old corn is more difficult to remove. Check the shelves in the kitchen and the pantry: all you need, probably already in the house!
Before removing any dry corn or callosities will pass through the surface of the problem of special nail file or pumice stone for feet. This will increase the effectiveness of natural remedies.
1. Garlic
Garlic softens the skin, killing bacteria and fungus because it contains many natural antioxidants! Crush 3-4 garlic cloves, mix them with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and apply to corn. This is best done at night for 7-10 days. After applying garlic paste bandage tightly problematic place.
2. Onions
Sodium fresh onions or onion juice corn, bandage the leg. After 10 days, a daily procedure, corn is very easy to remove - rough skin becomes thinner and more pliable.
3. Vinegar
Moisten a cotton ball in vinegar and apply it to the sore skin. Top Stick the patch. After 3 hours, the procedure can be repeated. Vinegar disinfects the skin of the feet, have antifungal effect and helps to quickly remove calluses. If the corn is not too thick, vinegar cope with it for a couple of days of such manipulations!
4. Lemon plus aspirin
6 aspirin grind a small amount of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on corn or corns, wrap the leg with cling film or wrap it in a regular plastic bag. On top of the film cover them with a hot compress - cloth or gauze soaked in hot water for 15 minutes is sufficient for effective action. Remove the foil and wash away the paste, rub the callus with a pumice stone. Small corn removed from the first time with this superfunds! For calluses need more repetition: it is possible to carry out these activities at least every day to complete disappearance Savage Leather.
5. Castor oil
Rub the calluses or corns castor oil morning and night, and they disappear after two weeks. Castor oil - a wonderful prophylactic agent, it is useful to use to prevent the appearance of calluses.
6. Chamomile
To soften the hard skin feet relaxation and relieving pain in injured areas recommended bath with medicinal plants. Prepare a hot infusion of 4 Art. l. Dry chamomile and a liter of water. A warm bath for 30 minutes, will deal with the feet is a miracle, the skin will become noticeably softer. If you do not be lazy and is doing the trick every night, no corns do not be afraid.
7. Tomato compress
Tomato paste also helps to soften the skin, and the gradual removal of corns. Apply the pulp of a tomato on a solidified portion, wrap in foil. From above, you can apply a hot compress, but you can do without it. An hour later, the mask can be washed tomato and rub the skin with a pumice stone.
Comfortable shoes and timely Foot care will help you prevent the appearance of calluses. After each operation, with the skin on the legs, always apply a soothing cream. But best of all, of course, the action usually butter ! Brush the foot quite abundant oil, give him almost completely absorbed. Then, dress socks and go to bed. Do not put into words how much skin will be soft, if you do so only 2 weeks! Make it a habit.
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via takprosto.cc
Before removing any dry corn or callosities will pass through the surface of the problem of special nail file or pumice stone for feet. This will increase the effectiveness of natural remedies.
1. Garlic
Garlic softens the skin, killing bacteria and fungus because it contains many natural antioxidants! Crush 3-4 garlic cloves, mix them with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and apply to corn. This is best done at night for 7-10 days. After applying garlic paste bandage tightly problematic place.
2. Onions
Sodium fresh onions or onion juice corn, bandage the leg. After 10 days, a daily procedure, corn is very easy to remove - rough skin becomes thinner and more pliable.
3. Vinegar
Moisten a cotton ball in vinegar and apply it to the sore skin. Top Stick the patch. After 3 hours, the procedure can be repeated. Vinegar disinfects the skin of the feet, have antifungal effect and helps to quickly remove calluses. If the corn is not too thick, vinegar cope with it for a couple of days of such manipulations!
4. Lemon plus aspirin
6 aspirin grind a small amount of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on corn or corns, wrap the leg with cling film or wrap it in a regular plastic bag. On top of the film cover them with a hot compress - cloth or gauze soaked in hot water for 15 minutes is sufficient for effective action. Remove the foil and wash away the paste, rub the callus with a pumice stone. Small corn removed from the first time with this superfunds! For calluses need more repetition: it is possible to carry out these activities at least every day to complete disappearance Savage Leather.
5. Castor oil
Rub the calluses or corns castor oil morning and night, and they disappear after two weeks. Castor oil - a wonderful prophylactic agent, it is useful to use to prevent the appearance of calluses.
6. Chamomile
To soften the hard skin feet relaxation and relieving pain in injured areas recommended bath with medicinal plants. Prepare a hot infusion of 4 Art. l. Dry chamomile and a liter of water. A warm bath for 30 minutes, will deal with the feet is a miracle, the skin will become noticeably softer. If you do not be lazy and is doing the trick every night, no corns do not be afraid.
7. Tomato compress
Tomato paste also helps to soften the skin, and the gradual removal of corns. Apply the pulp of a tomato on a solidified portion, wrap in foil. From above, you can apply a hot compress, but you can do without it. An hour later, the mask can be washed tomato and rub the skin with a pumice stone.
Comfortable shoes and timely Foot care will help you prevent the appearance of calluses. After each operation, with the skin on the legs, always apply a soothing cream. But best of all, of course, the action usually butter ! Brush the foot quite abundant oil, give him almost completely absorbed. Then, dress socks and go to bed. Do not put into words how much skin will be soft, if you do so only 2 weeks! Make it a habit.
To your friends know about these really useful tips to share with them our articles.
via takprosto.cc
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