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Getting rid of calluses folk remedies

In addition to our carelessness, there are clear reasons for the appearance of calluses on the feet and factors predisposing to their growth.

Knowledge about how to prevent calluses, it is useful to lovers of high heels, wearing shoes, suffering from obesity and other pathologies. If the hyperkeratosis is already in your life, there are effective traditional methods, as to remove the corn.

Under the hyperkeratosis understand the excessive growth of skin cells with further thickening, solidification. Usually such phenomena are inherent parts of the skin exposed to regular mechanical stress. That is the immediate cause of calluses on his feet – the body's response to constant friction, method of protection by sealing the skin to a particular section of it.

There are several types of corns:

1. Wet bubbles of lymph fluid, causing pain and resulting in extreme friction, usually on a gentle stretch of the legs.

2. Dry – thickening of the Horny layer of the skin in the form of a dense phase round, oval, almost painless. Is a consequence of the constant friction.

3. Rod – they transformirovalsya chronic dry corn, the corn kernel grows deep into healthy tissue. Can lead to compression of the nerves and the appearance of severe pain.

Foot corns can be localized on the foot, between the toes, on the heel. Toe tough formations are often the result of wearing tight shoes squeezing the toes. The appearance of calluses can be a consequence of friction healthy fingers on twisted, deformed joint, or the abuse of wearing beach Slippers.

The formation of calluses on the heel occur when using a Shoe with a hard heel, wrong size, poor quality of shoes of coarse material or hard seams. Why do I get blisters on my feet, know well a lover of high heels: nasty corns can be easily seen in the side surface of the foot, under the toes that occurs due to improper distribution of load on foot.

Causes of corns on feet
As has already been explained, the main causes of corns on the feet is wrong selection of footwear, its low quality and frequent wearing of high heels. But there are factors that increase the risk of formation of corns. That is, measures to prevent occurrence of blisters should include the removal or correction of these factors:

a deficiency of vitamin "A"
mycosis of the foot
flat feet and other orthopedic problems
eczema, dermatitis
strong sweating of the feet
Traditional treatment of calluses on the feet: when to see the doctor

The majority of dry calluses can be easily removed at home. But if the legs formed a large wet corn, it may break and the wound can penetrate the infection. Therefore, such corn should be protected from tearing. If this is not possible, it is recommended to carefully pierce the education sterile needle, and then treat with antiseptic and tape up a special "corn" band. After drying the corn needs to heal with a free flow of oxygen.

If the skin around the blisters is red, beginning to swell, itch, there was purulent discharge, urgent need to go to the doctor! Only a specialist will properly treat septic wound, prescribe a course of drug therapy. Often only a medical facility can be get rid of ingrown calluses with the rod. How to remove a callus, tell the surgeon: possible to use multiple methods – drilling, laser treatment, cryotherapy. To remove such calluses necessarily because they can lead to the inability of independent movement.

How to prevent blisters.
The main method, how to prevent blisters – to choose quality, is the appropriate size shoes. Should be deleted and the frequent wearing of shoes with high heels. Any discomfort is best to replace the shoes, not counting on their "razmalyvanie" in the future. It is recommended to deal with fungal diseases of the feet, sweating, eat a healthy diet and control weight.

How to remove corn on feet people's ways. Treatment of calluses on the feet is very effective in the performance of simple folk methods, using readily available ingredients.

Figs. Up with the corn to steam thoroughly, thoroughly dry. Take a Fig, cut it, attach to the sore spot. To bind the figs with a bandage, leave for a few hours (best to do before bed). If you execute the procedure daily, corn otmoknet quickly and easily separated.

Bow. There are two ways to remove a callus with a bow. First way: you want the husk from one follicles, which should pour vinegar and survive 14 days. Then before going to sleep on a thick, rough callus peel is applied a layer of 2 mm is glued with plaster. In the morning you quickly and without pain to separate the corn from the skin.

The second method is: peel the onion, half it, pour vinegar and leave for a day in the heat. For several days morning and evening apply to corn plate bow, fixed with patch. Bandage is worn for 1 hour, a treatment to remove corns.

The prunes. One berry prunes boiled in milk until soft. Then another hot prunes applied to corn, fasten a bandage is kept to cool. To do the procedure every day after that, the blisters usually disappear on their own.

Pain in the formation of blisters. Often a blister causes a very painful sensation. In the evening, with this symptom, it is recommended to do the bath with potassium permanganate. A few granules of potassium permanganate diluted in the desired volume of water so that the water was pink. Pour a couple of tablespoons of salt, soak in the bath his feet for about 20 minutes, after not wiping. Relief after a water session significant pain pass quickly.

The old method of treatment of corns.A copper coin and a candle. In ancient times people easily get rid of corns in a particular way. Take a copper penny, it was raining on them tallow, leave for 3 days. The coppers formed a green ointment, which lubricate corns, bandage and leave overnight. Diseased parts quickly released from the rough skin, the pain goes away.

Calendula and plantain.Treatment of calluses on the feet can be marigold flowers. Some flowers (see this article) steamed with boiling water, make pulp. It is applied to corn, the top covered with a plantain leaf, tied with a bandage. If you hold 7 sessions, the corns will disappear independently.

Onion, potato and aloe. To soften and remove the corn without the risk of infection of the skin and painless, you need to carry out such a procedure. Add in warm water a little soap chips, soak in a bath of the legs 15 minutes. After make a paste of half the onions, small potatoes, aloe leaf. This slurry is tied to corn all night. Morning hardened skin easily removed with pumice. Procedure is recommended to do at least one more time to remove any dead tissue.

Lemon. If the heel was formed of large dry corn, it is necessary during the week at night, do the following procedure. A slice of lemon with peel to put my toes under the bandage, remove in the morning. After a week the corns will be removed with a brush or pumice stone without pain.

Egg film. Fresh, newly formed calluses easily removed film from the egg. To cook a hard-boiled egg, separate the film which is located between the shell and contents of eggs. The tape is applied to corn like a band-aid, as she quickly attached. Corn is and no time to zagrabiti.

Tomato. Chopped the pulp of tomato on warm heat for 5 minutes, and warm on the weight of the gauze to fit the bunion, securing a band-aid. Do a session twice a day for one week. Corn disappears forever.



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