Ornithotrophy — healing birdsong
Forty four million three hundred forty thousand eighty nine
Birds play in our lives a greater role than we can imagine. Birds singing cannot leave a person indifferent. It soothes, entertains, sets a romantic mood, heals the soul, brings into balance all the processes occurring in his body.
Singing bird creates a harmony of soul, mind and body, that is, helps a person to recover.
Valery Dmitrievich Ilyichev explained medical effect on humans of birdsong. Sounds through the ear fall into the so-called auditory area of the cerebral cortex and excite her. And it excited the rest of the cortex. Since the entire body one way or another regulated by the brain, the changes that occur in the brain, affect absolutely all physiological processes. Even the simple sound vibration can affect any organ, down to the cells. But musical sounds is, in fact, primarily fixed and stable harmony. Obeying her, all the organs and systems in the human body begin to work consistently and correctly.
People genetically linked to the sounds of birds and the sound environment he is initially pleasant. The voice of the bird, enshrined in the structures of the human brain as a stimulus that is associated with joy. And the link between positive emotions and physical health are well known.
Il'ichev noticed that among people living surrounded by birds, many centenarians. He explains that all biological processes in the human body are in this case synchronized singing of the birds. When people are living in huge cities, they have deprived themselves of communication with the birds in their natural environment.
Il'ichev never ceases to amaze the beneficial effects of birdsong on the human psyche and health.
For example, the NIGHTINGALE singing iridescent, mnogogrannoe, with alternating soft and sharp, loud and quiet musical overtones — invigorates, creates a mood, urges to work. It treats depression, nervous disorders, relieves headache. Similarly, there are on a person playful flute songs little WARBLER.
Palpitations, arrhythmia can shoot song birds with uniform rhythms — CANARIES, song-THRUSHES, BUNTINGS, FINCHES.
Sonorous cheerful melodies output by the GOLDFINCH or SISKIN, help with nervousness, irritability, fatigue.
Noticed that the sound vibrations produced by TRANSAMI, relieve headaches, heart and joint pain, cramps in the liver, stomach, heart, blood vessels. Her song is easy to learn — iridescent whistles begin with a characteristic squeak. Useful this harmonious sound vibration and those who suffer from insomnia.
The songs of SKYLARK and his fellow forest bird WHIRLIGIG, which is dominated by long gentle trills, create joy and peace in the soul.
In the thick bushes along the banks of rivers you can hear continuous soft chirping, like the voice of the grasshopper. It is the voice of the CRICKET, a small brownish-gray birds mobile. Her rhythmic singing helps with overstimulation of the nervous system, increased heart rate, cardiovascular diseases.
Singing BLACKBIRD will help chronic high blood pressure, especially when walking in the woods often. The sounds they produce, their frequency and act on the pain centers of the brain, which are excited in chronic migraines.
Arriving at the forest or Park, we should be able to distinguish the voice of the right of the bird and focus on it. So you first need to learn to distinguish the voices of birds recorded on records, disks, tapes. Then in the forest in the voices of bird songs, you should try to isolate the voices of wellknown birds. Then learn to hear the voice of one bird and tune in to him as a certain sound wave, disabling the rest of the background sound.
But no discs to replace the bird living next door to you that you tenderly cared for, not encroaching on her freedom. In gratitude, she gives you joy and inspiration, rescues from loneliness and life's anxieties, loves and heals.
Source: /users/1077
Birds play in our lives a greater role than we can imagine. Birds singing cannot leave a person indifferent. It soothes, entertains, sets a romantic mood, heals the soul, brings into balance all the processes occurring in his body.
Singing bird creates a harmony of soul, mind and body, that is, helps a person to recover.
Valery Dmitrievich Ilyichev explained medical effect on humans of birdsong. Sounds through the ear fall into the so-called auditory area of the cerebral cortex and excite her. And it excited the rest of the cortex. Since the entire body one way or another regulated by the brain, the changes that occur in the brain, affect absolutely all physiological processes. Even the simple sound vibration can affect any organ, down to the cells. But musical sounds is, in fact, primarily fixed and stable harmony. Obeying her, all the organs and systems in the human body begin to work consistently and correctly.
People genetically linked to the sounds of birds and the sound environment he is initially pleasant. The voice of the bird, enshrined in the structures of the human brain as a stimulus that is associated with joy. And the link between positive emotions and physical health are well known.
Il'ichev noticed that among people living surrounded by birds, many centenarians. He explains that all biological processes in the human body are in this case synchronized singing of the birds. When people are living in huge cities, they have deprived themselves of communication with the birds in their natural environment.
Il'ichev never ceases to amaze the beneficial effects of birdsong on the human psyche and health.
For example, the NIGHTINGALE singing iridescent, mnogogrannoe, with alternating soft and sharp, loud and quiet musical overtones — invigorates, creates a mood, urges to work. It treats depression, nervous disorders, relieves headache. Similarly, there are on a person playful flute songs little WARBLER.
Palpitations, arrhythmia can shoot song birds with uniform rhythms — CANARIES, song-THRUSHES, BUNTINGS, FINCHES.
Sonorous cheerful melodies output by the GOLDFINCH or SISKIN, help with nervousness, irritability, fatigue.
Noticed that the sound vibrations produced by TRANSAMI, relieve headaches, heart and joint pain, cramps in the liver, stomach, heart, blood vessels. Her song is easy to learn — iridescent whistles begin with a characteristic squeak. Useful this harmonious sound vibration and those who suffer from insomnia.
The songs of SKYLARK and his fellow forest bird WHIRLIGIG, which is dominated by long gentle trills, create joy and peace in the soul.
In the thick bushes along the banks of rivers you can hear continuous soft chirping, like the voice of the grasshopper. It is the voice of the CRICKET, a small brownish-gray birds mobile. Her rhythmic singing helps with overstimulation of the nervous system, increased heart rate, cardiovascular diseases.
Singing BLACKBIRD will help chronic high blood pressure, especially when walking in the woods often. The sounds they produce, their frequency and act on the pain centers of the brain, which are excited in chronic migraines.
Arriving at the forest or Park, we should be able to distinguish the voice of the right of the bird and focus on it. So you first need to learn to distinguish the voices of birds recorded on records, disks, tapes. Then in the forest in the voices of bird songs, you should try to isolate the voices of wellknown birds. Then learn to hear the voice of one bird and tune in to him as a certain sound wave, disabling the rest of the background sound.
But no discs to replace the bird living next door to you that you tenderly cared for, not encroaching on her freedom. In gratitude, she gives you joy and inspiration, rescues from loneliness and life's anxieties, loves and heals.
Source: /users/1077
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