Urban birds chirping rap
Urban noise transform traditional bird melodii
According to recent research, the birds living in cities read "bird rap", while the rural birds prefer to publish more traditional sounds. Urban birds sing fast songs are short, and the birds of the countryside she sings slow lingering melodies. According to experts, so urban birds confront background noise and increase their chances of finding a partner.
Researchers studied the great tits living in several major cities, including London, Paris, Amsterdam and Prague, and compared them with the forest inhabitants. In each city, the birds were more diverse "repertoire" and sang at the higher minimum frequency. In addition, urban birds published a series of one to five short trills, while the forest prefer to sing in two, three or four long tunes.
Perhaps the birds learned to sing so that their sound could be heard over the noise of trains, airplanes and traffic. Males use singing to mark their territory, and if the song is not heard, then there is likely to encounter with rivals and eventually join with them in the fight. In addition, the singing is used to attract females.
via factroom.ru

According to recent research, the birds living in cities read "bird rap", while the rural birds prefer to publish more traditional sounds. Urban birds sing fast songs are short, and the birds of the countryside she sings slow lingering melodies. According to experts, so urban birds confront background noise and increase their chances of finding a partner.
Researchers studied the great tits living in several major cities, including London, Paris, Amsterdam and Prague, and compared them with the forest inhabitants. In each city, the birds were more diverse "repertoire" and sang at the higher minimum frequency. In addition, urban birds published a series of one to five short trills, while the forest prefer to sing in two, three or four long tunes.
Perhaps the birds learned to sing so that their sound could be heard over the noise of trains, airplanes and traffic. Males use singing to mark their territory, and if the song is not heard, then there is likely to encounter with rivals and eventually join with them in the fight. In addition, the singing is used to attract females.
via factroom.ru