Almanac Gopnik
Leaving abroad, Russian tourists sometimes decide that in other countries, exclusively intelligent, friendly, stylishly dressed law-abiding citizens. Unless you've seen in Japan Gopnik? No? In fact, you have lost their sight because they did not know what they look like. From this material you know who to fear, or, on the contrary, next to whom you can sit down and talk for a life abroad.
Chav, England
A distinctive feature of
sharp focus
Lady Sovereign, Basshunter
Let's start with the classics. «Chav» comes from the gypsy word "shavvi", which translated means "child". As a rule, representatives of disadvantaged families who live on the dole. Because of this, they become objects of scorn: Britons complain that bums living on their taxes without bringing benefits to society. The clothes chavy prefer sports style, but for sports activities are rarely seen.
Girls wear tight chavetty-shirts with the logos of famous brands, tight jeans or short skirts, ugg boots or sneakers, but especially stand out for their hairstyles: bleached hair regrown to shrink back into a tight tail and ears are decorated with big earrings in the form of rings. Chavetty are fond of shiny jewelry, imitating gold. Both men and women are rarely released from the hands of a can of beer and a cigarette, so they can safely be considered a piece wardrobe. From music chavy prefer hip-hop and R & B, though not averse to domestic racism. Chavy love cars, but not patient enough (or too adventurous) to dig the money and buy a good car; much prefer to take a second-hand and spend time and money on its tuning. To communicate in a typical slang with a strong accent, vocabulary is rich with abusive words.
Knacker, Ned, Ireland, Scotland
A distinctive feature of
Cap Burberry
Beer Buckfast, cheap cider
The Irish word «knacker», in addition to the local counterpart "Gopnik" is used more to describe a person who buys an old or sick animals to kill him and sell the meat. It can be assumed that the offensive connotation extends to all of its value. In addition, the Irish Necker slightly different from the British chavov - the same appearance and lifestyle.
Cut «ned» stands for «non-educated delinquent», translated to English - "uneducated criminal." From chavov English differ mainly in accent and a taste for fake caps brand Burberry. Often they smoke hashish, which is crushed and rolled into cigarettes. This habit is so widespread, it took a special word for holes in clothing, cigarette ash burns with pieces of hashish - "bommers».
Bogan, Australia
A distinctive feature of
black jeans, ugg
Victoria Bitter
Cold Chisel, Midnight Oil, AC / DC
Appearance Boganov radically different from that of other Gopnik: they wear flannel shirts, black jeans or leggings, black wool sweater and uggs. God used to ride around Holden Commodore or Ford Falcon. Unlike other Gopnik peace of God have long hair or at least long bangs. We can not say that they are extremely aggressive or trying to "squeeze Mobile", but in the minds of Australians take the place of God uneducated, immoral elements of society. God gather in pubs where looking adoringly Australian football and occasionally arrange fights. Girls, God considered much more aggressive and unmanageable. They while away, walking through shopping malls and supermarkets with a bottle of beer, constantly prikrikivaya and bullying other women.
Cani, Spain
A distinctive feature of
hairstyle "short Marketplace»
Tequimon, Molotov
Paco Pil, Chimo Bayo, Daddy Yankee
The various autonomous Spanish working class youth subculture called differently. Common name - Kani, but in reality there are more than two dozen: surmanito and Will in Seville, burrako in Malaga, Doncho in Granada, garrulo in Catalonia ueso in Almeria, Maca in Extremadura, poker in Madrid and many other names in different autonomous regions, towns and villages.
If we talk about the style of clothes, it all depends on the capabilities of each individual Kani. If there is a down jacket Kani El Niño, then it will not even take it off in August. Under the down jacket must be a tracksuit. If the guy torso relief, then force him to wear a T-shirt can be just before Christmas. Both love the sunglasses and wear them without paying attention to the time of year and amount of sunlight. The same applies to baseball caps. In public transport like to include music from a mobile phone, more flamenco raggaton or bakalao - a local subspecies of club music. Of course, public transport can be found only those who do not have their own means of transportation. Typically, this scooter Yamaha Jog-R replaced with a silencer - a factory behaves too quiet. Special chic is to replace as many parts of the scooter, so that he could go faster and louder noise.
El ñero, Colombia
A distinctive feature of
Aperitivos Vincorte,
Gran Brindis
Wispin & Yandel,
Osmani Garcia
Nyeri (also known as Turro in Argentina, it is necessary in Mexico and Venezuela tukki) differ from Kani especially hair - on the South American continent is still held in high esteem Mallet (or "sevens" as they are called Colombians). According to local, the highest concentration observed in Nyeri town of Medellin, which in recent years has strengthened its status as the capital of the drug.
An example to follow Nyeri chose El Zarco, the hero of the novel by Mexican writer Ignacio Manuel Altamirano and the film based on his motives. El Zarco - the leader of the criminal group, the young and beautiful, but aggressive and ruthless.
Like Kani, uniforms Nyeri - fake tracksuits Nike, Puma and Adidas. Sometimes it complement amulets or images that hang on the neck, and a dog that sits at her feet. The dog meaner and more, the better. Often they are shooting at passers-cigarette, poltosu and telephone. Listen to the usual Latin American pop music, sometimes Latin hip-hop. Apart from petty theft and drug trafficking sometimes make a living a very unusual way: sell sweets on the buses, inventing itself a tragic story or borrow it from the telenovela (wife, twin brother of my father killed his family was left without a breadwinner). Nyeri senior assistants working driver, sitting on the stool and Adjacent collect money from passengers, and most adults become drivers and decorate your workspace icons, flags and seals. In his spare time Nyeri love to play indoor soccer, always bare-chested, picture yourself on a mobile phone as usual Russian chicks.
Racaille, France
A distinctive feature of
belt bag
vodka Pepsi
K-Maro, Diam's
Rakai stand out from the crowd tracksuit Lacoste (sometimes Sergio Tacchini or Airness) and fill the habit pants into socks. Over tracksuit worn belt bag (also Lacoste), a mobile phone hanging on a cord around his neck. Like the Spaniards, the French Gopnik love listening to music in public places, without using headphones, but their playlist is slightly different: they prefer hip-hop, R & B, and all the forgotten tectonics. Rakai move on mopeds, allowing some of them deftly pull the bag out of the hands of passers-chat while driving. A special area of cancer - a commuter train RER. They are similar to our subway only double-decker cars, and very dirty, and the station is longer. There they collected huge groups of 15-20 people, gagging girls raid the whole company at any frail Frenchman to take away money or phone, swinging on handrails and spit on the floor.
Yanki, Japan
A distinctive feature of
no matter
Miliyah Kato, Spontania
In Japan, the "Yankees" was referred to Americans as in the rest of the world, and Japanese working class youth with antisocial habits. On them is often spoken of as a future member of the yakuza, but the Yankees are harmless and much of the offenses are limited to petty theft, hooliganism, vandalism and fights. The Yankees could get along very well with simple Russian boys: they both prefer to chat, sitting "on the courts».
Often Yankees supporting nationalist ideas and inspiring stories of Japan, especially the samurai and kamikaze pilots. Since they are almost always belong to the working class, they are trying to emphasize its origins in clothes, wearing overalls, uniforms reminiscent of Japanese builders. Over the half-century that the Yankees subculture flourishes in Japan, their preferences have changed. In recent years, the Yankees much passionate about the Japanese hip-hop. Their life revolves around motorcycles and cars, mostly those who have gangster aura, like Toyota Celsior or American maslkarov. Like all cultural phenomena, the Yankees are reflected in Japanese movies, anime and manga.
Dres, Poland
A distinctive feature of
Dog fighting breeds
analogs "Jaguar»
Firma, AbraDab
The word "address of" appeared in the 1990s due tracksuit (dres), which flooded the markets. It is assumed that before a single subculture Dres no united and they were called by a simple huliganёm or criminals. Habitat - residential districts of large cities, as well as we have built-up condominium. So sometimes Dres proudly call themselves blokersi, ie "patsanchiki with the district." Around his neck respecting Dres always flaunts psevdozolotaya chain with a cross. In babershopy Dres not look, but prefer to shave with the help of friends nalyso or style your hair back with gel liberally sprinkling his head.
From cars prefer the Germans, can generally only afford little old Volkswagen, Opel, Audi. Raise karki (neck, bull neck, 'brother) used to drive BMW. Quite young, with no experience of street robberies forced to travel by bus. Here, too, has its own culture: dress, regardless of the number of lads, take the last six places. Those who are on a level not allowed to sit, hang on the railing, rocking the bus and harass citizens. Sometimes, if there are individuals grumpy grandfather, could give him a place. In general, older people are outside the concept of suckers, so they do not hit and did not "throw on mobile." Interestingly, Dres, unlike our lean Gopnik, visit rocking. Also part of the plant fighting breeds of dogs (pit bulls and Staffordshire Terrier).
White trash, US
A distinctive feature of
He lives in a trailer
beer and marijuana
Hard Rock 1970
If in urban areas Gopnik defend the honor of the famous black gangsta, in the province for the entire rabble there is a broad notion of «white trash». "White trash" in the XIX century began to call poor white workers who were on a par with the black slaves to harvest the plantation. Now called white trash uneducated poor Americans whose behavior does not fit the generally accepted morality. Though outwardly they do not look like Gopnik other countries, but it is perceived as the lumpen elements.
The most common image of white trash - a white man who lives in a trailer or even drives a pickup truck, has its own guns, wears her hair Mallet, his body a lot of tattoos, made at home cronies. If both work, earning very little, and the money once spent on "new telly" instead of food to children, and more just gets unemployment benefits. Entertained a visit "village club", where required to put up a fight. Habitat - across the country, but the highest concentration of people - in the south. It features a zealous patriotism and ethnic hatred.
In small towns often formed a gang of young people who can also be attributed to the white trash. In each village usually several warring factions who are fighting for credibility and the impact on residents. They are very well organized, subject to the eldest member of the gang, which distributes the younger members of the task. Typically, this small street hooliganism, squeezing money out of "patsanchik and suckers" or burglary. From homes endure most stereos and weapons. Sometimes the trade in drugs and arms. It is interesting that such gangs have their own codes. For example, one rule - everything that happens in a band, should not affect the family members.
Ars, Israel
A distinctive feature of
gold chain,
beer, wine
Yishai Levi, Amir Benayoun
The word "ARS", apparently, comes from the Moroccan "pimp." Arsy - are young, carefree staggering flocks under the hot Israeli sun and adhering to the girls. They are distinguished by aggressive behavior in public places, do not hesitate to talk very loudly on the phone among strangers (apparently to show his superiority), prefer to cut circles around the city in a car with the windows open, all of which can hear rap and Arabic music. Arsy psevdogrecheskih gather in a cafe, where they drink cheap wine and arguing with waiters and guys at the neighboring tables.
Dress arsy pants with motnёy and wear gold chain giant - the more chains around his neck, the better. Wear short haircuts "for the pot." More arsy different and extremely dismissive attitude towards the female sex, with each ADR seeks to get his (or at least one for two) Frechen. The word "Frechen" is translated from Arabic as "joy", he referred to women without outstanding mental abilities. Israeli "Frechen" differ primarily in revealing outfits.

Chav, England

A distinctive feature of
sharp focus
Lady Sovereign, Basshunter
Let's start with the classics. «Chav» comes from the gypsy word "shavvi", which translated means "child". As a rule, representatives of disadvantaged families who live on the dole. Because of this, they become objects of scorn: Britons complain that bums living on their taxes without bringing benefits to society. The clothes chavy prefer sports style, but for sports activities are rarely seen.
Girls wear tight chavetty-shirts with the logos of famous brands, tight jeans or short skirts, ugg boots or sneakers, but especially stand out for their hairstyles: bleached hair regrown to shrink back into a tight tail and ears are decorated with big earrings in the form of rings. Chavetty are fond of shiny jewelry, imitating gold. Both men and women are rarely released from the hands of a can of beer and a cigarette, so they can safely be considered a piece wardrobe. From music chavy prefer hip-hop and R & B, though not averse to domestic racism. Chavy love cars, but not patient enough (or too adventurous) to dig the money and buy a good car; much prefer to take a second-hand and spend time and money on its tuning. To communicate in a typical slang with a strong accent, vocabulary is rich with abusive words.
Knacker, Ned, Ireland, Scotland

A distinctive feature of
Cap Burberry
Beer Buckfast, cheap cider
The Irish word «knacker», in addition to the local counterpart "Gopnik" is used more to describe a person who buys an old or sick animals to kill him and sell the meat. It can be assumed that the offensive connotation extends to all of its value. In addition, the Irish Necker slightly different from the British chavov - the same appearance and lifestyle.
Cut «ned» stands for «non-educated delinquent», translated to English - "uneducated criminal." From chavov English differ mainly in accent and a taste for fake caps brand Burberry. Often they smoke hashish, which is crushed and rolled into cigarettes. This habit is so widespread, it took a special word for holes in clothing, cigarette ash burns with pieces of hashish - "bommers».
Bogan, Australia

A distinctive feature of
black jeans, ugg
Victoria Bitter
Cold Chisel, Midnight Oil, AC / DC
Appearance Boganov radically different from that of other Gopnik: they wear flannel shirts, black jeans or leggings, black wool sweater and uggs. God used to ride around Holden Commodore or Ford Falcon. Unlike other Gopnik peace of God have long hair or at least long bangs. We can not say that they are extremely aggressive or trying to "squeeze Mobile", but in the minds of Australians take the place of God uneducated, immoral elements of society. God gather in pubs where looking adoringly Australian football and occasionally arrange fights. Girls, God considered much more aggressive and unmanageable. They while away, walking through shopping malls and supermarkets with a bottle of beer, constantly prikrikivaya and bullying other women.

Cani, Spain

A distinctive feature of
hairstyle "short Marketplace»
Tequimon, Molotov
Paco Pil, Chimo Bayo, Daddy Yankee
The various autonomous Spanish working class youth subculture called differently. Common name - Kani, but in reality there are more than two dozen: surmanito and Will in Seville, burrako in Malaga, Doncho in Granada, garrulo in Catalonia ueso in Almeria, Maca in Extremadura, poker in Madrid and many other names in different autonomous regions, towns and villages.
If we talk about the style of clothes, it all depends on the capabilities of each individual Kani. If there is a down jacket Kani El Niño, then it will not even take it off in August. Under the down jacket must be a tracksuit. If the guy torso relief, then force him to wear a T-shirt can be just before Christmas. Both love the sunglasses and wear them without paying attention to the time of year and amount of sunlight. The same applies to baseball caps. In public transport like to include music from a mobile phone, more flamenco raggaton or bakalao - a local subspecies of club music. Of course, public transport can be found only those who do not have their own means of transportation. Typically, this scooter Yamaha Jog-R replaced with a silencer - a factory behaves too quiet. Special chic is to replace as many parts of the scooter, so that he could go faster and louder noise.
El ñero, Colombia

A distinctive feature of
Aperitivos Vincorte,
Gran Brindis
Wispin & Yandel,
Osmani Garcia
Nyeri (also known as Turro in Argentina, it is necessary in Mexico and Venezuela tukki) differ from Kani especially hair - on the South American continent is still held in high esteem Mallet (or "sevens" as they are called Colombians). According to local, the highest concentration observed in Nyeri town of Medellin, which in recent years has strengthened its status as the capital of the drug.
An example to follow Nyeri chose El Zarco, the hero of the novel by Mexican writer Ignacio Manuel Altamirano and the film based on his motives. El Zarco - the leader of the criminal group, the young and beautiful, but aggressive and ruthless.
Like Kani, uniforms Nyeri - fake tracksuits Nike, Puma and Adidas. Sometimes it complement amulets or images that hang on the neck, and a dog that sits at her feet. The dog meaner and more, the better. Often they are shooting at passers-cigarette, poltosu and telephone. Listen to the usual Latin American pop music, sometimes Latin hip-hop. Apart from petty theft and drug trafficking sometimes make a living a very unusual way: sell sweets on the buses, inventing itself a tragic story or borrow it from the telenovela (wife, twin brother of my father killed his family was left without a breadwinner). Nyeri senior assistants working driver, sitting on the stool and Adjacent collect money from passengers, and most adults become drivers and decorate your workspace icons, flags and seals. In his spare time Nyeri love to play indoor soccer, always bare-chested, picture yourself on a mobile phone as usual Russian chicks.
Racaille, France

A distinctive feature of
belt bag
vodka Pepsi
K-Maro, Diam's
Rakai stand out from the crowd tracksuit Lacoste (sometimes Sergio Tacchini or Airness) and fill the habit pants into socks. Over tracksuit worn belt bag (also Lacoste), a mobile phone hanging on a cord around his neck. Like the Spaniards, the French Gopnik love listening to music in public places, without using headphones, but their playlist is slightly different: they prefer hip-hop, R & B, and all the forgotten tectonics. Rakai move on mopeds, allowing some of them deftly pull the bag out of the hands of passers-chat while driving. A special area of cancer - a commuter train RER. They are similar to our subway only double-decker cars, and very dirty, and the station is longer. There they collected huge groups of 15-20 people, gagging girls raid the whole company at any frail Frenchman to take away money or phone, swinging on handrails and spit on the floor.

Yanki, Japan

A distinctive feature of
no matter
Miliyah Kato, Spontania
In Japan, the "Yankees" was referred to Americans as in the rest of the world, and Japanese working class youth with antisocial habits. On them is often spoken of as a future member of the yakuza, but the Yankees are harmless and much of the offenses are limited to petty theft, hooliganism, vandalism and fights. The Yankees could get along very well with simple Russian boys: they both prefer to chat, sitting "on the courts».
Often Yankees supporting nationalist ideas and inspiring stories of Japan, especially the samurai and kamikaze pilots. Since they are almost always belong to the working class, they are trying to emphasize its origins in clothes, wearing overalls, uniforms reminiscent of Japanese builders. Over the half-century that the Yankees subculture flourishes in Japan, their preferences have changed. In recent years, the Yankees much passionate about the Japanese hip-hop. Their life revolves around motorcycles and cars, mostly those who have gangster aura, like Toyota Celsior or American maslkarov. Like all cultural phenomena, the Yankees are reflected in Japanese movies, anime and manga.
Dres, Poland

A distinctive feature of
Dog fighting breeds
analogs "Jaguar»
Firma, AbraDab
The word "address of" appeared in the 1990s due tracksuit (dres), which flooded the markets. It is assumed that before a single subculture Dres no united and they were called by a simple huliganёm or criminals. Habitat - residential districts of large cities, as well as we have built-up condominium. So sometimes Dres proudly call themselves blokersi, ie "patsanchiki with the district." Around his neck respecting Dres always flaunts psevdozolotaya chain with a cross. In babershopy Dres not look, but prefer to shave with the help of friends nalyso or style your hair back with gel liberally sprinkling his head.
From cars prefer the Germans, can generally only afford little old Volkswagen, Opel, Audi. Raise karki (neck, bull neck, 'brother) used to drive BMW. Quite young, with no experience of street robberies forced to travel by bus. Here, too, has its own culture: dress, regardless of the number of lads, take the last six places. Those who are on a level not allowed to sit, hang on the railing, rocking the bus and harass citizens. Sometimes, if there are individuals grumpy grandfather, could give him a place. In general, older people are outside the concept of suckers, so they do not hit and did not "throw on mobile." Interestingly, Dres, unlike our lean Gopnik, visit rocking. Also part of the plant fighting breeds of dogs (pit bulls and Staffordshire Terrier).
White trash, US

A distinctive feature of
He lives in a trailer
beer and marijuana
Hard Rock 1970
If in urban areas Gopnik defend the honor of the famous black gangsta, in the province for the entire rabble there is a broad notion of «white trash». "White trash" in the XIX century began to call poor white workers who were on a par with the black slaves to harvest the plantation. Now called white trash uneducated poor Americans whose behavior does not fit the generally accepted morality. Though outwardly they do not look like Gopnik other countries, but it is perceived as the lumpen elements.
The most common image of white trash - a white man who lives in a trailer or even drives a pickup truck, has its own guns, wears her hair Mallet, his body a lot of tattoos, made at home cronies. If both work, earning very little, and the money once spent on "new telly" instead of food to children, and more just gets unemployment benefits. Entertained a visit "village club", where required to put up a fight. Habitat - across the country, but the highest concentration of people - in the south. It features a zealous patriotism and ethnic hatred.
In small towns often formed a gang of young people who can also be attributed to the white trash. In each village usually several warring factions who are fighting for credibility and the impact on residents. They are very well organized, subject to the eldest member of the gang, which distributes the younger members of the task. Typically, this small street hooliganism, squeezing money out of "patsanchik and suckers" or burglary. From homes endure most stereos and weapons. Sometimes the trade in drugs and arms. It is interesting that such gangs have their own codes. For example, one rule - everything that happens in a band, should not affect the family members.

Ars, Israel

A distinctive feature of
gold chain,
beer, wine
Yishai Levi, Amir Benayoun
The word "ARS", apparently, comes from the Moroccan "pimp." Arsy - are young, carefree staggering flocks under the hot Israeli sun and adhering to the girls. They are distinguished by aggressive behavior in public places, do not hesitate to talk very loudly on the phone among strangers (apparently to show his superiority), prefer to cut circles around the city in a car with the windows open, all of which can hear rap and Arabic music. Arsy psevdogrecheskih gather in a cafe, where they drink cheap wine and arguing with waiters and guys at the neighboring tables.
Dress arsy pants with motnёy and wear gold chain giant - the more chains around his neck, the better. Wear short haircuts "for the pot." More arsy different and extremely dismissive attitude towards the female sex, with each ADR seeks to get his (or at least one for two) Frechen. The word "Frechen" is translated from Arabic as "joy", he referred to women without outstanding mental abilities. Israeli "Frechen" differ primarily in revealing outfits.
A new generation of nuclear-powered cruiser "Severodvinsk" (13 photos)
Purchase of household appliances in the USSR