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Atlantis — a highly developed precivilization died as a result of the cataclysm

Can you relate to the legend of Atlantis. However, the fact that the problem of the disappeared ancient civilization interested in such serious people like Mikhail Lomonosov, and his submission and the Russian Minister of education Abraham Norov, gives reason to wonder. And many wonder. Only in Russia and the Soviet Union the poets and writers Vasily Kapnist, Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Valery Briusov, Vasily Rozanov, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Alexei Tolstoy, Alexander Belyaev,... And a Preface to a new edition of the book of the doctor of chemical Sciences, Professor Mykola Zhirova "Atlantis. The main problems of atlantology" (Wiley, 2004) written by doctor of geological-mineralogical Sciences, Professor, chief researcher of Institute of Oceanology P. p. Shirshov Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Gorodnitsky. And for more than 11 years in Russia, the organization acts ROIPA – Russian society on studying of problems of Atlantis. What is the problem – in a conversation with journalist Nicholas by DOROZHKINA says the historian, anthropologist, philosopher, member of the interdisciplinary research group "Origins of civilizations", President of roipa Georgiy Nefed'ev.

Underwater archaeology can make a lot of sensational discoveries. Photo Reuters

– Georgy Vladimirovich, tell us more about ROIPA, an organization which you head.

– A community of like-minded people dealing with the problem of Atlantis and other ancient civilizations, whose existence is questioned historical science, first appeared in Moscow in the early 90-ies of the last century. At its base stood, for example, such writers and scholars as Alexander Kazantsev, Alexander Gorodnitsky, Vladimir Shcherbakov, Alim Wojciechowski, chief editor of the newspaper "Master" Gennady Maximovich. the Community was created under the auspices of the then popular magazine "Miracles and adventures". Significant assistance was provided by the editor of this edition, well-known journalist Vasily Zakharchenko and other members of the magazine. Initially, the team of researchers was formed as the club of mysteries.

From 1999 to 2002, the community produced an organ anthology "Atlantis: problems, searches, hypotheses" in which he published historical and other studies of atlantology, in particular information about the research and expedition projects. Published three issues. This anthology managed to become the unifying authority around which rallied many famous scientists, experts in various fields of science.

And here's June 16, 2000 Moscow hosted the first Congress of atlantology. It addressed mainly organizational issues. Leader atlantologists movement in Russia was unanimously named the writer, President of the Moscow club of mysteries, candidate of technical Sciences Vladimir Shcherbakov.

The next step in the design of the Russian atlantologists movement was the formation on 25 April 2003 the Russian society on studying of problems of Atlantis (ROIPA), whose President was Alexander Voronin (1954-2012). The creation of such a society in the history of Russian science realized for the first time and it was hardly possible without the dedicated work of Alexander Alexandrovich Voronin – a real adventurer and romantic, devoted to his dream.

And already on may 22, 2003 in Moscow at the Institute of Oceanology of RAS them. P. p. Shirshov was held II Congress of the Russian atlantology. The first forum of such scale and thematic focus were carried out at the research Institute. The Congress was dedicated to the 100th anniversary since the birth of the outstanding Russian atlantology and chemist Nikolay Zhirov Feodosievich. His book "Atlantis. The main problems of atlantology", first published in 1964, is still the world's only fundamental scientific work on this subject.

Fat was the first who identified some goals and objectives are not yet recognized science-based and emerging at the intersection of many disciplines. At the initiative of Alexander Voronin was decided to create a Museum of Atlantis them. N. F. Zhirova. ROIPA atlantaregional has a rich library, a vast archival documents and materials about Fat and other Russian and foreign researchers of ancient civilizations.

– It turns out that the creation of roipa was a step to the recognition of atlantology science?

– Atlantology always stressed the importance of official recognition of atlantology as a science. And ROIPA since its Foundation, have launched an extensive research work to find historical evidence and artifacts confirming the reality of the great precivilization. The fact that among atlantaga many serious scientists, candidates and doctors of Sciences, also demonstrates that atlantology is a science!

– What are the collections and scholarly works produces ROIPA?

In 2004 ROIPA begins to edit and publish the book series "Library of Atlantis". It came out the following books: N. F. Fats "Atlantis. The main problems of atlantology" (2004), P. Davini, including Berlitz "In search of a missing continent" (2004), L. Seidler, "the Great catastrophe" (2004), A. A. Voronin, "the Maritime colonies of Atlantis" (2004), D. COP "Atlantis and the Kingdom of the giants" (2005).

In the book, Zhirov Alexander Voronin was first published biography of its author "Fats – founder of the science of atlantology. Through thorns to Atlantis". Later he published several publications in the new series, which was attended by our colleagues: O. G. Mook, "heavenly sword over Atlantis" (2007), G. F. Wirth, "Chronicles Cheers Linda. The ancient history of Europe" (2007), I. Donnelly "In the world of fire and sand" (2007), Joseph F. "the Survivors of Atlanta" (2008), A. A. Voronin, "the Treasures and relics of lost civilizations" (2010) and others In the publishing portfolio of roipa a lot of manuscripts that are waiting for a potential publisher, and thoughtful readers.

In 2005 at the XII Congress of the Russian geographical society (RGS) Professor Alexander Gorodnitsky made a report – "the Legend of Atlantis in the light of modern scientific data." And in 2006 at the Institute of world literature named. Gorky ran for the first time in Russia was defended his thesis "the Ancient myth of Atlantis and Atlantis: the experience of the folklore review". Author Julia crico concludes that the legend of Plato about Atlantis is an integral part of the ancient epic with the archaic pre-Greek origins and originating in the far West.

– It was held 26-27 November 2007 in the Institute of Oceanography them. P. p. Shirshov Russian Academy of Sciences. This forum brought together well-known researchers all over Russia and some CIS countries. The Congress made presentations Professor Alexander Gorodnitsky, head of the Association "Kosmopoisk" Vadim Chernobrov, a member of the Russian geographical society (RGS), Sergei Golubev, and many others. Congress played a huge role in uniting the Russian atlantology, strengthening ties with foreign counterparts, academic institutions, currently working on the issue of Atlantis in Russia and abroad. The forum was attended by known for its interdisciplinary research, the pilot-cosmonaut, twice hero of the Soviet Union, doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences Georgy Grechko.– As far as I know, the Congress of atlantropa was already international?

With the end of 2012 comes a new anthology "Kronos", dedicated mainly Atlantis and other precivilization. To date he has released two issues. They presented an interesting hypothesis and research domestic and foreign scholars. I note that in the last almanac, for the year 2014, published seven original works of our Western colleagues.

– ROIPA collaborates with Laboratory of alternative history and Fund "Third Millennium". What are their achievements?

Over the last decade, the Fund has been organized in different parts of the world expedition to find the remnants of ancient cultures. During these expeditions had investigated is interesting from the point of view of atlantology geographical location in the world: Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Greece, Malta, Ethiopia, Japan, Easter island...

Irrefutable evidence of the existence on our planet many millennia ago, an advanced civilization (or civilizations series), who left numerous traces in the form of megalithic structures, statues, and other artifacts, which traces high-tech processing. This civilization died as a result of planetary cataclysm that threw humanity for many millennia in a primitive state. The few survivors of reach of the antediluvian civilization began to seem creations of the "gods", which they tried to imitate, without understanding their essence.

But is it possible to restore the lost principle of operation of any device or mechanism, without having to ensure its production, information and social infrastructure? Perhaps, but only after many generations when scientific and technical potential of society will be restored to the lost level. Even now, with all the revolutionary discoveries of the last century, we are not able to answer the question, how were built the pyramids of Egypt, delivered to the trilithon of Baalbek or made polygonal masonry constructions in Peru.

– What do you think, what prevents the official science to recognize it as unexplainable, but undeniable fact? Why is it necessary to gloss over or to declare a pseudo-science?

– This is a very relevant and competent question. Is it only scientific corporate solidarity and ethics, the fear of losing career prospects, lose the high Cathedral stands, being branded a charlatan and pseudoscientist, prevents this recognition? Everything is much more complicated.

The recognition of one only of the existence of precivilization, in many ways superior to the modern, puts an end to all suggestible to us almost since childhood, the interpretation of historical development as a forward, progressive movement from simple to more complex, as a linear process, which is irreversible. Allowed recourse only to certain parts, but not all socio-cultural communities. Spiral development of history, proven by the works of the classics from Hegel to Marx and confirmed by the works of Lev Gumilyov, is still a taboo area.

Official recognition of this fact means the revision of the dominant linear paradigm and its replacement by the cyclic paradigm. It works on all the information collected to date factual material, a large number of unexplained artifacts, theoretical developments and concepts. At the intersection of many fields of knowledge, the efforts of many researchers actually realized a longtime dream romantic atlantaga on the recognition of a new interdisciplinary science of atlantology, which eventually joins the circle of academic disciplines.

It will include the full range of our knowledge, methodological approaches, research hypotheses about all the ancient human civilizations of Atlantis and Hyperborea to Lemuria and Pacifica. And let this science there is no single "General course". The important thing is that there is a trend towards the systematization of knowledge, to the reconstruction of the true history of human civilization. And the creation of a Museum of Atlantis them. N. F. Zhirova is necessary for the preservation of Russian and world atlantologists heritage.

Studies prehistoric precivilization can, among other things, to find out and the reasons for their disappearance – anthropo - technogenic, natural, space. This knowledge will arm scientists, as it will provide an opportunity to predict and prevent such disasters. And this is the problem of cosmic scale.



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