Bimini Road (28 photo + letter)
In 1940, the eminent American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce stated one of the strangest of his prophecies.
He predicted that Atlantis would rise from the ocean floor, and it will happen between 1966 and 1970 ...
This prediction was made by Casey shortly before his death seemed so incredible that it almost no one believed. However, another clairvoyant - Master of the Rosicrucian Raymond Bernard in his book "Invisible Empire" saw the light in 1961, confirmed this prophecy.
And in 1968 was an amazing event. French diver Dmitry Rebikoff noticed the water near the island of North Bimini, belonging to the group of the Bahamas in the Atlantic Ocean, geometrically regular stone slabs!
The news quickly spread through the world and caused a sensation. It finally found real traces of Atlantis, the legendary country, plunged into the ocean, according to Plato, 12 thousand years ago. Immediately after Rebikoffom bottom at the North Bimini Dr. J. examined. Vallentyne, honorary curator of the Natural Science Museum in Miami.
He described the object as "broad pavement of rectangular flat stones of different sizes, the edges of which are rounded by long years of water erosion," and expressed confidence in its artificial origin. In the same year Rebikoff together with a team of the University of Massachusetts have made aerial ocean area near the North Bimini and made a sample layout of mysterious objects.
Everything indicates that found the remains of some ancient road and building foundations and walls, and perhaps top of the building, the speakers of the centuries-old sediment.
Expeditions were unsuccessful
Over the next 40 years in North Bimini have visited dozens of expeditions. Thousands of divers dream enthralled to find the legendary Atlantis, seven-meter dive to a depth of a strange stone "roads." Overgrown with shells and underwater vegetation, they stand about 20 centimeters hell ocean surface soil and stretch, turning in some places at an obtuse angle. The length of the "road" is 100-150 meters. Such objects have also been found near another island group of the Bahamas - Andros.
Most of the missions involved in research "Bimini Road", appeared little success. Underwater archaeologists have tried to carry out excavations to determine at what depth the blocks lie, but no one could get to their base. This prevented the strong underwater currents and whirlpools. Besides the local waters are full of white sharks - the most dangerous to humans, and the bottom is teeming with moray eels.
No wonder the Bahamas enjoys athletes podvodnkov notorious. By the way, The Bahamas are part of the area of the Bermuda Triangle. So do not be surprised that the two expeditions to the North Bimini missing, and the rest of the participants experienced a very unusual.
Glow seabed
March 24, 1979, Americans Jim Ventana and Harold X. Wilson during a dive at the North Bimini at six o'clock in the afternoon in the water saw a glowing triangular object in a big way "wings" around twelve meters. Triangle, rapidly moving above the bottom, made several steep turns, then emerged from the water, soared into the sky and disappeared. This facility also saw the people on the boat who were waiting for the divers.
In June 1998, a French expedition led by D. Vallo late at night watching bluish glow of the ocean floor near the North Bimini.
Glowing territory is a wide direct band with well-defined edges; and the band did not stand still, and moved.
The source of the strange glow was found. The phenomenon continued for about forty minutes.
As it turned out, a luminous band noticed a fishing schooner,
is nearby; spotted her and the American space satellite.
A three meter stranger
Incredible stories told diver John March, dive to the "Bimini Road" in 2000. On a clear day at sunset in good visibility, he noticed a dark human figure who strode through the ancient slabs (which Chagall, not floating). March's especially impressed that a man was without a spacesuit. Very high, about three meters tall, the stranger was moving towards the diver.
March thought it was fitting jumpsuit. However, no clothes, no face to see in the bluish mist was impossible; approaching a figure seemed like a dark silhouette. Murch said later that at that moment he had in mind was not to swim up to the strange figure, on the contrary, his whole being longed for only one thing: to run away as soon as possible.
Suddenly there was a strong headache. Do not wait until a stranger comes near March surfaced to a yacht waiting for him. He felt so overwhelmed that he barely managed to cling to the ladder hung from the side. Pain released in ten minutes. And then it turned out that a headache at all yacht crew, the pain started all at the same time, coincided with the appearance of her at the Marcha.
Metal colonnade preserved?
Immediately after the opening of the "Bimini Road," there were skeptics who try to prove their natural origin. Geologist Eugene Shinn suggested that "the road" could be formed under the influence of tides. Later version was proposed that "road" - a sea shell and sand, hundreds of years compressed into rectangular formation.
Dr. Greg Little of the University of Georgia, a professional diver and archaeologist, wrote about it this way: "These crazy theories come up with those who have never dived to the" road ", did not see them with your eyes, do not touch the hands of their amazing stones».
By the way, the doctor of the expedition to the North Little Bimini in 2003 and 2004 gave, perhaps, more information about these objects than any previous combined.
Little and his team found a second layer of stone blocks of the same, and even lower - third. To get to the base of the ancient buildings of Little failed, in connection with which he concluded that it was not expensive, and most likely the top of the walls, buried under sediments.
When viewed from a very small portion of the second layer of plates, which managed to uncover, it was found that it is less affected by water erosion, plate carefully sanded and adjusted to each other quite closely.
Instruments showed the presence of a bottom in the "road" voids, as well as metal. It is unusual for the entire region, since neither themselves Bahamas or the surrounding area of the Atlantic are no deposits of metals.
Underground metal objects that fix the device, are located mostly in the north and north-west of the "Road", and they are arranged as if a dot, patches, and form a semi-circle. Little suggests that it may have an ancient metal colonnade that once supported (and perhaps still maintains) the vaults of some buildings.
In 2004, one of the participants of the expedition killed shark, and the work had to fold early. But Dr. Little is going to come back in the future.
Traces of the legendary country
Researchers have tried to determine the age of three "roads". In 1968, having studied bottom relief and geological layers, scientists have suggested that it 2- 2, 5 thousand years. However, in the 80 years of new research moved the time of their creation up to the X-IX millennium BC.
Research 2000s "wear" underwater object for another thousand years. Now, it is assumed that the "road" appeared in the XI-X millennium BC.
Analysis of the stones showed that initially they were on land.
The most striking thing is that if you focus on the aforementioned date, the age of the "Bimini Road" generally corresponds to the age of Atlantis, said Plato in his famous dialogues "Critias" and "Timaeus". According to Plato, which refers, in turn, to Egyptian sources, Atlantis was destroyed in X millennium BC But, in addition, there is also a prophecy Casey, who just said that from the bottom of the ocean should rise is Atlantis.
Now almost no one doubts that the seer had in mind "Bimini road».
Is Casey and this time was right and we got a tangible traces of the existence of the legendary country?
Whatever it was, the discovery of the underwater ruins near North Bimini on the agenda of history once again raised the question of the time and place of occurrence of the first ancient civilizations.
Now it is clear that at the end of the fourth glacial period, the human race was not only one of the primitive hunters with stone axes in their hands.
On this Site: paranormal-news.ru, lah.ru, wikipedia.org, six.pp.ua
He predicted that Atlantis would rise from the ocean floor, and it will happen between 1966 and 1970 ...

This prediction was made by Casey shortly before his death seemed so incredible that it almost no one believed. However, another clairvoyant - Master of the Rosicrucian Raymond Bernard in his book "Invisible Empire" saw the light in 1961, confirmed this prophecy.

And in 1968 was an amazing event. French diver Dmitry Rebikoff noticed the water near the island of North Bimini, belonging to the group of the Bahamas in the Atlantic Ocean, geometrically regular stone slabs!

The news quickly spread through the world and caused a sensation. It finally found real traces of Atlantis, the legendary country, plunged into the ocean, according to Plato, 12 thousand years ago. Immediately after Rebikoffom bottom at the North Bimini Dr. J. examined. Vallentyne, honorary curator of the Natural Science Museum in Miami.

He described the object as "broad pavement of rectangular flat stones of different sizes, the edges of which are rounded by long years of water erosion," and expressed confidence in its artificial origin. In the same year Rebikoff together with a team of the University of Massachusetts have made aerial ocean area near the North Bimini and made a sample layout of mysterious objects.

Everything indicates that found the remains of some ancient road and building foundations and walls, and perhaps top of the building, the speakers of the centuries-old sediment.

Expeditions were unsuccessful
Over the next 40 years in North Bimini have visited dozens of expeditions. Thousands of divers dream enthralled to find the legendary Atlantis, seven-meter dive to a depth of a strange stone "roads." Overgrown with shells and underwater vegetation, they stand about 20 centimeters hell ocean surface soil and stretch, turning in some places at an obtuse angle. The length of the "road" is 100-150 meters. Such objects have also been found near another island group of the Bahamas - Andros.

Most of the missions involved in research "Bimini Road", appeared little success. Underwater archaeologists have tried to carry out excavations to determine at what depth the blocks lie, but no one could get to their base. This prevented the strong underwater currents and whirlpools. Besides the local waters are full of white sharks - the most dangerous to humans, and the bottom is teeming with moray eels.
No wonder the Bahamas enjoys athletes podvodnkov notorious. By the way, The Bahamas are part of the area of the Bermuda Triangle. So do not be surprised that the two expeditions to the North Bimini missing, and the rest of the participants experienced a very unusual.

Glow seabed
March 24, 1979, Americans Jim Ventana and Harold X. Wilson during a dive at the North Bimini at six o'clock in the afternoon in the water saw a glowing triangular object in a big way "wings" around twelve meters. Triangle, rapidly moving above the bottom, made several steep turns, then emerged from the water, soared into the sky and disappeared. This facility also saw the people on the boat who were waiting for the divers.

In June 1998, a French expedition led by D. Vallo late at night watching bluish glow of the ocean floor near the North Bimini.
Glowing territory is a wide direct band with well-defined edges; and the band did not stand still, and moved.

The source of the strange glow was found. The phenomenon continued for about forty minutes.
As it turned out, a luminous band noticed a fishing schooner,
is nearby; spotted her and the American space satellite.

A three meter stranger
Incredible stories told diver John March, dive to the "Bimini Road" in 2000. On a clear day at sunset in good visibility, he noticed a dark human figure who strode through the ancient slabs (which Chagall, not floating). March's especially impressed that a man was without a spacesuit. Very high, about three meters tall, the stranger was moving towards the diver.

March thought it was fitting jumpsuit. However, no clothes, no face to see in the bluish mist was impossible; approaching a figure seemed like a dark silhouette. Murch said later that at that moment he had in mind was not to swim up to the strange figure, on the contrary, his whole being longed for only one thing: to run away as soon as possible.

Suddenly there was a strong headache. Do not wait until a stranger comes near March surfaced to a yacht waiting for him. He felt so overwhelmed that he barely managed to cling to the ladder hung from the side. Pain released in ten minutes. And then it turned out that a headache at all yacht crew, the pain started all at the same time, coincided with the appearance of her at the Marcha.

Metal colonnade preserved?
Immediately after the opening of the "Bimini Road," there were skeptics who try to prove their natural origin. Geologist Eugene Shinn suggested that "the road" could be formed under the influence of tides. Later version was proposed that "road" - a sea shell and sand, hundreds of years compressed into rectangular formation.

Dr. Greg Little of the University of Georgia, a professional diver and archaeologist, wrote about it this way: "These crazy theories come up with those who have never dived to the" road ", did not see them with your eyes, do not touch the hands of their amazing stones».
By the way, the doctor of the expedition to the North Little Bimini in 2003 and 2004 gave, perhaps, more information about these objects than any previous combined.

Little and his team found a second layer of stone blocks of the same, and even lower - third. To get to the base of the ancient buildings of Little failed, in connection with which he concluded that it was not expensive, and most likely the top of the walls, buried under sediments.

When viewed from a very small portion of the second layer of plates, which managed to uncover, it was found that it is less affected by water erosion, plate carefully sanded and adjusted to each other quite closely.

Instruments showed the presence of a bottom in the "road" voids, as well as metal. It is unusual for the entire region, since neither themselves Bahamas or the surrounding area of the Atlantic are no deposits of metals.

Underground metal objects that fix the device, are located mostly in the north and north-west of the "Road", and they are arranged as if a dot, patches, and form a semi-circle. Little suggests that it may have an ancient metal colonnade that once supported (and perhaps still maintains) the vaults of some buildings.

In 2004, one of the participants of the expedition killed shark, and the work had to fold early. But Dr. Little is going to come back in the future.

Traces of the legendary country
Researchers have tried to determine the age of three "roads". In 1968, having studied bottom relief and geological layers, scientists have suggested that it 2- 2, 5 thousand years. However, in the 80 years of new research moved the time of their creation up to the X-IX millennium BC.

Research 2000s "wear" underwater object for another thousand years. Now, it is assumed that the "road" appeared in the XI-X millennium BC.
Analysis of the stones showed that initially they were on land.

The most striking thing is that if you focus on the aforementioned date, the age of the "Bimini Road" generally corresponds to the age of Atlantis, said Plato in his famous dialogues "Critias" and "Timaeus". According to Plato, which refers, in turn, to Egyptian sources, Atlantis was destroyed in X millennium BC But, in addition, there is also a prophecy Casey, who just said that from the bottom of the ocean should rise is Atlantis.

Now almost no one doubts that the seer had in mind "Bimini road».
Is Casey and this time was right and we got a tangible traces of the existence of the legendary country?

Whatever it was, the discovery of the underwater ruins near North Bimini on the agenda of history once again raised the question of the time and place of occurrence of the first ancient civilizations.

Now it is clear that at the end of the fourth glacial period, the human race was not only one of the primitive hunters with stone axes in their hands.

On this Site: paranormal-news.ru, lah.ru, wikipedia.org, six.pp.ua
