The most expensive roads of the world
Over the past century the world has changed completely - replacing horse carts and carriages came cars, whose design and function improved so far, and with them and improve roads on which these same cars go. Today we are already hard to imagine life without cars, essentially it have simplified and offset ratio "distance-time", bringing town and country together - if earlier in order to get to the next town, we had to ride hours on end, today you can drive the same distance is much faster and more comfortable. Although there is one "but" - the trip is unlikely to be comfortable, if under the wheels will not appear good road =) In this small collection we have traveled the globe in search of the 5 most expensive roads in the world, comparable to the quality and find out in which countries they are .
Highways, and especially - important highways - have long ceased to be only one layer of asphalt laid on the prepared soil. Today it is a multi-layer coating that can withstand the weather and time of exposure, but even the highest quality roadbed requires constant care, maintenance and repairs to keep it in its original condition.
To approach this issue seriously in China, where the roads are a symbolic tool for strengthening statehood. This country is on the 5th place in the list of the most expensive roads.
The minimum cost of a kilometer of the Chinese line was $ 2 million (part of the highway in northwest China), the maximum - more than $ 71 million (Highway Changde-Gish), on average, China is spending on the construction of kilometers of road $ 11 million.
More expensive road paved in Germany - the country's highways. Germans have always treated scrupulously to the quality of their roads and never on that did not save. And it's not just about highways and highway - even the ordinary streets of towns and villages hit by their appearance.
As an example, 2, 4-km stretch of one of the German streets, the top layer of which was experimentally replaced by 7-cm layer of noise-absorbing asphalt. The average cost of 1 km of the eight-lane road was € 2, 75 million, and the cost of repair of one lane, if necessary, be a little less than half a million. The average cost of one kilometer of motorway in Germany, € 19 million.
Relatively more expensive can be called highways in the United States, although it is quite difficult to compare - the cost of the road is highly dependent on the area where it is built, its purpose, and many other circumstances, so on the territory of States can be found as a fairly cheap and very expensive road. At an average price of United States ranks third in the ranking of the most expensive roads in the world.
The American statistics the cost of roads is always indicated price kilometer one lane road surface, and varies it recently between $ 1, 2 million (over 1 km of the usual motorway) and $ 117, 5 million (stretch of highway in Boston with a lot of tunnels and overpasses). United States - one of the "fastest" countries in the construction of roads, the speed does not affect the quality of the final product.
The most expensive European roads can boast of Switzerland, highway and road are just as flawless as the entire Swiss industry and products.
For a long time was a record for the value of any Swiss tunnel - for the construction of 1 km of this road took an average of around € 40 million, but recently the record was broken ...
And now you'll learn about the most expensive way to our planet. Ready?
Meet! Federal road Adler - Alpika Service, the average cost of one kilometer of which amounted to $ 140 million.
Until that moment, one of the most expensive Russian roads was considered a route Moscow - St. Petersburg, the construction of each kilometer which leaves almost € 20 million. But that figure is quite adequate when compared, for example, with the same highways in Germany (around € 19 million per 1 km) and Sweden (€ 26 million per kilometer).
When it became known figures - the cost of the Olympic track beginning of the mass media discussed in many countries. It's no joke - to spend $ 140 million per kilometer (or "only a" $ 140 thousand per meter) line. Some figure out what the thickness of the pavement would have been if the Russian authorities instead of asphalt purchased the money oysters, truffles, black caviar and the like luxury, others called the new federal highway vivid manifestation of corruption in the country. We do not undertake to assert anything - still the project is actually quite complex and a lot of money was spent on the creation of a large number of tunnels and interchanges, which average traffic is much less, but one thing is for sure - in the near future is low probability that someone a "surpass" Russia in the most expensive roads, so while we are again "ahead of the rest."
Although, if we take into Calculate your average cost per kilometer of track, the most expensive road in the world would be a tiny 4-kilometer-long section of the Fourth Ring Road in Moscow, whose value at the time of construction was 17, 9 billion. Rubles, or $ 578 million per kilometer. So "New Krasnopolyanskoe highway" - not so expensive by Moscow standards project.
Last Post.
Source: lifeglobe.net

Highways, and especially - important highways - have long ceased to be only one layer of asphalt laid on the prepared soil. Today it is a multi-layer coating that can withstand the weather and time of exposure, but even the highest quality roadbed requires constant care, maintenance and repairs to keep it in its original condition.

To approach this issue seriously in China, where the roads are a symbolic tool for strengthening statehood. This country is on the 5th place in the list of the most expensive roads.

The minimum cost of a kilometer of the Chinese line was $ 2 million (part of the highway in northwest China), the maximum - more than $ 71 million (Highway Changde-Gish), on average, China is spending on the construction of kilometers of road $ 11 million.

More expensive road paved in Germany - the country's highways. Germans have always treated scrupulously to the quality of their roads and never on that did not save. And it's not just about highways and highway - even the ordinary streets of towns and villages hit by their appearance.

As an example, 2, 4-km stretch of one of the German streets, the top layer of which was experimentally replaced by 7-cm layer of noise-absorbing asphalt. The average cost of 1 km of the eight-lane road was € 2, 75 million, and the cost of repair of one lane, if necessary, be a little less than half a million. The average cost of one kilometer of motorway in Germany, € 19 million.

Relatively more expensive can be called highways in the United States, although it is quite difficult to compare - the cost of the road is highly dependent on the area where it is built, its purpose, and many other circumstances, so on the territory of States can be found as a fairly cheap and very expensive road. At an average price of United States ranks third in the ranking of the most expensive roads in the world.

The American statistics the cost of roads is always indicated price kilometer one lane road surface, and varies it recently between $ 1, 2 million (over 1 km of the usual motorway) and $ 117, 5 million (stretch of highway in Boston with a lot of tunnels and overpasses). United States - one of the "fastest" countries in the construction of roads, the speed does not affect the quality of the final product.

The most expensive European roads can boast of Switzerland, highway and road are just as flawless as the entire Swiss industry and products.

For a long time was a record for the value of any Swiss tunnel - for the construction of 1 km of this road took an average of around € 40 million, but recently the record was broken ...

And now you'll learn about the most expensive way to our planet. Ready?
Meet! Federal road Adler - Alpika Service, the average cost of one kilometer of which amounted to $ 140 million.
Until that moment, one of the most expensive Russian roads was considered a route Moscow - St. Petersburg, the construction of each kilometer which leaves almost € 20 million. But that figure is quite adequate when compared, for example, with the same highways in Germany (around € 19 million per 1 km) and Sweden (€ 26 million per kilometer).

When it became known figures - the cost of the Olympic track beginning of the mass media discussed in many countries. It's no joke - to spend $ 140 million per kilometer (or "only a" $ 140 thousand per meter) line. Some figure out what the thickness of the pavement would have been if the Russian authorities instead of asphalt purchased the money oysters, truffles, black caviar and the like luxury, others called the new federal highway vivid manifestation of corruption in the country. We do not undertake to assert anything - still the project is actually quite complex and a lot of money was spent on the creation of a large number of tunnels and interchanges, which average traffic is much less, but one thing is for sure - in the near future is low probability that someone a "surpass" Russia in the most expensive roads, so while we are again "ahead of the rest."

Although, if we take into Calculate your average cost per kilometer of track, the most expensive road in the world would be a tiny 4-kilometer-long section of the Fourth Ring Road in Moscow, whose value at the time of construction was 17, 9 billion. Rubles, or $ 578 million per kilometer. So "New Krasnopolyanskoe highway" - not so expensive by Moscow standards project.
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Source: lifeglobe.net
