The application of milky mushroom in the diet

To cope with obesity and to help heal the body dairy products. Milk mushroom for weight loss – how to cook it, how often should I drink healthy beverage, as it acts on the human body?
Useful information Milk mushroom was opened by a Tibetan monk. Outwardly, it resembles a yellowish-white grain of rice. Young "seeds" are small – about 0.5 cm. with the development of mushroom the size of the "grains" increases to 5 cm Colony resembles the inflorescence of cauliflower. By nature milk mushroom is zooglea — mucous film formed as a result of the symbiosis of yeast and good bacteria. A drink made with milk mushroom, has many beneficial properties. It includes lactic acid bacteria that improve the digestive tract and normalizes the intestine microflora balance. A drink rich in amino acids, milk fat, vitamins and mineral substances, necessary for the proper functioning of our body. Mushroom helps to normalize the metabolism, increases immunity, normalizes blood pressure, helps to cope with allergies. Based drink of milk mushroom cleanses the body of excess cholesterol and salt deposits, reduces the blood sugar level. Milk mushroom has choleretic properties, it cleanses the liver, stops the growth of cancer cells. Healthy milk drink promotes the breakdown of fat to simple compounds – with regular use it leads to a gradual decrease of the body weight. It assists to control appetite.
Method of producing a beverage is a Major difficulty of preparation of the drink is the search for leaven — Tibetan milk mushroom for weight loss you can look for from friends, or ordered over the Internet. To prepare the drink, you need warm perekipjachennoj or pasteurized milk (500 ml) and the mushroom (1-2 tbsp). By placing the ingredients in a jar, cover it with a folded several layers of gauze and leave for a day in a warm place. Then strain through a plastic sieve the drink, and the mushroom gently rinse and put in fresh milk to prepare the next batch.
Ways to lose weight Milk mushroom used for weight loss by eating drink daily, after each meal (about 30-40 minutes) and before bed (on empty stomach). A single serving of the beverage – 1 tbsp. course Duration – 20 days. After 10 days, the course of diet can be repeated. While drinking you need to follow a diet that eliminates sweets, fatty foods, flour products (anything that helps to build body mass). Another way – fasting days (arrange them 1-2 times a week). Drink drink (1 l) and water.
Contraindications and side effects During the consumption of the drink can be observed phenomena such as the significant increase in the activity of the intestines, increased gas, dark urine. Contraindications to the use of the drink are: intolerance of dairy products, endocrine disorders.
Reviews Milk mushroom has positive feedback, in compliance with a sensible diet it helps to reduce weight.
Source: updiet.info/
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