Birch tinder fungus— healing properties

Birch fungus .Birch fungus or chaga (NRC, Cyr, tinder kostrubsky) is a perennial parasitic fungus of the family trudovikov. Mainly found on the trunks of Mature birch trees, more rarely on alder, Rowan, aspen. For therapeutic purposes, is used only chaga collected from birch trees, why it's called a birch mushroom.
Chaga — fruit body reaches a large size perennial fungus-polypore, which is a build-up in the form of irregular, sometimes stretched along the length of the trunk appendages with irregular broken surface, length 0.5 m and mass 2 kg. Cloth spines solid, dark brown, almost black in color, about wood a little lighter and softer; at the base are permeated by small veins yellow.
Areas adjacent to the trunk, not only contain hyphae of the fungus, but the cells of the wood. Formation of fungus is as follows: fungal spores penetrate the wood, gradually destroying it. The initial penetration of the dispute (usually the lower and middle parts of trunks) develops a growth that protrudes from under the bark, which consequently breaks.
The fungus causes the white birch core rot that forms on the trees about tinder. That is why for several decades, chaga was considered to be a barren form of false tinder fungus. These fruiting bodies of the tinder fungus very often go unnoticed. They grow under the bark, which soon in these places is eliminated.
Growths can grow 10 or more years feeding on the juices of living birch trees, reaching a diameter of 50 cm In the process of their growth they cause the decay of the middle of the trunk of trees. On dead trees, chaga is destroyed, forming different types of tinder, the for treatment.
The fungus, removed from the lower divisions of the trunks of trees growing in a damp place, or dead trees, to eat and not fit. Chaga can be seen on fallen trunks of birch, but after the death of the tree growth ceases, and it soon becomes visible fruiting body of the mushroom in the form of comb-like projections of brown color.
Chaga should learn to distinguish false and real tinder with hoof form, growing on birch the plane down.
The taste of chaga slightly bitter, odorless.
Where jagajaga distributed in the European part of Russia, Western Siberia, far East, North Caucasus and the Urals.
As propagated birch fungus (chaga)whole mushroom Chaga propagated from spores germinating on the affected areas of the cortex. Observed that old trees are more susceptible to fungi, since over time the tree has reduced ability to form the wound core, preventing the penetration of spores into the wood.
Play an important role, growing conditions, growing in the mountains the trees are less affected by fungi, tinder, because they have wood more dense.
How to collect and store chaga.For treatment use the fruit body of the fungus. Harvest them all year, but best in spring and autumn when activity of the fungus above. Some prefer to collect chaga in winter or late autumn, when the trees no leaves and mushroom easier to spot.
Growths chop with an axe or a hammer and cut off unusable loose light colored interior. When collecting, you must ensure that the raw materials did not get false and true fungi-the fungus that is distinct from the fungus of the tubular layer on the bottom surface.
Do not collect raw materials with dry and dying trees as well as specimens 1-1. 5 m and the old, crumbly mushrooms black color throughout the thickness.
Cut the growths immediately cut into pieces with a size of 3-6 cm and dried in the attic in a well ventilated area; also pieces of the fungus can be dried in a kiln or oven at a temperature of 60 "C, spreading a thin layer. You should pay attention to the fact that in the process of drying the pieces of chaga harden and become very hard, almost black.
Dried chaga is stored in a tightly sealed glass container no more than 2 years.
Birch fungus: chemical zostawcie contains water-soluble pigments in a large amount (20%), which form a complex that exhibits antitumor activity; Perini; polysaccharides (6-8%); agaricinum and guminopodobna chagoya acid (60%); organic acids, the total content of which is 0.5 to 1.3% (oxalic, acetic, formic, vanillic, lilac, p-hydroxybenzoic and 2 triterpene acids from the group of tetracyclic triterpenes — innocua and obliquely); lipids (di - and triglycerides); steroid substances (sterols — ergosterol, as well as tetracyclic triterpenes — lanosterol and inotodiol, showing antibioticsbuy activity); lignin; cellulose; free phenols; flavonoids; coumarin peucedanin; cellulose; resin; ash (12,3%), rich in manganese and other micronutrients in the form of oxides: copper, barium, zinc, iron, silicon, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and potassium 5-6 times more than sodium.
Medicinal properties of chaga (birch mushroom).Medicinal properties have only the chaga that grows on birch. For medical purposes only suitable growths growing on the living trunks.
In chaga contains the following biologically active substances ash, which comprises oxides of silicon, iron, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, sodium, manganese; acid: oxalic, formic, acetic, vanillic, etc.; free phenols, polysaccharides, lignin, fiber, sterols.
Of the fungus is made befungin drug used in the treatment of chronic gastritis and ulcers, as well as symptomatic agents in the treatment of cancer patients. Especially shown this drug for cancer of the stomach and lungs.
It is established that chaga raises protective reactions of the organism, stimulates metabolism in brain tissues, reduces arterial and venous pressure, has anti-inflammatory effect not only at internal but also for external use.
The mushroom broth in the ratio 1: 5 has a hypoglycemic effect; the maximum reduction of glucose level in the blood serum is observed after 2-3 hours, and the level of sugar in the blood decreases by almost 30 %. It should be remembered that such action has only a decoction of the inner part of the fungus, while as a decoction from the outside of this property is not.
Chaga is also used in ENT practice as an adjuvant for tumors of the larynx by inhalation for 5— 7 minutes each day during the week. Chaga improves the General condition of the patient, facilitates swallowing and breathing, reduces hoarseness, thereby contributing to the reduction of the inflammatory process and to create optimal conditions for better study of the tumor with the purpose of biopsy and method of treatment of a tumor.
Birch fungus is recommended as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also as a symptomatic treatment for various cancer diseases.
Chaga is prescribed for chronic gastritis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract with symptoms of atony.
Birch fungus is also used in the treatment of periodontitis. Scientists have proven that preparations of the fungus non-toxic. Treatment of birch fungus and means, made on its basis, conduct courses for 4-5 months with breaks 7-10 days.
In the treatment of psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases, combined with various inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and Delcevo-Dama system, it is also recommended to use chaga mushroom.
Chaga has the property:-increase the body's defenses,
-stimulate Central nervous and neurohumoral (increase the activity of estrogens) systems of organism
-to improve metabolism, including to intensify the exchange of substances in brain tissue
-to restore the activity of inhibited enzyme systems,
-regulate activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems,
-stimulate hematopoiesis (increasing the level of leukocytes)
-has anti-inflammatory properties for internal and local application,
-enhances the activity of anticancer drugs, retards the growth of tumors. Chaga restores the body's resistance and its protective mechanisms to combat malignant growth. That is, there is an increase in attenuated functional properties of the organism that underlies the normalization of the functioning of tissues and organs. In the absence of cancer patients signs of pronounced exhaustion, their life is extended from several months to several years.
In addition, chaga mushroom have antispasmodic, diuretic, antimicrobial, healing properties, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal microflora, promote the cicatrization of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
Birch fungus: application in folk medicine.The mushroom decoction lowers arterial and venous pressure, reduces the heart rate. When used externally, chaga has anti-inflammatory, healing and analgesic effects.
In folk medicine, the birch fungus is known since XVI century It is used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cancer, as tonic and tonic.
Chaga has found application in:
- diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and spleen
- cancer
- insomnia, to calm the nervous system;
- violation of metabolism;
- after serious illness and operations as a General tonic;
- to enhance the body's resistance to infectious diseases;
- psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases (wounds, injuries, burns, frostbite, juvenile acne, inflammation, skin peeling, insect bites, herpes lesions of skin and mucosa, leukoplakia).
"Befungin" — polugustoy extract of chaga by addition of salts of cobalt (1% СоСl2 or 1.5% СоЅО4). Before use, the vial is shaken, 3 teaspoons of the drug is diluted in 150 ml of warm boiled water and then take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Some authors recommend pre-heating the bottle with the extract is thinning, dropping it in water at a temperature of 60-70°C for 8-10 minutes, then 2 teaspoons of "befungin" is diluted in 3/4 Cup of warm water and take the same pattern. The drug is stored in a cool, dark place.
Preparation of infusion capivity piece of mushroom pour cold boiled water to soak for 4-5 hours (water after soaking not to throw!). Then rubbed on a grater or mince. Chopped mushroom pour boiled water at a temperature of 40-50°C, Since at higher temperatures the powder loses activity at a rate of 1 part of the mushroom into 5 parts of water (use the water from the first soaking). Insist 48 hours in a cool dark place for occasional stirring (3-4 times). The infusion is filtered through 3-4 layers of cheesecloth and the residue is squeezed and the extract add water from soaking mushroom to the original volume. Infusion shelf life of 4 days. Keep it in a cool dark place. Drink gradually by 0.5–1 Cup 1-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals (at least 3 glasses a day). For the treatment of gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal infusion drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. In tumors of organs of small pelvis (rectal cancer, prostate cancer) additionally prescribe therapeutic microclysters warm 50-100 ml of infusion for the night or 2-4 tablespoons, 2 times a day.
For patients who are contraindicated for the introduction into the organism of large amounts of fluid in the diseases associated with fluid retention in the body, prepare the infusion double-strength (2 mushroom parts to 5 parts of water) or recommended to use infusion instead of tea or other drinks.
The infusion of chaga to treat gastritis the treatment of chronic gastritis with low secretory function of the infusion is prepared in the following technologies: 1 tablespoon chaga powder pour into a glass, pour warm water (40-50°C), insist 6 hours. All infusion drink SIPS for 30 minutes before eating in 3 divided doses. The course of treatment — 5-6 months.
In handy to improve krovoobrascheniya improve circulation and resumption of blood use chaga extract, which is prepared by this technology: 2 teaspoons chopped mushroom insist 48 hours in 150 ml of warm boiled water and filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 10 minutes before meals. Treatment of fungus is carried out for 3-5 months with short breaks in between 7-10 days.
In the treatment extract of the fungus the patient is prescribed mainly milk-vegetable diet, limit intake of meat and fats and eliminate the canned food, smoked food, spicy seasonings. It is also impossible to apply an intravenous glucose and to apply the penicillin. Treatment of fungus are held for 3-5 months. with intervals of 7-10 days.
Birch mushroom: contraindications.Contraindications to the use of fungus are chronic colitis and chronic dysentery.
The administration of infusion of fungus limit for diseases associated with fluid retention in the body.
When treating chagoy contraindicated penicillin, which is its antagonist, and intravenous glucose. Recommend sticking to a lacto-vegetarian diet and exclude from the diet of sausages, smoked products, canned food, spicy seasonings, limit animal fats, meat by-products, not to consume alcoholic beverages and do not smoke.