The use of birch tar to cleanse the body and not only
Everyone knows about the use of juice, leaves, buds and birch mushroom, but the least information about the areas of application of birch tar. It so happened that the current generation knows about it only as one of the components of popular healing ointments. This product, gifted to man by nature itself, has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. And therefore, the useful properties of birch tar, as an independent natural medicine, were forgotten very unfairly.
Application of birch tar
Birch tar refers to natural natural preparations. The method of obtaining it consists in dry distillation of birch bark - the light part of the bark in the upper part of the young tree, for which it is also called birch bark tar. Externally, birch tar looks like an ordinary oily liquid with a specific smell and dark color. The composition of birch tar includes more than 10,000 useful components, including cresols and phytocinds, known for their disinfectant properties, as well as benzene, toluene, xylene, organic acids, resinous substances, antiseptic phenol and guayacol, which has anti-rot and disinfectant properties. There is birch tar in the composition of the famous ointments of Konkov, Wilkinson and Vishnevsky. The use of birch tar in the composition of anti-inflammatory, insecticidal and restorative agents is explained by a wide range of its useful properties for the body. This is not only an excellent antiseptic, but also the strongest antiparasitic and antimicrobial drug.
The use of birch tar for therapeutic purposes can improve blood circulation, accelerate the process of regeneration of the skin and provide a reflex effect on skin receptors. In addition, birch tar is effective in combating the effects of chemotherapy, cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful waste products, and also normalizes the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. This unique in its properties substance has found its application in cosmetology. So, quite effective is the cleansing of birch tar not only of the body, but also of the skin.
Birch tar has been used since ancient times. Then it was an indispensable tool in many areas of life. They were lubricated with armor and shoes made of leather to prevent them from getting wet in the rain or drying out. In folk medicine, it once occupied the first place in terms of the scale of use and the number of applications. Healers treated them wounds in people and animals, and also prepared drugs for the treatment of tumors and getting rid of worms. By the way, purified tar really tends to suppress the growth of "bad" cells in mastopathy, adenoma, ovarian cysts and prevent the transformation of benign tumors into malignant ones. Today, birch tar is also popular, although not to such an extent. Basically, it acts as one of the components for the manufacture of wound healing and anti-inflammatory drugs.
It is known that it is possible to treat birch tar with diseases such as: bronchial asthma;
chronic otitis;
metabolic disorders;
frostbite or burns;
fungal infections of the skin;
hair loss;
tumors, etc.
Many people use birch tar for acne, knowing about its unique composition and useful properties. Yes, perhaps the smell of tar is very repulsive, but the effect of its use is really impressive. The tar from acne can be used in various ways:
Tar milk
To prepare it, it is enough to take ordinary milk for the face or body, add to it no more than 1 ml of birch tar and a couple of drops of lemon or jojoba essential oil. This milk is applied to the affected areas of the skin daily.
Washing with birch tar
Immediately it is worth noting that tar soap is not suitable for washing the face, since it dries the skin too much. It is better to take a regular liquid soap or gel for washing and add 1 ml of tar to it. Washing with this tool for two weeks, you can get rid of acne not only on the face, but also on the back, shoulders, arms.
Tar cream
The principle of its preparation is the same as in the previous two remedies with the addition of tar from acne. To prepare a cream of tar at home, a light cream is suitable, which is quickly absorbed and does not clog the pores. It is enough to add a couple of drops of birch tar to a tube with such a cream and apply to foci of inflammation daily.
Birch tar lotion for acne
To 50 g of ethyl alcohol add 5 g of tar and two drops of salicylic alcohol. This lotion is treated with skin every day.
Taking birch tar inside
The use of birch tar inside contributes to the removal of toxic substances from the body and, as a result, relieves acne. On bread, spread five drops of tar and eat at night, daily increasing the dose of tar by one drop, until the amount of tar reaches ten drops. As you approach the fourteenth day, each time the dose of tar is reduced by one drop until there are five. The use of tar inside is usually carried out twice a year - in autumn and spring. In order for the hated pimples to go away, and the skin became velvet and clean, it is enough to take birch tar for 24 days. By the way, this substance is able to eradicate the cause of acne, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin.
Honey mask with tar
For its preparation, birch tar is mixed with natural honey in a ratio of 1: 3, applied to the skin and left for 15 minutes, and then washed off with room temperature water.
Taking birch tar inside is extremely useful. This helps to strengthen the heart muscle, normalize blood pressure, activate metabolic processes in the body. As a prophylactic against many diseases and parasites, tar mixed in water is drunk three times a day: on an empty stomach, a couple of hours before lunch and at night.
You can use tar from acne and in its pure form. To do this, it is applied to cleaned skin with a cotton swab and left for 20 minutes. It should be remembered that this dark substance with an oily structure leaves difficult spots on clothes, so it is better to lie still with such a mask.
Often use the useful properties of tar for hair. From regular application in its pure form, hair can lose its attractive appearance, and the smell is not the most pleasant. It is better to add a few drops of tar to shampoo or conditioner - this is a proven remedy for hair loss. By the way, despite the myths about the effect of birch tar on the rate of hair growth, you will have to disappoint. You can cure the scalp from dandruff and other types of fungus, but it will not work to accelerate hair growth, alas.
Often, tar water is used to treat many diseases. For its preparation, it is necessary to dilute one part of the tar in eight parts of cold water. This composition is insisted at room temperature for at least two days. Then tar water is gently poured a bottle with dark glass so that the sediment does not rise. The consistency should be slightly oily, and the color should be lemon. Drink tar in this form is necessary one tablespoon at night for all types of diseases of the bronchi and lungs, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma and dry cough. To enhance the effect, you can wrap your throat with a warm scarf, and a positive result will come the next morning. If you drink such a remedy for 2 teaspoons immediately after eating for ten days, then you can get rid of diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart, vessels and bladder. For the treatment of atherosclerosis, drink warm milk for 45 days with the addition of 10 drops of birch tar. But with mastopathy, it is necessary to adhere to the following scheme of taking tar inside: the first three days for one glass of warm milk - three drops of tar, the next three days - five drops and the last three - seven drops of tar per glass of milk. After a nine-day course, you should take a break of at least 10 days, and then repeat the treatment.
Birch tar is often used to treat diathesis in children. It can be applied to the affected areas of the skin along with butter or baby cream.
You should know that birch tar and preparations based on it can provoke allergic reactions and skin irritation, including dermatitis. Before using it, of course, you need to consult a doctor and conduct an allergy test. During the exacerbation of chronic skin diseases, individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation, the use of birch tar is unacceptable. Caution should be used for acute eczema, exudative psoriasis and folliculitis.
Usually, after applying funds with the addition of birch tar, a burning sensation appears, but with this itching disappears. If the burning sensation passes after 15 minutes, then you can continue treatment with tar. But it is better before using, apply a drop of tar to the skin in the elbow fold and wait, as well as examine the urine. The fact is that the use of birch tar for a long time can cause toxic effects on the kidneys. As a result of an overdose, a person will have nausea, diarrhea, convulsions, dizziness.
Unfortunately, few people know that birch tar is an excellent tool for cleansing the body. It effectively destroys parasites, including lice and worms. With this miraculous remedy, you can quickly recover from anthrax and scabies mites. By the way, it is not contraindicated for children who are most susceptible to the attack of such parasites. To apply birch tar from parasites, you need to undergo a course of 12 procedures. So, if you take a teaspoon of a mixture of liquid honey and birch tar daily for 12 days before bedtime, the amount of which increases by one drop every day, you can get rid of pinworms, roundworms and completely cleanse your body of other parasites. It is also advisable to repeat the course of such procedures annually for prevention.
Effective birch tar to cleanse the body of not only humans, but also animals. So, if you mix a little birch bark tar in food or water, you can successfully remove worms.
Another way to cleanse the body with tar is to eat a drop of this natural substance, spreading on a small piece of rye bread, gradually increasing the dose to ten drops, and then again reducing to one. It is important to swallow such a sandwich quickly, as well as observe systematicity and accuracy, so as not to be mistaken in the number of drops of tar. Clean the body with tar is best in early spring.
Many modern chemical-based drugs, solving one problem, have an adverse effect on other organs. Birch tar is one of the most effective healing substances that a person can use without any negative effect on the body.
Source: krugznaniy.ru
Source: /users/1077

Application of birch tar
Birch tar refers to natural natural preparations. The method of obtaining it consists in dry distillation of birch bark - the light part of the bark in the upper part of the young tree, for which it is also called birch bark tar. Externally, birch tar looks like an ordinary oily liquid with a specific smell and dark color. The composition of birch tar includes more than 10,000 useful components, including cresols and phytocinds, known for their disinfectant properties, as well as benzene, toluene, xylene, organic acids, resinous substances, antiseptic phenol and guayacol, which has anti-rot and disinfectant properties. There is birch tar in the composition of the famous ointments of Konkov, Wilkinson and Vishnevsky. The use of birch tar in the composition of anti-inflammatory, insecticidal and restorative agents is explained by a wide range of its useful properties for the body. This is not only an excellent antiseptic, but also the strongest antiparasitic and antimicrobial drug.
The use of birch tar for therapeutic purposes can improve blood circulation, accelerate the process of regeneration of the skin and provide a reflex effect on skin receptors. In addition, birch tar is effective in combating the effects of chemotherapy, cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful waste products, and also normalizes the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. This unique in its properties substance has found its application in cosmetology. So, quite effective is the cleansing of birch tar not only of the body, but also of the skin.
Birch tar has been used since ancient times. Then it was an indispensable tool in many areas of life. They were lubricated with armor and shoes made of leather to prevent them from getting wet in the rain or drying out. In folk medicine, it once occupied the first place in terms of the scale of use and the number of applications. Healers treated them wounds in people and animals, and also prepared drugs for the treatment of tumors and getting rid of worms. By the way, purified tar really tends to suppress the growth of "bad" cells in mastopathy, adenoma, ovarian cysts and prevent the transformation of benign tumors into malignant ones. Today, birch tar is also popular, although not to such an extent. Basically, it acts as one of the components for the manufacture of wound healing and anti-inflammatory drugs.
It is known that it is possible to treat birch tar with diseases such as: bronchial asthma;
chronic otitis;
metabolic disorders;
frostbite or burns;
fungal infections of the skin;
hair loss;
tumors, etc.
Many people use birch tar for acne, knowing about its unique composition and useful properties. Yes, perhaps the smell of tar is very repulsive, but the effect of its use is really impressive. The tar from acne can be used in various ways:
Tar milk
To prepare it, it is enough to take ordinary milk for the face or body, add to it no more than 1 ml of birch tar and a couple of drops of lemon or jojoba essential oil. This milk is applied to the affected areas of the skin daily.
Washing with birch tar
Immediately it is worth noting that tar soap is not suitable for washing the face, since it dries the skin too much. It is better to take a regular liquid soap or gel for washing and add 1 ml of tar to it. Washing with this tool for two weeks, you can get rid of acne not only on the face, but also on the back, shoulders, arms.
Tar cream
The principle of its preparation is the same as in the previous two remedies with the addition of tar from acne. To prepare a cream of tar at home, a light cream is suitable, which is quickly absorbed and does not clog the pores. It is enough to add a couple of drops of birch tar to a tube with such a cream and apply to foci of inflammation daily.
Birch tar lotion for acne
To 50 g of ethyl alcohol add 5 g of tar and two drops of salicylic alcohol. This lotion is treated with skin every day.
Taking birch tar inside
The use of birch tar inside contributes to the removal of toxic substances from the body and, as a result, relieves acne. On bread, spread five drops of tar and eat at night, daily increasing the dose of tar by one drop, until the amount of tar reaches ten drops. As you approach the fourteenth day, each time the dose of tar is reduced by one drop until there are five. The use of tar inside is usually carried out twice a year - in autumn and spring. In order for the hated pimples to go away, and the skin became velvet and clean, it is enough to take birch tar for 24 days. By the way, this substance is able to eradicate the cause of acne, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin.
Honey mask with tar
For its preparation, birch tar is mixed with natural honey in a ratio of 1: 3, applied to the skin and left for 15 minutes, and then washed off with room temperature water.
Taking birch tar inside is extremely useful. This helps to strengthen the heart muscle, normalize blood pressure, activate metabolic processes in the body. As a prophylactic against many diseases and parasites, tar mixed in water is drunk three times a day: on an empty stomach, a couple of hours before lunch and at night.
You can use tar from acne and in its pure form. To do this, it is applied to cleaned skin with a cotton swab and left for 20 minutes. It should be remembered that this dark substance with an oily structure leaves difficult spots on clothes, so it is better to lie still with such a mask.
Often use the useful properties of tar for hair. From regular application in its pure form, hair can lose its attractive appearance, and the smell is not the most pleasant. It is better to add a few drops of tar to shampoo or conditioner - this is a proven remedy for hair loss. By the way, despite the myths about the effect of birch tar on the rate of hair growth, you will have to disappoint. You can cure the scalp from dandruff and other types of fungus, but it will not work to accelerate hair growth, alas.
Often, tar water is used to treat many diseases. For its preparation, it is necessary to dilute one part of the tar in eight parts of cold water. This composition is insisted at room temperature for at least two days. Then tar water is gently poured a bottle with dark glass so that the sediment does not rise. The consistency should be slightly oily, and the color should be lemon. Drink tar in this form is necessary one tablespoon at night for all types of diseases of the bronchi and lungs, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma and dry cough. To enhance the effect, you can wrap your throat with a warm scarf, and a positive result will come the next morning. If you drink such a remedy for 2 teaspoons immediately after eating for ten days, then you can get rid of diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart, vessels and bladder. For the treatment of atherosclerosis, drink warm milk for 45 days with the addition of 10 drops of birch tar. But with mastopathy, it is necessary to adhere to the following scheme of taking tar inside: the first three days for one glass of warm milk - three drops of tar, the next three days - five drops and the last three - seven drops of tar per glass of milk. After a nine-day course, you should take a break of at least 10 days, and then repeat the treatment.
Birch tar is often used to treat diathesis in children. It can be applied to the affected areas of the skin along with butter or baby cream.
You should know that birch tar and preparations based on it can provoke allergic reactions and skin irritation, including dermatitis. Before using it, of course, you need to consult a doctor and conduct an allergy test. During the exacerbation of chronic skin diseases, individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation, the use of birch tar is unacceptable. Caution should be used for acute eczema, exudative psoriasis and folliculitis.
Usually, after applying funds with the addition of birch tar, a burning sensation appears, but with this itching disappears. If the burning sensation passes after 15 minutes, then you can continue treatment with tar. But it is better before using, apply a drop of tar to the skin in the elbow fold and wait, as well as examine the urine. The fact is that the use of birch tar for a long time can cause toxic effects on the kidneys. As a result of an overdose, a person will have nausea, diarrhea, convulsions, dizziness.
Unfortunately, few people know that birch tar is an excellent tool for cleansing the body. It effectively destroys parasites, including lice and worms. With this miraculous remedy, you can quickly recover from anthrax and scabies mites. By the way, it is not contraindicated for children who are most susceptible to the attack of such parasites. To apply birch tar from parasites, you need to undergo a course of 12 procedures. So, if you take a teaspoon of a mixture of liquid honey and birch tar daily for 12 days before bedtime, the amount of which increases by one drop every day, you can get rid of pinworms, roundworms and completely cleanse your body of other parasites. It is also advisable to repeat the course of such procedures annually for prevention.
Effective birch tar to cleanse the body of not only humans, but also animals. So, if you mix a little birch bark tar in food or water, you can successfully remove worms.
Another way to cleanse the body with tar is to eat a drop of this natural substance, spreading on a small piece of rye bread, gradually increasing the dose to ten drops, and then again reducing to one. It is important to swallow such a sandwich quickly, as well as observe systematicity and accuracy, so as not to be mistaken in the number of drops of tar. Clean the body with tar is best in early spring.
Many modern chemical-based drugs, solving one problem, have an adverse effect on other organs. Birch tar is one of the most effective healing substances that a person can use without any negative effect on the body.
Source: krugznaniy.ru
Source: /users/1077