The benefits of drink Kombucha
Since ancient times the Kombucha was considered the elixir for many diseases. Not so long ago it was grown almost in every Soviet family. At present, not only to fans of traditional medicine know about the beneficial properties of the fungus: they are confirmed by modern clinical studies.
Treatment of nail fungus tea. There is such a disease as onychocryptosis is when the toenail grows into the lateral nail fold. Usually this happens on a larger toe. In the early stages of the disease accompanied by inflammation of the soft tissues and later appear purulent discharge. If the disease is run, then further surgical intervention is indispensable.
Very good results with timely treatment provide natural remedies based on traditional recipes, including Kombucha. It is used in the form of compresses. First receivem mushroom, then obvolakivaet one part of the sore thumb. Wrap your finger in cling film, put on simple socks, and then wool. The nail is softened after three such treatments, and can be removed independently.
Kombucha for hair. There are many ways of hair care products using Kombucha. The preparations help to strengthen hair, make them thicker and faster hair growth, the fungus used in the treatment of various diseases of the scalp. Hair loss infusion of the fungus should be rubbed into the scalp massaged. For a more saturated and intense colors, as well as to ensure that the hair is soft and shiny, should be rinsed with infusion of the fungus to the hair after shampooing.
To strengthen the hair infusion Kombucha can be drunk daily before meals. This will not only help to strengthen hair, but also will favorably affect their growth. If you need to get rid of dandruff, you can use the following: divide hair into strands and the parting lubricate the roots with a piece of gauze soaked in the infusion of the fungus. After 30-40 minutes, wash your head. This procedure is preferably carried out after each shampooing.
To strengthen hair you can also mix one tablespoon of honey with one Cup of infusion of the fungus. The mixture should be slightly warm, but not boiling, and stir thoroughly. Mask should be applied evenly on wet hair. After 20-30 minutes the hair can be rinsed with infusion of chamomile.
Kombucha from the nail fungus. A fungal nail is a chronic infectious disease steadily destroys the nail plate and threatens to go to others, especially to family members. The disease is the gateway to many other infectious diseases, it leads to allergization of the organism, development or worsening of diseases such as bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis, eczema nicotina and others.
That is why the fungus is impossible to launch, especially since the disease is easily treated with Kombucha. This fungus is separated from the thin plate at night and strapped it to the affected finger. On top of lotion overlaid with cellophane and put on some socks, so as not to stain the linen, as the fungus will leak juice. The first reaction is likely to be painful but if it is to overcome, to get rid of this disease once and for all.
In the morning the compress should be removed, the foot washed in warm water, dead pieces of skin to cut and treat the entire damaged surface of brilliant green or solution of potassium permanganate. Repeat the procedure through the day up until the symptoms are completely gone. It usually takes up to seven treatments. After termination of the treatment, the procedure can be repeated for prevention. A new nail will grow slowly but it will be smooth and healthy.
Kombucha gastritis. Today gastritis is the most common disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterized by the lesion of the gastric mucosa and its inflammation. Causes of disease can be unhealthy diet, alcohol consumption, Smoking, prolonged intake of drugs, etc.
Mix Kombucha and honeyand will help get rid of pain and heaviness in the stomach. The first 7-10 days when you receive the mushroom infusion is recommended light diet, then food you can gradually add spice and bitterness, for example, barberry, fennel, hops. Tea brew drink 3 times a day for 100 ml.
Infusion of the Crushed bark of chestnut should be added to the boiling water at the same time with the tea leaves. Should insist 20-30 minutes, then strain and consume within two weeks of a quarter Cup of infusion Kombucha 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.
Kombucha in diabetes. Kombucha is good that is able to normalize the body's human metabolism, including carbohydrates. This feature is used in the treatment of diabetes. However, the use of the mushroom can not all forms of the disease, for this reason it is best to consult with your doctor. Just one Cup of infusion Kombucha a day, divided into 3-4 portions, will greatly improve the whole body, mobilizes internal resources to fight the disease, ensure a gradual reduction of blood sugar levels.
Patients with diabetes in the use of drink is recommended to dilute the fungus mineral water or tea of the herbs, with two liters of tea is sufficient to put only 70-80 grams of sugar. In addition, in the course of their life Kombucha metabolizes sugar without a trace.
Kombucha ulcer. The high acidity and gastric ulcer Kombucha drink is not worth it. As an exception you can use the infusion of fungus with honey, prepared on the basis of only black tea. Honey neutralizes the acid attack, eliminating the aggravation.
Kombucha for children. Drink Kombucha – a very healing and restorative, it can be used and children. Well it replaces a lot of carbonated beverages. Although it is undesirable to teach children to tea kvass from a very early age. Even a minimal amount of alcohol and caffeine in their regular use will adversely affect the child's body. For kids the best drink is pure water, and for dessert, compotes, juices, purees of fresh fruits, fruit drinks.
Kombucha during pregnancy. The tea brew can be used during pregnancy only if the woman has no allergic reactions on polysaccharides and acid included in the composition of Kombucha. Regular use of this medicinal drink helps to strengthen the protective functions of the body and maintain good health women.
You can even need to drink the infusion during the period of lactation, provided that mother and baby are not allergic to included in the Kombucha components.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/tvtravnik_chaiinii_grib.php
Treatment of nail fungus tea. There is such a disease as onychocryptosis is when the toenail grows into the lateral nail fold. Usually this happens on a larger toe. In the early stages of the disease accompanied by inflammation of the soft tissues and later appear purulent discharge. If the disease is run, then further surgical intervention is indispensable.

Very good results with timely treatment provide natural remedies based on traditional recipes, including Kombucha. It is used in the form of compresses. First receivem mushroom, then obvolakivaet one part of the sore thumb. Wrap your finger in cling film, put on simple socks, and then wool. The nail is softened after three such treatments, and can be removed independently.
Kombucha for hair. There are many ways of hair care products using Kombucha. The preparations help to strengthen hair, make them thicker and faster hair growth, the fungus used in the treatment of various diseases of the scalp. Hair loss infusion of the fungus should be rubbed into the scalp massaged. For a more saturated and intense colors, as well as to ensure that the hair is soft and shiny, should be rinsed with infusion of the fungus to the hair after shampooing.
To strengthen the hair infusion Kombucha can be drunk daily before meals. This will not only help to strengthen hair, but also will favorably affect their growth. If you need to get rid of dandruff, you can use the following: divide hair into strands and the parting lubricate the roots with a piece of gauze soaked in the infusion of the fungus. After 30-40 minutes, wash your head. This procedure is preferably carried out after each shampooing.
To strengthen hair you can also mix one tablespoon of honey with one Cup of infusion of the fungus. The mixture should be slightly warm, but not boiling, and stir thoroughly. Mask should be applied evenly on wet hair. After 20-30 minutes the hair can be rinsed with infusion of chamomile.
Kombucha from the nail fungus. A fungal nail is a chronic infectious disease steadily destroys the nail plate and threatens to go to others, especially to family members. The disease is the gateway to many other infectious diseases, it leads to allergization of the organism, development or worsening of diseases such as bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis, eczema nicotina and others.
That is why the fungus is impossible to launch, especially since the disease is easily treated with Kombucha. This fungus is separated from the thin plate at night and strapped it to the affected finger. On top of lotion overlaid with cellophane and put on some socks, so as not to stain the linen, as the fungus will leak juice. The first reaction is likely to be painful but if it is to overcome, to get rid of this disease once and for all.
In the morning the compress should be removed, the foot washed in warm water, dead pieces of skin to cut and treat the entire damaged surface of brilliant green or solution of potassium permanganate. Repeat the procedure through the day up until the symptoms are completely gone. It usually takes up to seven treatments. After termination of the treatment, the procedure can be repeated for prevention. A new nail will grow slowly but it will be smooth and healthy.
Kombucha gastritis. Today gastritis is the most common disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterized by the lesion of the gastric mucosa and its inflammation. Causes of disease can be unhealthy diet, alcohol consumption, Smoking, prolonged intake of drugs, etc.
Mix Kombucha and honeyand will help get rid of pain and heaviness in the stomach. The first 7-10 days when you receive the mushroom infusion is recommended light diet, then food you can gradually add spice and bitterness, for example, barberry, fennel, hops. Tea brew drink 3 times a day for 100 ml.
Infusion of the Crushed bark of chestnut should be added to the boiling water at the same time with the tea leaves. Should insist 20-30 minutes, then strain and consume within two weeks of a quarter Cup of infusion Kombucha 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.
Kombucha in diabetes. Kombucha is good that is able to normalize the body's human metabolism, including carbohydrates. This feature is used in the treatment of diabetes. However, the use of the mushroom can not all forms of the disease, for this reason it is best to consult with your doctor. Just one Cup of infusion Kombucha a day, divided into 3-4 portions, will greatly improve the whole body, mobilizes internal resources to fight the disease, ensure a gradual reduction of blood sugar levels.
Patients with diabetes in the use of drink is recommended to dilute the fungus mineral water or tea of the herbs, with two liters of tea is sufficient to put only 70-80 grams of sugar. In addition, in the course of their life Kombucha metabolizes sugar without a trace.
Kombucha ulcer. The high acidity and gastric ulcer Kombucha drink is not worth it. As an exception you can use the infusion of fungus with honey, prepared on the basis of only black tea. Honey neutralizes the acid attack, eliminating the aggravation.
Kombucha for children. Drink Kombucha – a very healing and restorative, it can be used and children. Well it replaces a lot of carbonated beverages. Although it is undesirable to teach children to tea kvass from a very early age. Even a minimal amount of alcohol and caffeine in their regular use will adversely affect the child's body. For kids the best drink is pure water, and for dessert, compotes, juices, purees of fresh fruits, fruit drinks.
Kombucha during pregnancy. The tea brew can be used during pregnancy only if the woman has no allergic reactions on polysaccharides and acid included in the composition of Kombucha. Regular use of this medicinal drink helps to strengthen the protective functions of the body and maintain good health women.
You can even need to drink the infusion during the period of lactation, provided that mother and baby are not allergic to included in the Kombucha components.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/tvtravnik_chaiinii_grib.php
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