The first day after the revolution. Bishkek 2010.
The author writes, zyalt:
April 7 in Bishkek have been riots. Mass opposition protests began in Kyrgyzstan on April 6. With the regional center Talas they spread all over the country. President Kurmanbek Bakiyev left Bishkek on April 7 after the opposition took control of the authorities in the capital. We ottenki_serogo went to Bishkek to see how the city lives after the revolution, to communicate with looters and understand the causes of the rebellion.
2 days the city was given the power of the looters, uncontrollable teenagers. Now militias and police set some order. Citizens are extremely cool "revolution", to replace the clan Bakaeva comes another clan, nothing will change. In this situation, feel good only young men in tracksuits Adidas, they arrived by bus from the province, 2 days plundered the city and now hope that their representatives will have a place in the government, "because we have made it a revolution."
A brief chronicle of events:
- There exists a constant confrontation northern and southern clans. The current president Bakiev from the south, the opposition in the north.
- The riots began in Talas on April 6, when the opposition after the meeting seized the building of the regional administration, and in the evening of the same day the opposition leaders were arrested in the capital.
- April 8, uncontrolled crowd of Talas and Bishkek suburban villages went to the capital, where there were serious clashes with the police.
- The crowd around the building of the Government House were a few armed men, a sniper started shooting them. An angry crowd began to assault.
- Crowd captures city: government buildings, the television station, the Prosecutor General. In the hands of the rebels has weapons - part taken away from the military and the police, some stolen from gun shops.
- In the evening, opposition leaders released from the dungeon of the local KGB. The crowd totally uncontrollable, no one listens.
- The President is silent, the mayor of the city is silent, the police are confused, the parliament building destroyed.
- At night, complete anarchy - all in the province is relatively quiet, but Bishkek burns: shooting, explosions, robberies.
- Citizens unite in militias and try to protect the property.
- In the morning the whole city looted.
- The crowd all day no one controls, the opposition does not really control the situation, the president fled south to their ancestral village.
- By the morning of April 9, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan, militia units together with national teams managed to completely clear the capital Bishkek from looters. The city was re-launched the movement of passenger buses. April 9 and 10 in the republic declared days of mourning for the dead.
Why in Kyrgyzstan happened "revolution»?
It is best to describe the situation Leonid: "The country is a mess. President Bakiyev scary caught stealing for two terms, the last loans have gone into an unknown direction, utility tariffs have increased several times, planned transfer of power by inheritance to his son Maxim Bakiyev. And, of course, the northern opposition as a whole did not like that the country steers southern clan.
Undermine the poor villagers to a meeting in Kyrgyzstan - as two fingers on the table, that's all gone to Bishkek for justice. Big mistake was to shoot into the crowd, it infuriated Gopnik-opposition (most of them - poorly educated men 18-30 years of age), who beat cops, gutted and arsenals, unvarnished sataneli any minute.
Now in the province quietly passionaries all gathered in the streets of Bishkek, terrorizing citizens. capital given to plunder, the police hid all survive as they can. »
In 2005, there was already a revolution overthrew Akayev. People say that almost nothing has changed. "17 years of Akayev did not do anything, but at least the world was, and he went without casualties. And Bakiyev ordered to shoot people, the people will not forgive him. "The fact that after the overthrow of Bakiyev something changes - no one believes. Will be replaced by another clan, all the "bread" will take place the relatives of the new leader, but the people and will starve. "You in Russia is very good, you have a job!»
"I'm not to blame, that the family we had a great." With these words, Kyrgyz President Bakiyev responded to accusations of cronyism.
And this - the famous armored personnel carriers, took his opposition to the military. Locals told us about this seizure history, I believe it is not inclined, but the other does not. In one version of the BTR institutions threw local riot police who were ordered to go to the defense of the Government House on foot. Machine immediately took the opposition, but crashed and long to reverse the vehicle until he found a former tank commander, who reached the area where the car was shot.
On the first day of the revolution Government House looted and burned, the second - led tours and continued to plunder, on the third day building cordoned off the terrorists and anyone there not allowed except for firefighters, cleaners and plumbers. Guarding Government House about 50 people gangster type of perimeter and 200 people sitting inside.
Despite the fact that almost all the Jews left Kyrgyzstan even after the collapse of the Union, they were the main cause of all the troubles of ordinary Kyrgyz. After Kyrgyz Jews do not like the Chinese, they are hard working and they have the money, and it's wrong. On Friday, when the situation returned to normal in the city, rumors began to circulate that the beginning of inter-ethnic massacres in the villages. Many approve of it, because they believe that other nations take the Kirghiz work and money, so they should get rid of. History and Uganda dictator Idi Amin, teaches nothing.
Classic dialogue these days results in an article to Gazeta.ru correspondent Ilya Azar:
- Are you a Jew?
- I am a journalist from Russia - sensing a threat, I say.
- Answer me, you are a Jew or not?
- I'm from Russia, did not interfere with my work.
- Jew or not?
Young people behave very aggressively - grab the camera, swear not allowed to shoot. The main thing not to let the crowd surrounded the you. First fit a few people ask how many people fit ya.Vse stare, and then - the effect of the crowd. The main thing - time to escape. Once we were surrounded:
- "Are you from a transmission?»
- "In the animal world," I joked unsuccessfully, although offend someone even thought there was.
- "You are what we lohuesh?»
Barely legs carried away.
05. On the first day is robbed and beaten photographer told Reuters. In the evening he went to shoot the people beat the sniper, it also took over the sniper, beaten and taken away and all things technology. Now he is in the hospital Almaty.
When they began to take away the trucks, one bus suddenly broke out.
It refers to the place where the person died.
On the fence hung with photographs of the newspaper.
Periodically, people pray. The inscription on the column "Bakiyev - ass" such labels inscribed with the entire city.
Total killed 79 people. The main victims were in the storming of the White House. Stood on the roof of a sniper, they were shot approaching the goal of people. According to one version was 6 snipers: two "slaughtered like sheep", two "beat up and they are now in intensive care," two escaped. According to another version, there were only 2 sniper, their fate is unknown. Some say that the snipers were mercenaries Baits, others - the Chechens, and others - Kyrgyz. Although officially no information on mercenaries, people can not believe that the sniper was "their". This is the standard for today's Bishkek picture: flowers, blood and looters.
Smashed all the windows, one bullet stuck in the closet, the other in the ceiling.
- Look, 7 bullets passed through the glass, they are off-center of gravity were. First here, then the ceiling, that ricocheted off the wall, you can see there is a pothole in the closet zatryala.
- Are you at this time where they were, lying in the window sill?
- No, the kitchen sat drinking tea.
- So in fact there is the same window?
- When shooting a strong rose, went up the stairs to the entrance, and then. We are all afraid of the grenade launcher.
The fence is well visible scale slaughter everywhere traces of the shots.
Post of the opposition "seizure of power", thousands of young people went to plunder the city. The first night, looted and burned the city center. On the second night, looters turned their attention to the outskirts of Bishkek. There are groups of 50-100 people trying to loot and burn houses of civilians. As primarily accrue to people in the form, as representatives of the government, the police refused to come to work.
15. In order to somehow deal with looters, organized a voluntary militia. Central headquarters retainers located at the stadium "Spartak". The whole city is divided into squares, each square on duty vigilantes of the locals. On the TV broadcast Phones headquarters, people notice when looters, call the hotline, and immediately leaves the place a few cars with warriors. It is worth noting that no armed vigilantes their main weapon - a numerical advantage and power of the word, although the machine on which we were traveling, lying kitchen hatchet and air pistol. Despite the fact that he was ordered to shoot looters on the defeat of the riots, no looter was killed: "Who will be due to the refrigerator to shoot children?»
This unorganized vigilantes, they guard their outlets. All inadequate.
- What are your ribbons?
- White - protect their own property, red - national teams.
- A weapon you have?
- No, why is it us, we have the same crowd! - Responsible tenants.
In order to somehow protect their property, owners write on the windows and containers "BUS EL changes" - "We the people." It is believed that the looters bypass store talisman party.
Burnt news CUM stands unharmed, leather sheets of iron on the perimeter. Security refuses to answer questions only with the permission of the chief.
- And do not sleep yet?
- So here nobody nobody sleeps for two nights! Come on.
Security chief CUM-holding really is in place.
- How did you manage to defend the mall?
- So all knew that to begin. Central Department Store and the last revolution lossless survived. Back in 2005, it was clear that this was not the last time. Shops began to reduce the area of glazing, lay brick window. Scheme have been worked out - zabarrikodirovali inputs Studded iron building and stood in a circle around the perimeter.
- All in one night?
- Yes, come almost all employees.
- A weapon you have?
- Because refrigerators shoot children? Well it's all young people 14-30 years. First of all, the crowd with clubs looted food with alcohol, inflated, aggression grows, then stores "Arsenal", well, fueled them even besides weapons of course ...
- That is the looters were armed?
- Unfortunately
- And how do you deal with an armed mob?
- Only words. Standing, talking into a megaphone in Kyrgyz that the goods were taken, that we are the same as you do not interfere with us to earn.
- And why the Kyrgyz?
- So, after all, in Bishkek there was nobody there, it's all visitors.
Guys Slavic appearance, behave aggressively, conventional Gopnik. They came from the province to rob "zazhravshuyusya" capital. Portrait of an average Marauder: A young man from the provinces, from 14 to 30 years, aggressive.
This is the former home of Maxim Bakiyev - son of the president.
On the first day the rebels looted and burned the house. Sometimes, when a crowd of looters walking down the street, her rides a truck where the stolen ship. Some looters seized weapons, so 2 days on the streets were skirmishes.
Out of the house brought out all the furniture, carpet, plumbing, possibly removed all the finishing materials. Two days passed, and people come here and look for that would be a steal. Similarly, five years ago, hated and destroyed property children of Askar Akayev.
Photos of the president's relatives in London, do not touch. They put on the windowsill, as proof of the "prosperity" of the family of the president. For most people in Kyrgyzstan who live on less than $ 100 a month, to have such a nondescript house and go to London is a luxury.
This looters. In the former library they are looking for something to make money. Shooting is not allowed.
These people came to steal the substrate from the parquet, parquet carried yesterday. All the walls are inscribed with "Death to Bakiyev!", "Bakiyev death! Talas "," Tashbaran crying! »
As you can see, it is not only the looters' jubilant gopota "from a poor province, but also well-dressed citizens. In media interviews, Bishkek residents lament how they attacked thousands of poor inadequate Gopnik, and they bravely put together a squad to defend their property.
27. All that remains of the wardrobe mistress. While the men were trying to steal the remains of the house, the women dug tulip bulbs, someone stole a Christmas tree.
Beauty salons are out of luck, did not have time to close.
- You should have seen how they have spoiled the toilet!
- So let's see.
- I've already washed all could not look at it, and it stinks ...
The building of the General Prosecutor's Office first completely looted, then burned, then continued to plunder. In the foreground the parking lot pprokuratury. All cars burned, and then stole already have burned all machines that can be removed. Note the absence of bricks and drives.
In another burning building prosecutors people walking with bags. Remained practically nothing, not even a radiator. How can I break down the walls on the upper floors, I can only guess.
Boy Service parses the burnt car. It reminded me of a locust invasion, 2 days residents and visitors managed to steal all that could carry and unscrew.
Woman guard "their" chairs. If you do not guard, another marauder these chairs steals himself.
It looks like most of the rooms, even stole the frame. All finishing materials are removed, all safes hacked. All that they can not carry out - burn.
Please note, the building is still burning, but the children endure chairs. This boy has sold 2 chairs woman for 10 rubles. Local woman on camera all react negatively Crane, ashamed.
And went to the casino. While owners zakolachivajut entrance to the building burned ...
... Marauders will continue to make leftovers.
. Former casino owner said: "When the first crowd, we were able to convince them not to touch the casino, explained that the money is not there, gave $ 50. After 40 minutes, came second crowd began to smash windows, I found there the chief, gave him $ 200 that he led the people. An hour later, there were about 500 people, all looted and burned, we stood and watched. But do not worry, in the past, "revolution" we, too, burned, "- laughing master.
First of all, looters ransacked all grocery stores. Most went to the supermarket "People", they are associated with the state.
Our driver overtook fearlessly armored column in the opposite lane. Rules of the road now, no one observes, no cops.
Small accident.
While in the city, looters plundered the remains of shops and office buildings in the suburbs began to seize land officials. This field is arbitrarily divided people into sections 4 weave. By the logic of the locals all public property, including land, you can pick up. Today on Ekho Moskvy said that people began to share with each other parks, capture areas, parks cut down trees.
This tent is divided land. Sami people call themselves the invaders, are quite aggressive. Squatters have already marked out the ground with stones and debris, dividing it among themselves. Compiled lists, now they are set to sit here day and night until they receive permission. They are very aggressive - little land and a lot of them. After half an hour we were approached by a messenger with the board and leave the argument: "Technology dear." No one wants to appear.
- Why not? You even wrote their names on the lists?
- You in Russia will laugh at us.
The whole field was divided into squares. People sit on their sites and do not go away. If you leave the ground and the other person will take her myself. So they are willing to sit for weeks, while the country does not appear the new government does not recognize their right to the land. After 10 minutes we Sergei from the crowd ran boy, he hinted that the technology we have expensive, and we had better leave, and that people are nervous.
Faces of the revolution.
The number of victims of the riots in Kyrgyzstan today is 79 people in intensive care units of hospitals in Bishkek and its suburbs are 45 victims. Condition 7 of them are estimated to be extremely difficult. Total for medical aid these days turned over 1, 5 thousand people, more than 500 were hospitalized, most with gunshot wounds.
Director of Scientific Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics professor Dzhumabekov Sabyrbek Artisbekovich as expected showered figures received and operated. Told medics ambulance on a stretcher carried the wounded.
- No.
- How Come?
April 7 in Bishkek have been riots. Mass opposition protests began in Kyrgyzstan on April 6. With the regional center Talas they spread all over the country. President Kurmanbek Bakiyev left Bishkek on April 7 after the opposition took control of the authorities in the capital. We ottenki_serogo went to Bishkek to see how the city lives after the revolution, to communicate with looters and understand the causes of the rebellion.
2 days the city was given the power of the looters, uncontrollable teenagers. Now militias and police set some order. Citizens are extremely cool "revolution", to replace the clan Bakaeva comes another clan, nothing will change. In this situation, feel good only young men in tracksuits Adidas, they arrived by bus from the province, 2 days plundered the city and now hope that their representatives will have a place in the government, "because we have made it a revolution."

A brief chronicle of events:
- There exists a constant confrontation northern and southern clans. The current president Bakiev from the south, the opposition in the north.
- The riots began in Talas on April 6, when the opposition after the meeting seized the building of the regional administration, and in the evening of the same day the opposition leaders were arrested in the capital.
- April 8, uncontrolled crowd of Talas and Bishkek suburban villages went to the capital, where there were serious clashes with the police.
- The crowd around the building of the Government House were a few armed men, a sniper started shooting them. An angry crowd began to assault.
- Crowd captures city: government buildings, the television station, the Prosecutor General. In the hands of the rebels has weapons - part taken away from the military and the police, some stolen from gun shops.
- In the evening, opposition leaders released from the dungeon of the local KGB. The crowd totally uncontrollable, no one listens.
- The President is silent, the mayor of the city is silent, the police are confused, the parliament building destroyed.
- At night, complete anarchy - all in the province is relatively quiet, but Bishkek burns: shooting, explosions, robberies.
- Citizens unite in militias and try to protect the property.
- In the morning the whole city looted.
- The crowd all day no one controls, the opposition does not really control the situation, the president fled south to their ancestral village.
- By the morning of April 9, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan, militia units together with national teams managed to completely clear the capital Bishkek from looters. The city was re-launched the movement of passenger buses. April 9 and 10 in the republic declared days of mourning for the dead.

Why in Kyrgyzstan happened "revolution»?
It is best to describe the situation Leonid: "The country is a mess. President Bakiyev scary caught stealing for two terms, the last loans have gone into an unknown direction, utility tariffs have increased several times, planned transfer of power by inheritance to his son Maxim Bakiyev. And, of course, the northern opposition as a whole did not like that the country steers southern clan.
Undermine the poor villagers to a meeting in Kyrgyzstan - as two fingers on the table, that's all gone to Bishkek for justice. Big mistake was to shoot into the crowd, it infuriated Gopnik-opposition (most of them - poorly educated men 18-30 years of age), who beat cops, gutted and arsenals, unvarnished sataneli any minute.
Now in the province quietly passionaries all gathered in the streets of Bishkek, terrorizing citizens. capital given to plunder, the police hid all survive as they can. »

In 2005, there was already a revolution overthrew Akayev. People say that almost nothing has changed. "17 years of Akayev did not do anything, but at least the world was, and he went without casualties. And Bakiyev ordered to shoot people, the people will not forgive him. "The fact that after the overthrow of Bakiyev something changes - no one believes. Will be replaced by another clan, all the "bread" will take place the relatives of the new leader, but the people and will starve. "You in Russia is very good, you have a job!»
"I'm not to blame, that the family we had a great." With these words, Kyrgyz President Bakiyev responded to accusations of cronyism.

And this - the famous armored personnel carriers, took his opposition to the military. Locals told us about this seizure history, I believe it is not inclined, but the other does not. In one version of the BTR institutions threw local riot police who were ordered to go to the defense of the Government House on foot. Machine immediately took the opposition, but crashed and long to reverse the vehicle until he found a former tank commander, who reached the area where the car was shot.

On the first day of the revolution Government House looted and burned, the second - led tours and continued to plunder, on the third day building cordoned off the terrorists and anyone there not allowed except for firefighters, cleaners and plumbers. Guarding Government House about 50 people gangster type of perimeter and 200 people sitting inside.

Despite the fact that almost all the Jews left Kyrgyzstan even after the collapse of the Union, they were the main cause of all the troubles of ordinary Kyrgyz. After Kyrgyz Jews do not like the Chinese, they are hard working and they have the money, and it's wrong. On Friday, when the situation returned to normal in the city, rumors began to circulate that the beginning of inter-ethnic massacres in the villages. Many approve of it, because they believe that other nations take the Kirghiz work and money, so they should get rid of. History and Uganda dictator Idi Amin, teaches nothing.
Classic dialogue these days results in an article to Gazeta.ru correspondent Ilya Azar:
- Are you a Jew?
- I am a journalist from Russia - sensing a threat, I say.
- Answer me, you are a Jew or not?
- I'm from Russia, did not interfere with my work.
- Jew or not?

Young people behave very aggressively - grab the camera, swear not allowed to shoot. The main thing not to let the crowd surrounded the you. First fit a few people ask how many people fit ya.Vse stare, and then - the effect of the crowd. The main thing - time to escape. Once we were surrounded:
- "Are you from a transmission?»
- "In the animal world," I joked unsuccessfully, although offend someone even thought there was.
- "You are what we lohuesh?»
Barely legs carried away.
05. On the first day is robbed and beaten photographer told Reuters. In the evening he went to shoot the people beat the sniper, it also took over the sniper, beaten and taken away and all things technology. Now he is in the hospital Almaty.

When they began to take away the trucks, one bus suddenly broke out.

It refers to the place where the person died.

On the fence hung with photographs of the newspaper.

Periodically, people pray. The inscription on the column "Bakiyev - ass" such labels inscribed with the entire city.

Total killed 79 people. The main victims were in the storming of the White House. Stood on the roof of a sniper, they were shot approaching the goal of people. According to one version was 6 snipers: two "slaughtered like sheep", two "beat up and they are now in intensive care," two escaped. According to another version, there were only 2 sniper, their fate is unknown. Some say that the snipers were mercenaries Baits, others - the Chechens, and others - Kyrgyz. Although officially no information on mercenaries, people can not believe that the sniper was "their". This is the standard for today's Bishkek picture: flowers, blood and looters.

Smashed all the windows, one bullet stuck in the closet, the other in the ceiling.
- Look, 7 bullets passed through the glass, they are off-center of gravity were. First here, then the ceiling, that ricocheted off the wall, you can see there is a pothole in the closet zatryala.
- Are you at this time where they were, lying in the window sill?
- No, the kitchen sat drinking tea.
- So in fact there is the same window?
- When shooting a strong rose, went up the stairs to the entrance, and then. We are all afraid of the grenade launcher.

The fence is well visible scale slaughter everywhere traces of the shots.

Post of the opposition "seizure of power", thousands of young people went to plunder the city. The first night, looted and burned the city center. On the second night, looters turned their attention to the outskirts of Bishkek. There are groups of 50-100 people trying to loot and burn houses of civilians. As primarily accrue to people in the form, as representatives of the government, the police refused to come to work.
15. In order to somehow deal with looters, organized a voluntary militia. Central headquarters retainers located at the stadium "Spartak". The whole city is divided into squares, each square on duty vigilantes of the locals. On the TV broadcast Phones headquarters, people notice when looters, call the hotline, and immediately leaves the place a few cars with warriors. It is worth noting that no armed vigilantes their main weapon - a numerical advantage and power of the word, although the machine on which we were traveling, lying kitchen hatchet and air pistol. Despite the fact that he was ordered to shoot looters on the defeat of the riots, no looter was killed: "Who will be due to the refrigerator to shoot children?»

This unorganized vigilantes, they guard their outlets. All inadequate.
- What are your ribbons?
- White - protect their own property, red - national teams.
- A weapon you have?
- No, why is it us, we have the same crowd! - Responsible tenants.

In order to somehow protect their property, owners write on the windows and containers "BUS EL changes" - "We the people." It is believed that the looters bypass store talisman party.

Burnt news CUM stands unharmed, leather sheets of iron on the perimeter. Security refuses to answer questions only with the permission of the chief.
- And do not sleep yet?
- So here nobody nobody sleeps for two nights! Come on.
Security chief CUM-holding really is in place.
- How did you manage to defend the mall?
- So all knew that to begin. Central Department Store and the last revolution lossless survived. Back in 2005, it was clear that this was not the last time. Shops began to reduce the area of glazing, lay brick window. Scheme have been worked out - zabarrikodirovali inputs Studded iron building and stood in a circle around the perimeter.
- All in one night?
- Yes, come almost all employees.
- A weapon you have?
- Because refrigerators shoot children? Well it's all young people 14-30 years. First of all, the crowd with clubs looted food with alcohol, inflated, aggression grows, then stores "Arsenal", well, fueled them even besides weapons of course ...
- That is the looters were armed?
- Unfortunately
- And how do you deal with an armed mob?
- Only words. Standing, talking into a megaphone in Kyrgyz that the goods were taken, that we are the same as you do not interfere with us to earn.
- And why the Kyrgyz?
- So, after all, in Bishkek there was nobody there, it's all visitors.

Guys Slavic appearance, behave aggressively, conventional Gopnik. They came from the province to rob "zazhravshuyusya" capital. Portrait of an average Marauder: A young man from the provinces, from 14 to 30 years, aggressive.

This is the former home of Maxim Bakiyev - son of the president.

On the first day the rebels looted and burned the house. Sometimes, when a crowd of looters walking down the street, her rides a truck where the stolen ship. Some looters seized weapons, so 2 days on the streets were skirmishes.

Out of the house brought out all the furniture, carpet, plumbing, possibly removed all the finishing materials. Two days passed, and people come here and look for that would be a steal. Similarly, five years ago, hated and destroyed property children of Askar Akayev.

Photos of the president's relatives in London, do not touch. They put on the windowsill, as proof of the "prosperity" of the family of the president. For most people in Kyrgyzstan who live on less than $ 100 a month, to have such a nondescript house and go to London is a luxury.

This looters. In the former library they are looking for something to make money. Shooting is not allowed.

These people came to steal the substrate from the parquet, parquet carried yesterday. All the walls are inscribed with "Death to Bakiyev!", "Bakiyev death! Talas "," Tashbaran crying! »

As you can see, it is not only the looters' jubilant gopota "from a poor province, but also well-dressed citizens. In media interviews, Bishkek residents lament how they attacked thousands of poor inadequate Gopnik, and they bravely put together a squad to defend their property.
27. All that remains of the wardrobe mistress. While the men were trying to steal the remains of the house, the women dug tulip bulbs, someone stole a Christmas tree.

Beauty salons are out of luck, did not have time to close.
- You should have seen how they have spoiled the toilet!
- So let's see.
- I've already washed all could not look at it, and it stinks ...

The building of the General Prosecutor's Office first completely looted, then burned, then continued to plunder. In the foreground the parking lot pprokuratury. All cars burned, and then stole already have burned all machines that can be removed. Note the absence of bricks and drives.

In another burning building prosecutors people walking with bags. Remained practically nothing, not even a radiator. How can I break down the walls on the upper floors, I can only guess.

Boy Service parses the burnt car. It reminded me of a locust invasion, 2 days residents and visitors managed to steal all that could carry and unscrew.

Woman guard "their" chairs. If you do not guard, another marauder these chairs steals himself.

It looks like most of the rooms, even stole the frame. All finishing materials are removed, all safes hacked. All that they can not carry out - burn.

Please note, the building is still burning, but the children endure chairs. This boy has sold 2 chairs woman for 10 rubles. Local woman on camera all react negatively Crane, ashamed.

And went to the casino. While owners zakolachivajut entrance to the building burned ...

... Marauders will continue to make leftovers.

. Former casino owner said: "When the first crowd, we were able to convince them not to touch the casino, explained that the money is not there, gave $ 50. After 40 minutes, came second crowd began to smash windows, I found there the chief, gave him $ 200 that he led the people. An hour later, there were about 500 people, all looted and burned, we stood and watched. But do not worry, in the past, "revolution" we, too, burned, "- laughing master.
First of all, looters ransacked all grocery stores. Most went to the supermarket "People", they are associated with the state.

Our driver overtook fearlessly armored column in the opposite lane. Rules of the road now, no one observes, no cops.

Small accident.

While in the city, looters plundered the remains of shops and office buildings in the suburbs began to seize land officials. This field is arbitrarily divided people into sections 4 weave. By the logic of the locals all public property, including land, you can pick up. Today on Ekho Moskvy said that people began to share with each other parks, capture areas, parks cut down trees.

This tent is divided land. Sami people call themselves the invaders, are quite aggressive. Squatters have already marked out the ground with stones and debris, dividing it among themselves. Compiled lists, now they are set to sit here day and night until they receive permission. They are very aggressive - little land and a lot of them. After half an hour we were approached by a messenger with the board and leave the argument: "Technology dear." No one wants to appear.
- Why not? You even wrote their names on the lists?
- You in Russia will laugh at us.

The whole field was divided into squares. People sit on their sites and do not go away. If you leave the ground and the other person will take her myself. So they are willing to sit for weeks, while the country does not appear the new government does not recognize their right to the land. After 10 minutes we Sergei from the crowd ran boy, he hinted that the technology we have expensive, and we had better leave, and that people are nervous.

Faces of the revolution.

The number of victims of the riots in Kyrgyzstan today is 79 people in intensive care units of hospitals in Bishkek and its suburbs are 45 victims. Condition 7 of them are estimated to be extremely difficult. Total for medical aid these days turned over 1, 5 thousand people, more than 500 were hospitalized, most with gunshot wounds.

Director of Scientific Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics professor Dzhumabekov Sabyrbek Artisbekovich as expected showered figures received and operated. Told medics ambulance on a stretcher carried the wounded.
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