Non-lethal weapons
On the shelves of gun shops there are more beautiful pieces of iron, designed to protect us. Do rescued in difficult times lethal weapon?
Gopnik - rational people, the extra problems they do not need:
hit from behind on the head and well off man suffers nadolgo.Posle this gets a couple of kicks and loses all value.
The bottom serious health problems and severe stress. It happens almost always. But there are cases
when the attackers faced with strong and determined man. Recently, there was an accident with my friend who lives in Moscow. He had a strong resistance and was stabbed in the stomach. The attackers caught a week later, they were three minors.
It would be a weapon, the final incident would have been different!
By "non-lethal" weapons (NO) refers to weapons, the principle of action is based on the time (from several seconds to hours), depriving the enemy the ability to independently perform coordinated in time and space without serious action of residual lesions in the body of the victim.
Domestic legislation does not provide for the population armament short firearms. Hunting rifles can be kept at home and in the car to transport non-combat state korotkostvol prohibited. It's probably for the better: the culture of handling weapons we have certainly not above driving culture. But the choice of non-lethal weapons is now quite broad: from cans with an extract of red pepper and CR system to "kick", tubeless traumatic gun "Wasp" and numerous desyatimillimetrovyh rezinostrelnyh and nine pistols and revolvers. Statistics of use of these products is quite extensive.
The effectiveness of non-lethal weapons is directly related to the quality of the threat. Against the firearms it is powerless - it is better not to irritate the attackers view object resembling a gun. Very spopno its application against an aggressive drunken company: five or six people do not always stop and lead bullets. It can help fight off two or three not very prepared people. And the success of self-defense does not depend only on what you have in your pocket.
It is worth remembering that the ersatz weapon - a useful addition to the hands and feet of the owner. Gas does not operate at all: spray is effective only when a sudden application. "Blow", throws a substantial portion of the liquefied gas, under certain conditions, can fold - there were times when the enemy did not notice that it got. And the most controversial self-defense products are those that look the most menacing: a pocket-like "Katyusha" "Wasp" and rezinostrelnye copies combat pistols.
From three meters or at close range?
"Wasp" could kill. When injected into the head is guaranteed, if not death, serious injury: in a massive "wasp" bullets heavy metal bars. The bones of the skull "Wasp" breaks as well as the board, but when it gets into the muscles of stopping the effect is not too large. The energy of the bullet "Wasps' 80-85 joules, but its speed is low, small and painful shock. It's kind of remote Knuckles: beat them senseless body and mind - it is dangerous.
Rezinostrelnye copies combat pistols ("Makarych", "JMP", "Jorge," "Walter", "Mauser" and others like them) resemble whip. Light rubber bullet flies with much greater speed: broken bones, it can not, the energy shooting ranges from thirty-five to sixty-five joules, but the pain when it enters hell. The main drawback of such rezinostrela that simple leather jacket (not to mention a sponge) to protect them from the shots like a bullet-proof vest. Effective distance of self-defense in the application of "wasp" and its competitors from one to three meters. So recommended by manufacturers, but experienced users know that the energy of a rubber bullet falls very quickly, and prefer to shoot at close range.
Do not touch me, I GUN!
We live in an ugly, petty, prone to domestic scandals society and the owners of non-lethal weapons are not free from it. "Wasp", "Makarychev" and "impact" are used not only for self-defense by Gopnik - they often come into play during the silliest fights.
One machine cuts another, as a result, violated the rules of the cab dented rear bumper. He comes to the second car, beats her driver through the open window, then gets into the forehead of the "Makaritch" and goes on bent. (Followed by a long and tedious proceedings, ending with reconciliation of the parties). The dispute in a nightclub fight ends at the entrance, shooting all of the same "Makarychev" and proceedings in the police. Minor disputes in the Moscow club turns shooting: young Chechen thrusts the bullet of "Makaritch" in the carotid artery to the person who is not as it looked, and he died in hospital ... Such stories do not count - for the most part, they fortunately do not end with death and minor injuries.
People do not realize that they have weapons in their hands: circling the cork, a Moscow yuppie rides on the sidewalk on the "Peugeot", takes the hassle with a man who does not want to give way. Starting a fight, the enemy shoots the motorist pace of "Wasp" and calls for the 02 wounded writhing on the ground, the winner of listening to music in the car and immensely surprised when he was handcuffed.
All rezinostrela not too effective, unreliable, yet dangerous weapon, requiring great responsibility of its owner. That it something their owners often do not have enough: they behave like children to get hold of pistol.
Equalizer CHANCES
But sometimes lethal weapons save their owners from serious injury or death. Such was the case in Vladivostok: man walking with workouts, he was attacked by three Gopnik, armed with iron pipes. The young man engaged in Kyokushin Karate, the reaction he had spent, he dodged the blow, threw forward, snatched "Osu". One of the robbers was shot in the stomach, the second bullet in the arm - both were ready to continue the attack. A third heavy "wasp" bullet nose completely demolished, and it's great a frightened his friends. Criminal trio fled, after a few minutes it has caught the police.
Compared with small-caliber rezinostrela "Wasp" and its patrons 18h45 millimeters resembles a large-caliber howitzer, but sometimes it helps, even weak, roughly converted from combat revolver "Naganych" shooting tridtsatipyatidzhoulevymi cartridges. Two former criminals at a truck stop "Moskvich", driven by a harmless-looking pensioner "Naganychem" in his pocket. Naive criminals wanted to cut off his bubble, and received bullet in the head. He was very sick, they sat on the ground, his head in his hands, and surrendered their resolute retired officers.
Roughly also acted indifferent person in Rostov-on-Don: he saw the skinheads beat up a Negro, and floated "Makarych." He shot the head Negro saved.
The outskirts of Donetsk.
One can cite other examples: the defending enemy produces almost the whole clip and the lyutuet more. Nothing surprising here. Exposure to a rubber bullet depends on the threshold of pain, and he's all very different, besides the fury dulls the pain. If self-defense with traumatic weapons necessary determination, a good physical preparation and a long workout with a gun: a rubber bullet flies with a large deviation from the aiming point, the gun is necessary to study "the touch." But this is self-defense rezinostrela game of roulette, much depends on the case.
Gopnik - rational people, the extra problems they do not need:

hit from behind on the head and well off man suffers nadolgo.Posle this gets a couple of kicks and loses all value.
The bottom serious health problems and severe stress. It happens almost always. But there are cases
when the attackers faced with strong and determined man. Recently, there was an accident with my friend who lives in Moscow. He had a strong resistance and was stabbed in the stomach. The attackers caught a week later, they were three minors.
It would be a weapon, the final incident would have been different!
By "non-lethal" weapons (NO) refers to weapons, the principle of action is based on the time (from several seconds to hours), depriving the enemy the ability to independently perform coordinated in time and space without serious action of residual lesions in the body of the victim.
Domestic legislation does not provide for the population armament short firearms. Hunting rifles can be kept at home and in the car to transport non-combat state korotkostvol prohibited. It's probably for the better: the culture of handling weapons we have certainly not above driving culture. But the choice of non-lethal weapons is now quite broad: from cans with an extract of red pepper and CR system to "kick", tubeless traumatic gun "Wasp" and numerous desyatimillimetrovyh rezinostrelnyh and nine pistols and revolvers. Statistics of use of these products is quite extensive.

The effectiveness of non-lethal weapons is directly related to the quality of the threat. Against the firearms it is powerless - it is better not to irritate the attackers view object resembling a gun. Very spopno its application against an aggressive drunken company: five or six people do not always stop and lead bullets. It can help fight off two or three not very prepared people. And the success of self-defense does not depend only on what you have in your pocket.
It is worth remembering that the ersatz weapon - a useful addition to the hands and feet of the owner. Gas does not operate at all: spray is effective only when a sudden application. "Blow", throws a substantial portion of the liquefied gas, under certain conditions, can fold - there were times when the enemy did not notice that it got. And the most controversial self-defense products are those that look the most menacing: a pocket-like "Katyusha" "Wasp" and rezinostrelnye copies combat pistols.
From three meters or at close range?
"Wasp" could kill. When injected into the head is guaranteed, if not death, serious injury: in a massive "wasp" bullets heavy metal bars. The bones of the skull "Wasp" breaks as well as the board, but when it gets into the muscles of stopping the effect is not too large. The energy of the bullet "Wasps' 80-85 joules, but its speed is low, small and painful shock. It's kind of remote Knuckles: beat them senseless body and mind - it is dangerous.

Rezinostrelnye copies combat pistols ("Makarych", "JMP", "Jorge," "Walter", "Mauser" and others like them) resemble whip. Light rubber bullet flies with much greater speed: broken bones, it can not, the energy shooting ranges from thirty-five to sixty-five joules, but the pain when it enters hell. The main drawback of such rezinostrela that simple leather jacket (not to mention a sponge) to protect them from the shots like a bullet-proof vest. Effective distance of self-defense in the application of "wasp" and its competitors from one to three meters. So recommended by manufacturers, but experienced users know that the energy of a rubber bullet falls very quickly, and prefer to shoot at close range.
Do not touch me, I GUN!
We live in an ugly, petty, prone to domestic scandals society and the owners of non-lethal weapons are not free from it. "Wasp", "Makarychev" and "impact" are used not only for self-defense by Gopnik - they often come into play during the silliest fights.
One machine cuts another, as a result, violated the rules of the cab dented rear bumper. He comes to the second car, beats her driver through the open window, then gets into the forehead of the "Makaritch" and goes on bent. (Followed by a long and tedious proceedings, ending with reconciliation of the parties). The dispute in a nightclub fight ends at the entrance, shooting all of the same "Makarychev" and proceedings in the police. Minor disputes in the Moscow club turns shooting: young Chechen thrusts the bullet of "Makaritch" in the carotid artery to the person who is not as it looked, and he died in hospital ... Such stories do not count - for the most part, they fortunately do not end with death and minor injuries.

People do not realize that they have weapons in their hands: circling the cork, a Moscow yuppie rides on the sidewalk on the "Peugeot", takes the hassle with a man who does not want to give way. Starting a fight, the enemy shoots the motorist pace of "Wasp" and calls for the 02 wounded writhing on the ground, the winner of listening to music in the car and immensely surprised when he was handcuffed.
All rezinostrela not too effective, unreliable, yet dangerous weapon, requiring great responsibility of its owner. That it something their owners often do not have enough: they behave like children to get hold of pistol.
Equalizer CHANCES
But sometimes lethal weapons save their owners from serious injury or death. Such was the case in Vladivostok: man walking with workouts, he was attacked by three Gopnik, armed with iron pipes. The young man engaged in Kyokushin Karate, the reaction he had spent, he dodged the blow, threw forward, snatched "Osu". One of the robbers was shot in the stomach, the second bullet in the arm - both were ready to continue the attack. A third heavy "wasp" bullet nose completely demolished, and it's great a frightened his friends. Criminal trio fled, after a few minutes it has caught the police.
Compared with small-caliber rezinostrela "Wasp" and its patrons 18h45 millimeters resembles a large-caliber howitzer, but sometimes it helps, even weak, roughly converted from combat revolver "Naganych" shooting tridtsatipyatidzhoulevymi cartridges. Two former criminals at a truck stop "Moskvich", driven by a harmless-looking pensioner "Naganychem" in his pocket. Naive criminals wanted to cut off his bubble, and received bullet in the head. He was very sick, they sat on the ground, his head in his hands, and surrendered their resolute retired officers.

Roughly also acted indifferent person in Rostov-on-Don: he saw the skinheads beat up a Negro, and floated "Makarych." He shot the head Negro saved.
The outskirts of Donetsk.
One can cite other examples: the defending enemy produces almost the whole clip and the lyutuet more. Nothing surprising here. Exposure to a rubber bullet depends on the threshold of pain, and he's all very different, besides the fury dulls the pain. If self-defense with traumatic weapons necessary determination, a good physical preparation and a long workout with a gun: a rubber bullet flies with a large deviation from the aiming point, the gun is necessary to study "the touch." But this is self-defense rezinostrela game of roulette, much depends on the case.