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Educational program for self-defense.

Good afternoon, dear yapovtsy! Today I want to talk about self-defense. Increasingly began to appear ranting type- "shoot him in the head if the camera net-Wali" .Today I want to talk about what we can do and what you get for this. As I am not a lawyer. So my words are not the final authority, and this article is intended to primary familiarization with the law and the subsequent self-study! In this article, I deliberately speak only about the traumatic weapons since at least traumatic weapon and abuse, but the number of weapons in the hands of One unit has been steadily increasing, to the yet with total legal illiteracy. I will try to raise the legitimate question, "What? How? Where? When? Where to go and what to do? »

So, I will not torment you, and perhaps start. We will start with a "stick". that you might face?
Depending on the circumstances you may be used any of the following articles of the Criminal Code
Article 105 "murder»
article 107. Murder committed in the heat of passion
Murder st.108. Committed in excess of the limits of necessary defense. Or in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator
art.109 Causing death by negligence
Art. 111 intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm
Art. 112 intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm
st.113Prichenenie serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion
st.114 infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of self-defense or in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator
article 213 Hooliganism

When and how to apply can be traumatic weapons
The recent increase in the use of traumatic weapons by citizens. And it is not the growth of crime in the country, and the understandable desire of Russians (the word is a more accurate ... but do not tell the Russians living in the Russians) to protect yourself in every way possible. But often the weapon used recklessly and unnecessarily. Since any illegal use of weapons shall be punished by a fine from the confiscation of weapons, to imprisonment (of course, if you do not "tozherossiyanin"), the owners of traumatic weapons is extremely important to know how and when to apply it.
So, you have a weapon, a duly registered. However, that have not yet mean that you can now apply it in a drunken brawl, the conflicts on the roads and other "convenient" to happen. The main task of the civilian self-defense weapon - the protection of life, health and property only in extreme necessity or self-defense .. Such restrictions laid down in Article 23 of the Federal Law "On weapons". Harsh words expressed in your address, stealing cucumbers from your garden or burning paper in the mailbox are not the basis for the use of weapons! .. And that's the basis for the use of arms may be a group (two or more people) attacked on the street or indoors, pronounced a threat to life and health, for example in the form of an ax in the hands of the attacker and the threat of its use in your address. Or the presence of attacking objects, and looks like a firearm. That is, all those cases where there is a direct threat to your life and health.
Also, there are certain restrictions imposed by law on persons in respect of which it is possible to use weapons. Do not use weapons against
minors, if their age is obvious for defending
Excluding a compelling cost cases of armed or group of persons napadniya this category. That is, you have the right to use weapons, if for example, on the street you beat the crowd of teenagers or disabled decided to work on you exercise for shooting a hunting rifle, "a running wild boar", or you are at the center of unrest in the women's clinic and a crowd of women doted your blood for the fact that "all men-pigs!».

The process of weapons
The process is divided roughly into 4 stages.
So, step 1. Warning
In the West, saying "got oruzhie- shoot." In our harsh reality it does not work! In our country before you have to use the weapon to warn the offender. And if the charter is written exactly, "Stop! Stop or I'll shoot! "And so on, then there is given to you to choose in what form should be alert verbally via shouting," Stop, you bitch. I'll shoot! "," I have weapons! "Either visually by juggling the shutter cocking the hammer, and a warning shot in the air-law here does not specify, however, that the practice should be a combination of both methods optimally.
However, it should be noted that embodiments of criminal assault on your life and health can be very different time and a warning may simply not be. So decide for yourself whether it is worth spending time on a warning or not ... but in the latter case, you may have problems with the police in a criminal case and the withdrawal of the license, you can plant, but rather poorly in jail than well lie in the morgue .

Step 2. Shooting at goal.
By law, we prestupnik- being gentle and treats it is with caution and foresight. For every pack of traumatic cartridges you will find the inscription that it is prohibited to shoot blizhe1 meters, as well as the head. Where to shoot ?? !!! Everything depends on the time of year and the amount of wear on the attackers. In winter, when the criminals are dressed in warm clothes, shooting on the case to put it mildly, is not effective because the head can not (although in my lifetime 90% of poorly trained shooters out there and targeting them), there is only the legs and unprotected parts of the arms. In summer, the task is greatly simplified, of your choice, any part of the body. Besides the head and perhaps the groin. In a word. Your task is not to kill. And to disable at a certain time. Attempts to deprive the offender of life has to be qualified as exceeding the limits of necessary defense.

Stage 3 report the matter.
In each case, the use of weapons, you must immediately soobschit9 latest sutok0 nearest ATM (st24 Weapons Act). While police outfit riding. If possible, make the following
 - If the attacker fled. We remember his description when wounded and unable to move. Call «ambulance».
 - If there are witnesses, do not let them run up to the arrival of police (threatening weapon they do not have)
 - Take pictures of the place or take videos.
-prevents happened about loved ones. It is advisable that anyone of them as quickly as possible approached to the place of the incident!
 - Do not touch the sleeve, and especially weapons assailant if he had!
 - Do not try to throw weapon attacker !!!

4.samy difficult stage!
The difficulty of this stage is that most would not be a criminal. If you think that a police officer will be to you kind and friendly, then you put it mildly, are mistaken. Let's face it, our law enforcement agencies to have a very simple case in which there is everything you need: the criminal-you, your oruzhie-, poterpevshiy- attacker. And pull the article "for personal injury by exceeding the limits of necessary defense will not be difficult. Much more difficult to establish criminal intent of the attacker in the absence of witnesses. As well as all the hopelessness of your situation.

So that would not "drown" himself with his own hands, you must:
 - Competently write the first explanation (learn Weapons Act). "Friendly" advice operativnikov- saying let's write and so you did for this will- not be ignored! it is important that you are able to write their own explanations. If operative writes explain with your words, and then asked to sign, do it only after carefully reading. All remarks fix in the same document. Getting permission to do so from anyone not! .. The explanation clearly specify the circumstances of the incident; time of the attack, what puts a threat to life and health, the validity of finding your weapon, your action to prevent the attacker direction of the shot, the result achieved, your actions after reflection attacks (call the police, ambulance, etc.), data of witnesses. if they were.

Find a good lawyer. Soviet thesis that an honest man has nothing to fear, and do not need a lawyer, it is now no longer relevant! After testifying primary explanation is not one visit to the police does not have to do without a lawyer, you do not know all the intricacies of the investigator, and your defender know. If they will be held competent work, then this unpleasant situation, you leave unscathed!

This is everything ... Ask to speak and comment on your Haupman.
