Disabling rossiyskihtelekanalov

Elena Masuk journalist, head of the permanent commission on freedom of information and the rights of journalists HRO
March 27, 2014, 15:31
General Director of "First Channel" Konstantin Ernst, referring to the authorities of Ukraine, stated that "off the channel (the" First Channel ") undermines the existence of all of the television market in the country, contrary to international law and the interests of the subscribers."
And when in the beginning of March in the Crimea were canceling all the analog channels and Ukrainian in their place became federal broadcast Russian TV channels, it is not contrary to international law and the interests of subscribers? None of the Russian telerukovoditeley if not objected to broadcast on frequencies and Ukrainian channels.
Justifying its decision to disable Ukrainian television, Council of Ministers of Crimea then referred to the fact that "the events in the Crimea, highlights (in Ukrainian television) one-sided. On television talk shows and news stories are not presented view of Crimeans, and Crimean authorities. (...) If negative information campaign does not stop, the Crimean authorities would be forced to shut off the flow of false and biased information, in order to protect the population from its negative impact. " Of all Ukrainian TV channel survived only Crimean Tatar ATR, and then only because the local "self-defense" could not seize it by force.
In early March, when the Russian federal channels broadcast in full no journalistic information, namely promotional material about what is happening in Ukraine, the leaders of the largest media groups in Ukraine: «Inter Media Group» Anna Bezlyudna, «Starlight Media» Vladimir Borodyansky, "Media Group Ukraine" Fedor Ogarkov, "1 + 1 Media» Alexander Tkachenko - appealed to his Russian colleagues: CEO "First Channel" Konstantin Ernst, general director Oleg Dobrodeev RTR and NTV general director Vladimir Kulistikova very constructive and respectful in tone letter.
"We ask you to open, balanced and objective coverage of events taking place today in Ukraine - Ukrainian colleagues wrote to Russian. - We ask you to understand and support the position of the central Ukrainian TV channels and a responsible attitude to every word. We have no right to stir up enmity between the fraternal Russian and Ukrainian people, to broadcast or unverified information distorts reality.
We believe that if there is a confrontation escalate into military action - the winners will not lose everything. Lose our peoples that history, faith, blood, are inextricably linked. We believe that today, together we can do anything to avoid this. We believe that our two countries will be peace. "
Russian telemagnate answered them thus: "Dear brothers and sisters, the major TV broadcasters in Ukraine! We find it hard to imagine you as a writing Cossacks, and themselves in the role of the Turkish sultan, because we are with you - an indivisible great Slavic television space ... »
Well, it ended with the message, in my opinion, really quite rude:
"Friends! Establish your life. We are always with you and help you. "
Almost certain that these lines were written by a master of composing such texts - Vladimir Kulistikova. But their signatures to the letter and put Ernst and Dobrodeev.
That and "forge" is now a "life" Ukrainians: isolate promoters.
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