Short campaign against illiteracy. That wanted Vova Putin

As the discovery yesterday spread opinion understand what was going on Ukrainians. Today I want to share here is that text Dmitry Gurin:
Short educational program about the events in the east of Ukraine:
1) in the east of Ukraine - a military invasion. This is not a tank throw it raiding
2) do not impose a state of emergency, because it means the automatic cancellation of the elections - and this is the purpose of Pu & Co
3) upon Poo does so in order to strengthen the bargaining position before April 17th. Ideal - apart from the actual seat of the Ukrainian authorities to the negotiating table and even puppet Dobkin as the leader of the eastern provinces
4) Pu also very necessary land corridor to the Crimea. Without him maintain Crimea technologically impossible to build a bridge not less than three years and not the fact that it generally possible to construct (winter storm and there is ice blocks the strait)
5) separatism coordinated people from Russia. Known story about the "curb" already discussed everything, but here I write that in Donetsk really say that. I do not know, in Mariupol not say so, but Mariupol - not very Donbass, though in Don. field. Where Curiously, coordinators say Slavic groups, whereas local - Slavic. For participation in the groups pay: ~ $ 40 for the extras, $ 500 - for participation in the assault.
6) The problem also is that the East of Ukraine in general very, very Cop and the cops realize they are 20 years of doing everything in the country is so uncomfortable that they will overcome, and now all of them beautiful vzyatochny business will go downhill - and it really is already beginning occur. So the cops are very eager to Russia, where everything is still and so they sabotage the orders of the authorities of Kiev.
7) part in the organization of all the people involved Akhmetov (several times been seen his head of security) - Akhmetov to cut the budget by 4% a year just through government purchases, and he realizes that it now raskulachat. So he decided to bargain. Akhmetov did not appreciate that the question of the territorial integrity of Ukraine is not an area for negotiation, and an absolute value, especially after the Crimea. He is wrong not the first time - for example, at the time he decided to build a 9-story building on Andrew's descent in Kiev - sometimes it seems that the border is not where they are.
8) is delicate details that can fight in Kiev Russian lyuley (already can fight) - this means that the land corridor to the Crimea will not finish. Chances are only in Donetsk and Lugansk. Throw in Odessa from Prindestrovya also looks extremely doubtful event - in Odessa will not be very welcome guests, and there are huge catacombs, in which, as here told, has brought some food and weapons there.
9) local who participates on the side of the separatists - the same people who were recruited in Titushky plus disbanded golden eagle, plus bandyuki, which in the east is generally very much. Plus, the local very brainwashed: first Ukrainian pro-government and controlled by Yanukovych channels, then it happened the coming Dmitry Kiselev.
10) Russian bid to "legitimate president Yanukovych" actually very good for Ukraine: Yanukovich in Ukraine completely lost legitimacy even the most diehard idiots, people did not feel that their someone for something oppresses and the invasion of the east all perceive it as an intrusion.
11) Finally the authorities have decided to do something and I had to: distribute weapons to citizens. Interior Minister announced the creation and legalization of local armed self-defense units (Donetsk Donetsk, etc.). On cops hope no army in the country stole Yanukovych - well, ok, free armed citizens in a free country have made their choice.
12) scale guerrilla will be very different in different regions in the east, but the guerrilla will be exactly.
What will happen next, I do not know.
I hope that the Russian elite who becomes Pu with less convenient, something will come up.
Jam all.
And about the previous post with the reupload recording negotiations allegedly saboteurs from Russia. One voice was identified. This, of course, not commando, and that's who: HERE . His mobile number, by the way, know some journalists who worked in the Crimea during the annexation. And it's very interesting. One of the key focal points of all this motley crowd - from wage titushek to these commandos - Kremlin political strategist, on whose shoulders lay a similar important mission in the Crimea.