StraykBoll (StrikeBall, AirSoft)
Well. War is war)))
As promised spread Temko about the strike, but before you upload photos from the game will give a little introduction of the game.
It will be a lot of pictures and video.
The end will tell.
Airsoft - military tactical game. And the word "military" has already said that the game will not be used for water pistols. Every self-respecting soldier has a minimum:
face shield or goggles;
camouflage equipment;
and, in fact, a weapon through which it will carry its truth in enemy ranks.
It should be noted that for airsoft guns do many firms manufacturers, but most importantly it is possible that all the weapons are similar in appearance, weight and size of real samples of small arms.
Pneumatics for airsoft (often referred to as "drive") shoots plastic balls with a diameter of 6 or 8 mm, a weight of 0, 12 to 0, 43 grams. The rate of departure from the trunk of the drive balls 80 to 170-200 meters per second.
According to the laws of the Russian Federation (namely the Federal Law of 13.12.1996, № 150-FZ "On Weapons"), such weapons refers to toys and its use, storage and sale does not require any special permits.
This weapon is safe enough for the health of the player, using special glasses. But do not forget that even the soft pillow can be dangerous - you need only know how to use it.
Today made a huge amount of drive and every fighter can choose "whatever you want": price, quality, power, drive, and just in appearance. Each drive can be improved: the power and accuracy rate, to make quiet, to change the appearance of weapons and install additional equipment on it. This operation is called tuning.
According to the principle of the airsoft guns divided into 3 categories:
1. Weapons with manual reset (Spring boltovka, tavern)
This system is generally used for the cheapest versions of weapons.
The basic principle: the shot is made by the movement of the piston in the spring charging. Platoon manually. This system is used on most sniper rifles.
+ Low price
+ Independent battery or gas reserves
+ Precision
- The need for manual cocking after each shot (tires)
2. Electro-pneumatic weapon (EPO, AEG - automatic electric gun)
It is the most common and popular type today.
If we consider the mechanism of the shot, it is rather complicated compared to other systems. The basic principle: when you press the trigger, the battery provides power to the small motor that recharges via gears piston in the compression chamber while compressing the spring. After cocking the piston is pushed by a spring back to its original position, creating a compression chamber to the required pressure for the shot. Compressed air is supplied to the bore and the ball pops out of it.
+ High rate can shoot bursts
+ Possibility of tuning. Replace the battery, a spring, a motor, gears, can be significantly improved rate of fire and drive power
- Dependence on the battery. Without it, nothing. Moreover, batteries are sensitive to low temperatures
3. Gas weapons
Not as common as the EPO system, due to the constant replacement of gas cartridges. Basically the system is used in gas pistols. "Chips" of this system is to simulate the work of the weapons (movement of the shutter, the return of weapons). CO2 from a container or tank is supplied to the bore and the ball pops out of it.
+ Independence from the battery, and easy to replace cartridge
+ Common blow-back (return)
+ Sharp and powerful shot
- Poorly adapted to fire bursts
- A small resource of weapons
- Dependent on the ambient temperature
- The almost total inability to internal tuning
Now consider how airsoft guns divided in appearance:
1. Gun
Pistol - Weapon lightweight, compact and mobile. All these qualities make the gun an indispensable weapon in the street fighting: in the buildings, fortified sites, narrow corridors. Effective range is lower than the other drives, the number of balls in the little shop. Mainly used as an additional weapon. Task gun - to provide fighter combat capability in a confined space.
2. submachine gun (PP)
A cross between a pistol and a machine gun. Historically, these babies were conceived as a relatively cheap version of a machine pistol cartridge. These drives are quite mobile, compact and rate of fire. Airsoft they are universal drives. They are good for street fighting and hunting for his neighbor in the woods of our country. Among the main advantages, it should be noted: a spacious shop, barrel length sufficient for precise shooting at a relatively large distance, light, possibility of firing bursts. However, the baby lose on the sighting range assault rifles.
3. Assault rifle (automatic)
Large actuators with a long barrel. The most used type of drive. The best option for offensive and defensive fighting on any terrain, whether it is field, forest, built. Because of the length of the barrel have a large impact range. However, this is a long barrel and a significant weight disadvantage is the assault rifle for use in buildings.
4. Shotgun
Almost always springovye (mechanical platoon). Produce per shot some balls, then you must manually recharge again. A volley of several balls (3-5) makes it easier to hit the target. Effective range is insignificant.
5. Sniper Rifle
Sniper Rifle - a very accurate weapon. The long barrel and optics - the basic elements. The task sniper rifle - the defeat of the enemy 1 - 2 accurate shots. Not intended for firing bursts. Weapons professional-pedant, tactfully relieving one enemy after the other, or a weapon maniac mazahistov confident in his immortality. Using the sniper rifle is changing the very specifics of the game instead of intense fighting, it all comes down to the long wait to ambush the enemy.
6. Machine gun
The most massive drives. Their specificity - long queues at the enemy shooting at long distances. To this end, the drive is a large battery store in 3000 and more balls. The machine gun is not made for running, his task - to suppress the enemy. Due to the great weight and very little maintenance is not the best option.
7. Grenade
Grenade - weapons of mass destruction of the enemy. An indispensable tool in any battle: assault or defense, building or a forest. Add game realism. Grenades are in industrial production. But often, the men prepare their own, but only from industrial firecrackers and strictly defined rules! By cons include a small radius of destruction.
8. Grenade
I must admit that before the start of the study of the application of airsoft grenade launchers and ammunition attached to them, it was difficult to seriously accept the applications of these products in reality "scenario after another." The fact is that on the one hand, perfectly represents the principles of work and devastating ability of real devices, on the other hand, do not understand how you can achieve similar results in terms airsoft battles. In practice, everything was pretty easy.
The main driving force for the shot balls is a gas that immediately imposes restrictions on seasonal grenades - at temperatures less than + 7 ° C, not much povoyuesh.
Scheme of the grenade is simple: initially from an empty grenade produced all gazputёm pressing until it clicks on the button "Fire" - a pressure relief valve, located in the rear portion of the article (in the diagram Pos. 2, 5). This operation fits any thin and long object such as a pencil. Then, using a cylinder of liquefied gas through the charging valve (in the diagram Pos. 9) located in the front section, the tank is filled, the loading time of 2-3 seconds. Recom mended with the addition of silicon dioxide, as in this case the joints are lubricated with grenades and the product will last longer. Further, by using the loader produced loading pellets into each hole in the head part (Scheme pos. 1) to the maximum filling. The balls do not leave the tank through a special retaining ring (Scheme pos. 7). Everything! The grenade is ready to use. Attention! With the loading grenade launcher in any case do not press on the pressure relief valve - actuation happen grenades, and besides frustration and pain have to do the above procedure again.
9. Tactics
10. Physicians
Depending on the scenario and the magnitude of the game - it can be used by physicians. If you are the Rani in the arm or leg (if you have a helmet or body armor, then hit in these parts of the body as well as injured) - you are injured. Must remain in place and call physician. If the physician did not get to you within 3 minutes of eh (obgovariaetsya time is always at the beginning of the game) - you're dead.
11. Spec. transoprt
Also depending on the scenario - in the game can be used spec. Transportation (UAZ, Humvees, armored personnel carriers, etc.)
with an introductory done - go to the photo and video games
zatravochka for 2 videos that show the dynamics and scope of action games.
7-9.05.2011 - "Operation Tesla", Ukraine, Lviv
Photo from the games this year. Opening the season in Moldova
2 ...
3 ... that's such an interesting character we had)))
4. postoroenie
5. Start the game
6. Defense
7. The example of spec. technology
UAZ slumped to our database, which has been successfully "blown up" and fired)))
8 ...
9. Our base
10 ...
11 ... 3 vinipuha left in the raid)))
12 ... an example of the use of helmets and body armor
13 photographers, too, got it ...)))
14 ...
... Sunday 15 games this year
16 ...
17 ...
18 ...
19 ...
20 ... well sobstno I)))
21 ...
22 ...
23 reload ...)))
24 ... who's good)
Well, a couple of photos from the game in the building ... to cover the topic of maximum
26 ...
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On the day we visited a girl with RedBula and distributed free of jar)))
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42 ...
One second before I took him (in the sense of the balls)
Thank you all ... I do everything ...
while adding pictures that were not recalled consideration of the issue:
- Security
- McCloud
- Script
- Communication
- Etc. add ... will be considered further.
As promised spread Temko about the strike, but before you upload photos from the game will give a little introduction of the game.
It will be a lot of pictures and video.
The end will tell.

Airsoft - military tactical game. And the word "military" has already said that the game will not be used for water pistols. Every self-respecting soldier has a minimum:
face shield or goggles;
camouflage equipment;
and, in fact, a weapon through which it will carry its truth in enemy ranks.
It should be noted that for airsoft guns do many firms manufacturers, but most importantly it is possible that all the weapons are similar in appearance, weight and size of real samples of small arms.
Pneumatics for airsoft (often referred to as "drive") shoots plastic balls with a diameter of 6 or 8 mm, a weight of 0, 12 to 0, 43 grams. The rate of departure from the trunk of the drive balls 80 to 170-200 meters per second.
According to the laws of the Russian Federation (namely the Federal Law of 13.12.1996, № 150-FZ "On Weapons"), such weapons refers to toys and its use, storage and sale does not require any special permits.
This weapon is safe enough for the health of the player, using special glasses. But do not forget that even the soft pillow can be dangerous - you need only know how to use it.
Today made a huge amount of drive and every fighter can choose "whatever you want": price, quality, power, drive, and just in appearance. Each drive can be improved: the power and accuracy rate, to make quiet, to change the appearance of weapons and install additional equipment on it. This operation is called tuning.
According to the principle of the airsoft guns divided into 3 categories:
1. Weapons with manual reset (Spring boltovka, tavern)
This system is generally used for the cheapest versions of weapons.
The basic principle: the shot is made by the movement of the piston in the spring charging. Platoon manually. This system is used on most sniper rifles.
+ Low price
+ Independent battery or gas reserves
+ Precision
- The need for manual cocking after each shot (tires)

2. Electro-pneumatic weapon (EPO, AEG - automatic electric gun)
It is the most common and popular type today.
If we consider the mechanism of the shot, it is rather complicated compared to other systems. The basic principle: when you press the trigger, the battery provides power to the small motor that recharges via gears piston in the compression chamber while compressing the spring. After cocking the piston is pushed by a spring back to its original position, creating a compression chamber to the required pressure for the shot. Compressed air is supplied to the bore and the ball pops out of it.
+ High rate can shoot bursts
+ Possibility of tuning. Replace the battery, a spring, a motor, gears, can be significantly improved rate of fire and drive power
- Dependence on the battery. Without it, nothing. Moreover, batteries are sensitive to low temperatures

3. Gas weapons
Not as common as the EPO system, due to the constant replacement of gas cartridges. Basically the system is used in gas pistols. "Chips" of this system is to simulate the work of the weapons (movement of the shutter, the return of weapons). CO2 from a container or tank is supplied to the bore and the ball pops out of it.
+ Independence from the battery, and easy to replace cartridge
+ Common blow-back (return)
+ Sharp and powerful shot
- Poorly adapted to fire bursts
- A small resource of weapons
- Dependent on the ambient temperature
- The almost total inability to internal tuning
Now consider how airsoft guns divided in appearance:

1. Gun
Pistol - Weapon lightweight, compact and mobile. All these qualities make the gun an indispensable weapon in the street fighting: in the buildings, fortified sites, narrow corridors. Effective range is lower than the other drives, the number of balls in the little shop. Mainly used as an additional weapon. Task gun - to provide fighter combat capability in a confined space.

2. submachine gun (PP)
A cross between a pistol and a machine gun. Historically, these babies were conceived as a relatively cheap version of a machine pistol cartridge. These drives are quite mobile, compact and rate of fire. Airsoft they are universal drives. They are good for street fighting and hunting for his neighbor in the woods of our country. Among the main advantages, it should be noted: a spacious shop, barrel length sufficient for precise shooting at a relatively large distance, light, possibility of firing bursts. However, the baby lose on the sighting range assault rifles.

3. Assault rifle (automatic)
Large actuators with a long barrel. The most used type of drive. The best option for offensive and defensive fighting on any terrain, whether it is field, forest, built. Because of the length of the barrel have a large impact range. However, this is a long barrel and a significant weight disadvantage is the assault rifle for use in buildings.

4. Shotgun
Almost always springovye (mechanical platoon). Produce per shot some balls, then you must manually recharge again. A volley of several balls (3-5) makes it easier to hit the target. Effective range is insignificant.

5. Sniper Rifle
Sniper Rifle - a very accurate weapon. The long barrel and optics - the basic elements. The task sniper rifle - the defeat of the enemy 1 - 2 accurate shots. Not intended for firing bursts. Weapons professional-pedant, tactfully relieving one enemy after the other, or a weapon maniac mazahistov confident in his immortality. Using the sniper rifle is changing the very specifics of the game instead of intense fighting, it all comes down to the long wait to ambush the enemy.

6. Machine gun
The most massive drives. Their specificity - long queues at the enemy shooting at long distances. To this end, the drive is a large battery store in 3000 and more balls. The machine gun is not made for running, his task - to suppress the enemy. Due to the great weight and very little maintenance is not the best option.

7. Grenade
Grenade - weapons of mass destruction of the enemy. An indispensable tool in any battle: assault or defense, building or a forest. Add game realism. Grenades are in industrial production. But often, the men prepare their own, but only from industrial firecrackers and strictly defined rules! By cons include a small radius of destruction.

8. Grenade
I must admit that before the start of the study of the application of airsoft grenade launchers and ammunition attached to them, it was difficult to seriously accept the applications of these products in reality "scenario after another." The fact is that on the one hand, perfectly represents the principles of work and devastating ability of real devices, on the other hand, do not understand how you can achieve similar results in terms airsoft battles. In practice, everything was pretty easy.
The main driving force for the shot balls is a gas that immediately imposes restrictions on seasonal grenades - at temperatures less than + 7 ° C, not much povoyuesh.
Scheme of the grenade is simple: initially from an empty grenade produced all gazputёm pressing until it clicks on the button "Fire" - a pressure relief valve, located in the rear portion of the article (in the diagram Pos. 2, 5). This operation fits any thin and long object such as a pencil. Then, using a cylinder of liquefied gas through the charging valve (in the diagram Pos. 9) located in the front section, the tank is filled, the loading time of 2-3 seconds. Recom mended with the addition of silicon dioxide, as in this case the joints are lubricated with grenades and the product will last longer. Further, by using the loader produced loading pellets into each hole in the head part (Scheme pos. 1) to the maximum filling. The balls do not leave the tank through a special retaining ring (Scheme pos. 7). Everything! The grenade is ready to use. Attention! With the loading grenade launcher in any case do not press on the pressure relief valve - actuation happen grenades, and besides frustration and pain have to do the above procedure again.

9. Tactics


10. Physicians
Depending on the scenario and the magnitude of the game - it can be used by physicians. If you are the Rani in the arm or leg (if you have a helmet or body armor, then hit in these parts of the body as well as injured) - you are injured. Must remain in place and call physician. If the physician did not get to you within 3 minutes of eh (obgovariaetsya time is always at the beginning of the game) - you're dead.

11. Spec. transoprt
Also depending on the scenario - in the game can be used spec. Transportation (UAZ, Humvees, armored personnel carriers, etc.)

with an introductory done - go to the photo and video games
zatravochka for 2 videos that show the dynamics and scope of action games.
7-9.05.2011 - "Operation Tesla", Ukraine, Lviv

Photo from the games this year. Opening the season in Moldova

2 ...

3 ... that's such an interesting character we had)))

4. postoroenie

5. Start the game

6. Defense

7. The example of spec. technology
UAZ slumped to our database, which has been successfully "blown up" and fired)))

8 ...

9. Our base

10 ...

11 ... 3 vinipuha left in the raid)))

12 ... an example of the use of helmets and body armor

13 photographers, too, got it ...)))

14 ...

... Sunday 15 games this year

16 ...

17 ...

18 ...

19 ...

20 ... well sobstno I)))

21 ...

22 ...

23 reload ...)))

24 ... who's good)

Well, a couple of photos from the game in the building ... to cover the topic of maximum

26 ...

27 ...

28 ...

29 ...

On the day we visited a girl with RedBula and distributed free of jar)))
30 ...

31 ...

32 ...

33 ...

34 ...

35 ...

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37 ...

38 ...

39 ...

40 ...

41 ...

42 ...

One second before I took him (in the sense of the balls)

Thank you all ... I do everything ...
while adding pictures that were not recalled consideration of the issue:
- Security
- McCloud
- Script
- Communication
- Etc. add ... will be considered further.
