In San Francisco sea birds dying from a mysterious transparent mass.
In San Francisco sea birds dying from a mysterious transparent sticky mass.
Scientists are investigating a mysterious slime, this unknown mass kills of sea birds in San Francisco. First discovered last Friday, a strange slime covered hundreds of seabirds and destroyed many of them, according to Reuters. Officials from the California Department of fish and wildlife (California Department of Fish and Wildlife) studying the issue, starting with a field test of the substance, negative ex-post returns from oil. They hope a more comprehensive laboratory analysis will help them to get more specific results.
Colorless liquid, odorless kills birds when they stain their feathers, then plumage of birds in some way glued in consequence of which they just die from the cold (called hypothermia), because the hair they are no longer able to protect. Rescue teams consisting of two volunteers groups of volunteers managed to catch and clean more than 300 birds, ultimately saving their lives, with the hope that the birds will still be able to return to the wild. More than 100 sea birds, such as sandpipers, has died.
"To fight for the bird was incredibly difficult and it took a long time," said Rebecca Dmytryk Rebecca dmitrik of emergency services wildlife (Wildlife Emergency Services), a member of one of the two rescue groups.
According to Andrew Juhano (Andrew Hughan) from the Department of fish and wildlife (Department of Fish and Wildlife) mucous mass, it seems, lasts a long time on the water until dissolved. "Film of this mass was rather thick, which could be observed in water for several days, but now it is not so easy to detect unless you know where to look. We've never seen anything like the bird," said Hogan to Reuters.
And the worst may still be ahead, according to Huhana. "We do not expect more deaths of rescued birds, but know that many more birds will die there from exposure. This issue has tremendous priority within the Department.”