As I trained at a startup in San Francisco and went home
In winter 2013 Lady luck finally turned to me and smiled at the right place that is urine. The news gave hope for a brighter future: from foggy San Francisco by wire straight home, in Kharkov, came a letter. I was offered a summer internship in one of the most promising start-ups that have full thunders in the vast American (and even a little bit wider) online. It is hard to imagine what could be better in the life of an unemployed student of the fifth year correspondence courses than a chance to express themselves. Especially when such a turn of fate you did not even expect, but secretly dreamed of.
After an internship in the fall of 2014, I returned to reality, that is home. I became better acquainted with the Lady, but she waved me a pen and vanished into thin air, leaving a sweet taste of lipstick on his lips: in connection with the so-called impending industrial practice at the University of and access to the certification of the winter I had to come back. Validity visas were carefully selected by the university and the company did not consider it necessary to renew my participation in the startup (though I secretly hoped). It is hard to imagine what could be worse than in the life of an unemployed student. I confess that this acquaintance was pleasant and helpful in many ways.
Programming - a great invention of mankind. It allows you to travel in space and time across countries and time zones, respectively (physicists do not need those stupid abstraction and they travel directly into the "space-time"). By the way, like time zones. Jet lag - the greatest invention of another person, under the powerful influence of which this article is being written.
And it deals with such serious issues:
After an internship in the fall of 2014, I returned to reality, that is home. I became better acquainted with the Lady, but she waved me a pen and vanished into thin air, leaving a sweet taste of lipstick on his lips: in connection with the so-called impending industrial practice at the University of and access to the certification of the winter I had to come back. Validity visas were carefully selected by the university and the company did not consider it necessary to renew my participation in the startup (though I secretly hoped). It is hard to imagine what could be worse than in the life of an unemployed student. I confess that this acquaintance was pleasant and helpful in many ways.
Programming - a great invention of mankind. It allows you to travel in space and time across countries and time zones, respectively (physicists do not need those stupid abstraction and they travel directly into the "space-time"). By the way, like time zones. Jet lag - the greatest invention of another person, under the powerful influence of which this article is being written.
And it deals with such serious issues:
- David Beckham bought me a milk shake or what to do before you leave;
- Shine and poverty Cisco or that I should house found;
- normal natural phenomena California earthquakes , sex and feminism;
- everyday work or why I do not like the CEOs at the supermarket;
- I heard about the existence of the weekend. Is there life outside of the office?
- my first and last conference GoGaRuCo 2014;
- the consequences of excess initsiativosterona in the body.
How David Beckham bought me a milk shake or what to do before leaving h4> What can expect a man who was never not that abroad (including neighboring Russia), but even in the western part of their country? What awaits the one who is going to go to a country where nobody even thinks to speak in Russian in your presence? Of course, it is waiting for a passport. Mesyatsok other supplies for the discharge procedure or accelerate the process of ruble (spokuha is legal). Since the time until the summer I've had enough, at the same time and decided to get a driver's license yet. Identity documents, are not redundant. Especially the ones that give you the right in a country where rights and freedoms and the right freely than in other countries. Looking ahead, and I note that Cisco to drive through the night I was only on the bike. To me, the steering wheel firmly could not be tolerated. It turned out that only the Ukrainian driver's license is not enough, we must also draw up any additional documents. But legs thank me.
Among other things, it was necessary to receive an official invitation for training, which is issued by a third party, specially authorized to issue such invitations. Fortunately, it was not difficult, since the task fell on the shoulders of the host company. From me only required to fill in some of the fields in the application form for a job (useless scrap of paper for Uncle Sam, no one not even watched) and undergo a short interview via Skype. Interviews need to make sure that the subject may associate the word "Hallow" and "World" in the full sense "Koligz Of The egzekutiv Komichi, LET of ACNP '... well, and then you know.
The main condition for such an invitation was to find proof of the theorem about the learner student. Student ticket to a third party did not like the color, so requested a certificate from the university. Alma Mater has refused to recognize my motives and international certificate issued in the Ukrainian language. I had to open the package GIMP, redraw and translate. Already at the first word I'm stuck at Google. These are on, it turns out, they do not have the word "help" (not in a hurry to check, Google Translate, too, does not know). That same grandmother Well-bureaucracy to what came, right? It was hard, but I'm still proud of the seal, translated love with Casanova and redrawn precision Stradivarius. Almost indistinguishable! Unfortunately, no one honors. They say the best deeds go unnoticed.
Having a passport, an invitation for an internship, a driver's license and moral satisfaction, I signed up for an interview at the US Embassy in Kiev (identity and satisfaction, a nice bonus, and the rest - a visa is required). I was interested in visa J1. Before leaving I had read all sorts of horror stories about the interview. People create entire websites with tips. Well, I think again draw such a terrible wolf, you have to be a little prepare and memorize the answers to the standard questions. We could not bathe. I went to Kiev 7 hours to talk with the ambassador of exactly 45 seconds. Perhaps he served in the army. My secret is simple: pretend that you know what they say, and simultaneously displays all kind, the ambassador is also the topic. He asked what Ruby and it is steeper than other languages. I casually suggested that he also knows Rails, and began to talk about all the virtues. However, since it is already all knew (at least in my eyes), then listen bekanya future trainee he was not interested. On and dispersed. Once the deed is done, and now it was possible to see and the city. On the Independence someone from Moldova accidentally gave me milk shake, because he liked my trowel LA Galaxy, which once played Beckham. However, then he said that they stand experimenting with tails. Well, thanks for that. Beckham. Nice guy.
Shine and poverty of Cisco or that I should find a house h4> The case remained for small: to wait, when will come in the mail travel abroad and take a plane ticket and then fly and conquer. Expenses for travel and my visa is completely covered company. I had never flown on airplanes. So when we were in the air and something rumbled loudly to the whole room, I was one hundred percent sure that it was just someone's fallen handbag. Among other things, I realized that in the United States fly only brave people. I could not sit quietly in a chair 14 hours, so I tossed and turned and walked to the bathroom. I am tossing and turning often. I recommend taking your headphones and listen to your music, not the proposed plane. Save us from boredom and screaming babies. But boredom can still be tolerated.
When I arrived, I immediately settled at the hotel, two minutes from the office. On the first day I was told that they could only fulfill my three wishes: to buy any notebook, monitor and input devices (okay, four: the keyboard and mouse - this two input devices). Since the entire team enjoyed polls paradise apples, and I've never even Mac OS drive, then choose a long time I did not. Mac OS I immediately did not like. I gravitate to things like more osyazaemyem xmonad. On the Mac, just cheesy window manager. I had to put a few applications that I bring some desired features that directly affect productivity. Once again spokuha: piracy, we're not indulge - the company has paid for the software.
The first two weeks, when he lived in the hotel, all did not go anywhere. The task was to survive all this time on the Spartan 200 dollars that he took with him. During this time period it was necessary to get your American identifikatsonny code (popularly referred to as SSN), because without it, you are guaranteed to you remain unpaid. Of course, the company would have a financial assistance if I was ready to join a naturalist and urbanist San Francisco, which live outdoors 24/7. Living on the street did not want to, but I do not like the duty to take. So just cruised from hotel-office-hotel, not to succumb to the charms hidden behind glass cases. However, one cold late night hunger ordered me to go to look for a supermarket. And here for the first time fell to the American spinning: instead of the planned wandered forty minutes to two hours. The thing is that the street signs show the street that runs perpendicular to, not the one on which you walk. This knowledge I gained by experience. By the way, heartily recommend the application MapsWithMe. Search him, though not the best, but still there is the most reliable off-line maps. In general, San Francisco I am immediately reminded of a computer game GTA: neighborhoods, many expensive cars, restaurants, hotels, hordes of homeless, beggars, screaming or talking with themselves crazies on the streets. Beggars are always near the supermarket and ask for change or small bills (they are always polite and specify that it wants). There are many more than in Kharkov. Maybe we are just people humble? In any case, I hope they know that people are already using plastic cards.
Such areas as less favored Tenderloin, and my WTF density per square meter in the surrounding area was slightly higher than in other places. Mainly blacks live there and they seem to know each other. Usually they Kubla at intersections or along Market Street, as if protecting its raychika cordon from the tourists. Some of the other areas, like Sia Cliff, luxurious in every way. A three-storey house with a courtyard, a perfect lawn and sea views, where happily running around the kids - there is in the order of things. Shine and poverty in one bottle. Speaking of homes, we can not say about their inhabitants. All people have a completely different appearance. Stand out from the crowd is quite difficult, as tattoo or purple hair is not quite clearly express the personality and merge with the motley range of the general population. Rate scale: I witnessed a group of seven men in black latex pants and almost naked torso (in the tradition of the Blue Oyster bar) walked and talked enthusiastically. Not that it angered me just hard to imagine this in our latitudes. As once said some guy: Well, they s ***! Something zalipla keyboard. Others they say.
FIFA World Cup already rattled at all, and I, in turn, rattled keys on the keyboard Craigslist bombing their letters in search of the apartment. Training has been paid and the agreement was that the company only pays for the hotel (which costs an average of $ 150 per day; the prices are changed daily). Let's go watch the first apartment. We (I asked for a supervisor, the person who was responsible for me as for the native sy-trainee, to go with me) met a bald Indian (which is at least suspicious, because I thought that he lives in Redmond), who asked to speak so loud that the neighbors heard (though I generally silent, and he said basically). He said that he was leaving for a couple of months, somewhere far away. I asked bail and warned that if asleep, I live there, the security deposit will burn, and I was thrown out in disgrace. How about no? He, naivnёnysh not know where my Chuyko race. That's how I discovered that this sublease. As a result, I found a decent apartment (so-called studio) for decent money ($ 2,200). Here it can not escape - said that Cisco's most expensive apartments in the United States. Either you live with three strangers and pay three monthly salaries of ordinary Ukrainians or live alone and pay the salaries of six. Anyway, once in this world live. So I lived in the white house, and slept on the bed with white linen one. The bed was almost in the kitchen, so sleep was delicious. More from pleasant: in my case, the lease was automated for most tomatoes. When the night huddled push, I just filled out a form on the website and in the early morning I had it repaired. Nicely done, gentlemen.
Mobile communication has provided me a T-Mobile. Well, as provided. When the I wanted and then provided. I do not deliver it in general. For example, in the house where I lived, he absolutely did not catch. To talk, to send or receive a text message had to go down to the first floor, praying the heavens and comes close to the front door. It happens that in some places even caught the street. I do not recommend repeating my mistake. Take something ponadezhnee, if it exists at all (AT & T? Ha! I've heard about him, too angry responses).
California normal natural phenomena: earthquakes, sex and feminism h4> Speaking of the girls can not help but mention here that I first tasted feminism. No, I certainly heard about it before, but it is in the US, I was in a funny situation. One weekday morning, I noticed that the usually customary cheerful colleague somehow sad. Well, I thought, let her cheer and say something nice. Without a second thought I said: "Something you so sad today, come on, smile." To which she replied to me that I no longer behave oddly. And I'm not weird at all in life, so I stopped. The next evening, quite forgetting about the incident (but just did not give it any special significance), going to leave, but my supervisor has asked to stay. It turned out that my colleague uncomfortable feeling well because of my morning wishes, and therefore told him everything. When I found out that it considered them something domogany, I was a little taken aback, because in his mind, and nothing I did not have. Fortunately, no harm to me did not hold, since everyone knew that even though we are all together and more democracy, but the cultural differences we still available. In any case, I accepted their rules of the game and did not give rise to pass sexist. They question the oppression of women in IT is much more acute than ours, they can understand. However, it got me thinking: how do all possible to meet someone for a relationship, who works in IT? And the compliment is already afraid to do.
Everyday work or why I do not like the CEOs at the supermarket h4> I work with the British and Americans. We had a total of 7 people. The microclimate, as well as the culture of communication, been established at the highest level. All treated each other with a professional (from the word "profession") respect. But at the same time have some fun and love (sometimes too). People there are some more unfettered, I suppose. After work, and sometimes during, could afford to play a game in any of the many board games, Mario Kart on the Wii or just to drink alcohol. In general, all as in all. My tasks included working with the zoo technology and languages. Some clear Big problem I had. There were only I and another Madame task that politely asked her to solve (and the rest was for Mastercard). Since this is a startup that supports a lot of things, and we have a small team, we all were able to do just a little bit, but do it well. The main difficulty for me was that it was necessary to quickly switch between programming languages and adapt to the many on-the-fly. Some of the technologies had to learn on the spot (damn you,
GOPATH code> pre>!). I therefore there is almost never a good time. I note that for the most important parts of the system did not admit me. Maybe they confused that I confidently hippo performed on the build server
rm -rf $ HOME code> pre>, when he wanted to remove my clumsy accident created a script directory title
$ HOME code> pre>. Shellshock, you say? Ha ha, I laugh in the face!
I'm not picky eating habits, but the university could not pretend that you are sitting in the dining room and violently gryzёsh with all your piece of granite of science, but in fact only so listlessly nibbled. In real combat conditions, it was necessary to look for the granite and gnaw it from viscous clutches of Aunt Pasha (from the word "plow"). I do not always have it and it was granite. I chose offensive scheme, and came into the office one of the first, and went always last. So hard I have never in my life worked. In a textbook precepts many gurus stazherstva I showed initiative and climbed in those Taxco, which I did not expect to pull out victoriously for the bunny ears and surprise everyone. On board games, Mario Kart, booze and women preferred not to waste your time.
I liked the method of payment, which they apply in the United States. In Ukraine, I had to beg for wages (which is also delayed by at least a month) from the General Director and catch it in supermarkets across the road opposite the office, at a time when it is like sitting at home and the alleged ill. Here neither of whom did not have to run. Grandmas themselves flew thick string to a bank card. Of course, some of them have decided on a way for me to roll in the direction of the pockets nalogooblazhentsev (from the word "blessed"), but in the United States because of multiculturalism and society teaches us to be tolerant, so I was tolerant of taxes.
So what? It's simple.