Treatment of tachycardia folk remedies

Today one of the most popular diseases in the world is tachycardia – increased heart rate.
Strictly speaking, this is not a disease, it is rather a syndrome that occurs when dysfunction of the cardiovascular system. The greatest probability of occurrence of tachycardia can be observed in hypertensive patients, dystonias and people with metabolic disorders and abnormalities of cardiac tissue.
We will now consider how the treatment of tachycardia folk remedies, because without the people's wisdom to restore normal heart function is very difficult.
But first you need to determine the root cause of increased heart rate.
Causes of tachycardia — If the attacks are trembling fingers at arm's length, this may be due to incorrectly selected medications or in excessive quantity.
— If You lose weight, cause heart palpitations can be an overdose of hormonal drugs and medications for weight loss which suppress the appetite.
— If you highlight a lot of sweat, then perhaps You're drinking too much coffee or other caffeinated beverages.
— Finally, if during these episodes You become too irritable, the cause of tachycardia can be to Smoking, sedentary lifestyle or, on the contrary, too high level of stress.
Now let's look at specific recipes, which are treatment of tachycardia folk remedies.
Tachycardia national treatment • the First of the recipes, he's the most common involves the use of garlic, honey and lemon, as these products contain most of the essential heart vitamins.
First, grate on a grater 10 heads (not cloves, namely, heads) of garlic. Then squeeze the juice of ten lemons. After that, all mixed and added to a liter of honey. Mixed and left for a week. Then the mixture can be eaten once a day in the morning, 2 tbsp. spoons. The main thing is not to stop before the end of the mix.
• The following recipes are based on different herbs. For example – pour into a saucepan a glass of water, bring water to a boil, make a weak fire and thrown in boiling water a teaspoon of grass Adonis. Boil about three minutes, leave for twenty minutes. Then filter the mixture and throw away the grass and drink three times a day one tablespoon. After a few days You will feel relief.
• Will also help in the treatment of all known sedative herbs: motherwort and peppermint. Tablespoon of herb motherwort pour 0.25 litres of boiling water, insist hour, strain, add to a few drops of peppermint oil and a teaspoon of honey. Drink slowly over time, with pronounced gulps. Drink this solution should not be less than thirty days.
There are other herbal formulas – treatment of tachycardia folk remedies has been practiced for several centuries, and our ancestors had extensive experience in the use of natural pharmacy.
• Now, mix half table spoon of berries of wild rose and hawthorn and half a tablespoon of herbs green tea and motherwort. Brew in a glass of boiled water, then use like welding, during the day, instead of tea or coffee. With prolonged use, heart rate is restored.
• If excessive blood viscosity will help the yellow melilot blood thinners. It should be brewed with herbs such as clover, bearberry and chamomile. They are mixed in equal parts, then 1 tablespoon mixture pour a glass of boiling water, insist, strain and drink throughout the day instead of tea. If such a tool to use six months, then the pressure comes back to normal, and tachycardia is gone forever. About the density of the blood suggest to read the article "How to thin blood."
• If the treatment of tachycardia folk remedies You are not much inspiring and You never tried to be treated with herbs, I advise you to take this combined recipe – mix equal proportions of tincture of Valerian, hawthorn, motherwort and sage of the medication, then drink the mixture thirty drops three times a day for half an hour before meals.
• If You want to quickly remove the attack, we need to carry the vial of aromatic oils – mix ten drops of oil of lavender, cinnamon, anise, clove, lemon balm, peppermint, nutmeg, fennel, pine, sage, thyme and eucalyptus. If some oil have been unable to find, anything terrible. As soon as the attack, drip three drops on the corner of the handkerchief then breathe in the smell, just exhale three times slower than the inhale.
But, of course, the most important thing is peace of thoughts. How we think is directly related to the activity of the heart. You should try to exclude from his life of high emotional load and stress. And in General, tachycardia is a signal to change lifestyle.
Try to limit the use of nicotine and alcohol, tea and coffee (strong brewed), fat, spicy, salty, spicy. Eat often, but small portions. Don't lie to yourself appetite for sweets. Suggest to include in your diet raisins, dried apricots, honey, rose hips extract, fruits, berries and pay attention to bran.
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru