Why is it helpful to consider all good

© Sarolta Bán
Just want to say that nothing in this world is not in itself good or bad. Nothing at all. It is we, the people, believe the world is something good or bad. And the world does not change from that, do we consider it good or bad. But this is changing something else – our inner state. Because if we are all bad, we begin to suffer, and if we believe all the good, we become happy.
"But how?" — can you object to me, — "Because that's really is good and that is bad?". And I will correct you – it is good or bad FOR YOU. For someone else it's the opposite. Because you think it's good and bad. And you can start to think otherwise.
The paradox of the human psyche is that our happiness and suffering in any way – not at all! – does not depend on what happens "in fact" (because really – everything is just a given). It just depends on what we think about it. And if we think of something as good – we begin to feel happy, but if we think of something as bad – we start to suffer.
Check it out and see for yourself. Start counting all the good. Start counting all the good that you previously considered bad or neutral. Start counting the good things that other people consider bad or neutral. At first it will seem abnormal and it really is abnormal for you, because it will be unfamiliar to you. But quickly enough you will feel the taste of such thinking.
And then you will be amazed. It is really everything, absolutely everything can be considered good and be happy about it! Whatever is going on with you that whatever is happening inside you – this can be considered good. And enjoy it.
In addition, when you begin to consider all the good you'll start to see more opportunities for themselves. You've ignored a significant portion of their own capabilities, because he thought that leads to these opportunities, bad. After all, what we think is bad we try not to pay attention. But if we feel good, we begin to pay attention to everything. And use – all.
Of course, again, you can argue: "But if in my eyes a man tries to kill another? What am I, and this be considered good?". Answer: firstly – as you wish. You can consider this both good and bad, and in any case will try to kill the other. And secondly, you can find a good their desire to stop the killing and start doing it. You can even find it good to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the other person – and do it too.
The same is possible in the situation that you commit evil, you have gathered yourself. You can consider the good not only their impulse to commit evil, but their understanding of that evil don't need to take. And not to make it. In addition, if you consider all the good you can hardly begin to do evil. Because then you will be happy, and happy people don't tend to hurt other people.
In General, it is necessary to understand that now, right now – thousands of people die and kill each other. Occurs, and many other "bad" things. And there's nothing you can now do. You can only either assume it is bad to suffer, or to consider it good and be happy. Of course, you can choose to consider it bad and suffer. Most people do just that – choose to believe all the bad things and suffer all his life from everything. Here only it is necessary to you?
To sum up. You can start counting all the bad things and suffer from it. And you begin to expect all good and to be happy about it. You can choose how that and the other. As suffering and happiness. The choice is yours!
Author: Dmitry Leykin
Source: ezotera.ariom.ru/2014/12/15/horosho.html