She held his feet in mouthwash for 30 minutes. What happened then, resembles a miracle!
< Problems with legs can spoil the mood for a long time, bringing with nothing comparable to the discomfort! Improper shoes, bad heredity, unhealthy lifestyle, and a weakened immune system - the main causes of unpleasant diseases, beating on the legs
. We collected the best ways to deal with the most common problems. Fungus, ingrown nails, calluses and even gout - all these troubles remain in the past, we just need to take appropriate measures
feet Diseases
. We collected the best ways to deal with the most common problems. Fungus, ingrown nails, calluses and even gout - all these troubles remain in the past, we just need to take appropriate measures
feet Diseases
- The fungus on your feet
. To get rid of mold, try to do the bath of the Mouthwash
Hammer, deformed toes
Such widespread now flat feet, arthritis and calcium deficiency in the body can cause deformation of the fingers. To cure your fingers, do gymnastics! Stretch the joints of the fingers, it is useful to do this procedure after a bath or a hot shower. It is also very useful for the toes is fun: lift fingers small objects from the floor! It promotes joint health.
Normally, the corn - the problem of people with excessive sweating feet. Lubricate the problem areas of the skin a solid deodorant, and corn there will be!
inflamed bone in the leg
Mix juice burning red pepper with Vaseline and apply on the inflamed bone. While completely remove bulging bone surgery will help, and not in all cases, a means to save Pepper from inflammation and pain! The secret of capsaicin: a substance with a strong anti-inflammatory effect is present in the red pepper. Throughout the day to refuel food ginger and turmeric , these spices also help to deal with inflammation.
A wonderful remedy for corns - raw onion, marinated in apple cider vinegar! Prepare a "meal" for the legs, attach the bow to the problem areas. Wrap your feet in the package, put on socks and regularly sleep with magic compress until corns will not be wasted. Skin transformed!
pain in the heels
It is best to relieve pain in the heel ice. Ride a cold object on the leg or an ice pack to the affected area. It is also an effective means of stretching the foot and the heel a long massage.
If there is the slightest hint of the disease, it is necessary to exclude from your diet all sweets and give up sugar. Immediately it becomes easier! We also recommend drinking a glass of water in the morning and half a teaspoon of ash
athlete's foot
When athlete's foot must use garlic. Cut a few cloves of garlic in half and place between the toes. Yes, it is a burning tool with an unpleasant smell, but it is better than any cure athlete's foot ointment! No unpleasant foot odor and oblezshey skin will no longer be ...
Ingrown nail
Use ointment with menthol to disinfect the injured nail and skin. Remember: ingrown nail can not remove their own, it is necessary to see a doctor!
Molten Skin
To remove the horny layer of the skin with ease, use a foot bath with hydrogen peroxide
Separately want to say about shoes. Inconvenient, narrow, tight shoes that floats - a major cause of leg disorders. Always pick them up shoes on the leg, and these annoying problems will not ruin your life!
Foot Treatment and possibly at home. We wish you good health, do not forget to take care of yourself every day! Share with loved ones useful information - show them our article
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