How to strengthen the circular muscle of the mouth
The lips, according to many men, are the most attractive part of the female body. Do they know how much trouble our lips cause us? It is all about the circular muscle that is located around the mouth. It does not attach to any bone, but connects to dozens of other muscles.
This arrangement allows us to express emotions and articulate, but it also makes the muscle vulnerable to wrinkles, such as hated nasolabial folds. Today's edition. "Site" It teaches you how to exercise this muscle, and How to remove nasolabial folds at home.
The face, like any part of the body, needs training. If you do not train the circular muscle, then over time it will decrease in size. All this leads to wrinkles around the mouth. Our main task is to strengthen this muscle, improve its circulation, as well as remove wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.
Many people think that nasolabialization It's only for those over 40. However, we have these folds all our lives, and if we do nothing with them, then the problem will not appear by the fortieth anniversary, but will simply become more noticeable. Therefore, it is important to start training the muscles of the face as early as possible, especially if you have a tendency to develop such wrinkles.
However, there is no mark after which to start late. It is always possible to correct existing problems and prevent the situation from worsening. We offer you a small set of exercises that will definitely help to cope with the problem of nasolabial folds.
Pay attention! We strongly recommend combining this set of exercises with the use of a home almond face mask against wrinkles. The effect is amazing!
This set of exercises will help to effectively deal with wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial folds. However, their most important advantage is an effective training of the circular muscle of the mouth. It is thanks to its good tone that the face looks younger and the skin is toned. Start doing it now, no matter how old you are!
When training the circular muscle of the mouth, do not forget about other muscles of the face. We have already shared with you exercises for the face and neck, which will help to get rid of wrinkles and get younger.
In order to maintain youth and beauty, you need to keep the body in shape. If you are looking for a way to lose weight quickly and correctly, we suggest you try an excellent weight loss program that takes into account all the individual characteristics of the body and helps you lose weight in just 12 weeks.
Did you enjoy the exercise? Be sure to share with your friends.

This arrangement allows us to express emotions and articulate, but it also makes the muscle vulnerable to wrinkles, such as hated nasolabial folds. Today's edition. "Site" It teaches you how to exercise this muscle, and How to remove nasolabial folds at home.
The face, like any part of the body, needs training. If you do not train the circular muscle, then over time it will decrease in size. All this leads to wrinkles around the mouth. Our main task is to strengthen this muscle, improve its circulation, as well as remove wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Many people think that nasolabialization It's only for those over 40. However, we have these folds all our lives, and if we do nothing with them, then the problem will not appear by the fortieth anniversary, but will simply become more noticeable. Therefore, it is important to start training the muscles of the face as early as possible, especially if you have a tendency to develop such wrinkles.

However, there is no mark after which to start late. It is always possible to correct existing problems and prevent the situation from worsening. We offer you a small set of exercises that will definitely help to cope with the problem of nasolabial folds.
Pay attention! We strongly recommend combining this set of exercises with the use of a home almond face mask against wrinkles. The effect is amazing!

- Exercise 1
To start exercising, first take a comfortable position. It will be most convenient to sit on the back of the chair. Muscles are completely relaxed, hands lie on their knees, breathing is smooth. Now we can start the exercise. Let's start simple. Stretch your lips with a tube, inflating your cheeks and moving air from one cheek to the other. Try to pronounce vowels: a, oh, y. You have to feel the tension in the muscles, otherwise there will be no effect. Repeat the exercise 4 times. - Exercise 2
After each exercise, relax, and only after that start the next exercise. So, breathe in through your clenched teeth and hold your breath. Now exhale air through the left corner of your mouth, keeping the right one closed. Say it the other way. Do 3-4 repetitions on each side.
DepositPhotos - Exercise 3
Did you forget to rest? Then let's go. Place your fingers over your lips and slowly bring them together. The space in the middle should be warm and soft. Then relax your muscles. The first three exercises are aimed at coping with nasolabial folds, they remove wrinkles around the mouth and make the lips more expressive. - Exercise No. 4
Now let's work on strengthening the circular muscle. Place your index fingers on the corners of your mouth and try to smile. Stick to the corners of your mouth, creating resistance. Repeat 20 times, then rest for a minute or two.
DepositPhotos - Exercise 5
Keep going at the same pace. Open your mouth and pull your lips inside. Tighten the muscles around the mouth and stay in this position for a few seconds. Then relax. Do 5 repetitions. - Exercise 6
Now we're going to work with the corners of the mouth. First, lower both corners of the lips together, stay in this position for a few seconds. Then return to a relaxed position. Now raise the right side of the lips up, then lower down. Do it a few times and then repeat it with the left side. At the end, move both sides of your lips up and down.
DepositPhotos - Exercise 7
Now, let's get some breath for the last and most difficult exercise of the complex. Take a calm and deep breath through your nose, straining your nose wings. Slowly exhale through the mouth 2-3 times with small intervals. Do it 3-4 times. All these exercises will help strengthen the circular muscle, straighten the vertical folds at the mouth, and smooth out the wrinkles on the upper lip. - Exercise 8
And now the last exercise you went to doing the whole complex. Make sure you're still sitting flat and your spine is straightened. The muscles of the arch of the skull are pulled back and up. Tighten your lips and stretch them forward, creating a smooth ring. Put your fingers on your lips: index fingers on the top, large ones on the bottom. Slightly press your fingers on the lips, causing them to turn a little and move away from the teeth. Keep the muscles tense and make sure that the lips do not close. Do it 10 times, after a break and again 10 times.
This set of exercises will help to effectively deal with wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial folds. However, their most important advantage is an effective training of the circular muscle of the mouth. It is thanks to its good tone that the face looks younger and the skin is toned. Start doing it now, no matter how old you are!
When training the circular muscle of the mouth, do not forget about other muscles of the face. We have already shared with you exercises for the face and neck, which will help to get rid of wrinkles and get younger.
In order to maintain youth and beauty, you need to keep the body in shape. If you are looking for a way to lose weight quickly and correctly, we suggest you try an excellent weight loss program that takes into account all the individual characteristics of the body and helps you lose weight in just 12 weeks.
Did you enjoy the exercise? Be sure to share with your friends.