20 ways to make the bar

These exercises are for those who are always busy and is ready to deal with your body every day no more than 10-20 minutes. Planck is well coached by the press, and activates the muscles of the shoulder girdle and buttocks. The-challenger.ru carefully went through all the options of the classic exercises and Website sharing with you the most effective and for original ones.
Important: strap brings the best results, if you do exercise every day at the same time, gradually increasing the load, and special attention should be paid to the technique of its execution.
Are you ready?
1. Plank on outstretched arms

The classic version strips. Take the emphasis lying, pull your hands under the shoulders (body should form a straight line from shoulder to foot belt). The legs should be straight, without bending at the knees, hips podkruchen (not seeking up), abdominal muscles are tense and possibly pulled up to the ribs. Lumbar should be flat, and legs - to increase the load on the abdominal muscles - put together. Ideally, this situation should try to keep as long as possible, but if you're a beginner, start to hold yourself in this position, at least for 10-20 seconds, and then increase the time by 10 seconds. This option is good for the working of strips abdominal muscles.
2. Planck relying on lokti

Take the emphasis lying down, stretch your legs, bend your arms at the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees (for the convenience of fingers can be woven into the castle). The body from head to toe should be a straight line. During this strap elbows are directly under your shoulders, hips podkruchen, lower back is flat, as if it was pressed against the wall. This sophisticated version of the classic straps apart abdominals well is working the pectoralis major muscle, deltoid and square loin muscle.
3. Planck with his hand raised and / or nogoy

We accept a starting position straps and lift the arm or leg. It should be that no shoulders or hips are not shifted from the straight line. The complexity of this solution is not only to increase the load on the body, but also of the need to strike a balance and ensure that the whole body is a straight line.
4. Planck relying on his elbows with his hand raised or nogoy

In this embodiment, the strap is necessary not only to keep the body in a straight line, but also to maintain balance. Significantly increases the load on the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks, are utilized obliques and back muscles.
5. The side panels on the elbow or on the outstretched ruke

The enclosure must be in one line, press tense upper hand is either a belt or pointing upwards, the pelvis should not sag down. Legs are either one on the other or one in front. Fulfilling this option strips, you work through external and internal muscles of the abdomen, also involves gluteus maximus and vastus.
6. Side support bracket with two tochki

Accepted the position of the side straps and lift off the ground arm and a leg, while trying to keep the muscles of the most strained. Be sure to follow the order to not lower pelvis. Worked out external and internal muscles of the abdomen, outer thigh muscle, gluteus medius muscle is loaded.
7. Twisting in planke

Starting position - side bar. Make sure that the basin is not slack, the abdominal muscles have been stretched. Legs are either one to the other, or if the hard one to the other. Making the twisting, try to maintain a straight line. There pumped obliques, the muscles of the hands, increased stamina.
8. Contact planka

Feedback strap loads, among other things, buttock and calf muscles. Hands placed under shoulders, palms directed toward the heels. During exercise wear pull forward, the pelvis is pushed out. This view is facing up and back straight.
9. Contact Strap on straight arms and bent nogah

We follow the shoulders, hips and back. The difference with the previous strip but that it is necessary to rely on angled legs 90 degrees. It is important not to lower pelvis not throw back his head and follow the straight line. This type of strap not only strengthens the muscles of the arms, legs and the press, but also stretches the muscles in the shoulder girdle.
10. Planck "Dolphin"

From a bracket with a support on the elbows in turn pose "Dog muzzle down," delayed by a few seconds and return to starting position. This option strap pumps back muscles and shoulder girdle.
11. Planck pulling kolena

Starting position - classic strap on straight arms. Further tightens the left knee to left elbow and right, respectively, to the right. We strive to maintain a straight line, tummy tucked, eyes directed forward.
12. Push-ups and side planka

From the "emphasis lying" by bending your elbows, we accept a situation in which our body is parallel to the floor. Delayed a few seconds, then return to the emphasis lying and transfers the weight to the right side, the left hand is put aside, taking the side bar.
13. Jumping into planke

Starting position - strap on his outstretched hands. From this position, keeping a straight line, jumping accept the position with feet slightly wider than shoulder width. If is very difficult, a jump can be replaced by otshagivaniya. This option increases the load on the abdominal muscles. It is important to follow the hips, the knees should not sag.
14. The side strap with hip lowering vniz

Starting position - side bar. Slowly lower the right thigh to the floor. Then take a starting position, do not forget to comply with a straight line, keep the pelvis level. This option is in addition to the load on the obliques increases the load on the shoulder girdle.
15. From the plank jump to "focus - squat"

From classic trims jump accept the position of "stress - squat." Exercise increases the load on the buttock and calf muscles.
16. Plank with bending koleney

This option is considering a direct and transverse abdominal muscles. Starting position - Strap on the elbows. Then, a little bend your knees, do not forget to follow the hips, stomach in, neck and spine form a single line. We linger in this position for a few seconds.
17. Planck pulling elbow vverh

Starting position - classic strap. Raise right arm, bent at the elbow, refrain for a few seconds in this position, then repeat with the other arm.
18. Planck relying on fitbol

Put your elbows and forearms on fitball so that your elbows are at right angles, the elbow joint is also formed a right angle, and his fingers were intertwined in the lock. Rollback fitball forward, straighten your legs, forming a straight line over the body. Elbows located directly under the shoulders, chest, cut off from the world, neck and spine are aligned, pelvis podkruchen. By adopting this position, try to slowly rotate the ball left and right, and then in the opposite direction. To stay on the ball, make a revolution with a small radius.
19. Plank with feet on fitbole

We accept a starting position strap on his outstretched hands, lift the body and keep it straight, leaning on toes fitball. It is important to make sure that does not bend to the waist, buttocks and abdominal muscles were in constant tension, and the stomach was retracted.
20. Planck utyazheleniem

Accepted the position of straps on his outstretched hands, stretch the muscles and body in one motion, keeping your arms straight, unfold the body to the left side, while the left arm with a dumbbell pull up. Return to the starting position.
via www.bodyrock.tv/
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