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Diagnosis on nails in oriental medicine

According to Tibetan medicine, nails are a by-product of bone. Look at the size, shape, and surface contours of your nails. Consider, too, whether they are flexible, soft, delicate or fragile, easily broken.
If the nails are dry, hooked, rough, easily broken, so the body is dominated by the wind.

When the nails are soft, pink, delicate, easily bendable and slightly shiny, the body is dominated by the bile.

If the nails are thick, strong, soft, shining strongly, with the same loop, then dominated by mucus.

Long lines on the nails indicate poor absorption of food in the digestive system. Transverse grooves on the nails indicate poor diet or neglected diseases.

Sometimes nails are protruding, convex, bulbous, like drumsticks. Such nail condition indicates weakness of the heart and lungs.

When the nail has the shape of a spoon, and concave so that it can hold a drop of water, this indicates a lack of iron.

White spots on the nails indicate a lack of zinc or calcium.

Painting nails may indicate specific violations.

If the moon - the crescent at the base of the nail (the blue - it means disturbances in liver, red - a sign of heart failure).

Pale nails indicate anemia. Excessive red nails indicate a surplus of red blood cells. Yellowness nails indicate liver weakness, or jaundice. Blue nails say a weak heart and lungs.

The white dots on the ring finger indicates calcium deposits in the kidneys. If there are white specks on the index finger, this suggests calcium accumulation in the lungs.

Each finger has a connection with a certain organom.Bolshoy finger is associated with the brain and the skull, aukazatelny - with light. The middle finger is connected to the small intestine, the ring - with the kidneys and heart mizinets-


In ancient China, the primary diagnosis is made on the state of the nails and points on the body.

Currently, this method has become very popular because it can be done independently.

You can diagnose themselves about themselves and their families and began to identify disturbances in the body.

Look carefully at your nails. You will see that the wells are much thinner than before, or even completely disappeared. Only the thumb hole is still large and bright.

In heavy smokers or people who have lung problems, the wells will be small and thin. Eastern medicine, incidentally, believes that if a person has no hole in the big toe, then he is not all right with his head. In the majority of people on the thumb hole is still there, but what about the others?

It is believed that the index finger reflects the state of the large intestine. If the hole is on it greatly diminished or even absent, it is necessary to pay special attention to the condition of the intestine, liver and pancreas. Inflammatory processes and gynecological diseases also affect the nail holes forefingers.

The nails of the middle finger are responsible for the circulatory and vascular system. If the hole is on the nail of the middle finger is missing, a person has problems with blood pressure, veins and capillaries.

The hole on the nail of the ring finger reflects the work of the endocrine system. The absence of holes on the nail of the finger to a violation of metabolism and lymphatic system problems.

The wells on the nails of the little finger are responsible for the condition of the heart and small intestine. That's why the first to disappear with age is mizinchikovaya lune. Small intestine and resulting zashlakovyvaetsya hole disappears. All this leads to malfunction of the endocrine system (thinner hole of the ring finger), adverse changes in the heart can not stand (disappears hole on the nail of the middle finger), well, and the last shall colon.

Nail diagnosis:

1 - normal form of nail
. 2 - short, flat nail - organic heart disease
. 3 - high resolution crescent - Tachycardia
. 4 - lack of crescent - cardiac neurosis
. 5 - large convex nail -. Pulmonary tuberculosis
6 - convex nail with a large crescent - congenital tuberculosis
. 7 - flat curved nail - bronchial asthma
. 8 - trubkovidny highest nail - a harbinger of a possible cancer
. 9 - clavate nail phalanx - congenital forms of mental disorders, stiffness, aggression
. 10 Concave nails - hereditary forms of alcoholism

. 11 - flattened, trimmed nails -. Parasitic infestation
12 - fragile grooves on the nail - fat lime ...
13 - slag (salt) layers on the nail - acute gastrointestinal disease
. 14 - elongated nails - diabetes
. 15 - the nail of the ring finger in a semicircle - renal pathology
16 - almond-shaped veins (waves) on the nail -
rheumatism. 17 - chewed nails - neurosis, gastritis, sexual dysfunction in women
. 18 - stripes and blotches on the nail - diseases of the spleen and small intestine
. 19 - stripes on the nail -
bowel disease. 20 - triangular nail - diseases of the spine and spinal cord
. 21 - perforated nail - pathology
spleen. 22 - with the rise of flat nail on the index finger - the pathology of the spleen

. Diagnostic features color nail

The nail pink - in a healthy person.

Yellow coloring - a sign of liver disease.

Bright red - about eritremii.

Bluish-purple case with congenital heart defects.

White spots on the nails, it may be a violation of the central nervous system.

A yellowish spots on the nails can be signs of disturbances of brain function.

Cyanosis - cardiovascular disease.

Pale nails, flat or curved, with longitudinal grooves - a sign of anemia - anemia, a lack of iron and vitamins.

White may be at a lesion of the adrenal cortex (Addison's disease).

Pale pink, transparent - changes in the blood, anemia.

Milky white - liver cirrhosis,

Black - thrombosis of the brachial artery and diabetic gangrene.

Grey at an attack of malaria.

The bluish-white color - need to seem a neurologist and a gastroenterologist.

Bluish (cyanotic) nails - it is one of the symptoms of cardiac or pulmonary disease, which results from a lack of oxygen in the blood. Often accompanied by shortness of breath and weakness.

Changing the color of the nails can be caused by nicotine, the problems of the liver and gall bladder, infections.
Bluish or greenish color of the skin at the base of the thumb - digestive problems

Nails do not grow - it is necessary to address to the endocrinologist. Such changes occur when the thyroid gland disease.

The fragility and brittleness of nogtey- this lack of minerals such as iron, calcium, and vitamins B and D. It is the signal of the body in which the necessary short-term intake of special drugs to prevent more serious diseases.

Years of research have shown that it nails reflect the early appearance of any disease. They carry information on future disease long before symptoms appear.

The shape and structure of the nail.

Nails are enlarged, bulging (as watch glass) - can be a sign of respiratory, cardiac or hepatic chronic disease

. Nails brittle and thin, concave, resemble a spoon (koilonychias) - a sign of disorders of mineral metabolism, skin problems, anemia, thyroid diseases, it also indicates a lack of iron.

Cross recessed strip (Beau's line) - if temporary slowing the growth rate of the nail. A transverse grooves on the nails indicate poor unbalanced diet or neglected diseases.

Longitudinal grooves - a predisposition to rheumatic fever, intestinal problems, poor digestion, which leads to the formation of gas, poor digestion, feeling of general fatigue, irregular menstruation, impotence, depression, nervousness, insomnia, etc.

.. The absence of holes on all nails hands - may be a lack of vitamin B-12, thyroid dysfunction, neurosis.

Greatly enlarged hole in the hands of all the nails - heart failure.

Perforated nail - disruption of the spleen or pancreas

. The nail flat, split at the end - is characterized by the presence of worms. In medically speaking, it is "worm infestation", "Enterobiasis" and so on.

White cross the finishing touches - the lack of zinc or calcium

. Red Hole - indicates cardio-vascular, autoimmune or endocrine problems, rheumatic diseases.

Additional features

Long-line on nails malabsorption of food in the digestive system, inflammation of the gastro-intestinal tract, in addition, it indicates a lack of vitamin B12 and iron. Also, it is a signal of reduced liver and kidney function - which can lead to a feeling of general fatigue;

short flat nail - typical people with organic heart disease, resulting in sensitivity to "stuffiness", rejection of heat, physical fatigue;

large size of the "crescent" - tachycardia;

the absence of a crescent-characterized in neurosis of the heart;

elongated nail-observed in diabetes.

nail ring finger in a semicircle, characterized in various pathologies of the kidneys;

bitten nails is a sign of excessive nervousness, the presence of intestinal parasites, lack of minerals. This is a symptom of neurosis, gastritis, sexual dysfunction in women;

stripes and blotches on the nail-occur in diseases of the spleen and small intestine;

triangular-nails typical for people with diseases of the spine and spinal cord;

growths on the end of the nail - a chronic lung infection;

brittle nails - a sign of insufficient amounts of iron and vitamin A in the body, disorders of the thyroid gland, kidneys, and poor blood supply;

no holes - neurosis heart failure and circulatory disorders;

blue hole - a sign of disorders of the liver;

hole red - a symptom of heart failure;

zadirki - a signal of lack of protein, vitamin C and folic acid. The reason for this may be either inadequate intake or poor digestibility;

exfoliating nails - a signal of energy depletion of the digestive system, blood circulation Abuse, sexual and nervous systems
. Many diseases can be determined by nails. Remember that you can not use just one method of diagnosis, you must match three or four of the method, and only then draw conclusions.

By the way, if we look at the nails of our grandparents, it is very surprised - the state of their holes can be better than that of children or even grandchildren. The point of today's lifestyle, poor nutrition and poor ecology. Our position is unenviable, but the good news is still there - if you follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle, all lune gradually return to its rightful place

. Start with a simple purification of the body and of the maintenance of organ systems, which have the most vulnerable.