The woman saw a strange stripes on the nails. Who would have thought that it would save her life!
Our body is designed wonderfully! For example, the body may signal via nail illnesses. < Chinese medicine I have long recognized the close relationship with the liver condition of nails. The color of the nail plate also says a lot about the state of the blood.
Some diseases can be detected by looking closely at your nails. < «Website» will tell you about the 10 signs, which may be a signal to see a doctor.
How to determine disease on nails
Some diseases can be detected by looking closely at your nails. < «Website» will tell you about the 10 signs, which may be a signal to see a doctor.
How to determine disease on nails
- Discolored nails
This indicates a nutrient deficiency. The nail may turn yellow due to constant use and varnishes. < Brown nails indicate thyroid diseases. White nails indicate iron shortage. The bluish-gray shade of nail plate - the lack of oxygen, lung or heart problems
Brittle nails If nails exfoliate and break easily, there may be problems with the thyroid gland. This also happens with lichen planus (accompanied by a rash and itching). Nails can become brittle with age, with frequent use lacquer, due to the influence of detergents.
Seal Nail
This happens with arthritis, lung disease, diabetes. When eczema and psoriasis nails can be yellowish, they grow slowly and are seal.
spoon-shaped form of the nail
Concave nail is a lack of iron in the blood. It should eat more foods that increase the level of hemoglobin.
The spots on the nails
White spots on the nails are quite common. This is not a cause for concern. The reason may be the imbalance of nutrients in the body or even stress. Typically, spots appear and disappear over time. Eat food that contains a lot of vitamins.
Horizontal furrows
They can be caused by damage or injury, due to the influence of extreme temperatures and as a result of chemotherapy.
Hippocratic fingers
If you notice that your nails grow and become soft, it may indicate a symptom of drumsticks. Flask-shaped thickening of phalanges arise in chronic diseases of the liver, heart and lungs.
The white lines on the nails
The most common on the index, middle finger and thumb. Signals a lack of protein, which can be caused by malnutrition, liver problems, stress.
Dark vertical stripes
It may be a sign of subungual melanoma, but usually it affects only one nail. This nail color also changes.
Red or brown stripes under the nail
Bleeding under the nail plate occur due to damage to the blood vessels. However, sometimes these bands may be due to arthritis or psoriasis.
Pay attention to your nails: perhaps they are trying to warn you about the disease! Of course, change of nails depends on many factors, so only by their state can not accurately diagnose any ailment.
Nail plate - an important indicator of overall health. For nails are healthy and look great, add to your menu more carrots, seafood, nuts, fatty fish. Share useful information with your friends!
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