Constipation in adults - treatment of folk remedies

Folk remedies successfully help in the treatment of many diseases, this site will help you choose the right recipes and introduce readers to reviews. Adult constipation - this is emptying of the intestine less often than once every 2 days, while there is a feeling of heaviness and bursting in the abdomen. In more severe cases - weakness, headaches, dizziness - this already indicates poisoning of the body.
Causes of adult constipation.
The cause of intestinal constipation is that the large intestine ceases to contract normally, pushing feces to the rectum. This is for the following reasons:
1. Malnutrition: in food there are few products containing fiber and products with laxative properties.
2. Lack of fluid in the ration.
3. Lack of movement. Intestinal constipation almost always occurs with a sedentary lifestyle, in bedridden patients, in the elderly
4. Suppression of urge To defecation, this causes the usual constipation. If the urge to defecate is ignored, the presence of fecal masses in the rectum ceases to be a signal to the intestinal emptying reflex
5. Inflammatory bowel disease.
6. Mechanical obstruction - in patients with intestinal tumors, with tumors adjacent to the intestine organs - the intestine is squeezed from the outside. Also, scars on the colon can cause constipation.
There are two main types of constipation: atonic (with weak muscles, flaccid intestines) and spastic
What to do with intestinal constipation. According to the newspaper "Vestnik ZOJ"
How to get rid of constipation with sea salt
In the morning, on an empty stomach, put a pinch of sea food salt under the tongue, wait for it to melt and drink 1-2 glasses of warm water. (newspaper "Vestnik Zozh" 2010, No. 15 p.30-31).
Sea salt can simply be added to the water - 1/2 tsp. per glass of water. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach a glass of such salted water in small sips. If you can not get edible sea salt, you can use ordinary table salt. (2006, No. 20, p. 10).
Water treatment for constipation.
The simplest and cheapest remedy for permanent constipation is ordinary water. In the morning you need to drink 2-3 glasses of water. Of these, 1-2 glasses of water at room temperature, and 1 glass of hot water. The process of emptying the intestines will be adjusted already for 2-3 days. (HOL 2012, No. 24 p.31).
You can drink just very hot water - 1 glass, snorting it with a spoon. After that, breathe deeply in your stomach, protruding and pulling it in as many times as you are old. You can have breakfast in 15 minutes. (HOL 2011, No. 24 pp. 31-32).
Linen tincture.
If chronic constipation in the elderly is combined with low blood pressure, then the use of flax tincture is very effective. This tincture stimulates the tone of the heart muscle, slows the heart rate, helps get rid of constipation. Pour the grass with vodka in a ratio of 2:10, withstand 2 weeks in a dark place. Drink 2-3 times a day before meals for 2 tsp. diluted in 50 ml of water. (2010, no. 21 p.7).
Treatment for constipation with plantain.
With constipation, plantain seeds help, there is a lot of mucus in them, which improves the activity of the intestine. 2 tbsp. l. seeds should be poured with 1 glass of water, brought to a boil, insist, wrapped. Take 1 tbsp 1 time a day in the morning on an empty stomach. (2010, no. 23 p.40).
You can pour 1 tbsp of seeds with 1 cup of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day. (2012, No. 21 p. 31).
Dried fruit mixture for the treatment of constipation
Take 100 g of dried apricots, prunes, raisins and nuts. Scroll on the meat grinder. Add 100 g of hay grass powder (crush in a coffee grinder) and 100 g of honey. Stir thoroughly. Take at night 1 tbsp. spoon. Store in the refrigerator, the shelf life is 1 year. (2010, no. 5 p.31).
In another article, it is advised to take this mixture from constipation in the morning on an empty stomach for 1 tbsp. l. It is recommended to add 100 g of flaxseed ground in a coffee grinder (HLZH 2012, No. 19 p.30).
Also in this fruit mixture from constipation, readers recommend adding vegetable oil -100 ml (olive or sunflower) (Healthy lifestyle 2012, No. 11 p.31).
Here is another recipe for the mixture: 200 g of dried apricots, 200 g of raisins, 200 g of prunes, 200 g of figs, 200 ml of rosehip syrup, 150 g of honey, 25 g of hay leaf ground in a coffee grinder into powder. Keep everything in the fridge. Take 1 tbsp at night or in the morning on an empty stomach, or 1 tsp. l. 3 times a day. (HOL 2006, No. 24 p.30).
Very simple mixture: 0.5 kg of dried apricots, 0.5 kg of prunes, 50 g of hay - scroll through the meat grinder, add honey to taste.
He suffered from a rare chair for three years. Began to take this mixture of 1 tbsp. l. at night - quickly managed to get rid of constipation (HOL 2007, No. 6 p. 30).
It should be taken into account that prolonged and constant intake of hay leads to intestinal melanosis, accompanied by hyperpigmentation - the mucosa darkens, the risk of cancer increases. This also applies to pharmacy laxatives based on hay. (Healthcare 2002, No. 21 p. 26, From a conversation with Dr. Rumyantsev V.G.).
Fig blend
An elderly woman 74 years after a hip fracture, little movement, mostly lying down. So she had problems with her bowels. The doctors prescribed her laxatives, but they did not act. The patient did not know what to do. Then my sister found a recipe for constipation, and it was very effective.
Take 100 g of raisins, figs, prunes, dried apricots, honey, olive oil and hay grass. Dry fruits pass through the meat grinder, mix with other components. Before going to bed, eat 1 tsp. mixture and drink a glass of warm water. (HOL 2011, No. 5 p.32).
Prune and ginger mixture
Take 50 g of prunes, ginger, grapefruit, hay grass and honey. Good grinding. Take a mixture of 1 dessert spoon at night. (2011, no. 4 p.9).
How to get rid of stool stones. What to do with constipation.
Advice is given by Candidate of Medical Sciences A.I. Vanin
Pocal stones (coprolites) are dense formations that formed in the intestines with constipation from the contents of the large intestine. They are often the cause of constipation, can be single or multiple, can reach 10-15 cm in diameter. Fecal stones are dangerous because they can lead to intestinal obstruction.
What to do to treat constipation and soften feces? The following means should be used:
1. Castor is small with constipation - 1 tbsp. l. at night. The effect is in 6 hours.
2. Glycerol (glycerol) in candles. Injected into the rectum 15 minutes after breakfast. Effect in 30 minutes.
3. Norgalax 10 g in disposable tubes. effect in 20 minutes
4. Enimax 120 ml in single-use plastic enemas. Effect in 5 minutes.
. Remove stones will help enema from a decoction of herbs. Take 1 tbsp. l. highlander bird, chamomile flowers, motherwort grass, linden leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil 15-20 minutes, cool. Add 2 tbsp beets, 0.5 tsp citric acid. Get an enema.
You can also make oil microclysters from sunflower, flaxseed, hemp oil (50-200 ml each).
The older the person, the more procedures will be required to remove fecal stones. (2010, No. 5 p.18, ).
Treatment of constipation in adult milk thistle.
Buy meal (powder) or milk thistle seeds at the pharmacy, but then they should be ground in a coffee grinder. In the morning on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals swallow 1 tsp. powder and drink 1 glass of water. In 5-7 days, the chair will improve. This tool is very useful: the liver is restored, nails are strengthened. Therefore, it is desirable to take it for a long time 2-4 months. After such a long course of constipation will not return. Helps get rid of intestinal constipation and juice from milk thistle leaves. (2009, no. 7 p.30).
Beet caviar against constipation
Grate on a fine grater 2 medium beets and 1 carrot, add finely chopped onions and roast all this in vegetable oil. Add 2 tbsp tomato paste, greens, bay leaf, salt. Close the lid, extinguish 20 minutes on low fire. Cool it. Spray on bread and eat. This delicious game will help to quickly cure constipation. (2009, no. 24 p.33).
How to get rid of constipation with sunflowers
Collect dry sunflower stems and burn. The resulting ash will be an excellent remedy for intestinal constipation. It should be taken 1 time a day in the morning on an empty stomach for 1 tsp., washed down with water. Water for these purposes is better to prepare clay: 1 glass of water 1 tsp. clay, stir, defend so that the water becomes clear, and drink. (2009, 12 p.25).
Roanberry is a useful and very effective folk remedy for constipation. You can take it in different forms. Here are a few methods of using ash as a laxative.
1. To cure constipation will help the ash red. It is necessary to soap it, mix with sugar and eat 2 tbsp. l. After 1 hour, the intestines will be released. Washed ash can be stored in the refrigerator, and for the winter to freeze. (2009, no. 4 p.30).
2 Mature to frost berries wash, pour in the jar to the top, pouring layers of sugar, tie the neck with gauze and put in a warm place. After a while, the sugar dissolves, and the syrup is formed. Add 25 ml of alcohol for every 500 g of berries to avoid fermentation. Insist 2-3 weeks. Before the composition begins to ferment, squeeze the berries.
Take syrup of 50 g in the morning on an empty stomach. This folk remedy relaxes gently and quickly. As soon as the chair is adjusted, take a break. Then the course can be repeated. (2006, No. 19 p.30, 2004, No. 20, p.13).
How to treat constipation with flaxseed
Grind the flaxseed in a coffee grinder. Take 2 tbsp. l., washed down with water. The seeds have fiber, which perfectly cleans the intestines. Flax seeds can be added to any porridge and other food. (HOL 2013, No. 23 p.31).
1 tsp. flaxseed pour a glass of boiling water, wrap, insist 5-6 hours. It forms a mucous mass. Drink this drink overnight, the whole glass. Continue the treatment every evening until the stool improves. This folk remedy for constipation was used by an elderly woman who suffered from them for 20 years. The chair quickly adjusted, the intestine is still working normally. (2006, no. 16, p. 30).
2 tsp. flaxseed pour at night 100 ml of water. In the morning add 1 grated apple, 1 grated carrot, 1/2 cup of raisins, honey. Take before eating 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day
1.5 tsp. flax seed pour overnight with cold water (100 ml) in the morning mix with 100 ml of yeast, 100 ml of carrot juice, 100 ml of honey. Store in the refrigerator, take in a warm form for half a glass on an empty stomach for 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day. (2002, No. 21, p. 26).
Bronze in the treatment of constipation with folk remedies
The elderly woman lay paralyzed for 4.5 years, very much suffering from constant constipation. Her daughter cooked her beets, gave her vegetable oil, but this did not help. Then she remembered the burdock. I picked up Velcro cones, 5-6 cones poured 400 g of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes and watered my mother for a day. The problem quickly resolved. (2013, no. 4 p.41).
Aloe with constipation.
The woman had the strongest permanent constipation, until she was advised a very simple and reliable remedy: twice a day before meals for a month ate 2-3 leaves of aloe. The chair became normal and for 2 years the intestines work well. (HOL 2012, No. 14 p.30).
You can simply take fresh aloe juice of 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, daily for 2 months. (HOL 2012, No. 19 p.30).
You can prepare aloe folk remedy for intestinal constipation, which can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator: mix 300 g of honey and 150 g of aloe juice. Take 1 tbsp. 2 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and at night, drinking warm water. (Healthcare 2012, No. 3 p.30, 2004, No. 20, p.13).
You can mix honey and aloe in a ratio of 1: 1 (2002, No. 23, p.21).
Aloe is also used as a candle. Cut off a piece of leaf, cut the spines, cut in half, fold two lobes of aloe with pulp outside and inserted into the anus. (HLL 2006, no. 7, p. 29).
Constipation herbs
Mix 100 g of flaxseed, rubbish bark, althea root, 75 leaves of plantain and flaxseed. 3 tbsp. l. herbs collection put in the evening in a thermos and pour 3 glasses of boiling water. Strain in the morning. Take 4 times a day for 150 g 1 hour before meals. (2010, no. 5 p.31).
Mix 100 g of dandelion roots, althea and rhubarb. Take and brew this mixture, like the previous herb mixture for constipation.
Mix 100 g of roots of burdock, dandelion and crutch bark. It's the same.
The course of treatment of chronic constipation with herbs - 20 days. (2011, no. 4, pp. 8-9).
Treatment of constipation in adults with resin
About a pea of fresh vein dip into a spoonful of jam, swallow and drink water. Repeat in 2 days. This remedy for constipation will help cure hemorrhoids. (2011, no. 9 p.33).
It is necessary to take only fresh - flowing from a hole or notch on a pine until it has time to freeze. The woman ate only 1 pea with a spoonful of jam, after 2 days repeated. Chronic constipation went from two procedures, and before that tormented her for 10 years. (HOL 2005, No. 18 p.23).
How to get rid of constipation with sea kale
Take 2 times a day for 1/2-1 tsp. dried seaweed (sold in pharmacies), washed down with water. Treatment 1 month. (HOL 2008, No. 1 p.24).
How to get rid of constipation with a decoction of oats
Take 0.5 kg of oats, wash and pour 3 liters of boiling water, add a handful of hercules. Boil on low heat for 2-3 hours, but it is better to put for 8 hours in a Russian oven. If the water is boiled, add to the previous level. Insist for 5-6 hours, then strain. Drink a decoction daily on an empty stomach for 1 glass. After the decoction, you need to drink 1 cup of hot tea, and after 1-1.5 hours you can have breakfast. Before going to bed, eat 1 apple or pear - there will be no constipation.(2009, No. 16 p.33).
Apples and seeds will cleanse the intestines
An elderly woman 79 years old is saved from constipation with the following means: in the morning she drinks a glass of water, then eats 1 apple with fried pumpkin seeds. You can drink water. (2009, no. 16 p.33).
Salmon treatment
A good laxative for constipation is old salt lard. Take a piece of fat, scrape salt from it, cut sticks, a little finger thick and 3-4 cm long. Put these sticks in plastic and freezer. If necessary, take one such stick and, without defrosting, insert into the anus. In 15-30 minutes, the process will go. It is desirable to clean the intestine at the same time. (HLJ 2008, no. 17, p. 25)
Potato juice
A woman in her 40s suffered from chronic constipation. She was told how to deal with constipation.
In the morning, take a large potato, wash well and grate along with the peel. Squeeze the juice to make a little more than half a glass. Drink this fasting juice right away. After that, there is nothing to eat for 30 minutes. This procedure should be carried out for 40 consecutive days. The woman did not even notice how the chair normalized, since then no problems. (HOL 2006, no. 12, p. 31)
Laxative tea
The man suffered from chronic constipation for many years. I bought many drugs for this ailment, but the result is one - severe abdominal pain. The herbalist offered them a recipe for tea, and that was the solution.
Mix 5 tbsp. l. herb of hay and 1 tbsp. l. valerian root, licorice root, yarrow grass, as well as gastric collection and choleretic collection. All these herbs and fees can be bought at the pharmacy.
1 tbsp of the mixture pour 1 glass of cold water, bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes, insist for 20 minutes. Strain and drink warm 100-200 mm. Everyone has to determine the dose. A man on the advice of a doctor drank this decoction 2 times a day - at 16 hours and before going to bed. Chronic constipation was cured. (2005, no. 14 p.25).
Bolotov constipation treatment
A woman from adolescence suffered from constipation. In old age, this problem increased. I read about the Bolotov method in the HBO. I put salt and saliva on my tongue. Then I decided to look for hydrochloric and sulfuric acid in pharmacies to make "royal vodka", but in her village pharmacy there were no such drugs. The pharmacist gave her "Acidin-pepsin" in tablets, in them 1 part hydrochloric acid and 4 parts acidin. It is used for low acidity of the stomach. She began to drink 2 tablets of 0.25 g, dissolved in 100 ml of cold water, 3 times a day after eating. The result is excellent, emptying of the intestine occurs 1-2 times a day, an unusual lightness appeared in the body. (HOL 2004, no. 7 p.17).
A simple folk remedy for bowel constipation
The woman from sedentary work had constant problems with the chair. Not even Esmarch's mug helped. In addition, colitis, dysbiosis and hemorrhoids were found. A neighbor told her how to get rid of constipation. It is necessary to take 500 g of good prunes, pour 3.5 liters of water and boil for 25 minutes, cool. Then add 50g of crutch bark and boil for another 25 minutes. Cool, strain. Add 150-200 g of holoss (extract from rosehip fruits). Drink 100 ml before bed.
After the use of this tool, the woman had a chair, problems with the intestines passed, a thick gray plaque from the tongue disappeared. (HOL 2003, No. 1 pp. 20-21).
Burdock constipation treatment
Dry burdock roots (or buy them at a pharmacy) and grind them into powder. 2 tbsp powder from dry root pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist overnight. Drink 3/4 cup 3 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals. You can use the raw root: rub on the grater and 2 tbsp. l rubbed mass pour 500 ml of cold water, insist night.
Fruits of burdock together with pericarp, dried in the shade and rubbed with boiling water: 2 tbsp. l. per 0.5 l of boiling water. They insist on the night. Drink a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before meals. (HOL 2003, no. 12 pp. 16-17).
Mongolian folk remedy for constipation
Mix 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil with 1 glass of kefir, drink before bedtime. Do it 5-7 nights in a row. The bowels will work out. (HOL 2003, no. 20, p. 14).
Treatment of intestinal constipation in adults with cognac
The man began inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, strong gas formation in the intestine, constipation. He came across the book “Ways of healing” with recipes for various diseases. He liked the cognac and salt. You need to get a good cognac, at least 5 stars. Fill a half-liter bottle in 3/4 cognac, add 2 tbsp. l. fine salt, Shake for a few minutes and after 30 minutes the tincture is ready. Drink tincture in the morning on an empty stomach, diluting with boiling water, on 1 part of tincture 3 parts of boiling water. The man took 2 tbsp. l. salted boiling water with 6 spoons of boiling water. For each person, the dose can be selected individually.
Source: narodn-sredstva.ru/