If the child has colds and cough
Now, when from the Windows of pharmacies disappear cough and cold medicines for children under two years of age, many parents are faced with the question: how to deal with the symptoms in babies? There are many ways to help the child to cope with the cold. Burying his nose in the salt solution will help to histoncal layer of mucus and clear the nasal cavity. Can buy a spray or drops. Do not use products with the addition of any more drugs. Ask the pediatrician what brand to choose or how to make a drop at home.
Babies up to six months to gently suction the mucus by suction. At night put under your mattress pillow to raise your head and improve the flow of mucus from the sinuses. For lowering the temperature can use acetaminophen or ibuprofen. These one-component antipyretic and analgesic, generally safe for children older than six months. However, consult your pediatrician about the dosage, which depends on age and weight. In no case do not give your child aspirin, which can cause Reye's syndrome, a very serious liver and brain. Don't underestimate the healing power of sleep. You might be worried that the baby during the day so he sleeps a lot.
This is normal, especially if your runny nose or cough a child is not getting enough sleep at night. The body needs rest, so let the kid sleep. However, if he seems lethargic or hard to Wake up, get medical attention immediately. We all know that the common cold is not treated, but there is a simple, inexpensive and effective way to prevent disease is available to all adults and children: wash hands. Hand washing is the first step to prevent transmission of influenza virus and other microbes.
Unfortunately, prevention is not 100% guarantee, because the person infected with flu can infect others for two days before he himself will appear symptoms. Nevertheless, preventive measures such as hand washing, can significantly reduce the risk of spreading the virus.
Source: /users/117

Babies up to six months to gently suction the mucus by suction. At night put under your mattress pillow to raise your head and improve the flow of mucus from the sinuses. For lowering the temperature can use acetaminophen or ibuprofen. These one-component antipyretic and analgesic, generally safe for children older than six months. However, consult your pediatrician about the dosage, which depends on age and weight. In no case do not give your child aspirin, which can cause Reye's syndrome, a very serious liver and brain. Don't underestimate the healing power of sleep. You might be worried that the baby during the day so he sleeps a lot.

This is normal, especially if your runny nose or cough a child is not getting enough sleep at night. The body needs rest, so let the kid sleep. However, if he seems lethargic or hard to Wake up, get medical attention immediately. We all know that the common cold is not treated, but there is a simple, inexpensive and effective way to prevent disease is available to all adults and children: wash hands. Hand washing is the first step to prevent transmission of influenza virus and other microbes.

Unfortunately, prevention is not 100% guarantee, because the person infected with flu can infect others for two days before he himself will appear symptoms. Nevertheless, preventive measures such as hand washing, can significantly reduce the risk of spreading the virus.
Source: /users/117