Accustom the child to the spoon
Once you start to introduce solid foods, the same time with the new food, introduces your child with Cutlery.
And here before each mother raises the question of when to teach your baby to self-feed. And really, at what age should pay particular attention to? If during feeding, the child began to grab the spoon from your hands, then you can begin to teach him to turn with a spoon independently. For this it is best to choose a time when you will not hurry. It is best to choose the most dense dish, whether it's porridge or mashed potatoes. Remember that the child develops in game. So give him a spoon in one hand, and themselves take another spoon and slowly feed the baby.
Be sure to sit in front of the child, show him how to eat with a spoon. Believe me, the child will be very interesting. He will be able to scoop up food. Don't think the desired results you get the first time. But the first steps you and your child has already done. For the baby it is very important that he ate not one, but together with adults. Be sure to show your child how to hold a spoon, how to hold it to his mouth, how to capture food.
Eventually she'll learn. The time will come and you will tell your child that he has his own spoon which he will be able to eat. You will have to work hard to the works of little success. Most importantly, don't forget to praise him. Praise is an incentive to action.
Source: /users/117

And here before each mother raises the question of when to teach your baby to self-feed. And really, at what age should pay particular attention to? If during feeding, the child began to grab the spoon from your hands, then you can begin to teach him to turn with a spoon independently. For this it is best to choose a time when you will not hurry. It is best to choose the most dense dish, whether it's porridge or mashed potatoes. Remember that the child develops in game. So give him a spoon in one hand, and themselves take another spoon and slowly feed the baby.

Be sure to sit in front of the child, show him how to eat with a spoon. Believe me, the child will be very interesting. He will be able to scoop up food. Don't think the desired results you get the first time. But the first steps you and your child has already done. For the baby it is very important that he ate not one, but together with adults. Be sure to show your child how to hold a spoon, how to hold it to his mouth, how to capture food.

Eventually she'll learn. The time will come and you will tell your child that he has his own spoon which he will be able to eat. You will have to work hard to the works of little success. Most importantly, don't forget to praise him. Praise is an incentive to action.
Source: /users/117
If the child has colds and cough
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