Teaching complementary foods: natural, discover the food
When my little daughter turned six months, I naturally thought about the feeding. I bought a sourdough to create a fermented product from milk of an animal while the milk my husband in the house he has never been like it was without it. But not a soul was lying, not lying... yesterday, when not yet turned six months, and today, when it was fulfilled – that, changed the baby and his digestive system? No. A completely unknown product, even if approximately similar to my milk – why give?
In General, my thoughts led me to the fact that I went to the breastfeeding consultant. Well having scolded me for blind faith without thinking, she recommended a pedagogical lure, like the most natural option of meeting with food.
The essence of the short child is offered food that lies in your mom's dish – micro, for Dating, on the background of breastfeeding. To offer you with the appearance of willingness to acting – everything is logical and natural.
1. To eat safer browsing – the first sign of readiness – the ability to sit.
2. Eat and chew possible with the advent of the teeth – another condition.
3. To eat their own child is ready when he's excited.
4. Have the ability to take a pen and put food in your mouth (that is a mandatory interest in food and ability to borrow).
Of course, generalizing about six months of not talking – about-the average, more relevant, perhaps, even to children on artificial feeding.
And so the pedagogical lure is the method of our foremothers, who had a large family and was not able physically to cook a few meals — was given a drop from the common table — oznakomlenie.
The purpose of the teachers ' lure is familiarity with the food. Gradual and reasonable. Mom eats buckwheat – gave tropinochke, baby tries and milk mom, which also carries information and items of buckwheat, spends on drink.
Usual pediatric feeding – a replacement for feedings is gradual. Of course, the scheme is acceptable and proven – but for those who are aware of the importance of breastfeeding is long and has the purpose of quickly put the baby on the table, wrong. I know many cases when the child is "abandoned" from the breast itself (samotlora, yeah))) at 8-9-10 months. This false rejection is due to overfeeding normal diet.
Breastfeeding is important for at least a year and a half – because half the child has no physical possibility to eat something else, and another year to ensure that all seasonal produce to try out on the background of breast milk.
Separately want to say about the introduction of Doboj – water. It is very important for the body to get clean water at least 30 ml per kg of body weight, especially nursing mothers, which additionally give liquid to kids. Water is cleansing and nourishing element, but the child is breastfed, provided pedagogical lure needed in it. It is better to nourish the most useful available liquid – milk, not replacing the empty water. Moreover, fruit drinks and teas – not quite liquid, which in addition derive water from the body. When there is a full feeding – its plate (by experience, somewhere near the year this happens), then you receive your own mug and water. Juices especially later – is very much difficult to digest the concentrate, vitamins are not absorbed properly, 200 grams of juice contains sugar monthly rate for a child (!!!).
The lure itself is a food, which differs in texture from the milk. Children who get canned and broken peresechnoe food, often have problems with chewing. But it's important to learn to grind the food yourself, because digestion starts in the mouth, with saliva. I'm with the kids just fine without baby feeds and other things are fine, I tell you, to be independent of this production.
Let the jars and easy – but I want to say a few words about why I am personally strongly against this artificial food for children. Canned – even without preservatives (but I personally doubt it) is not a natural food for humans.
Cooked vegetables and fruits themselves have destroyed the structure. Contrary to popular belief, heat treatment is not quite identical to the process of digestion, it complicates the "recognition" of the product the gastrointestinal tract of humans. First and foremost during the heat treatment are destroyed in the foods items that help to digest the foods themselves. And even canned... and even broccoli, pumpkin or other overseas miracle that mother had not eaten. Completely unknown product – there are cases of rejection by the body of man like food.
Well, back to digesting the milk of our own, as you know, semiparalysis product. Ventricle gradually he learns to work, but in the early days especially – we see that the milk is already in the mouth the baby begins to "Tsaritsa", the digestion process started. And in six months we offer baby food, which is very complicated and essentially useless model it is invaluable and easily digestible. A little off... much wiser to offer as a first feeding raw vegetables and fruits, berries. Slowly they react. Given the fact that when established breastfeeding breast milk is sufficient to meet the needs of the crumbs to the year exactly.
I don't fanatically pushing written – to each his own. Health is affected not only nutrition, but a host of other factors. Do not think dergocrine a panacea for all, I only know that it is important to do everything as I can as to the health of children, in order not to blame themselves in the future).
I want to emphasize — the lure of the ideal is not a means to feed the child. Initially, the lure is getting acquainted with food that will nourish in the future. To say that the lure is because mother's milk is something missing in there — it can only absolutely illiterate in questions of physiology. Breast milk is taken for the benchmark when preparing the ideal ration, and it could be ideal to nourish and forty — however, an adult just nowhere to take it.
The lure is because the child will have to switch to another food. published
Author: Rina Solovyov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: imhotrue.blogspot.com/2015/12/blog-post.html
In General, my thoughts led me to the fact that I went to the breastfeeding consultant. Well having scolded me for blind faith without thinking, she recommended a pedagogical lure, like the most natural option of meeting with food.

The essence of the short child is offered food that lies in your mom's dish – micro, for Dating, on the background of breastfeeding. To offer you with the appearance of willingness to acting – everything is logical and natural.
1. To eat safer browsing – the first sign of readiness – the ability to sit.
2. Eat and chew possible with the advent of the teeth – another condition.
3. To eat their own child is ready when he's excited.
4. Have the ability to take a pen and put food in your mouth (that is a mandatory interest in food and ability to borrow).
Of course, generalizing about six months of not talking – about-the average, more relevant, perhaps, even to children on artificial feeding.
And so the pedagogical lure is the method of our foremothers, who had a large family and was not able physically to cook a few meals — was given a drop from the common table — oznakomlenie.
The purpose of the teachers ' lure is familiarity with the food. Gradual and reasonable. Mom eats buckwheat – gave tropinochke, baby tries and milk mom, which also carries information and items of buckwheat, spends on drink.
Usual pediatric feeding – a replacement for feedings is gradual. Of course, the scheme is acceptable and proven – but for those who are aware of the importance of breastfeeding is long and has the purpose of quickly put the baby on the table, wrong. I know many cases when the child is "abandoned" from the breast itself (samotlora, yeah))) at 8-9-10 months. This false rejection is due to overfeeding normal diet.
Breastfeeding is important for at least a year and a half – because half the child has no physical possibility to eat something else, and another year to ensure that all seasonal produce to try out on the background of breast milk.
Separately want to say about the introduction of Doboj – water. It is very important for the body to get clean water at least 30 ml per kg of body weight, especially nursing mothers, which additionally give liquid to kids. Water is cleansing and nourishing element, but the child is breastfed, provided pedagogical lure needed in it. It is better to nourish the most useful available liquid – milk, not replacing the empty water. Moreover, fruit drinks and teas – not quite liquid, which in addition derive water from the body. When there is a full feeding – its plate (by experience, somewhere near the year this happens), then you receive your own mug and water. Juices especially later – is very much difficult to digest the concentrate, vitamins are not absorbed properly, 200 grams of juice contains sugar monthly rate for a child (!!!).
The lure itself is a food, which differs in texture from the milk. Children who get canned and broken peresechnoe food, often have problems with chewing. But it's important to learn to grind the food yourself, because digestion starts in the mouth, with saliva. I'm with the kids just fine without baby feeds and other things are fine, I tell you, to be independent of this production.
Let the jars and easy – but I want to say a few words about why I am personally strongly against this artificial food for children. Canned – even without preservatives (but I personally doubt it) is not a natural food for humans.
Cooked vegetables and fruits themselves have destroyed the structure. Contrary to popular belief, heat treatment is not quite identical to the process of digestion, it complicates the "recognition" of the product the gastrointestinal tract of humans. First and foremost during the heat treatment are destroyed in the foods items that help to digest the foods themselves. And even canned... and even broccoli, pumpkin or other overseas miracle that mother had not eaten. Completely unknown product – there are cases of rejection by the body of man like food.
Well, back to digesting the milk of our own, as you know, semiparalysis product. Ventricle gradually he learns to work, but in the early days especially – we see that the milk is already in the mouth the baby begins to "Tsaritsa", the digestion process started. And in six months we offer baby food, which is very complicated and essentially useless model it is invaluable and easily digestible. A little off... much wiser to offer as a first feeding raw vegetables and fruits, berries. Slowly they react. Given the fact that when established breastfeeding breast milk is sufficient to meet the needs of the crumbs to the year exactly.
I don't fanatically pushing written – to each his own. Health is affected not only nutrition, but a host of other factors. Do not think dergocrine a panacea for all, I only know that it is important to do everything as I can as to the health of children, in order not to blame themselves in the future).
I want to emphasize — the lure of the ideal is not a means to feed the child. Initially, the lure is getting acquainted with food that will nourish in the future. To say that the lure is because mother's milk is something missing in there — it can only absolutely illiterate in questions of physiology. Breast milk is taken for the benchmark when preparing the ideal ration, and it could be ideal to nourish and forty — however, an adult just nowhere to take it.
The lure is because the child will have to switch to another food. published
Author: Rina Solovyov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: imhotrue.blogspot.com/2015/12/blog-post.html