When it is possible and necessary to introduce baking

When the baby reaches the age of 6 months, it is considered that it is time to introduce complementary foods - to start acquainting the child with "adult" products. And parents during this period have to fight off numerous advisers so that the aforementioned acquaintance was pleasant and completely safe for the child.

So today's editorial office. "Site" will tell how to properly inject complementaryWhat principles parents should adhere to and what should be paid attention to in the first place.

First of all, you need to understand that the speech about the 6-month age is rather conditional and you need to introduce complementary foods when the baby himself is ready. How do you know about this readiness? Easy. If the child is keenly interested in what is so unusual in the mother's plate, and wants to try it, it is worth satisfying his curiosity. And not to feed, but only to introduce new tastes.

What kind of “adult” products do you offer first? Someone advises fruit juices, someone offers puree, and someone even insists on dairy products. We suggest in this delicate matter to listen to experienced pediatricians who are sure that fat 6-month-old babies better start with vegetable puree, and thin - with porridge.

Of course, at the first acquaintance with a new food, the child will not master the whole portion. Therefore, you need to start with one teaspoon. This product can be offered before the main feeding. If everything went well, you can increase the portion the next day. And after 2 weeks, proceed to tasting other products.

And if parents first introduced porridge into the diet, then further vegetable puree should be introduced. If first there was puree, then porridge should appear in the diet. Also at the age of six months you can try fruit puree.

If it is decided to start with porridge, it is better to choose gluten-free - rice, buckwheat or corn. If the first thing in the course is vegetable puree, it is better to give preference to a dish of zucchini, which is especially easy for the child's body and does not cause allergies.

Also, pediatricians note that babies with artificial feeding can be introduced after reaching 5 months. After 7 months of life, the diet can be diversified with the help of cottage cheese and baby cookies. And in the porridge can already add a tiny piece of butter.

From 8 months of age, you can try meat crushed in a blender, as well as wheat bread. And from 9-12 months you need to try to introduce fish and dairy products into the diet. For clarity, we offer a table that contains all the above information.

The right baby food It is a very important step in its comprehensive development. Therefore, we hope that this information will help to do everything right, and your little child will be happy to expand the horizons of their own culinary preferences. Just take your time.


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