Children's nutrition—the feeding
- Of course, breast milk is the most valuable, the product for infant feeding. And well, when mom is able to breastfeed to a year. But even in this case, to ignore the lure is not worth it. The fact that the child with milk receives adapted nutrients, and a small body is just to learn them without any effort. Therefore when you start to teach your baby to "adult" food only after a year, you can meet with a number of serious problems: a variety of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, etc... Because the child's body has not yet learned to adapt to a particular food product because in infancy the baby was deprived of this opportunity.
Dry cereal on the cereal or milk based (milk-cereal, milk-vegetarian or non-dairy) as the second feeding is administered in the diet of a child with a 5-5. 5 months. At this age, your diet needs to change, because the new food is delayed in the children's stomach longer. To feed your baby, it is advisable to five times a day, introducing solid foods during the second or fourth feeding.
The child better adapt to new products, if you give it on an empty stomach, and then finish feeding chest milk or a dairy mix (hence the name — lure). Recall that the new food it is advisable to give with a coffee spoon (also juice). Hold it, barely touching the lips of the baby, so he could familiar absorption to get some food. So the kid will gradually learn to eat with a spoon, and six months to drink from a Cup. Any new kind of introduce solid foods gradually, starting with 0.5-1 teaspoon (about two coffee) and proves-or for 7 — 10 days the amount of food in Pauzhetka volume. Start with one-component dishes.
Daily reciepiant child at the age of 5-7 months will be something like this:
6.00 — breast milk (adapted infant formula) — 200ml 10.00 — porridge — 150 g cheese — 20 g fruit juice — S0 ml
14.00 — breast milk (adapted infant formula) — 200 ml
18.00 — vegetable or fruit puree — 150 g yolk of hard-boiled eggs — 1/2, Vegetable or fruit juice — S0 ml
22.00 — breast milk (adaptirovatsya milk) — 200 ml
Cereal recommend giving ditine times a day. Preference should-white porridge made of rice or buckwheat groats, are particularly rich in vegetable protein, fiber, b vitamins, magnesium salts, phosphorus and iron. The manna and oat cereals contain gluten and gliadin can provoke very sensitive to this vegetable protein children the development of celiac disease (disease related enzyme nedostatochnosti digestion and violation of the intake process). And children suffering from hereditary or acquired celiac disease, in the first year of life is generally contraindicated for any foods containing gliadin, especially semolina and oat cereals. If your child has set up such a diagnosis, before the introduction of solid foods always consult of pediatrician, what products and in what quantity, you can give her.
To make baby food it is necessary to have separate utensils (pots, cups, saucers, spoons, a grater, a strainer), should not be used for other purposes, as well as home care kitchenware (brushes, brush, etc.). Pre-wash the dishes with a brush in hot soda solution (teaspoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water), and then drench with boiling water. Used brushes and brush immediately, rinse in the same soda solution. Storage of children's dishes highlight individual wall locker or bedside table. Clean the dishes do not forget the ironed cover with a clean cloth or piece of gauze (from dust and flies).
For baby food, use only fresh and high quality products. Very useful to cook baby porridge from cereals with addition of vegetables and fruits (so-called pink porridge): apples, carrots, pumpkin, prunes, etc... to prepare this dish, boil the milk on cereal. Then cleaned, scald and roll-but grate the carrots, squeeze through cheesecloth juice and pour it into cereal: mix everything carefully. For one serving you need 150 ml of mo Lok, 50 ml of water, 20 grams of cereals and 20 ml of carrot juice. Salt need not be added because children's bodies are still not able to display it in full and it may in the future lead to the development of hypertension. To cook porridge with Apple puree, it is added directly before feeding and mix thoroughly. Mashed potatoes prepare as much juice. Oil or butter add depending on the age of the child.
At the age of 5-7 months the child needs (per day) the following products:
The name of the product or food
a month
juice (fruit, berry, vegetable), ml
fruit mashed potatoes, g
vegetable mashed potatoes, g
milk-cereals (vegetable) cereal, g
cheese, g
su.LII. cookies, g
oil, ml
butter, g
Let's discuss some of the nuances of the introduction of juices and purees for kids 5 — 7 months of age. their number in the table is preferably divided into two primi.Apelsinoviy, strawberry, wild strawberry, maltsovy and tomato juices can cause an allergic reaction, so it is better to enter not earlier than in six months. Juices with added sugar, citric acid, and combined (from several vegetables and fruits) should be administered in the diet not earlier than in seven months.
Combined fruit and dairy purees for industrial production of cream, cheese, grains, it is desirable to start giving the child 6-7 months of age. Puree of corn-based vegetable greens give it no sooner than in six months. Vegetable soup based on cabbage, pumpkin, beans, green peas, beet introduced into the diet of the child from seven months.
Some types of vegetable puree especially of foreign manufacture contain tomatoes, tomato paste, onion, garlic, spices. They are recommended for children 5 — 6 months of age. The study of domestic nutritionists argue that the spices in the diet of children first year of life, to enter at all. While tomatoes and tomato paste, which often cause the appearance of various types of allergies can be very cautious to give children not earlier than seven months of age.
From five to six months of age teach your baby to sit at the table on the chair on their own. Feed him with a spoon, and let us drink from the Cup. At lunch, when you see the first teeth, give him the piece of bread and encourage yourself to take a bite.
Source: helps.com.ua
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